Red Pill Moments You've Had

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2020 May 27, 8:20pm   8,246 views  62 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Things, Ideas, Situations in which the cowl was removed from your eye and you saw something for what it was.

Can be anything, not necessarily political.

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24   marcus   2020 May 29, 2:29pm  

Patrick says
BTW, if anyone wants to read the Heartiste site from the beginning, here is the first post:


There is definitely some good stuff there, I'll have to find more time to read it. Saw one on doulbe standards in the next month that was great.
25   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 May 29, 2:32pm  

RC2006 says
Elementary school from 30% to turning 99% hispanic with massive ESL, free lunch, poverty after 20yrs. Only being robbed by Hispanics and blacks. Looking at family photos of LA from the 30s on up.

Yep seen that
26   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 May 29, 2:33pm  

This one was an epiphany. In CA you can criticize America, government, flag, everyone, everything, except gays. Those are untouchable upper class.
27   komputodo   2020 May 29, 9:03pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
This one was an epiphany. In CA you can criticize America, government, flag, everyone, everything, except gays. Those are untouchable upper class.

Your list is way too short...you can't criticize blacks, fat people, trannies, climate change fanatics, #metoo women, muslims, the clintons, obama...I'm sure I'm missing some.
28   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 29, 9:07pm  

Patrick says
Patrick says
BTW, if anyone wants to read the Heartiste site from the beginning, here is the first post:


Endless Dating has actually continued into Marriage as well. Before it was a simple gift on a birthday or anniversary. Then it turned into "Spend lots of money every Friday night or you deserve divorce."

The purpose of spending money on Courtship/Dating was A) To spend time to know each other and less likely (not foolproof) to avoid crazy and B) Prove you had disposable income, that could be used to support a family.

There should only be Fault (Abandonment, Adultery, Physical Abuse, or Incompetence, all of which must be a pattern rather than a handful of incidents over a long period of time) or Consent (Both parties have to mutually consent with total financial freedom, not guaranteed house and car transfers).

Also, perfect diversity of Gender and Ideology must be had by all Family Courts. No more 80% Lesbian Leftists.

No-Fault is always a disaster, be it auto-insurance or marriage, since it distorts incentives and rewards.
30   Ceffer   2020 May 29, 10:50pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Also, perfect diversity of Gender and Ideology must be had by all Family Courts. No more 80% Lesbian Leftists.

Good luck with that. Alameda County has at least one transgender judge that I know of, and you often see those transgender commentators on the libby news who are law professors at Stanford. Yup, you are going to get white line law, fairness, impartiality, and justice from them.
31   marcus   2020 May 29, 10:54pm  

Patrick says
goes too far to the right

Too far to the right for you ? I'm kind of curious what that looks like
32   Patrick   2020 May 29, 10:54pm  

Keep reading it.
33   HeadSet   2020 May 30, 7:04am  

marcus says
Patrick says
goes too far to the right

Too far to the right for you ? I'm kind of curious what that looks like

Pat as Right wing?

Right wing supports the working class by being against open borders and HxB abuse? Plus tariffs to stop outsourcing on manufacturing jobs? Doesn't like repressive ideologies like Islam? These used to be Democratic ideas.

Left wing is for open borders, HxB abuse Disney style, offshoring jobs and support of Islamists as a protected minority?
34   NDrLoR   2020 May 30, 8:11am  

NoCoupForYou says
No-Fault is always a disaster
and was prophetic coming in 1970 which was a disaster of a decade for everyone.
35   clambo   2020 May 30, 8:24am  

I have a few.

I worked for a small consulting company and they had been considered for some work by San Francisco.

To try to have proper “diversity” San Francisco has a “human rights” department look at contractors.

After looking at our personnel, San Francisco said: “This isn’t acceptable, you are all white males.”
“But, we have a lesbian and an Asian!”

I don’t think we got that contract.
36   marcus   2020 May 30, 9:10am  

HeadSet says
Left wing is for open borders

I've probably posted it a dozen times, showing how much Border security was increased during the Obama years.

It's a lie to sell something thats popular in both parties. I'll admit Trump is a good salesman/ conman.
37   epitaph   2020 May 30, 9:10am  

Taxes don't fund the government.
38   Onvacation   2020 May 30, 9:15am  

marcus says
That is the segment of the country that is either so hateful, ignorant and gullible that they would buy his con and lie to themselves becasue their underlying hate and fears are so strong, or the others that are unapologetic and don't even lie to themselves about their racism.

That does explain why people would vote for Biden...
39   Patrick   2020 May 30, 10:47am  

HeadSet says
Right wing supports the working class by being against open borders and HxB abuse? Plus tariffs to stop outsourcing on manufacturing jobs? Doesn't like repressive ideologies like Islam? These used to be Democratic ideas.

Left wing is for open borders, HxB abuse Disney style, offshoring jobs and support of Islamists as a protected minority?

I agree of course. Democrats have become something so completely alien to their own past that they can't even recognize support for labor anymore, much less actually support labor. So we get the amazing spectacle of a Republican president taking over all of the Democrats' old positions and driving them insane by pointing out their failures.

Maybe the real source of the Democratic conniptions over Trump is that they know he's basically right about trade, borders, labor, but would be too humiliated to admit it.

Pity Trump stopped telling the truth about Islam after that first visit to Saudi Arabia. So we are back to the situation where no one from either party represents the US in that respect.
40   HeadSet   2020 May 30, 11:43am  

marcus says
HeadSet says
Left wing is for open borders

I've probably posted it a dozen times, showing how much Border security was increased during the Obama years.

Yes, and that "Border Security" is a red herring. More likely that extra manpower was used to gather and bring the illegals to custody for catch and release, as opposed to letting them die in the desert. After all, Obama sued Arizona to stop Arizona from enforcing federal immigration law. Even so, Dem politicians today are all for open borders with enticements like sanctuary cities, catch and release, in state tuition, driver's licenses for illegals, voting in local elections, and even Newsome style direct payments. Dem politicians also do everything they can to hamper ICE.
41   marcus   2020 May 30, 12:16pm  

HeadSet says
Dem politicians today are all for open borders with enticements like sanctuary cities, catch and release, in state tuition, driver's licenses for illegals, voting in local elections, and even Newsome style direct payments. Dem politicians also do everything they can to hamper ICE.

This only confirms my contention that all Trump Cultists lie to themselves constantly. Same things with the defenses I hear from all the other Trump Cultists on this forum.

Even among all early Presidential contenders it was only about half. In congress and state governments, it's way way less.

42   HeadSet   2020 May 30, 1:24pm  

This only confirms my contention that all Trump Cultists lie to themselves constantly.

No, you are lying to yourself. Here in VA, the first thing the new Dem majority did was enable sanctuary cities and driver's licenses for illegals. Your Gov Newsome actually did authorize payment for illegals, and CA is strong on sanctuary cities and other methods to protect illegals for deportation. Why do you try to deny the obvious, and try to convince others that Dems are not pro illegal immigration (along with some Repubs, I may add)?
43   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 May 30, 1:26pm  

Another fun epiphany. Doctors take oath to save lives, it’s called Socratic oath. During pandemic you can’t find a doctor, they don’t want to see patients.

What happened to that oath?
44   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 May 30, 1:27pm  

BLM says they care about blacks, but all they do is burn neighborhoods and empty sloganeering. Don’t do much about Chicago killings either. Doesn’t sound like they actually care. Only organized protests for political gain.
45   Patrick   2023 Jan 8, 9:15pm  


Sometimes you meet people that you feel in your heart that you were always meant to encounter. That happened to me when I met a British conservative while traveling in Madrid as he red-pilled me, changing the trajectory of my life.

In October 2018, I was bouncing around Europe by myself & Madrid was one of my stops on vacation. Prior to setting up my trip, I thought I checked to see if one of my favorite teams, Real Madrid, was playing but saw they were playing away that weekend. ...

After the game was over, the beautiful sunny weather suddenly turned into a torrential downpour. With no umbrella & being far from my hostel, I decided to stay & watch the next game. Since I was staying, I sat next to a couple who would become highly influential in my life.

The guy was from Manchester but had been living in Spain for years. His girlfriend was born in the Madrid area. As the game was going on, we chatted about a variety of topics and he was a pleasant guy. After the game was over, we exchanged numbers & continued talking for daily.

For weeks we would talk & I had no idea about his personal politics until one day the topic of Brexit came about. He explained that he was in favor of Brexit happening. I was intrigued as to why because the US media had framed Brexit as being about racism & hatred of foreigners.

Yet he's been nothing but kind to me and pleasant, far from someone I would even consider as being racist. So, in good faith, I asked him why. He said, "The United States would never allow an outside governing body to tell it what to do".

For him, it was about sovereignty and getting rid of foreign bureaucracy, not hatred of any sort. He outlined a conservative perspective that I had never heard in the U.S. mainstream media and it was one of those red-pill moments as I realized I was missing an entire perspective.

For weeks, we would exchange ideas, recommend podcast episodes and go on audiobook binges. I became highly interested in learning more about conservatism and that's when he introduced me to Thomas Sowell.

I realized how an entire political perspective was hidden from me by the media and how I really didn't know any conservatives personally to gauge their perspective on the world around them. Some of the people I was told to dislike, I learned more about & found fascinating.

I was only able to learn from him because I had good faith in him as an individual and he didn't try to force me to accept all of his positions. We just talked like two people who respected each other.
46   GNL   2023 Jan 9, 2:19am  

Patrick says

I was confused for a long time about women and why exactly they behave like they do, so different from men. Then I ran across https://heartiste.org/ (That link is the archive from after it was banned by Wordpress for too much truth-telling.

Can you point out which article?
47   Shaman   2023 Jan 9, 8:26am  

Marcus said, “ This only confirms my contention that all Trump Cultists lie to themselves constantly. Same things with the defenses I hear from all the other Trump Cultists on this forum.”

I wonder if @marcus is still alive? I figure he’s one who would have tried super hard to vax himself to death while pushing for longer lockdowns and no in-person school 4EVA!
48   NDrLoR   2023 Jan 9, 8:55am  

Patrick says

he introduced me to Thomas Sowell
Film maker David Hoffman, now 81, has been making documentaries about social upheavals for 50 years or more. A recent one on inner city violence during the 60's prompted these exchanges when Thomas Sowell's name was mentioned:

21 hours ago
Thomas Sowell is a good recommendation for Dave if he's not already aware of his works.

Thomas Sowell is a terrible reference.

18 hours ago
@fbaallied why?

9 hours ago
@solaireofastora8609 Why? Because his "theories" about "Black failure" are laughably flawed and contradictory.

7 hours ago
Sowell's entire career is going to colleges, debating people, and when people disagree about the gutting the public sector for the private sector, he does his stock "Well what do you know" and then leaves

6 hours ago
@solaireofastora8609 Because Sowell confidently makes claims without establishing the causal basis for those claims.

To give an example: he once noted that labor force participation amongst black Americans between 1880-1950 was slightly higher than that of white Americans. After the passage of minimum wage and union laws, it halved. He blames these laws without once establishing a causal connection.

He fails to account for the fact that, as a result of suburbanization and technological changes, the U.S. economy was becoming increasingly service and white-collar oriented after 1950. Black Americans were systemically locked out of the neighborhoods where much of the white-collar work force was being raised, educated, socialized, and trained into those positions. Black Americans were, therefore, more susceptible to disruptions in heavy industrial and blue collar work. If you have a demographic that is, more than average, clustered around industrial urban areas, and if those industrial jobs disappear as markets evolve, we would expect to see labor participation fall, regardless what is going on with unionization and the minimum wage. But because attacking unions and the minimum wage (and the idea that they create "dependency") are part of Sowell's overall ideology, they feature foremost in his analysis.

5 hours ago
@fbaallied not at all. He is spot on. I’d bet a massive amount of money you’ve never read one of his books, listened to more than tiny, edited clips of any of his long form interviews.

49   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 9, 9:02am  

For me, although I always tend to gravitate toward the independent underdog candidates in every election I voted in. I did consider my self a Democrat, as default because I was raised as one. My Dad was a Democrat that called them as he saw them. Although he considered himself a Democrat and nothing more. He cautioned about Liberals, Socialist, and Communist. Which he considered all the same ideology just gradient degrees of it. Communists being the high point, and Liberals being the start of the slippery slope.
I never saw what he meant by these distinctions. I figured Democrats were Democrats, and Commies were commies. It wasn't until 2008 the Obama election that I saw how vile and evil Democrats can be, and that there were full fledged Commies in their ranks, and it was going mainstream.
I was on Washington Square in Miami beach talking with a collogue and a group of friends that he invited, about a project I was working on and looking to partner up with others.
We were sitting there drinking beer, and having a blast talking about tech stuff, shop, and other work related topics. But when politics came up and I told the group I wasn't voting for Obama, that's when all of their demeanor changed. I wanted to vote for Ron Paul if he ran, they demanded I pledge my allegiance to Obama. I told them that I always voted independent, as I saw both parties back then as a Uniparty. I saw no difference between Obama and Bush. I told them I voted for Ralph Nader, and all hell broke lose.

It was as if they personally blamed ME for Al Gore losing to Bush. One wanted to come to blows and had to be held back.

It was that moment, that I realized there's no fucking way my father would have been a part of the new Democrats. I finally knew what he was cautioning me about all of those years. Those fucksticks are single handedly responsible for red pilling against the Democrat party, and I'll never vote Democrat for as long as I live. And if a Trumptonian candidate ever slips into the Democrat party. I will only view him with a skeptic eye, the same way folks tried to warn Trump supporters that Trump was going to pull a bait and switch. Say he's for Make America great again, but get in there and become Benito Mussolini.

As I watched ANTIFA and BLM play out, it was if I was watching those same bastards 8 years earlier on Miami Beach.

What got me the most they weren't even American AMERICAN, one was Indian or Pakistani decent, two were from a Latin Country somewhere, and the guy from work was Israeli. That hurt me the most.
50   ElYorsh   2023 Jan 9, 9:29am  

The last paragraph describes most new home buyers in San Diego in my experience. It's hard to see how these fucksticks (I like how you referred to them) are ruining San Diego. They are creating tribes.
51   Patrick   2023 Jan 26, 1:41pm  

GNL says

Patrick says

I was confused for a long time about women and why exactly they behave like they do, so different from men. Then I ran across https://heartiste.org/ (That link is the archive from after it was banned by Wordpress for too much truth-telling.

Can you point out which article?

@GNL Most of it. Just page after page of enlightenment from Heartiste and the from the comments.
52   Patrick   2023 Jan 26, 1:43pm  


Growing up without my father, there were many things that took me decades to figure out as a man. Now that my son is a teenager, I'm passing on a crucial lesson to approach life & relationships:

Don't be a nice guy, be a polite guy. There is a difference.

If there was a phrase that stung the most as a teenager, it was when girls would call me a "nice guy". I used to believe the objective was to be a nice guy and I couldn't comprehend why my nice guy status was a detriment.

I remember one girl looked at me with a semi-revolting look on her face as she told me "you're too nice...", which as a young man was one of the most confusing moments to endure. I was raised to respect women through action & rhetoric. So, why was I being punished for it?

On the other end, I couldn't understand how the guys who were completely indifferent towards women were getting all of them to trip over themselves to get a date with them. I was friends with one of these guys & he gave me a tip: "Act like you don't care".

My younger brain couldn't understand this concept of wanting to date a woman but acting like you don't care. I thought the whole point was to show that you care, so his advice didn't seem applicable to someone like myself who couldn't help but care.

After many failed relationships throughout my 20s and into my early 30s, I would always try to find what I'm doing wrong so I won't repeat it with my next partner. But the one area that I didn't fully change was my nice guy behavior.

So what was my nice guy behavior? Buying flowers for a first or second date. Communicating too much with them too early on. Overextending myself to please them. Providing them unearned praise as an attempt to make them feel better. Avoiding taking the lead in decision-making.

It wasn't until my mid 30s when I fully grasped what I was doing wrong and understood why it was wrong. My nice guy behavior sent all the wrong signals about myself and I completely understand why women were rejecting me now: I appeared desperate.

Women don't want a desperate guy because a desperate man signals that he's low value. Why would a woman want a guy that other women don't want? Women want a man who is confident enough to take the lead. She wants you to plan the date, not hold a conference.

Actions like flowers on a 1st or 2nd date could give a signal of manipulation because she's getting unearned rewards and that's off-putting for them. In her head, this guy is trying too hard to get her to like him, and then she's asking the question "Why?".

The YouTube manosphere talks a lot about male-to-female dynamics but they don't talk enough about the female perception of men's behavior & the social signaling men give off to women.

You can get all the money & lift weights but if your interactions or mannerisms are off-putting to quality women, it won't matter for long-term relationship success. You attract what you put out, so if you put out low-value signal waves, you'll tend to get low-value partners.

Was I desperate? Probably, sometimes. Did I need to work on my confidence? Yes. When my friend said "Don't care", he meant don't pedestalize them and focus on yourself. Focusing on them means you're attempting to trick them when you actually want them to be attracted to you.

So I stopped being a 'nice guy' and became a 'polite guy'. I focused on building myself up, becoming a better man than I was the day before and that attracted my now wife, a quality woman.

Hopefully, my son applies this lesson so won't struggle as I did.
53   mell   2023 Jan 26, 1:59pm  

There are many hard truths. Growing up hearing about how most dominant men were assholes and abusers I realized how few of them are out there. By the pareto principle 80% of the relationship dynamics in the network were a cucked man with the woman walking all over him. For the 20% that weren't they were quickly branded as assholes, abusers, regularly beating their wives (lies). Except for that happened maybe in 0.5% of them, the rest were simply red pilled men. 80% of abuse cases are womyn on men (they are also more likely to damage their kids), not vice versa. Be like those red pilled men, don't be afraid to be forceful if really necessary.
54   mell   2023 Jan 26, 2:04pm  

Another one: All womynz think their kids can be raised without force yet being taken out to restaurants at earliest ages such as between 1-3 years without annoying everyone else. This is one of the few areas were the French used to get it right. Of course their famous well behaved kids have been romanticized by the storytellers in the US. When you point out that their success is based on one simple basis: early spankings, womynz get all hoes mad at you. But it's the truth. Kids in early ages are instinctive creatures much like animals and if they don't fear their parents a little they will walk all over them, like womynz walk over their men. If you don't want your kid to become a useless antifa tool disrespecting and shitting on everything great men built, show them your force and strength, make them respect their father. No means no and yes means yes. No exceptions. When they are old enough to negotiate and understand danger and reason, law and order and rule of law, then you can relax those rules a bit. They will thank you later.
55   mell   2023 Jan 26, 2:11pm  

On the last subject, all womynz in the US (wife included) do that stupid spelling out words they don't want their kids to hear so they don't throw a fit of they can't get it immediately. Whenever I hear them do this crap and I'm at a table with them and their brood, I immediately repeat the "forbidden" word. "Oh you're craving some candy? Why don't you have some?" "Oh I would love to take a bath now". They sometimes get hoes mad, then I explain to them that kids need to grow up knowing they can't always have what they want, or what their parents are having, esp. not right away. You don't bend the world for your kids, you teach them real world instead. Best way to avoid raising leftoids. lol
56   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 26, 2:33pm  

I used to think the old guys were full of shit when they were like "You gotta tell her to shut up" "Say No almost all the time when she asked"

Looking back on all my STRs, LTRs, FWBs, and one wife, I can say this is universally true.

When you tell them no, if there was a sound effect for a gurgling swamp, you could almost hear it.

Ah Sheri, the gal who shagged my 20 year old ass like a minx in heat, made plates of food, cleaned my place. For a chick to bang a 20 year old guy until his dick is sore and he needs a freakin' cold damp cloth on his Dong is quite a feat. After a few months I was like "I got it good. I like this chick, she Fs me like a Minx, makes me food without me saying a word, even sweeps my floors when she comes over. I'll get her a little something."

And little it was, just a heart-shaped box of chocolates and some gas station flowers. Now that I know what I know, her desire literally ended the moment I said "Wow, you're great, here's a little something from me." you could hear the tumbleweeds in the desert. At the time I figured she had a stomache ache or time of the month or some shit. I didn't buy her something outrageous like jewelry nor did I simp out and get on my knees and profess my love, I didn't even use the word. I got her a F'ing chocolate box. The sex immediately dropped in quantity and quality and in a few weeks it was all over.

Not my first FWB, either, so I knew it wasn't me moving too fast; never has an FWB sexbombed and did ultra love stuff like sweep, clean, cook as well as shag me silly. I think other than some ice cream or sharing a pizza, I never spent a time on her. She just saw me as some kind of bad ass, but the moment I looked even a little like a boyfriend (Whoosh, sound of dry arctic air over the Tundra in Winter).

57   Patrick   2023 Jan 26, 2:52pm  

Years after the fact, I found out my wife was first interested in me when she saw my hot girlfriend. That's some Red Pill proof right there.
59   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 26, 3:51pm  

Patrick says

Years after the fact, I found out my wife was first interested in me when she saw my hot girlfriend. That's some Red Pill proof right there.

Patrick with the Social Proof.
60   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jan 26, 4:37pm  

when fucking cdc said that benefits of protests outweigh covid dangers. instantly knew it was all bullshit
61   Onvacation   2023 Jan 26, 5:02pm  

mell says

hoes mad

Learn something new everyday on patnet. From Urban Dictionary:

Hoes Mad
A phrasal meme originating from Famous Dex's 2015 track "Hoes Mad."

It is generally used when females are expressing anger in an irrational manner.
Bro 1: Dude my girlfriends been going crazy for no fucking reason as of late
Bro 2: It's OK dude, hoes mad, now let's go smoke some weed.
by sinmeister2002 May 9, 2019
62   mell   2023 Jan 26, 5:04pm  

Onvacation says

mell says

hoes mad

Learn something new everyday on patnet. From Urban Dictionary:

Hoes Mad
A phrasal meme originating from Famous Dex's 2015 track "Hoes Mad."

It is generally used when females are expressing anger in an irrational manner.
Bro 1: Dude my girlfriends been going crazy for no fucking reason as of late
Bro 2: It's OK dude, hoes mad, now let's go smoke some weed.
by sinmeister2002 May 9, 2019

It's actually a quite catchy tune. Some gold YouTube comments suggest famous dex was ahead of his time, foreseeing the abortion and vagina walks/riots, trigglypuff, the "woman" whose eyeballs are coming out in rage on campus, and many more hoes mad incidents ;)

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