You Are Being Lied to About Covid19, Lockdowns are NOT Health Related

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2020 Mar 27, 9:53am   3,833 views  62 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

The amount of bullshit I've seen in the media, from the government, and online since this all started is simply astounding. Let me point out a couple facts that don't add up when compared to the rhetoric we're hearing:

1. In the age of endless online documentation of our lives, haven't seen a single video uploaded by any individual of the chaos they say is happening in these hotspots, not one.
2. Homeless populations have exploded across the country in the past decade. Homeless people are not known for being healthy or sanitary. Where are the stories about homeless camps being decimated by the Covid19?
3. England recently moved Covid19 down on their threat chart, below Ebola, based on the information they now have about infection rate and deadliness. Where were all these measures when Ebola hit a few years ago?
4. South Korea is one of the first countries to get the virus, and have reliable reporting on it. The total percentage of infected thus far is 0.0018%

You are being lied to. This is all bullshit.


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1   Heraclitusstudent   2020 Mar 27, 10:06am  

Yeah people are just pretending to be dead. Actors.
Like Sandy Hook.
2   fdhfoiehfeoi   2020 Mar 27, 10:06am  

I haven't, nor will I. My health is my responsibility, no one else's. If you're fat, ingest garbage, and take medication, you had this coming. And I have zero obligation to restrict my freedom to bail your fat, sick, lazy ass out.
3   fdhfoiehfeoi   2020 Mar 27, 10:07am  

Heraclitusstudent says
Yeah people are just pretending to be dead

See ^^
4   Bd6r   2020 Mar 27, 10:09am  

"Follow the money". I suspect one needs crisis to pass Porculus-3, to bail out rich people the third time. Without corona, population might be against this subsidy for the rich, and large companies such as Boeing would not be able to continue looting the treasury and everyone's pockets. Now this can happen in a bipartisan orgasmic crescendo.
5   fdhfoiehfeoi   2020 Mar 27, 10:26am  

Just like during 9/11 we need to look closely at what comes out of this "crisis". So far we've seen the extension of national spying, request to track people's movement by their cellphones, request to indefinitely jail people, the Fed re-opening their garbage can from '08(will buy back assets from banks, including stocks). Probably buying the stock at issue price. Fed has increased their balance sheet by nearly 10% in just under two weeks.

A lot going on, but none of it is health related...
6   Heraclitusstudent   2020 Mar 27, 10:31am  

NuttBoxer says
I have zero obligation to restrict my freedom to bail your fat, sick, lazy ass out.

You have no one you love above 60. And you don't feel any moral obligation to modify your lifestyle in a way that could save a life of elderly person.
Thanks. This is the kind of absolute egotism, self-centered BS, and complete lack of morality we have come to expect from right wing people.
7   fdhfoiehfeoi   2020 Mar 27, 10:33am  

I smoke pot, am against wars, and think the government has no say in who can be married, so stick your left/right bullshit up your ass where it belongs.

My parents are both over 60, but they eat healthy and workout regularly. It's called being responsible, you should try it sometime.
8   Heraclitusstudent   2020 Mar 27, 10:34am  

NuttBoxer says
My parents are both over 60, but they eat healthy and workout regularly. It's called being responsible, you should try it sometime.

...Says the dude acting irresponsibly....
9   fdhfoiehfeoi   2020 Mar 27, 10:35am  

Am I responsible to bail sick people out when they made the lifestyle choice to be sick? Am I your Dad?
10   Bd6r   2020 Mar 27, 10:37am  

Quarantine anyone older than 60 or 65 and those with health risks. Everyone else goes about their merry ways and economic effect of this is relatively minimal.
11   fdhfoiehfeoi   2020 Mar 27, 10:42am  

Common sense has no place during wild panics, away with your logic!
12   Bd6r   2020 Mar 27, 10:46am  

Depends what common sense you are talking about...if it is common sense of Boeing, government who wants to increase its power, and so on, then of course we need a PLAGUE! and PANIC!
From my or your viewpoint of course logical course of action is different.
13   clambo   2020 Mar 27, 10:48am  

If I ran the zoo I would have age limits to quarantines but it is complicated today so a blanket one was what they did.

I disagree with the free money which is absurd, why should retired who have not lost wages get any money?

The money should go to unemployed and through the normal process.

Being very old or having a weak immune system is not a lifestyle choice, but they should be extra careful and healthy people should be able to do more things than they are today.

I hope that we don’t bail out cruise lines, they are not essential.

Add up car crash deaths, drug overdose deaths, homicide deaths, AIDS deaths, and flu deaths, and you might be surprised.
14   WillPowers   2020 Mar 27, 10:51am  

Also, you look at the states with the highest concentration of coronavirus cases: CA and NY, two states that are sanctuary states. Could it be open borders are good for infectious diseases?
15   Ceffer   2020 Mar 27, 10:52am  

Don't eat Soylent Green, ain't good for you.

Killed my brother, killed my sister, too.

Eatin' fresh-fried chicken on new-mown sand

Can't beat red beans eaten outta your hand
16   marcus   2020 Mar 27, 10:56am  

NuttBoxer says
3. England recently moved Covid19 down on their threat chart, below Ebola, based on the information they now have about infection rate and deadliness. Where were all these measures when Ebola hit a few years ago?

I read the link. You are being extremely misleading here, or misled perhaps.

It's talking about the degree to which CV fits their definition of HCID, which includes the feature: "High Case fatality rate."

In other words they are changing the classification. They aren't lowering their expectations of hospitals being overwhelmed. They aren't saying the situation is less risky or bad than they thought it was. They aren't saying self distancing should end. They are saying "we misclassified it."

I guess some unusual people who are good with words, facts, definitions, logic etc., probably argued: "ummm,...we need to either change the definition of HCID or take Corona Virus off the list."

I guess in this day in age when lying is so rampant, this type of behavior seems special.
17   marcus   2020 Mar 27, 10:59am  

WillPowers says
Also, you look at the states with the highest concentration of coronavirus cases: CA and NY, two states that are sanctuary states. Could it be open borders are good for infectious diseases?


More likely it's states with the biggest cities. High density. CV was far more likely to come in from Asia, than mexico or central America. CA does have large Asian populations.
18   Heraclitusstudent   2020 Mar 27, 11:05am  

Right wing people think if they get sick, they will just shake it out like a flu.
No healthy young person is dying, right? Or left with damaged lungs?
And people above 60 are immune because they are "healthy and workout regularly".
Probably not reading reports from the front line.
19   Ceffer   2020 Mar 27, 11:07am  

It seems the public health officials, including Anthony Fauci, are a special breed of fraught, crooked civil 'servants'. The Soviets, bless their red little hearts, trail blazed the use of and access to medicine as reward, punishment and various forms of involuntary incarceration. The manipulation of nominal health related organizations to cover for other agendas and graft is common.

Current head of WHO is an Ethiopian criminal. Fauci is Globalist. He appears to be working hard to make Trump appear foolish and to encourage steering the ship of state onto the rocks over Panic Pandemic. We see so many of these strange, pre-corrupted and often unqualified third worlders increasingly in public health care positions.

They can start some organization with a flowery, altruistic medical name, get funding for whatever, then institute the graft or funding of something else entirely.

"Feds charge SF Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru with fraud"

20   Hircus   2020 Mar 27, 11:28am  

marcus says
CV was far more likely to come in from Asia, than mexico or central America. CA does have large Asian populations.


21   RWSGFY   2020 Mar 27, 11:34am  

marcus says
CV was far more likely to come in from Asia, than mexico or central America. CA does have large Asian populations.

22   WookieMan   2020 Mar 27, 11:55am  

Heraclitusstudent says
NuttBoxer says
I have zero obligation to restrict my freedom to bail your fat, sick, lazy ass out.

You have no one you love above 60. And you don't feel any moral obligation to modify your lifestyle in a way that could save a life of elderly person.
Thanks. This is the kind of absolute egotism, self-centered BS, and complete lack of morality we have come to expect from right wing people.

Everyone has someone over 60 they love. So? I have a lot of people I love that are 20, 30, 40 that are going to kill themselves because they're broke or lost their business. Nuttboxer is right on this 100%. I'm already having to talk people off the edge and have offered cash to my friends. We cannot risk young, healthy people, for the old people that beat the shit out of their body or are close to death. It's not morality. It's logic.

I don't totally agree on the deep state type stuff NB is talking about, but it also wouldn't shock me if there is some layer of this that is designed to take away your freedom. We are giving away a lot of it right now.
23   marcus   2020 Mar 27, 12:02pm  

Yes, geography and race. Same thing. I know you don't think that, but you are stupid enough to think that I ever thought that ?
24   rdm   2020 Mar 27, 12:18pm  

CV was far more likely to come in from Asia, than mexico or central America.

Shit, we built the wall on the the wrong border. But who knew health care could be so complicated?
25   Hircus   2020 Mar 27, 12:21pm  

From what I've seen you tend to reject most of the silly far left SJW crap, to your credit.

But you're still on team lib, and they give that narrative a platform. So, it makes it funnier to hold someone like you to the standard.
27   EBGuy   2020 Mar 27, 12:34pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
e need to shoot the allegedly DEAD! ITALIANS! who are just trying to make TRUMP! look bad

Point of clarification -- are we talking about the Old Country or New York? Are real actors fair game, or just crisis actors? (Where is "notice the elbow" Gary?)
28   RWSGFY   2020 Mar 27, 12:39pm  

rdm says
CV was far more likely to come in from Asia, than mexico or central America.

Shit, we built the wall on the the wrong border. But who knew health care could be so complicated?

I didn't say what you say I said.
29   NDrLoR   2020 Mar 27, 12:54pm  

clambo says
I disagree with the free money which is absurd
In my junior college Eco 101 class in the early 60's, our professor asked us if we'd like to receive $1,000 (this when a new Olds 88 with AC cost about $4,200 and the house I live in today cost my mother $13,400), so that $1,000 then was worth about $8,500 in today's money. Everyone of course said yes. He went on to explain that if everyone in the nation received $1,000, no one was better or worse off than anyone else because we all retained the same relationship to everyone before the "windfall". It's also going to cause inflation as everyone calculates that "free" $1,000 in negotiations and pricing. I can ask $1,000 more for whatever I'm selling. The best use would be to pay down debt, but that wont' go very far if you're high double digits in debt already.
30   NDrLoR   2020 Mar 27, 12:58pm  

WillPowers says
CA and NY
Were the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic in 1981, but it was difficult to spread and limited to only certain sexual activities.
31   Patrick   2020 Mar 27, 1:01pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
We need to shoot the allegedly DEAD! ITALIANS!

The average age for the Italians who died of Wuhan virus is 81.

That's the average. About half are older than that.

They were standing on the ledge and literally got bumped off by a more-severe-than-usual season of disease.
32   Patrick   2020 Mar 27, 1:21pm  

Sharing needles was also a major vector for AIDS.

Ass fucking is a different kind of injection, same result. Turns out that a vigorous ass-fucking breaks tiny blood vessels and literally opens one up to disease. Especially since semen carries local immune suppressants necessary for sperm to get past vaginal defense systems. Note that even vigorous cunt-fucking does not break blood vessels as a rule, and so vaginal sex does not spread AIDS nearly as efficiently as ass-fucking.

Both sharing needles and ass fucking are violations of bodily integrity.

More abstractly, infections diseases spread because of a lack of separation between the clean and the unclean. Lack of a STRONG BORDER, one might say.

Not to get too religious on you all, but note that the etymology for "holy" in Hebrew is from the word meaning "separate", kadosh. Cleanliness is literally next to Godliness.

Those who mock all religion throw out the baby with the bathwater. Lots of the ancient rules are still valuable and relevant today.
33   EBGuy   2020 Mar 27, 1:47pm  

Patrick says
The average age for the Italians who died of Wuhan virus is 81.

Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons
We estimated excess deaths of 7,027, 20,259, 15,801 and 24,981 attributable to influenza epidemics in the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17
Over 68,000 deaths were attributable to influenza epidemics in the study period. The observed excess of deaths is not completely unexpected, given the high number of fragile very old subjects living in Italy. In conclusion, the unpredictability of the influenza virus continues to present a major challenge to health professionals and policy makers.
34   richwicks   2020 Mar 27, 2:05pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Yeah people are just pretending to be dead.

Yeah? Who is pretending to be dead? Give names. I talk to people all over the world, and nobody I know knows anybody that is sick, much less dead.

I felt something was up when Tom Hanks claimed his wife had the virus, back when there were 1,600 cases of it (known AND suspected) in all the United States - a country with 350,000,000 people. Seems like his wife won the bad luck lottery. Her chances of having it then were 0.00045714% of having it. Say the incidence of infection were reported 1000 times less often. That gives her the probability of having it 0.45714% - that's still less than 1 in 200.

I don't blame people for being suspicious when I am. Do you know anybody that is ill with it?
35   komputodo   2020 Mar 27, 3:36pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
Probably not reading reports from the front line.

What good are reports from the front line when the media has proven time and again they can't be trusted? APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
Just like all the dead people in the states and China!

SOROS! ordered them to stop breathing!

yes everyone who has died recently was a victim of the kung flu
36   marcus   2020 Mar 27, 4:33pm  

Ya know, I'm starting to realize that our government is quite a bit more corrupt than it used to be. Good thing we have Trump in office to clean up the swamp. Amiright ?

Some people think 2 trillion is a lot for this times of crisis. But let's put it in context. IT's only equal to two years of deficits in the Trump era. And those deficits are nothing when you consider the awesome boom times for us all that it bought.

Of course they say it'll ultimately be more like 10 trillion. That's still chump change. Don't worry about it. (also please join us in finding a way to blame the libs).
37   Booger   2020 Mar 27, 4:35pm  

This is the Y2K scare all over again.
I bet the same people who were afraid of that are afraid of this.
38   Booger   2020 Mar 27, 4:38pm  

NuttBoxer says
Am I responsible to bail sick people out when they made the lifestyle choice to be sick? Am I your Dad?

Someone on Reddit said that I should be executed for mentioning that adults should be responsible for themselves.
39   Ceffer   2020 Mar 27, 4:50pm  

The Daily Mail has started reporting that those with Covid-19 are starting to suffer spontaneous combustion, leaving a small pile of greasy ash where they used to be. It is also affecting young athletes and beautiful girls preferentially.

Oddly enough, this has not happened to celebrities or political leaders.
40   HeadSet   2020 Mar 27, 6:04pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
How many bats does it take to make a Sunday dinner?

I dunno. Guess I depends on how many in-laws you need to hit with the Louisville Sluggers.

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