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I have a domain, and pay for internet hosting with email.
It's everything. You got a private repository to store files and data on, and you have a place to build web apps for professional networking purposes.
If you're a professional in the tech industry that interviews for jobs at least once every three years. I highly recommend getting your own domain and all that goes with it. Like Email.
As I recall, with protonmail, you only get to use one email address per domain. Not ideal for a household.
Longtime lurker here; first thread started (I think)
I've been looking for a gmail alternative off and on for a couple months now. I'm curious what others here use.
Would like:
-supports domain name of my choosing
-allows multiple emails on that domain
-paying for service is fine
-not have to provide phone number
-something with staying power
-encrypted on their server
I saw fastmail mentioned somewhere, but it looks like you need to provide your phone number (I could use a $20 prepaid burner I guess)
Has anyone tried the Hillary method of email? Is it really as painful and unsafe as I've read?