Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   191,543 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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2321   Onvacation   2021 May 10, 9:33pm  

"A couple more years of masking may be necessary" Fauci
2322   Patrick   2021 May 10, 10:04pm  

How is Fauci not in jail?
2323   Patrick   2021 May 10, 10:15pm  


Peter Navarro states that Dr. Fauci wanted to weaponize COVID-19 and that he is the father of the virus. Navarro states that he is 99.999% sure.
2324   Ceffer   2021 May 10, 10:18pm  

Habitually getting away with it creates an arrogance and presumption that becomes habitual. That's why the only way to quell them is life imprisonment or execution.
2326   Ceffer   2021 May 12, 7:08pm  

Arbitrary rules are only designed to demoralize, belittle, tyrannize and remind the populace of their fungible and powerless new position in society. The more arbitrary and humiliating, the better.
2328   Booger   2021 May 15, 6:47am  


How A Year Of Unfounded, Contradictory CDC Guidelines Destroyed That Agency’s Credibility Forever
2330   Patrick   2021 May 15, 10:14am  

I'm 100% sure. Fauci was doing Gain of Function research on viruses for many years.

Funding EcoHealth Alliance is a feature, not a bug, of Fauci's career goals. After the outbreak of AIDS and then 9/11, Fauci's anti-terror "biodefense" budget exploded to $1.7 billion by 2003. In a 2011 Washington Post op-ed deeming gain-of-function experiments a "risk worth taking," Fauci wrote, "Working carefully with influenza viruses they have engineered in isolated biocontainment laboratories, scientists in Europe and the United States have identified several mechanisms by which the virus might evolve to transmit efficiently in the ferret, the best animal model for human influenza infection."


"The question is whether benefits of such research outweigh risks," he continued. "The answer is not simple. A highly pathogenic bird flu virus transmissible in humans could arise in ways not predicted by laboratory studies. And it is not clear whether this laboratory virus would behave in humans as it does in ferrets. Nonetheless, new data provide valuable insights that can inform influenza preparedness and help delineate the principles of virus transmission between species."

So it should come as little surprise that Fauci and NIH Director Francis Collins wrote a loophole in the moratorium that allowed them to continue funding Daszak's work despite full knowledge of the risks. Unless the bat-borne RaTG13 really managed to mutate naturally into SARS-Cov-2, travel over 1,000 miles without infecting anyone along the way, and end up in a wet market that sold neither bats nor pangolins, then ... well, do the math.



Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin, who has done invaluable work in calling attention to the possibility that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab, broke some news during his appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience on Tuesday.

After laying out the circumstantial evidence that COVID originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), Rogin explained why Dr. Anthony Fauci, like many in the world of virology research, has a vested professional interest in downplaying the likelihood that so-called gain-of-function research — of the kind performed at the Wuhan lab — not only failed to prevent the ongoing global pandemic but actually may have played a hand in unleashing it.

“The Godfather of [gain-of-function virology research], the head of the pyramid, is a guy you may have heard of called Anthony Fauci,” Rogin said. “So, Anthony Fauci, the hero of the pandemic, is the most important person in the world of gain-of-function research there is . . . Basically, he is the one disbursing all the grants for this, he is the one who pushed to turn it back on after Obama turned it off, that’s another crazy story, he turned it back on without really consulting the White House.”
2331   Patrick   2021 May 15, 10:18am  

Booger says

How A Year Of Unfounded, Contradictory CDC Guidelines Destroyed That Agency’s Credibility Forever


Why should anyone trust the CDC or NIH now? They have proven themselves prostitutes for the TDS crowd, willing to say or do anything as long as it's anti-Trump.

It's kinda like The Lancet, a formerly prestigious journal that published an outright fraudulent article about HCQ, just because it was anti-Trump. Now you can't trust them at all.
2333   Patrick   2021 May 16, 2:55pm  

original link

Six month jail sentence for doctors in New Zealand who use HCQ to treat CCP Virus patients.
2337   richwicks   2021 May 17, 12:18pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I want this fucking Idiot to keep on talking. The next two elections are going to clean the Commie's clock.

They aren't going to know what hit them, when the voting systems are cleaned up, and America gets to see how much the majority of America fucking hates these Motherfuckers.

The voting system isn't going to be cleaned up.

The US government was just openly overthrown last election. Nobody did anything about it, and nobody is going to do anything about it.
2338   Tenpoundbass   2021 May 17, 1:36pm  

richwicks says
Nobody did anything about it, and nobody is going to do anything about it.

That's what we've finally figured out .You're right, nobody did a damn thing about anything. That was the problem all along, we just left it up to someone else to save America and fix things. But you're wrong about if you think there's nothing that can be done about it. That's actually the beauty of the American Civics system. It's a damn fine system, the best system in the whole fucking world. Regardless what the fucknut Commie Fart sniffing Scumbags have been saying for decades, while they plot to destroy our Nation and our system.

There's a damn big fucking reason why the Commie Shit Asses, hijacked education and took it over, there's a big reason why they've vilified our Veterans, and Boomers, who are all old enough to know what America Civics are.

There's a huge movement to restore American Civics, in practice. There's not a damn thinktank or institution that can combat that. Not without our Supreme Court just outright fuck the dumb shit, and decree that America is now a Communist Dictatorship and we're under Left leaning destructive Commie rule.

But hey that's alright too, they wouldn't survive the first week of Americans saying otherwise. The American Civic System, has some shit for them if they were fool enough.

Look all it takes is everyone participating in our election instead of just waiting for someone else to pick out a candidate for them, and someone else to make sure the votes are honest and counted, and someone else to get in office and fix things. We have to participate at the very fundamental level of our Government. That is the guys who allow the people who run for office. And we need to start holding those folks accountable for the candidates that they put forth. Understand it's the most basic elected off in America, and they are elected by the neighbors in your district. Got a scumbag letting the Commies have their way. Go knock on your neighbors door, and tell them you're running for the Committeeman chair of your local party. Send the guys that has been greasing their palms packing.

It's happening all over America and I couldn't be more pleased or so proud as I have been one of the most vocal people of this movement. And talked a few million pissed Trump voters off the ledge in going down a rabbit hole to hell and starting a disenfranchised third party. Now GOP members around America are admonishing RINO's and Anti Trumpers everywhere, and pissed off people are challenging week kneed self serving RINOs that put RINO candidates on the ballot. The Republican party is being transformed.
The Communists will soon meet their demise, as America restores itself, it will require dealing with the Communist enablers of foreign agents, that has been helping the insane Left's agenda.

But don't worry if you don't believe it or you don't have the stomach to take back America from these Punk Commie Puke Bitches.

We've got this! Things are humming along swimmingly believe me.

And OH, don't trust a single Trump endorsement, he will expect Patriots to recognize the real America first candidates. They might not always be people he's backing.
But a man does have to recoup some of the Billions the Never Trumper's stole from him and made him lose along with the Commies. What better way, than to take their money from them and fuck them in the ass anyway?

Don't vote for Trump's picks period! Especially the one's that don't infuriate CNN and FOX. The ones they will gush over, will be the ones we shouldn't vote for.

FWIW, most true MAGA America First patriots, won't need Trump's endorsement.
2339   Patrick   2021 May 17, 6:21pm  

OK @Tenpoundbass how do I get involved in this?
2341   Tenpoundbass   2021 May 19, 7:01pm  

Patrick says
OK @Tenpoundbass how do I get involved in this?


Start here

Find out who your Supervisors are in your district.

Here's the join to be a precinct captain link, but it's just an email link.

Start getting familiar with your local GOP find out if they are self interested RINOs or really trying but are out numbered by RINOs and out gunned by Democrats.
You have network of San Francisco Patnetters here, form a coalition with them, and seek out those Precinct captain spots, and vote each other into higher positions.

Try to become a delegate or a member of the Executive committee.

Just by you and getting as many other Republicans as you can interested in the party, i.e. taking their spots. You might even light a fire under their ass to start acting like Republicans if they are under representing. 90% of anything is just putting your self out there. The other 10% is just razzle dazzle.
2342   Patrick   2021 May 19, 7:03pm  

Thanks @Tenpoundbass
2343   Patrick   2021 May 19, 7:06pm  

Booger says

The Grand County, Colorado coroner is recently called attention to the way the state health department is classifying some deaths.

The coroner, Brenda Bock, says two of their five deaths related to COVID-19 were people who died of gunshot wounds.

“these two people had tested positive for COVID but that’s not what killed them,” she said. “The gunshot wound killed them.”

Bock said it’s simple in this case – the gunshot wound was the cause of death.

“I realize yes, you’re trying to keep count of the numbers, but you need to do it right, and these people did not die of COVID, they died of gunshot wounds and that’s how it needs to be listed,” she said.

The study also concludes that the CDC “illegally enacted new rules that violated federal law, which resulted in a 1,600% inflation of current COVID-19 fatality totals.”

Great article.
2346   Ceffer   2021 May 20, 10:49pm  

Patrick says
“these two people had tested positive for COVID but that’s not what killed them,” she said. “The gunshot wound killed them.”

Guess she's not getting her $19,000 per recorded case.

I do notice that after they already got their money, there are a lot of downward revisions lately after the fact. Did the CDC just tell them to classify Covid deaths for just a few months, or do they just have no honor?
2350   Patrick   2021 May 21, 5:59pm  


Since the beginning of the pandemic, Big Tech platforms, including Facebook, have used information from the WHO, which is often favorable to China, and fact-checkers, such as Politifact, to censor COVID-19 content on their platforms.

The WHO claimed to have conducted investigations that concluded that the virus did not escape from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. As a result, anyone who dared link the disease’s origins to Wuhan or China was silenced and punished by Big Tech platforms.

The virus allegedly broke out in the same town as the secretive lab in Wuhan. Yet, the WHO insists that the virus did not originate from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Instead they said that it must have originated from a yet-to-be identified intermediary between bats and humans. Fact-checkers went with WHO’s narrative, and flagged any content on social media platforms that dared suggest a link between the origin of the virus to Wuhan or China.

One of Facebook’s fact-checkers might have had a conflict of interest with the issue, as they worked at the lab in Wuhan.

Additionally, EcoHealth Alliance, an NGO funded by US’s top epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Fauci, was working at the lab at the time. So, it was not only China who would have preferred to kill stories linking the origins of the virus to WIV.

Last September, Politifact, one of Facebook’s fact-checkers, blasted Tucker Carlson for interviewing a guest who said COVID-19 was created in a lab, in an article on their website. The headline of the article read:

“Tucker Carlson guest airs debunked conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was created in a lab.”

On May 17, the fact-checker silently walked back on their bold statement that the link between the virus and the Wuhan lab was a debunked conspiracy theory. Politifact archived the “fact-check, and wrote:

“When this fact check was first published in September 2020, PolitiFact’s sources concluded researchers who asserted the SARS-CoV-2 virus could not have been manipulated. That assertion is now more widely disputed.”

While some may argue that Politifact is being responsible and holding itself accountable, it is worth noting that while they debunked the obvious origin of the virus as a conspiracy theory, there were multiple experts who were saying otherwise.

Lol, they should be called Politifiction now.

A "fact-checking" site should never be forgiven for blatantly lying about important issues.
2352   Patrick   2021 May 22, 5:55pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Patrick says
OK @Tenpoundbass how do I get involved in this?


Start here

Find out who your Supervisors are in your district.

Here's the join to be a precinct captain link, but it's just an email link.

Start getting familiar with your local GOP find out if they are self interested RINOs or really trying but are out numbered by RINOs and out gunned by Democrats.
You have network of San Francisco Patnette...


I'm actually in Menlo Park, no SF. How do I tell who my supervisors are? Here is my district?


What rights and roles to supervisors have?
2353   Patrick   2021 May 22, 5:58pm  

I'm already running into things I can't agree with, like this:

Members of the Committee have a duty of loyalty to the Republican Party and to elected Republican Candidates. Committee Members will refrain from public displays of openly calling for the removal, censure, impeachment or recall of any elected Republican official.


What if they are whorish RINOs? Then I definitely want to call for their removal, censure, impeachment or recall immediately.
2355   Tenpoundbass   2021 May 24, 2:30pm  

1st Vice Chair (Finance)

2nd Vice Chair (Volunteers-Registration)

Patrick says
I'm already running into things I can't agree with, like this:

Members of the Committee have a duty of loyalty to the Republican Party and to elected Republican Candidates. Committee Members will refrain from public displays of openly calling for the removal, censure, impeachment or recall of any elected Republican official.


What if they are whorish RINOs? Then I definitely want to call for their removal, censure, impeachment or recall immediately.

Yes that's for current members, that are already members. Find out who your Precinct Committeeperson is, and if it is vacant then apply for the seat.
If it has someone then run for it. But in the meantime as a Citizen, you are free to shake shit up. Get to the local clubs, and learn who the players are. Do you know any regular Patneters that think should help, bring them along.

Find out why there's not a SanMateo Republican club, and if there is, find out why they are hidden and tucked away from prying eyes. If anything else, I would like to start making these parties as Transparent as Candidates have to be. Peel away the crust and expose, if there isn't a local club create one. Listen at this point I'm as much of an interloper as you are. .They don't hand memberships out to the Schmindricks, and every Schlub in the County. It's a select club, if you want in, you have to get in the only Democratic way there is to officially join the party. That is through becoming a Precinct committeeperson .That is an elected seat, the rest of the people are appointed and confirmed by that lot.

@Patrick give me a call sometime so we can discuss this further.
2360   Patrick   2021 May 24, 5:58pm  

Good point.

Why aren't the deaths of people who took the "vaccine" all counted as "vaccine" deaths?

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