Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   198,453 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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3336   Patrick   2023 Sep 14, 11:18am  


In short, no virus can possibly explain this graph:

... Why did NYC do so much worse than Chicago?

What did they do? WHy did so mnay people die?

We’re not sure because nobody is telling us, and the hospitals did not allow any observers in.

It seems however that either the hospitals were killing people with treatment, or the data is fraudulent, or both.
3337   Patrick   2023 Sep 15, 2:36pm  


SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: Thank you, acting Madam Deputy President., In the last set of estimates I asked the TGA* if they could provide to me which part of the coronavirus genomic sequence did they use to indicate that someone was positive to COVID, and whether that genomic sequence also makes up other coronaviruses.

And Professor Murphy responded, "We can provide our notice the specific primer and the part of the virus that's used for. We do not believe there was cross reactivity with other coronaviruses, but we can provide on notice. Experts at the Doherty Institute would be happy to provide that information."

Well, I finally got the answer that I have been waiting on for a very long time last week and, surprise, surprise, I'll read it out to you.

"There are a range of primers used in Australian laboratories developed commercially or in-house each targeting different areas of the SARS coronavirus. Depending on a laboratory's individual established workflow target genes include—" and I'll note the RdRp gene.**

Now the Australian, this is the bit that you'll like, "The Australian government cannot provide the primer sequence information for commercially available test kits, as this information is commercial in confidence."

So get a load of this. Get a load of this. For almost two years, we shut down an entire country, OK? We spent hundreds of billions of dollars, instilled fear into every man, woman, and child because of a virus. But when it comes to actually asking the Health Department for the part of the sequence that they use to indicate whether or not this virus, someone had a positive response to that virus, they can't provide it because it's "commercial in confidence."

Well, excuse me, but I didn't know that a virus could be patented. Or, am I missing something here?
3339   stereotomy   2023 Sep 17, 2:40pm  

I haven't felt this recklessly enraged since the housing bust. I think I'll have to side with @richwicks at this point. What good is trying to save those who don't want to be saved from their fervent belief in wokeness/branch-covidianism?
3342   richwicks   2023 Oct 20, 10:14pm  

stereotomy says

I haven't felt this recklessly enraged since the housing bust. I think I'll have to side with richwicks at this point. What good is trying to save those who don't want to be saved from their fervent belief in wokeness/branch-covidianism?

Welcome to the fold. It's like saving an animal. I understand it's fearful of me, thinks I'm taking advantage of the situation, and may harm or kill it, but when it's clear I'm not and it's still biting me and attacking me, WELL after it's obvious I'm helping and am not a threat, screw it.

If people don't know what is going on by now, maybe they SHOULD die. I've done my moral duty.

I've fed these dangerous animals food for thought long enough.
3343   zzyzzx   2023 Nov 8, 8:13am  

Confession: I sneeze on purpose at the idiots who wear masks in my office

So there’s a few idiots in my office who still mask ALL THE TIME and who I know for a fact have no underlying/long term illnesses. They have their little hand sanitizer sprays that they use every single time they touch a door, or god forbid, another human being. Complete insanity.

When I am around them, I make sure to blow my nose as hard as I can on purpose and/or cough and sneeze. I’ll also touch their desk/computer with my germ infested hands. Call me a petty immature bastard, but I find it hilarious watching them overreact and get genuinely scared.

Rant over.
3346   Patrick   2023 Nov 14, 7:53pm  

This writer has been all over the “early spread” hypothesis – the idea that Wuhan Virus had infected the population around the world in mid-2019. By the time the lockdowns and mass testing started, it had already spread far beyond the point where it could be contained. And no one had really noticed – unless you were perhaps in the medical field you might have thought of it as a bad flu season. The point of this article is that other pieces of the plandemic were not in place until 2020 so they had to ignore it and then pretend that it was a new thing at the right time.

3351   Booger   2023 Dec 12, 2:16am  


Have you noticed how many Covidians lack basic adult skills generally?

Like living in places other than NYC /London and having no access to a car / not even knowing how to drive? Not able to get a job? Not able to move out of their parents' home? I considered myself a late bloomer and my parents were unsupportive of providing me resources to start up my life as an independent adult, but I still got my drivers license my senior year and signed my first apartment lease when I was 20. I bought my first car when I was 23. I just have no sympathy for people who claim their lives are at risk from living with their parents, or feel like they are going to die if they can't eat lunch privately at work but don't have a car or live where it's cold. Like does it not occur to them to change their living situation or learn to drive and buy a car, if they actually thought they were going to die otherwise ? Somewhere deep down they must know the risk isn't that real. Part of my motivation was that my parents were chain smoking in the house and my father would drive drunk, he also had a bad temper and there were guns in the house. I was getting bronchitis constantly and was scared of him, so I gave up what I needed to give up, and it was scary and hard but here I am 30 years later. I also understand that things are harder now but that apartment was a 1 bedroom I shared. No dishwasher, sad laundry room, walk -up, in a sketchy neighborhood. No locked entry, it was motel style. My car was 10 years old when I bought it, an old Toyota, basic, and I started in small town in TX. I picked a place based on where I could afford it, not where I dreamed of being. I am not saying I am perfect but I don't understand why people who believe it's so awful where they are that they will die, don't just move. Buy a car and live in it. Something. But you would have to know how to drive.
3357   Onvacation   2024 Apr 5, 4:11pm  

FACTS from the CDC!

3358   Onvacation   2024 Apr 5, 4:16pm  

57% over 75 years old.
79% over 65 years old.
95% of all Wuhan deaths were amongst those older than fifty and 93% of all Wuhan deaths had 3 or more comorbidities. Statistically, there was zero death amongst those less than 18.
3359   Onvacation   2024 Apr 5, 4:21pm  

What ever happened to @Heraclitusstudent ?

He last posted in spring 2020, shortly after the Wuhan hit America. I wonder if the protocols got him?
3360   Patrick   2024 Apr 5, 4:43pm  


I did not get a bounce message resulting from your @ of him, so that implies his email address is still active.
3361   Onvacation   2024 Apr 5, 6:46pm  

Patrick says

that implies his email address is still active.

Doesn't mean he is.

Then again Tiffany Dover eventually came back...
3363   Patrick   2024 Aug 20, 12:54pm  


An official CDC FOIA response confirms that the validation of the SARS-CoV-2 genome has not been completed to scientific standards!

CDC Unable to Scientifically Verify Full SARS-CoV-2 Genome, Leaving Potential for Semi-Random Construct.

... The CDC stated that they lack the capability to isolate a single virion from all other genetic material present in a sample, and that they don’t have records that this has ever been performed or even is possible.

They also indicated that they do not possess or have knowledge of any single read or complete assembly that would mathematically confirm the complete genome of a virion.

Furthermore, the CDC relied exclusively on publicly available sequence data and did not employ the RACE (Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends) technique to verify the manually identified genome ends by Chinese researchers. Verification of these ends is crucial, as the presence of additional bases beyond the first and last positions of the reference genome would suggest that RACE amplification does not capture the true terminal sequences. Although RACE amplicon data for SARS-CoV-2 has not been published, findings from the same researchers who studied the RaTG13 virus suggest that this may be the case, highlighting the need for independent validation.

Long-read sequencing has not yet convincingly demonstrated the complete sequence of the genome, as errors and missing sequence ends prevent the generation of a high-confidence genomic model.

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