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Come on America ! There must be an upside to all the money we spend on health care !
I have to believe California will have more of a relapse than either of those, becasue of LA, and San Fran.
Come on America ! There must be an upside to all the money we spend on health care !
The ever-smug SF Bay Area, even smug back then, gave itself a pat on the back for being relatively spared after the early waves due to its strict measures to prevent the spread. Loosened up and then got hammered in the subsequent wave.
Those who say never, please read up on the 1918 influenza.
Those who say never, please read up on the 1918 influenza.
Yes, they knew about Social Distancing, etc. Just like nowadays, the lockdowns/shutdowns/shelters-in-place were uneven across the US. Some places got hammered, other places like Phoenix with a strict lockdown relatively spared.
The influenza started in rural Kansas near an army base where troops were mustering to be shipped out to the war in Europe. It did not originate in Spain, nor China. Shiploads of troops brought it to the rest of the US, Europe and the world
As bad and deadly as the wave in early 1918 was, it began to subside before a much deadlier second wave began in about August. The virus had sufficiently mutated by then so that folks who recovered from the first wave did not necessarily have immunity to the second wave (some were apparently immune, others got sick again). A third wave went through the world in early 1919. Wilson and one of his aides got sick from it at the Versailles Conf...
And yes, I read the book.
Sometimes gays adopt, or one partner has a child with someone of the opposite sex,The child is a prop to sustain their hip bona fides
Biology makes no exceptions to the rule that one male and one female are required.
Patrick saysBiology makes no exceptions to the rule that one male and one female are required.
Some may find this divisive.
I don't agree with them, but does that mean their opinion of what's divisive is worth less than yours and mine ?
I like the idea of increasing the amount of civil discourse on the forum, but not in an absolute way. And I don't think the divisive thing will work. But I won't keep harping on it. And I'll try not to say I told you so more than one time.
People don't agree on facts any more. Can you say climate change ?
A) Late Spring
B) Summer
C) Fall
D) Winter
E) Never
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