by tovarichpeter ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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A bill introduced this year in the Washington State legislature would ban single-family zoning across the state, requiring towns with more than 15,000 people to allow duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, stacked flats, townhouses and courtyard apartments in areas currently zoned for single-family residential.
It doesn’t require the construction of multifamily units. Instead, it allows developers to buy a house in an area containing only single-family homes and replace it with an apartment building. The neighbors won’t be able to do anything to stop it.
Our freeways speak volumes of how overcrowded we are.
Today's article about zoning in California and other blue states
AD says
Today's article about zoning in California and other blue states
Zoning is primarily county and municipal related.
30 year mortgages along with stupid government rules and regulations are what makes housing so expensive.
We now have to wait another week to pour the basement slab because of crap temperatures. .
Today's article about zoning in California and other blue states
WookieMan says
We now have to wait another week to pour the basement slab because of crap temperatures. .
Are concrete basement walls more common in your area?
Rather live in a trailer park of a red state than in a mansion within a shithole blue state.
You are an economic prisoner in that very high tax shithole blue state.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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