New theme for this site: "Civil Debate"

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2020 Jun 2, 10:00am   3,457 views  169 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

I'm very tired of the hate in partisan politics, and want to have productive discussions with people of good will on how we can improve life in the US and around the world.

So no more pictures of Trump as an insane clown or talk of his being raped by Putin. That does not address his policies specifically and helps nothing. It just divides us.

And no more phrases like "liberals". That immediately eliminates the possibility of a liberal wanting to have a polite discussion of his point of view here. Again, it just divides us.

We need unity, not more division. E pluribus unum.

I'm just going to flag posts and comments I find to be stirring up hate and division. Don't worry, you'll know what that means, and the author will be able to click the "edit" button to see just what it was that got the post or comment flagged. It will be clear and fair.

Yes, it's a kind of censorship, but my hope is that it will make this site more useful to people of good will who really want to understand their fellow citizens and improve life. While the MSM routinely censors "offensive" ideas like the Red Pill theory, or our innate differences by sex and race, I'm not going to do that. All ideas are still open for discussion in a civil manner. The tag-line "Freedom to Offend" was not being understood as I intended. It seemed to be generating posts that were deliberately and angrily offensive.

Sorry if it seems like the food-fight is over. Everyone is still very welcome to have their say, just treat others as you would wish to be treated, including other political parties and public figures, and you'll still be able to make any point you want.

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48   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 1:51pm  

Oh boy, do I have a suggestion for you @Patrick

Allow downvotes in two modes:

1) just the way they are
2) the downvotes only count if there's a response from the person who downvoted it.

Also controlled by an option button.

Upvotes are easy - I read something I agree with, yeah, not much to say.

But a downvote - if I disagree with it, I won't very often downvote it unless I explain WHY I disagree with it. If somebody got 30 downvotes but all the responses were trivial arguments like "you don't know what you're talking about" - you can see that the people downvoting it really isn't putting any effort into thinking about what was said.

I'll sometimes downvote a post I just consider "stupid", like somebody calling people Redumblicans or Demonrats. It's my way of telling them I wish they'd go away.

This is also not patented - but perhaps could be.
49   marcus   2020 Jun 2, 1:55pm  

rd6B says
I don't think those are equivalent


rd6B says
If we start color coding everything, hiding posts under warnings

I know what you mean about it being small. But wouldn't it be fun to see it grow ? Maybe Patrick finally cashes in a little ?

The color coding was just for some page with a list of articles. And the reason was to counter the affect of up and down voting if the political unbalance of the site made the list too right wing. Because liberal perspectives get down voted so far that the whole point of providing popular points of view is lost. ) That goes against the idea of growing the site and also the idea of even having it be a site for for good civil discourse. More balance would improve the site.
50   AD   2020 Jun 2, 1:59pm  


jazz_music says
Oligarchy keeps winning by keeping us from activism, divided.

What do you mean by activism ?

Did you not witness NY Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, etc. all gush over Obama from 2008 to 2016 ?

Don't tell me he did not achieve the goals of activism. Look at his coal policies for example, as well as support for renewable energy.

51   AD   2020 Jun 2, 2:01pm  

richwicks says
Allow downvotes in two modes:

I'll automatically downvote the reply someone makes to justify their downvote of my original post.
52   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 2, 2:14pm  

The Left is trying to undermine everything about America. They spread lies like "I can see Russia from my House" "White Supremacists are Fine People" and the Media repeats them, suddenly "forgetting" to Fact Check.

Let me know when Polifact/WaPo fact checks Biden saying You can't be Black if you don't vote for me.
53   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 2:17pm  

So Freedom has been removed from the theme.

Technically, yes. The word "freedom" is no longer there. It was abused.

You're still totally free to civilly advocate any idea you want. Just don't for example openly wish for the deaths of all Republicans. That's not civil. It's hostile and doesn't help anyone debate anything. It divides us.
54   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 2:19pm  

rd6B says
hiding posts under warnings, or deleting posts because of nebulous "good will", then site will change for worse, I think.

Well, let's see what happens.

It's something I just have to try. The riots convinced me that we are getting nowhere with the partisan tribalism fomented by the media.
55   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 2:23pm  

NoCoupForYou says
the problem when about half of people are for civil discourse and the other half is win by any means, it doesn't end well for the civil discourse folks.

I'm not sure. Being civil lends some weight to any argument.

Hostility betrays insecurity, and undermines an argument.
56   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 2:27pm  

jazz_music says
covid_shmovid says
what kind of "activism" you propose we do together, united?

Whatever it takes.

Maybe online petitions which spread virally as you ask your friends to sign. And then the exact names of our Congressmen who vote for or against them, resulting in voter guides on fundamental issues.

If the petitions are very simply worded and clearly in the public interest, then Congressmen who vote against them could have some serious headwind against getting re-elected.

But sure, there are many possibilities.
57   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 2:29pm  

richwicks says
2) the downvotes only count if there's a response from the person who downvoted it.

Yes, with civility rules this could be good. Maybe "dislike" should require a comment to explain why. So you click dislike, and it puts a quote of that comment in the comment box starting with: "Patrick disliked: ..."
58   WookieMan   2020 Jun 2, 2:30pm  

jazz_music says
You get to beef up enforcement and eliminate laws that bar defacto acts of martial law and unconstitutional use of the American military power against Americans.

Serious question. Where has this happened? Think about it.
59   mell   2020 Jun 2, 2:31pm  

WookieMan says
jazz_music says
You get to beef up enforcement and eliminate laws that bar defacto acts of martial law and unconstitutional use of the American military power against Americans.

Serious question. Where has this happened? Think about it.

Mostly only in leftoid states and counties. Regressive Left = modern brownshirts
60   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 2, 2:33pm  

Why don't you weigh people's comments?

Starting from the post, if it's vitriolic then it gets a low weighing score.
Based on words you want to limit now. If a thread with a negative score, only and idiot would argue in such a thread.

Then you could have a Scale in each users profile they can adjust the lowest score they want to see in their feed.
61   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 2:33pm  

marcus says
The color coding was just for some page with a list of articles.

Maybe with a toggle so you don't have your opinion of a link literally "colored" before you read it.

First, I think I can automatically create that list of links without too much effort. Then I'll work on colorization and other things. It's kinda hard being employed full time and adding features here. I have to concentrate all day on technical problems for work, and then at 5pm, all I really want is a glass of wine, which is not conducive to getting any personal projects done.
62   WookieMan   2020 Jun 2, 2:36pm  

jazz_music says
Emergency powers act needs to be struck down because it provides a framework for those things I mentioned and even worse.

Then strike it down? Not sure your point. Trump is not a dictator and you might want to start giving shit to your legislators. They pass the bills that the POTUS signs. Crocodile tears should start there.
63   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 2:36pm  

Is that possible with RepCons?

We're not communicating very well.

I'm trying to avoid exactly that kind of partisan division.

We should be unified against our common enemy, The People's Front of Judea!

(Life of Brian, lots of good points about politics and division.)
64   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 2:39pm  

ad says
Trump is in their way, and his supporters are the American Left's target.

Never forget, we've been fooled before.

Talk is cheap. Remember Hope and Change, after the last asshole lied us into a war over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program? Most people interpreted Hope and Change to hold Bush accountable, end these stupid wars, and start dealing with the problems in the United States.

What did we get?

Well, it became illegal not to carry health insurance whether you could pay for it or not, we had a national discussion on transgendered bathrooms, and we began to bomb Pakistan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.

And we got a national discussion on transgendered bathrooms!

Remember, what you are TOLD has been accomplished is just what you've been told. Have you personally seen a reduction in illegal immigration? Are we really ending our trade partnership with China? Is the 2nd amendment really secure?

Everybody got nice big checks - sure we didn't just get Universal Basic Income?

Don't get me wrong, I have HOPE - but I have no faith. I hope you're right but better have plan B, C, D, E, F.
65   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 2:40pm  

Patrick says
We should be unified against our common enemy, The People's Front of Judea!

66   mell   2020 Jun 2, 2:43pm  

Patrick says
rd6B says
hiding posts under warnings, or deleting posts because of nebulous "good will", then site will change for worse, I think.

Well, let's see what happens.

It's something I just have to try. The riots convinced me that we are getting nowhere with the partisan tribalism fomented by the media.

The problem is that the people out protesting and exhibiting TDS are in reality protesting that life isn't fair. Everything that happens to them, be it because they're ugly or unsuccessful is somebody else's fault. You will hardly ever find good looking or successful people protesting nonsense except for some womyn who are attention whores and get even more attention when protesting that just for their good looks or success. 90% of social media is attention whoring and fake claims of leading a better and more meaningful life than others, and if you get pwned it's somebody else's fault. They externalize everything and are hollow and angry inside. Despite all the robber barons and fatcats people had never had it better wrt standard of living than ever since the dawn of mankind. I try not to but somewhat despise these virtue sniveling protesters. The cops will be brought to justice but at the end of the day it was a totally insignificant event. Despite the world being safer than ever for everyone there are risks every day from viruses to bad cops to cars that are so insignificant risks for everyone that the vast majority dies of heart attack or cancer after living a life with all the (too much) food they ever needed, shelter and a safety net better than ever. These protests are utter bullshit and so is TDS. I don't care if there's incivility I just ignore useless debates and bait. Not worth the time
67   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 2:44pm  

Can I no longer say Fuck Scum RepCons in this new site of no Freedom.

That's right.

Maybe you can come up with something unifying instead of divisive.

There are many ideas that we will never agree on. The left and the right have different ways of approaching governance, based on contrasting philosophies. But many of the ultimate goals — economic prosperity, better health care and education, etc. — are the same. We just don’t share the same vision of how to achieve them.
- Dan Crenshaw
68   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 2:45pm  

Maybe the main thing should be unifying vs divisive. That may be even more important than civility.
69   mell   2020 Jun 2, 2:55pm  

Agreed but we need to also establish ideas to discuss that are worth everyone's time and input. For example discussing mandatory body cameras on cops and protocols for other officers witnessing malpractice without even mentioning race as it is neither part of the problem nor the solution would be a thread that could be discussed rationally and without unscientific distractions.
70   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 2, 3:00pm  

Patrick says
Maybe the main thing should be unifying vs divisive. That may be even more important than civility.

Sorry Pat, that can't happen until at a minimum, we get control back of education from Intersectionals.

K-12 literally teaches that unity is Evil Whiteness and that every non-White group must be encouraged not to assimiliate, but all Whites must endorse (but not culturally appropriate or ignore)
71   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 3:07pm  

ad says
richwicks says
Allow downvotes in two modes:

I'll automatically downvote the reply someone makes to justify their downvote of my original post.

That's silly - what if they are correct and you were wrong?

If they are incorrect, you have to explain it, in order to do a downvote - in that mode. Maybe have 2 downvote counts.

If a post has 100 downvotes but no responses to it explaining why they are wrong, that tells me somebody is right over target. It doesn't convince me they are wrong. This is true of many people, and why downvotes were eliminated on many sites - like youtube (t least for comments). Now I can't tell where the average population is just outright wrong about something on youtube in a comment.

A thousand downvotes and one upvote and no explanation of why what was said is wrong, tells me it was right over the mark, and it just blew 1000 minds and they are upset and angry. It tells me one person had the courage to agree despite it being very unpopular.

That's why both counts should be kept.
72   marcus   2020 Jun 2, 3:07pm  

marcus says
More balance would improve the site.

Another option might be letting people post links directly to that list, where it could be voted up or down. The interesting thing is that ones that both sides agree on would go to the top of the list, becasue neither side is downvoting it much. Achieving one of your goals - impacting politics and the world with ideas we can agree on.

Hence anonymously posting to the list is good so that it doesn't get downvoted just becasue of the source. Who knows, maybe some reads I give more of a chance if I don't know who the asshole is that posted it (just kidding).
73   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 3:10pm  

jazz_music says
How does following a cult make you qualified to diagnose all non-cultists as deranged as soon as you criticize the demigod leader?

How is this constructive communication?

You're making an assumption that it's a cult, and people would follow Tump into the gates of hell. If Trump bombs Iran, he's dead to me, and a lot of other people.

What makes you certain that all people who oppose Trump are "non cultists" - certainly some seem to qualify. They complain about his racism, his misogyny, his hair, his skin color - who cares? Complain about a policy, or I don't care.

And demigod? The only thing I think that he's done that is really useful is that he's discredited our horrible, poor, propaganda system. If anything, he's a preacher waking them up from the false religion of "mainstream media". Find that weapons of mass destruction program? It's the same place where the Russian Collusion is.

You're projecting a lot of venom on people. The main reason I like Trump, for example, is he's not started a new war. I'm not hard to please, but the last time we had a president that didn't start a new war in his first term was Jimmy Carter. I was 9 when he left office. I get tired of people calling me a "fanatic" or something similar just because I'm overjoyed about not starting up another war to steal shit in my name, with my tax money. Tired of this murderous government keeping us in endless wars.
74   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 3:14pm  

jazz_music says
From the same article in Quora


What does that have to do with the topic? Why are you posting it in this thread?
75   mell   2020 Jun 2, 3:16pm  

richwicks says
jazz_music says
From the same article in Quora


What does that have to do with the topic? Why are you posting it in this thread?

Agreed nothing to do with it
76   GNL   2020 Jun 2, 3:18pm  

I vote to moderate VERY CAREFULLY.

Have a line that people can't cross (I suggest to block anyone who consistently denigrates the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights), give X number of warnings and then block their IP address.
77   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 3:19pm  

mell says
richwicks says
jazz_music says
From the same article in Quora


What does that have to do with the topic? Why are you posting it in this thread?

Agreed nothing to do with it

Maybe he just posted in the wrong place - I've done that before.
78   GNL   2020 Jun 2, 3:19pm  

Sorry to bring up another blog, but I love the way The Burning Platform moderates. Anything goes. Commentators beat the hell out of each other and the odiots tend to slink away.
79   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 3:23pm  

WineHorror1 says
I vote to moderate VERY CAREFULLY.

Have a line that people can't cross (I suggest to block anyone who consistently denigrates the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights), give X number of warnings and then block their IP address.

Oh come on!

Part of Freedom of Speech is to identify who the nuts are after all.

Somebody talking crap about the Bill of rights and Constitution - if you can't explain to them how wrong they are, you haven't thought too much about history.

Some fool talking about ending 1st amendment rights - fine - that means they can live as non human animals, who can never complain about our condition and have to accept a religion called Scientology and be required to tithe to this church 15% of our income and go to services every day. It's the law!

BTW - we lost 4th amendment rights with the Patriot Act. That's gone.
80   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 3:28pm  

mell says
Agreed but we need to also establish ideas to discuss that are worth everyone's time and input. For example discussing mandatory body cameras on cops and protocols for other officers witnessing malpractice without even mentioning race as it is neither part of the problem nor the solution would be a thread that could be discussed rationally and without unscientific distractions.

I would disagree because who is to determine what subject is worth somebody's time?

Here's a suggestion though - let us mute (ignore) topics on the main page. For example (and no offense to the person posting it)


I will never contribute to that thread, and I'm not particularly interested in the topic, but it shows up because people keep posting to it. I don't personally have any input for it, and I'm not particularly interested in what input is sent to it. I'd just like to be able to ignore entire topics of discussion.

But also, be able to turn them back on with a click. I like the idea of "world mode" and "my mode".
81   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 3:31pm  

jazz_music says
richwicks says
What does that have to do with the topic? Why are you posting it in this thread?
A direct response to the question from wookieman.

I always do some sort of a quote, even something like this:

In response to jazz_music's earlier post

So people are able to easily reference the flow of thinking. Nobody is going to go through this entire thread to find out what you MIGHT have been responding to, so you're essentially talking to just one person - maybe 2 but presenting it to everybody.
82   mell   2020 Jun 2, 3:48pm  

richwicks says
mell says
Agreed but we need to also establish ideas to discuss that are worth everyone's time and input. For example discussing mandatory body cameras on cops and protocols for other officers witnessing malpractice without even mentioning race as it is neither part of the problem nor the solution would be a thread that could be discussed rationally and without unscientific distractions.

I would disagree because who is to determine what subject is worth somebody's time?

Here's a suggestion though - let us mute (ignore) topics on the main page. For example (and no offense to the person posting it)


I will never contribute to that thread, and I'm not particularly interested in t...

Nobody needs to determine if a thread is worthy but if you start such a thread you can basically say that you will delete all posts containing race amd ban the person from the thread if necessary so you can keep a scientific and rational discussion that leads to solution and ideas instead of blaming the boogeyman.
83   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 3:51pm  

Patrick says
richwicks says
2) the downvotes only count if there's a response from the person who downvoted it.

Yes, with civility rules this could be good. Maybe "dislike" should require a comment to explain why. So you click dislike, and it puts a quote of that comment in the comment box starting with: "Patrick disliked: ..."

I think that is a too much of a burden. This is why I suggested categories.

Doing a written explanation of what is wrong with a post is tedious. A

"don't call people stupid" or
"don't use vulgarity" or
"don't XXX"

in a pull down menu - maybe.

Even that is a lot of work.

But then again anything other than:

You have violated our terms and services - please search through here to guess randomly which one of them you think it might be. If you do not think you have violated the terms and services, you may hire a lawyer of which we have 2,000 to argue in court.

We are an open platform.

Because that's just bullshit, and we all know it.
84   richwicks   2020 Jun 2, 3:58pm  

mell says
Nobody needs to determine if a thread is worthy but if you start such a thread you can basically say that you will delete all posts containing race and ban the person from the thread if necessary so you can keep a scientific and rational discussion that leads to solution and ideas instead of blaming the boogeyman.

Banning doesn't work. It creates a bubble, and it doesn't give the opportunity of the person who has been banned to reconsider their position.

And it's not that I want to obliterate entire discussions, I just would like the ability to hide them from myself since I have no input - this way I can keep track of conversations that I might be interested in.

I may also find that all the conversations I'm interested in, nobody else here is - so there needs to be a way to reverse it as well.
85   rocketjoe79   2020 Jun 2, 4:15pm  

I think this move is fine. I've blocked those I find offensive already. I started reading this site for Housing advice and news. It's morphed into an "anything" site, which has attracted trolls. I've called some of those posts out, and blocked the real trashy offenders. No biggie. I come here for alternative views anyway.
86   Patrick   2020 Jun 2, 4:31pm  

OK, I implemented a few things today:

- Now when any comment is flagged, you can always see it in the html source by doing a "view source" of the page and searching for <!--
It will be there in the html source as an html comment. This is kind of tedious, more work than clicking the button, and that's deliberate. It should be a little bit hard to read those comments so that they are not really part of the conversation, but it should be possible, which it is now.

- There is a new kind of flag called "divisive". Users will still just click "flag" and the comment will go into moderation, where a moderator (there are currently seven moderators, let me know if you'd like to be one) will classify it, or just approve it, undoing the flag.

- You can no longer just edit and save a comment to undo its flag. That was a bug.

Still going to work on jazz's idea of extracting links from posts.
87   GNL   2020 Jun 2, 4:33pm  

richwicks says
WineHorror1 says
I vote to moderate VERY CAREFULLY.

Have a line that people can't cross (I suggest to block anyone who consistently denigrates the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights), give X number of warnings and then block their IP address.

Oh come on!

Part of Freedom of Speech is to identify who the nuts are after all.

Somebody talking crap about the Bill of rights and Constitution - if you can't explain to them how wrong they are, you haven't thought too much about history.

Some fool talking about ending 1st amendment rights - fine - that means they can live as non human animals, who can never complain about our condition and have to accept a religion called Scientology and be required to tithe to this church 15% of our income and go to services every day. It's the law!

BTW - we lost 4th amendment rights with the Patriot Act. That's gone.

Actually, I don't think there should be any moderating or censoring on patrick.net. There are very few places on the internet where a person can say any damn thing they want anonymously. Free speech should be treasured.

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