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authored 1,000 comments and 37 threads

rdm's threads

How Teens Sank the Trump Rally
by rdm on 21 Jun 2020   46 comments, latest 4 years ago
Looks like the self-named Death Star AKA The Trump Campaign met its match on the battlefields of Tulsa. Score: Idiot Teeny boppers 1 Trump Death Star Morons 0 . New ...

Clash Over U.S. Attorney Who Investigated Trump Associates Sets Off Crisis
by rdm on 20 Jun 2020   4 comments, latest 4 years ago
So The Don tries to get rid of one of his own appointees (again). Apparently this dude, Berman (stiff necked fellow one would suppose) wasn't "loyal" (read corrupt) enough. He ...

Some Are Drinking Bleach to Stop Virus
by rdm on 6 Jun 2020   5 comments, latest 4 years ago
Kool aid flavored bleach is the bestest. “The CDC released data from a survey commissioned to understand why more people have been calling poison control centers during the coronavirus pandemic,” ...

Hydroxychloroquine did not prevent Covid-19 in the first controlled clinical trial.
by rdm on 3 Jun 2020   34 comments, latest 4 years ago
What is there to say? Dr. Trump was wrong and so it goes. Sad. "The malaria drug hydroxychloroquine did not prevent Covid-19 in a rigorous study of 821 people who ...

Trump Wonders If He Should Take Insulin
by rdm on 26 May 2020   11 comments, latest 4 years ago
Newly minted apprentice doctor and all around genius Donald Trump ponders the wonders of insulin. It is a wonder he isn't at least pre-diabetic, given his diet and weight. Maybe ...

Lawyers Seek to Reopen Cases Where Tara Reade Testified
by rdm on 22 May 2020   9 comments, latest 4 years ago
Petty grifter and self-proclaimed recovered memory victim of a quick fingering somewhere in a capital building hallway in 1993 by Joe Biden apparently was also a self-proclaimed self-credentialed expert witness ...

Eric Trump says coronavirus is a ploy to stop his father's campaign rallies and will 'magically' disappear after election day
by rdm on 17 May 2020   16 comments, latest 4 years ago
Trump appoints his most retarded son as a honorary epidemiologist and chief soothsayer in a clever move to attract the inbred, autistic and developmentally challenged vote and thus solidify his ...

White House Coronavirus Official: Michigan Lockdown Protest ‘Devastatingly Worrisome’
by rdm on 3 May 2020   7 comments, latest 4 years ago
Well Brix is on her way out. You cant question the intelligence of these beard braiding, camo wearing, gun totin, stable geniuses and remain a spokes person for the Trump ...

Trump plans to order meat processing plants to stay open during coronavirus
by rdm on 28 Apr 2020   19 comments, latest 4 years ago
While unwilling to use the Defense Production Act to create desperately needed PPE or massively ramp up testing for the country, the mere possibility of not having his KFC or ...

Study Finds No Benefit from Drug Touted by Trump
by rdm on 21 Apr 2020   4 comments, latest 4 years ago
Just one study, but they did have a control group. “A malaria drug widely touted by President Trump for treating the new coronavirus showed no benefit in a large analysis ...

Fox News Goes Radio Silent on Trump’s Coronavirus Miracle Drug
by rdm on 23 Apr 2020   11 comments, latest 4 years ago
As Trump goes, so goes Fox and 80% of Patrick.net, sad "As the coronavirus swept across the U.S. last month, top hosts at Fox News described hydroxychloroquine, an immunosuppressive used ...

This should scare the shit out of Trump: Upset Victory in Wisconsin Supreme Court Race Gives Democrats a Lift
by rdm on 13 Apr 2020   9 comments, latest 4 years ago
So they tried to keep people away from the polls by not delaying the election in the midst of the pandemic, only 5 polling places in Milwaukee were open, long ...

St. Louis Fed’s Bullard pitches daily COVID-19 testing to help restore economy’s health
by rdm on 5 Apr 2020   Posted 4 years ago
This seems like a potentially good idea, the practicality of it may be in question given the anemic amount of testing currently being done in the US. A huge ramp ...

Mexico Could Restrict Border with U.S.
by rdm on 16 Mar 2020   2 comments, latest 4 years ago
"Hey, gringo keep your steenkin, diseased, lyin dog faced Yankees, out of Mehico." Damn, Trump is a genius, the border fence could come in useful after all...for Mexico. BTW where ...

Trump’s Spy Chief Worked for Corrupt Foreign Politician
by rdm on 21 Feb 2020   Posted 4 years ago
Is there one person in Trump's administration that isn't corrupt? Aside from having zero qualifications for the DNI position, Grenell has ties to a fugitive Eastern European oligrarch. There seems ...

Trump Pledges to Continue Subsidies to Farmers
by rdm on 21 Feb 2020   4 comments, latest 4 years ago
"President Trump said that his administration would continue offering subsidies to farmers until various trade deals “fully kick in.” He falsely claimed the aid would be “paid for out of ...

Impeached Donald Trump and impeached Rod Blagojevich are corrupt kindred spirits
by rdm on 19 Feb 2020   26 comments, latest 4 years ago
"It should not surprise anyone that Donald Trump would commute former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s prison sentence. Corrupt politicians do favors for other corrupt politicians all the time. Trump and ...

Can we agree on one thing?
by rdm on 27 Jan 2020   12 comments, latest 4 years ago
Ken Starr: "We Are Living In What Can Aptly Be Described As The Age Of Impeachment," "How Did We Get Here?" Set aside which side of this impeachment you might ...

Promises made, promises kept?
by rdm on 29 Oct 2019   24 comments, latest 5 years ago
But yeah, the stock market is doing well, bully for me a well off white guy but... "Manufacturing Is Now Smallest Share of U.S. Economy in 72 Years" https://www.bloomberg.com/news "Trump’s ...

Trump V Obama on two dead terrorists
by rdm on 29 Oct 2019   16 comments, latest 5 years ago
I know this may arouse the animal spirits but it is funny. www.youtube.com/embed/OsBOWSjO

Trump ‘Orders’ U.S. Companies to Make Products Here
by rdm on 23 Aug 2019   74 comments, latest 5 years ago
The unhinged and increasingly erratic future King of Greenland orders US companies to abandon China: President Trump issued an order to American companies on Twitter: “Our great American companies are ...

EPA to Roll Back Regulations on Methane
by rdm on 29 Aug 2019   10 comments, latest 5 years ago
Continuing on their roll back of Obama era environmental rules and concurrent increase in environmental degradation, Trump and his cadre of imbeciles move the country backwards by allowing more methane ...

Trump Allows New Logging in Alaska National Forest
by rdm on 27 Aug 2019   4 comments, latest 5 years ago
Once again the coal burning, climate change denying, national monument destroying, off shore drilling, endangered species killing, pipeline laying, insecticide approving,Trump demonstrates he is the worst President as to protecting ...

Trump forces automakers to walk a fine line on fuel economy rules as Ford gets hammered
by rdm on 22 Aug 2019   2 comments, latest 5 years ago
Trump is pissed because Ford won't bring out a coal powered Edsel. This is the crazy where car companies are better environmentalists than the POTUS. Where the Federal Government is ...

White House guests to get VIP tickets to Trump's Independence Day event
by rdm on 2 Jul 2019   2 comments, latest 5 years ago
https://thehill.com/homenews/a The great man of the people brings the county together with tanks and thanks to the donors. "The president is not going to get political," deputy press secretary Hogan ...

Supreme Court limits access to government records
by rdm on 24 Jun 2019   Posted 5 years ago
Love da supremes with all those small government conservatives, always looking out for the little guy. MAGA WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court limited public and media access to government records ...

Delusional Don can't take a joke, wants to choke SNL by stuffing constitution down Alec Baldwin's throat
by rdm on 18 Feb 2019   16 comments, latest 5 years ago
The cold open of SNL, which I will admit wasn't very funny, (hey its not a crime to have a shitty show, yet) apparently triggered the snowflake in chief's fragile ...

Pres.Tiny Hand's wall penetrated by pipeline from Costa Rica, no lube
by rdm on 8 Feb 2019   1 comment, latest 5 years ago
The Coyote in Chief's golf course in Jersey apparently had a "pipeline" of illegals coming north from a specific town in Costa Rica. Who knew he was such a humanitarian, ...

Dumb ass CIC can't keep mouth shut, blabs strategy to World
by rdm on 4 Feb 2019   1 comment, latest 5 years ago
Trump once again demonstrates his incompetence by not being able to keep his pie hole shut. His strategy (this bit of it) is not unreasonable and makes some sense but ...

Trump ups the cost of a phony physical
by rdm on 4 Feb 2019   Posted 5 years ago
Well here comes Doc. Ronny, just in time for Trump's annual physical. The obese dotard in chief apparently offers promotion uping Doc. Ronny to a two star admiral in return ...

Trump claimed to have solved the nuke crisis with North Korea having let Kim give him a Dirty Sanchez, butt did it work? Sadly it wasn't enough
by rdm on 14 Jan 2019   5 comments, latest 6 years ago
As the Nobel Peace Prize is seen slipping away from his tiny fingers Trump pivots to something or other while contemplating what other heinous sexual acts to offer Kim in ...

Not a surprise, deficit up
by rdm on 15 Oct 2018   39 comments, latest 6 years ago
Yep, higher interest payments, more Social Security spending for aging population and higher defense spending. Education spending down. And those robust revenues pouring into the government coffers generated by the ...

Omarosa puts Trump on his heels
by rdm on 14 Aug 2018   29 comments, latest 6 years ago
Pres. Trumpenstein's monster is now attacking her creator. She has her strap on so far up his ass he is choking on his own tweets. And always remember he hires ...

Texas gets California's Poor While Jobs and the Rich Stay put.
by rdm on 13 Feb 2013   Posted 11 years ago
Seems to be a correlation between high housing prices and out migration of lower income people, which makes sense. Out migration of people slowed as housing prices in CA ...

A Different Take on Occupy Wall Street
by rdm on 15 Nov 2011   3 comments, latest 13 years ago
This is a something I came across, it may be of interest as the speaker sees the world in a different way. There are 3 videos the first is ...

Economy recovering in Silicon Valley ?
by rdm on 29 Apr 2011   6 comments, latest 13 years ago
This isn't my market but I would be nervous if I were in this area and waiting for further substantial drops in price. Office space rentals generally mean new ...

Mortage Servicers Not Playing Ball With Team Obama, Have Better Offer
by rdm on 30 Jul 2009   Posted 15 years ago
   It appears that the Obama administrations mortgage modification plan is having little effect on getting the mortgage servicers to act on modifying the mortgages of homeowners ...
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