by EBGuy ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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This is another reason we need democrats in control. They are the only ones willing willing to take the heat for raising the income level that pays payroll taxes.
COVID19 isn't the flu.
— Naval (@naval) April 16, 2020
But for under-45, COVID hospitalizes 1% & kills .014%.
All ages, flu hospitalizes 1.5% & kills 0.13%.
Restricting COVID to under-45s results in 6x flu hospitalizations & 1x flu deaths, & gets us to herd immunity.
Shelter the old, but release the young!
COVID19 isn't the flu.
— Naval (@naval) April 16, 2020
But for under-45, COVID hospitalizes 1% & kills .014%.
All ages, flu hospitalizes 1.5% & kills 0.13%.
Restricting COVID to under-45s results in 6x flu hospitalizations & 1x flu deaths, & gets us to herd immunity.
Shelter the old, but release the young!
NOLA is a shit hole, so virus spread there is to be expected
WookieMan saysNOLA is a shit hole, so virus spread there is to be expected
Humidity may be helping virus?
Had always wanted to check NOLA out and probably wish I had when I was younger. Was the last state in the lower 48 I needed to hit, so went in November for a quick birthday weekend with my wife. Had fun, but was mostly meh. The place is a shithole even though they do try to keep it clean. Massive amounts of code violations that would shut down every restaurant in the French Quarter, but for some reason they just let it go. The buildings are pure shit. Not historical charm, literal pieces of shit that should probably be torn down.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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