Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   193,369 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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1487   Patrick   2020 Apr 15, 8:00am  


Schools in Denmark are gradually re-opening after being closed for a month due to the coronary virus.

Denmark is the first country in Europe to reopen nursery schools, kindergartens and primary schools after their closure from March 12th as part of Denmark's efforts to halt the spread of Covid 19.
1488   Patrick   2020 Apr 15, 8:23am  


Before the study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology on Friday, there hadn’t been any published autopsy reports of coronavirus patients. That was a problem. An autopsy allows doctors to closely examine and evaluate a body to understand and identify the cause of death. ...

Doctors believed that many coronavirus patients were dying of acute respiratory distress. But that was a hunch. In the autopsy of the 77-year-old Oklahoma man, they actually got to see the damage: How the inside of the lung air sacs were coated in what doctors say looks like a thick layer of paint, making it difficult for people to breath.

Their theory was proven out.

Doctors were also able to show that this damage wasn’t caused by the use of ventilators, a point of ongoing conversation in the medical community. The man died without being treated.

“It’s actually proof that the virus itself is causing the damage,” Mukhopadhyay said.

The autopsy of the 42-year-old man was perhaps more interesting. While he had coronavirus, he didn’t die from it. He didn’t have the paint-like coating inside of his lung air sacs. Instead he died of a bacterial pneumonia.

“Therefore, this patient likely died with COVID-19, not from COVID-19. ...

Doctors in the larger community have wondered whether the coronavirus causes heart inflammation. The answer from these two autopsies showed it didn’t. Doctors also have theorized that COVID-19 caused widespread blood clots throughout the body. The autopsies didn’t find any evidence of that.

Kind of amazing that it's taken this long for autopsies and understanding of just what has been killing people.
1491   zzyzzx   2020 Apr 15, 11:06am  

Honestly, if this had been reported by the media as a bad flu season, NO ONE would have batted an eyelid and life would have carried on. But it serves the media owners to be peoples only access to the world.
1492   Ceffer   2020 Apr 15, 11:14am  

Patrick says

Kind of amazing that it's taken this long for autopsies and understanding of just what has been killing people.

Why do they need autopsies when hysteria will do? Autopsies only get in the way.
1498   Onvacation   2020 Apr 15, 9:22pm  

Booger says
I finally found a mask that there are no shortages

IF, and it looks like they soon might be, masks are required in public, I am going to get a red magic marker and draw a big joker smile on mine.
1500   Booger   2020 Apr 16, 4:40am  

Onvacation says
IF, and it looks like they soon might be, masks are required in public, I am going to get a red magic marker and draw a big joker smile on mine.

Got mine ready:
1503   Booger   2020 Apr 16, 5:25am  

Media/social media has people shook about this. So virtuous government is associated with doing more. More is more, more is good. And doing more than other governments makes your government better.

It doesn't matter if the measures are evidence based, or if they are effective, nor do any secondary impacts matter. It doesnt even matter if your region even has the virus in the community. JUST DO MORE is the motto.
1508   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 16, 4:03pm  

zzyzzx says

They are upsed, because the eyes are not protected.
1511   Patrick   2020 Apr 16, 10:45pm  


1 Abstract
The goal of this document is to examine evidence that may prove that (1) the SARS-CoV-2 virus was present at a biolaboratory in Wuhan, China, and (2) the SARS-CoV-2 virus was introduced into the greater Wuhan population by an infected lab worker or animal. These claims from this point on will be referred to as Claim 1 and Claim 2.

This document does not attempt to provide a concrete conclusion on whether either claim is factually true. Rather, it examines the probability that each claim is true to allow the reader to make his or her own conclusions. While either claim cannot be irrevocably proven true, an attempt has been made to ensure the evidence used to support these claims is as factual as possible.

Furthermore, this document does not attempt to investigate claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a "man-made bioweapon" or whether its release was intentional. See A Note on Biowarfare and "HIV Inserts".

If you would like to see a summarized version of every claim in this document, please see the Conclusion.

Please download and share this document
1512   WookieMan   2020 Apr 17, 12:19am  

jazz_music says


Jesus, total hit piece. The woman's sister died because she was unhealthy. Plain and simple. The hospitals are doing just fine nation wide including NYC. But hey, just make shit up and post hysterical videos. And suggest you go get tested if you aren't feeling sick??? By getting tested in the sickest place?? This video would show up in the online dictionary for the definition of retardation.
1515   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 17, 10:27pm  

jazz_music says


November? Pelosi encouraged everybody to visit Chinatown on 24th of fucking February.
1518   Patrick   2020 Apr 18, 12:56pm  


A pandemic doesn’t stop heart attacks, strokes, serious falls and seizures, said Drummond, who works in Perth, Ont. Yet many people who would normally visit a doctor to check what could be serious symptoms are choosing not to seek help, he said.

Drummond said doctors are noticing that emergency rooms across the country are quieter and, when people do come in, too often the situation is already dire.

“I lost the battle to save a patient last night because they waited too long to come to the hospital,” Dr. Jeff Shaw, a cardiologist in Calgary, posted on Twitter earlier this week.
1519   mell   2020 Apr 18, 1:00pm  

Patrick says

A pandemic doesn’t stop heart attacks, strokes, serious falls and seizures, said Drummond, who works in Perth, Ont. Yet many people who would normally visit a doctor to check what could be serious symptoms are choosing not to seek help, he said.

Drummond said doctors are noticing that emergency rooms across the country are quieter and, when people do come in, too often the situation is already dire.

“I lost the battle to save a patient last night because they waited too long to come to the hospital,” Dr. Jeff Shaw, a cardiologist in Calgary, posted on Twitter earlier this week.

I just mentioned that in another thread. This is bullshit - they should put all Covid patients in makeshift hospitals in convention centers and tents/ships and let those other patients get treated - where is the fucking fairness here? CV-19 patients don't need any complex apparatus, just a ventilator and drugs. Let the surgery rooms open up again for all other patients and reduce the contagion within the hospitals.
1520   Patrick   2020 Apr 18, 1:13pm  

While the lockdown and fear-mongering have definitely killed people by discouraging them to go to the hospital, the lockdown has also saved lives in other ways:


In the 22 days after the shelter-in-place order (March 21-April 11), there was an average of 450 vehicle collisions per day throughout the state, according to the study conducted by the Road Ecology Center at UC Davis. During the same period in 2019, there were 1,128 collisions per day. In the 22 days prior to sheltering in place, there were 1,056 accidents per day.

“The reduction in traffic crashes, injuries and fatalities is a bit of a silver lining for people who are staying at home and who are impacted by the pandemic,” said UC Davis Road Ecology Center director and project lead author Fraser Shilling.

"The reduction in numbers of all collisions, injury, and fatal collision was equivalent to a $40 million/day savings in costs and about $1 billion in savings since the Governor’s order went into effect," the study concluded. The figures were calculated using Federal Highway Administration data, which includes savings from "property damage, treatment of injuries, lost time at work, emergency responses, insurance claims, and the equivalent cost of a life."
1521   mell   2020 Apr 18, 2:34pm  

There's so much lamestream media misinformation and deliberate focus on irrelevant fake news such as total cases. Who cares? We've already crossed 10% of total cases as recovered, probably many more as reporting for recovered cases lags. Only active cases are important and you will see those going down fast at some point like they're now doing in Europe. We may reach more recovered than active cases within 2-3 weeks or sooner. Opening up early May is paramount.
1522   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 18, 2:49pm  

mell says
There's so much lamestream media misinformation and deliberate focus on irrelevant fake news such as total cases. Who cares? We've already crossed 10% of total cases as recovered, probably many more as reporting for recovered cases lags. Only active cases are important and you will see those going down fast at some point like they're now doing in Europe. We may reach more recovered than active cases within 2-3 weeks or sooner. Opening up early May is paramount.

This is all very likely correct. I don’t understand where people are getting information on doomsday scenarios.


-it’s never going away
-we can’t open until there’s a vaccine
-it’s going to spread everywhere
-death rate is 3-4%

In particular I can’t understand why anyone is reading opinion pieces on this when the actual facts of countries ahead of us on this are readily available and very accurate. Additionally if you want expert opinion, the foremost experts are on press briefings every single day on every news channel. And if you wanted and don’t trust ours, pretty sure you could find information from their counterparts in other countries.

Instead you have people relying on opinion pieces by dangerous idiots like Jeff Hwang, a leftist from birth:


Not an expert, not relying on experts or facts. But putting himself out there as one. Fucking asshole.
1524   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 20, 6:46am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
dangerous idiots like Jeff Hwang

Sounds Chinese.
1525   WookieMan   2020 Apr 20, 7:41am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
-we can’t open until there’s a vaccine

The funny part is even with a vaccine, people will still die from it. In 10 years we'll be talking about Covid-19 deaths spiking during a "bad" flu season. Which goes to your other point, this shit doesn't just go away.

These are undeniable facts, both which we have zero control over. You don't have to know math or be a scientist to know this. Everyone is gonna get this bad boy whether we vaccinate or not. The "curve" has been flattened. Get back to work!

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