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Flu kills around 500k
CBOEtrader saysmell saysGive me odds and I'll take the under of 1% of flu deaths.
I would take the other side of your bet, but I don't want to betting on more people being sick and dying. I think you need pretty big odds to bet on it being less than 1%. I wish I thought you were right.
But yeah, I've been thinking similarly, about the media concern being a little out of proportion, for reasons I stated above. But I know I don't know.
We should all have a much better idea soon enough.
I'm optimistic but 1% may be tight. 2%-3% is a good bet. The problem with the high death rates are countries with poor to no medical care like China or Iran. Even Italy's rate is high at 2%, but Italians are known to occasionally mess things up and they has a lot of elderly among the infected in Lombardy.
mell saysFlu kills around 500k
CBOE was talking about U.S. only. I don't know the average, it swings pretty wildly between about 30 to 80,000. Perhaps the average is near 45,000. Probably trending up with the boomer cohort getting up there.
I doubt the US will see 340 deaths from corona virus.
marcus saysmell saysFlu kills around 500k
CBOE was talking about U.S. only. I don't know the average, it swings pretty wildly between about 30 to 80,000. Perhaps the average is near 45,000. Probably trending up with the boomer cohort getting up there.
You think we will have 450 deaths in US from this? We shall see
I heard many viruses dont spread well when it warms up. If that holds true for covid-19, the quickly approaching warmer months could be the main thing that prevent it from hitting the usa much. Look at how concentrated the flu deaths are during the winter months, and barely anything in summer months:
I've got some mutations on my CFTR gene that unfortunately make me a prime candidate to die from corona virus. I'm healthy, non-smoker. I dindonuthin
Fortunately I left the lab late 90s to become a bioinformatics coder. I hope your wife listens to you!
I don't think it's a conspiracy against Trump.
I think it's an informal conspiracy. That is, not centrally planned, but the three opposition groups happening to find common ground in their efforts to fuck poor US citizens out of jobs:
1. China
2. corporate fuck weasels
3. the dying legacy media
I think it's an informal conspiracy. That is, not centrally planned, but the three opposition groups happening to find common ground in their efforts to fuck poor US citizens out of jobs:
1. China
2. corporate fuck weasels
3. the dying legacy media
#1 does not make sense, if anything, coronavirus will bring jobs back to US thus making poor people here better off.
True - unless they can prevent Trump's almost-certain re-election. Maybe they are desperate enough to try this. I know it seems unlikely, but you should be paranoid in proportion to the amount of money involved.
No sooner had news of the virus emerged than the left tried to weaponize it against Donald Trump. But his response to this apparent medical emergency has been magnificent. At first, the media condemned him for taking swift action to stop flights from places, like China, where the infection was rife and growing. ‘Can you believe it? Trump restricted flights from China. What a racist!’ ...
Anyone wanting to see what patient leadership in action looks like should watch the president’s press conference Wednesday on coronavirus. He did what a leader should do. He reassured people. He presented the facts, so far as we know them. He outlined the many actions his administration was taking to mitigate danger and the various contingency plans should the disease worsen or spread more than we currently expect.
The president called on medical experts to explain various aspects of the situation. He was calm but serious, cautious but optimistic. The danger to the US at present, he pointed out several times, is very low. Currently, he said, there are 15 confirmed cases here. Fifteen. Most patients are recovering; one is in a serious condition. He also highlighted that every year, the flu claims anywhere from 25,000 to 60-odd thousand lives.
I said that Trump exhibited ‘patient leadership.’ The element of patience was paramount. Not for the first time, I was reminded that the White House press corps resembles a flock of bad-tempered schoolchildren, lazy and slightly dim, but from fancy families so firm in their sense of entitlement and outrage.
All the adults in the room were on or next to the podium. The press gaggle, desperate to find something to blame the president for, kept repeating the same questions, fighting to frame ‘gotcha’ remarks, and appearing exactly like they are: snotty, ill-prepared hacks whose goal is not to report and inform, but play smarmy partisan games. The president, just back from a trip to India, looked tired but commanding. The press looked small, sweaty, petulant.
the White House press corps resembles a flock of bad-tempered schoolchildren, lazy and slightly dim, but from fancy families so firm in their sense of entitlement and outrage.
They constitute “the privileged stratum,” in the words of French left-wing analyst Christophe Guilluy, operating from an assumption of “moral superiority” that justifies their right to instruct others. This power is greatly enhanced by their control of culture, most media, the education systems—eight in 10 British professors are on the Left—and throughout the bureaucracy.
Booger saysNearly 40% of beer-drinking Americans won’t buy Corona due to coronavirus, study shows
Just goes to show education wasn't wasted on Americans
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