Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   192,118 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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2031   RWSGFY   2021 Feb 9, 9:42am  

zzyzzx says
Pete Buttplug Mulling Mandatory Negative Chi-Com Virus Test for Airline Passengers

Only the ass-probing variety of the test would qualify.
2032   Patrick   2021 Feb 9, 11:16pm  


World's second-oldest person, 116, survives coronavirus: 'I didn't even realize I had it'
2034   WookieMan   2021 Feb 10, 4:27am  

Patrick says
World's second-oldest person, 116, survives coronavirus: 'I didn't even realize I had it'

lol. I just have to laugh at this point. What else can you do? It doesn't kill children or someone that is 116. It kills the unhealthy, majority being older because you're generally unhealthy, less active, more disease, etc. But this shows it simply isn't that dangerous and likely points to people dying because of other ailments and not because of covid.

The suicides haven't been as bad as I've thought, but I'm just basing that off my network of friends and peers. Everyone needs to just open back up. I know I've been a broken record on the topic, but I'm just sick of it. Masks do nothing. Our most masked time is when the virus spread the most. Instead of asking why, nah, just double mask... WTF?? All this after masks don't help?

It was a rare occasion at first. But the amount of people I'm seeing wearing masks inside of cars when I travel to bigger towns is staggering. You CAN'T get covid driving in a car. It's impossible. Wearing a mask in a car is probably more dangerous than texting and driving. You'll just be touching the mask more, while driving and probably after touching a surface with covid and attaching it to your mask. I wonder if they're going to start tracking auto accidents while wearing masks? Maybe that's an angle to push to fight against masks? Science and data clearly doesn't work at this point.
2037   REpro   2021 Feb 10, 8:38pm  

Since we have "0" FLU cases from a year and nobody die on FLU, so what actually Coronavirus is?
To me is simply WUHAN FLU.
2038   Onvacation   2021 Feb 10, 9:44pm  

What major stars, beside Maryanne from Gilligan's Island, has died from the Wuhan?

Didn't it kill Tom Hanks?
2039   WookieMan   2021 Feb 11, 3:59am  

Onvacation says
What major stars, beside Maryanne from Gilligan's Island, has died from the Wuhan?

Didn't it kill Tom Hanks?

My dad died of cancer 2 years ago. I know about 4-5 others that have died of cancer as well since Covid started. I don't personally know anyone that has died of Covid.

My own mother in law just got over a bout of cancer. So did my best man's mom. It wasn't pleasant. Months of treatment and suffering.

I know dozens that have had Covid. Sniffles and no smell. One guy was a pussy and was also withdrawing from smoking high THC weed all day every day for years. He just went to an urgent care clinic to get checked out. All of them would want to get Covid over cancer.

I've also done some traveling. Plenty of geezers in the airports. My broken foot got me to board with the cripples and the lying geezers that are too lazy to walk. On two trips there was a line of 7-10 of us. There and back. Everyone 65+ and some ailment that put them in a wheel chair with no cast or lower body injury visible. Walked to their seat. Diagnosis... fat, lazy and old. Should have never been there.

Fact is the people that die from this simply don't care. Why should we? There are far worse ailments out there for people of any age. Sorry for any geezers here, but I think we need to start shaming them. Flip the script. Start yelling at old people to get the fuck out of a grocery store or public place. Or yell at them in an airport and tell them I'm wearing a face diaper because you don't stay home. I feel bad doing it. But I also feel bad for my kids, the people out of work for months, some almost a year. We've gotta try something different. Not wearing a mask hasn't been effective on these idiots.
2040   Patrick   2021 Feb 11, 8:28am  

WookieMan says
tell them I'm wearing a face diaper because you don't stay home.

It's true. They try to apply guilt, but it's their own selfishness that has devastated the economy. There would be no reason for anyone to close their business if those selfish fools would just stay home if they're afraid.

Then again, all this was greatly exaggerated specifically to harm the economy to punish us for voting against the elite. And it worked.

Btw, both my parents died of cancer in 2008. Very rough way to go, took 5 years each. A couple of weeks from the Chinese flu is instant by comparison.
2041   WookieMan   2021 Feb 11, 9:14am  

Patrick says
Btw, both my parents died of cancer in 2008. Very rough way to go, took 5 years each. A couple of weeks from the Chinese flu is instant by comparison.

Jesus, sorry, that's rough. Took a decade for my dad, lung first and then liver, but most those years he was functional. The last 6-8 months were complete misery. I have no clue how my mother put up with it. My dad was terminal with the liver and outlived their diagnosis by almost 4 years. Supposedly only one of ~15 people that lived as long as he did with his variety of liver cancer in the nation. Stubborn mother fucker.

Maybe we and others are jaded with having experienced similar things with family and friends. Covid seems so trivial even if it is real. Last time I saw my dad I puked. Holocaust victims looked better. It makes the masking and other shit all the more frustrating. I'm sorry 90% of those that get Covid got the sniffles and couldn't smell. Who fucking cares.

And I don't do this to brag. It's just a statement. I've traveled during Covid more than anyone I know. My wife has worked out with a group of friends that do that every morning at 5am in a group, inside or out. We've hung with neighbors for hours every weekend, 3 of which tested positive for Covid 2-3 days later after a hangout. Maybe I've had it. Either way, it's the least scary virus/pandemic anyone could dream up. It's a joke if you've witnessed real suffering. You Karen me, expect to get destroyed. Big time. I'm done.
2042   Patrick   2021 Feb 11, 9:19am  

Exactly. This whole thing virus is stupid.

People think they're going to live forever. They're not. They are just fucking up life for everyone else with their selfish and objectively crazy paranoia about a rather weak disease.
2043   Onvacation   2021 Feb 11, 11:07am  

Patrick says
They are just fucking up life for everyone else with their selfish and objectively crazy paranoia about a rather weak disease.

It's criminal that we punish children so that we MIGHT add a little time to an old person's life.
2044   Robert Sproul   2021 Feb 11, 12:27pm  

My anecdote re: the almost non-existent "deadly pandemic" is my trip to my market today. I shop at a smallish locally owned IGA with, at a guess, 40-50 employees. When this shit started a year ago I was pretty bought-in (natural germ-o-phobe) and would scurry around with latex gloves and mask on buying essentials that my wife would wash when I got them home. We were being advised to "quarantine" our groceries in the garage! It is fucking embarrassing to me now how fearful it all was. I saw a woman in the market parking lot spraying the soles of her shoes with sanitizer before getting in her car.
I thought at the time that some employee at this market, many of whom I know, would surely die from this terrifying plague. The workers themselves thought so as well, they were very worried.
Well, today I was chatting with my checker and the upshot, a year later, is not one employee, working all day exposed to the public, has gotten the bug. Zero, nada.
My only question is, is all this explained by some absurd incompetence feed-back mechanism or is it really part of some gigantic nefarious scheme?
2045   WookieMan   2021 Feb 11, 12:50pm  

Robert Sproul says
My only question is, is all this explained by some absurd incompetence feed-back mechanism or is it really part of some gigantic nefarious scheme?

Media? Scheme? Government? Pick your poison. Maybe all in cahoots?

At some point you have to trust your gut and anecdotal evidence. And real evidence that's provided, then form your own conclusions. We are tracking a flu bug. Plain and simple. Yes it can kill you. Will it, no. In your story above about the market, you're far more likely to die slipping and falling because of a slick floor. I've had a paranoid neighbor spay everything and quarantine groceries as well. The brainwash was immediate and quick. Fortunately she sees that now.

We knew from the word go, this was effecting elderly people. The data was public, still is. Guess what, still effecting elderly people. It is the single biggest beef I have with Trump's presidency. We should have locked up elderly, provided them financial assistance and food. They shouldn't have been allowed to leave the house. 70+ you stay home. If family chooses to visit, that's your choice. If you're outside the home though, you're fined and arrested if a repeat offender. Draconian, but less so than shutting everyone the fuck down.

Hopefully this was all just one big mistake of a reaction and not some conspiracy. Either way it was botched to the max any way you look at it.
2046   Onvacation   2021 Feb 11, 12:50pm  

Robert Sproul says
a year later, is not one employee, working all day exposed to the public, has gotten the bug. Zero, nada.
My only question is, is all this explained by some absurd incompetence feed-back mechanism or is it really part of some gigantic nefarious scheme?

Obviously it's the masks. With these new aggressive Wuhan's coming out they will have to wear two masks.

The nefarious plot is to slowly strangle us.
2047   Patrick   2021 Feb 11, 12:59pm  

WookieMan says
Hopefully this was all just one big mistake of a reaction and not some conspiracy.

I think Democrats conspired to inflame and inflate the over-reaction for political reasons, fucking over millions just to get at Trump.
2048   KgK one   2021 Feb 11, 2:59pm  

Anyone notice cnn top headline covid is gone. Its not even in top list unless u scroll.
2049   Booger   2021 Feb 11, 3:02pm  

KgK one says
Anyone notice cnn top headline covid is gone. Its not even in top list unless u scroll.

And the reason you were on CNN's website is???
2050   WookieMan   2021 Feb 11, 5:44pm  

Booger says
KgK one says
Anyone notice cnn top headline covid is gone. Its not even in top list unless u scroll.

And the reason you were on CNN's website is???


Don't go there man. Traffic feeds ad revenue. Let the alt media give them click revenue but hopefully out their extreme bias. Make sure to make fun of CNN viewers though and website users.
2059   WookieMan   2021 Feb 11, 6:14pm  

Booger says

Canada sounds horrible with Covid. My BIL literally cannot go back as a Canadian citizen. He can come to the US as of now though but he doesn't finish work until about April or May in Austria. Would cost them about $6k to get back into Canada. US is a Covid test 72 hours prior.

The US sucks a lot of the time, but the rest of the world sucks most of the time. Will be almost 2 years since I've seen my nephew. #CovidBS
2060   Patrick   2021 Feb 11, 7:14pm  

New York Gov Cuomo's top aide admits they HID data on COVID deaths in nursing homes amid fears that stats would be used against them in DOJ investigation as it's revealed 9K hospital patients were sent to nursing facilities - 40% higher than released
Melissa DeRosa admitted they had hidden the COVID numbers in a Thursday call obtained by New York Post
State Democrats in August had asked for the exact figures for nursing home deaths from COVID since March 1
DeRosa, 38, secretary to the governor, said that at the same time the Trump administration was investigating
Trump 'directs the Department of Justice to do an investigation into us,' she said on Thursday in the call
'And basically, we froze' and kept the information secret for five more months, she admitted to the lawmakers
It emerged last month the overall number of COVID deaths among long-term care residents is nearly 15,000 - up from the 8,500 previously disclosed
It emerged on Thursday that more than 9,000 recovering COVID patients were sent back into nursing homes - 40 per cent more than Cuomo previously said

2061   PeopleUnited   2021 Feb 11, 8:45pm  

WookieMan says
Booger says

Canada sounds horrible with Covid. My BIL literally cannot go back as a Canadian citizen. He can come to the US as of now though but he doesn't finish work until about April or May in Austria. Would cost them about $6k to get back into Canada. US is a Covid test 72 hours prior.

The US sucks a lot of the time, but the rest of the world sucks most of the time. Will be almost 2 years since I've seen my nephew. #CovidBS

Can’t these covvviid test be faked? If someone can get a faek ID why aren’t people seeking faek results to allow them to faek out the gestapo for unrestricted travel?
2062   Patrick   2021 Feb 11, 9:00pm  

PeopleUnited says
Can’t these covvviid test be faked? If someone can get a faek ID why aren’t people seeking faek results to allow them to faek out the gestapo for unrestricted travel?

I detect a new market in the making!

Maybe they will have a centralized database they will query, but there are ways around that too.
2063   Misc   2021 Feb 11, 9:08pm  

It's going to get progressively harder for the Gestapo. Within a few months there will be what 60-70 million vaccinated. Tough to keep the lockdowns going and the mask mandates in force. Unless, of course, the vaccines figgin' don't work.

Then there will be some splainin' to do.
2064   WookieMan   2021 Feb 12, 4:24am  

PeopleUnited says
Can’t these covvviid test be faked? If someone can get a faek ID why aren’t people seeking faek results to allow them to faek out the gestapo for unrestricted travel?

I made fake test results for our trip to St John in October. We did actually get tested and were negative, but I wasn't going to risk it. I had a backup up plan. My fake results would have worked 100%.

We stopped in San Juan, PR and it was required there. Show them a piece of paper and you're on your way. St. Thomas was national guard checking it and the guy said this is basically a fucking joke. He didn't even look at our "required" paperwork. It was contact tracing to know where we were staying. Not an islander either, so wasn't some island time thing. National Guard.

Problem with Canada is the required quarantine you have to pay for. And then you still have to stay at home after you've cleared that hurdle. Not sure how they're doing it, but I guess it's strictly enforced. Either an app if you have a smartphone or they legit stop by your house frequently.
2065   WookieMan   2021 Feb 12, 4:33am  

Patrick says
Maybe they will have a centralized database they will query, but there are ways around that too.

They'd have to create that first. Too many small hospitals and labs for that to realistically happen at this moment. My experience proving negative tests has been a piece of paper. There are thousands of hospitals and labs and the person verifying it will have no clue.

Unless it's a barcode to scan, these are barely above minimum wage employees. Faking it will be easy. I forgot an edible in my chest pocket of my shirt and they asked me to pull it out (broken foot, so no metal detector.... body scanner). I pull it out, look at it and just said it was a vitamin gummy. I then popped it before the flight, put my headphones on and was high as a kite. Boom.

They need to bring beer back on Southwest though. My biggest f'ing beef with them right now. They can give you water, but not a beer? I'm traveling for leisure and 70% of the time I won't touch a steering wheel of a car. Let me get my party on. I'm not an ass hole either if I get tipsy. I hate the drunks that ruin it for the people that can keep it under control.
2067   WookieMan   2021 Feb 12, 5:06am  

zzyzzx says
Biden Says Americans Will Need to Wear Masks Through at Least 2022

I think you know this, hence your comment. Masks are here to stay. At least in urban centers. They're not going away. It's going to be a requirement at mass gatherings for them to open back up, probably forever.

This is why I'll never again live in a place with more than 10k people unless it's an island in the Caribbean. Get away from cities and do so fast. Working remotely is now acceptable.
2068   zzyzzx   2021 Feb 12, 6:59am  

This is what was supposed to happen with the masks in the first place and they are just disappointed it hasn't killed enough people, so now they want you to wear two.

2070   WookieMan   2021 Feb 12, 7:47am  

I've said it, FL has done the best job even though it cost me a beach vacation last spring. Was in Tampa area 3 weeks ago, Anna Maria Island. Only mask wearing was from the front door to table. And airport of course. Beach was crowded. So were restaurants. Couldn't get into some.

Per capita they also likely have the most vulnerable population. AZ might beat it. I'm sure NY and CA have higher overall numbers, but per capita, FL has done amazing with the geezers.

We'll see. We have a few FL people so they can give feedback on their governor. Not sure if he's POTUS material from what I've witnessed, but I'd be shocked if Desantis doesn't run in 2024. As a Republican you need FL. Places like NY, CA, IL, NJ, etc are a lost cause anyway. So makes sense he'd run and have Covid success as a leader as a selling point. I just don't know him much. Probably should.

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