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2020 Jun 6, 4:29pm   5,500 views  91 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Almost no one in the US discriminates against blacks just because they are black.

Most of what is called "racism" is just a statistically justified fear of crime. It's not fair to the individual black person when others avoid him out of fear, but it's also not fair to tell everyone else that they must significantly increase their personal risk of crime to be "anti-racist".

Poverty may cause crime, but crime also causes poverty. Businesses flee and there are fewer jobs and services in high-crime areas. No one wants to lend to start a business where that business is likely to be bankrupted due to crime, or burned down in the inevitable next riot. Black families are also impoverished by lawyers and other costs of dealing with the legal system when junior decides it's a good idea to pull a gun and gets caught. People with the means to move away from crime-ridden areas do so as soon as they can.

Probably most black crime is committed by a minority of very bad people. If those people can be permanently locked up, that would help everyone.

To say #BlackLivesMatter without talking about the much higher rate of black crime above the crime rates of all other groups is to ignore the fundamental problem.

#BlackCrimeMatters too, and must be spoken about if anything is to ever improve.

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52   Ceffer   2020 Jun 8, 6:43pm  

If whites were blacks, then blacks would really have something to worry about.
53   WookieMan   2020 Jun 9, 4:24am  

NoCoupForYou says
We just had the worst 24 hours of murder in Chicago History in 60 Years

All victims and perps Black.



Black Lives Don't Matter, unless it's one of the very rare Police Fatalities.

Stop your systemic racism. Blacks should be allowed to kill each other in abundance. Who are you to tell blacks not to kill each other?
54   RC2006   2020 Jun 9, 7:35am  

All those jobs gone. Who are those workers out of a job going to vote for?
56   Onvacation   2020 Jun 9, 9:43am  

jazz_music says
A brutal austerity has befallen America since Reagan's time

Oh come on. Nobody in America is starving. Even people that WANT to live in a cardboard box can get food easily. Most Americans have smart phones giving them access to a world of information and entertainment. Anyone that talks about the poverty and lack of "safety net" has never spent any time in the hammock that is the social services system we pay for today.

Anyone that wants to work can. Agreed that it can be brutal when you have no skills or work ethic. But one will never get skills or work ethic without trying. Bringing manufacturing jobs back from the polluting slave labor countries we have outsourced them to will help. A young man can choose to work hard and eventually become successful or be a lazy thug. Unfortunately the thug subculture, supported by mainstream media, is very appealing to young men with no fathers.

Where is this "brutal austerity" you talk of?
57   Onvacation   2020 Jun 9, 9:46am  

jazz_music says
Fuck this entire insane racial supremacy/inferiority con job.

With you there. Judge them on the content of their character not the color of their skin.
58   Onvacation   2020 Jun 9, 9:50am  

goofus says
There's something sick in encouraging structureless, fatherless "communities of color" through perverse benefits incentives, weak school discipline, and increasingly weak policing. It becomes Lord of the Flies when the 15-35 year old demographic controls the streets, unemployed, with criminal enterprises to fund their gangs (drugs, prostitution, gun-running).

The left, in retaining purity of heart, looks the other way on random acts of violence -- and then blames police or racism or anything but the perpetrators.

Excellent analysis!
59   Patrick   2020 Jun 9, 9:50am  

"Yes, someone is robbing my house."
"The police no longer exist."
"But someone is robbing my house!"
"Check your privilege."
60   REpro   2020 Jun 9, 4:56pm  

Presidential funeral happen to be for criminal Floyd.
Next: bronze statue in front of WH.
61   richwicks   2020 Jun 9, 5:40pm  

Patrick says

That information is not clear. It doesn't tell me if the labels of "black", "white" and "hispanic" are victims or perpetrators.
62   mell   2020 Jun 9, 6:06pm  

Patrick says
"Yes, someone is robbing my house."
"The police no longer exist."
"But someone is robbing my house!"
"Check your privilege."

lol even that could be a plot by the globalist billionaires. They can afford blackwater style mercenary security, and good luck trying that SJW BLM shit when blackwater starts shooting negroes and honkees left and right. They are untouchable and will happily shoot any protesters in the way as well while giving zero fucks about their triggered micro-aggressed feelings. People of any color will soon wish they had a police force with a few bad apples only like they had in the good old zomg! white privilege days.
63   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 9, 6:58pm  

mell says
Patrick says
"Yes, someone is robbing my house."
"The police no longer exist."
"But someone is robbing my house!"
"Check your privilege."

lol even that could be a plot by the globalist billionaires. They can afford blackwater style mercenary security, and good luck trying that SJW BLM shit when blackwater starts shooting negroes and honkees left and right. They are untouchable and will happily shoot any protesters in the way as well while giving zero fucks about their triggered micro-aggressed feelings. People of any color will soon wish they had a police force with a few bad apples only like they had in the good old zomg! white privilege days.

If there is no police, the neighborhood watch everywhere will become the neighborhood armed watch. And if someone gets caught doing something illegal, there will be triple-S treatment instead of today's catch-and-release SOP. People who didn't like that Aubery situation shouldn't wish for police to go away. But they are too stupid to understand that.

Imagine HOA with guns. Scary, huh?
64   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 9, 7:39pm  

"WhAt WiLl We RePlAcE ThE pOLiCe WiTh?!?!"

Social Workers. Crisis staff trained in de-escalation. Womens' shelters. Counsellors. Planned Parenthood. Therapists. Safe injection sites. Rehab. Community outreach. Night classes. Affordable health care. #ImagineSomethingDifferent— Simu Liu (@SimuLiu) June 9, 2020

This tweet is not sarcastic.

"911, what's your privilege?"
"Halp! Somebody just broke my window and they're climbing into my house. They look really messed up, keep talking about how they're gonna pop the purple smoke."
"Ma'am, first of all, it's extremely privileged that you can even call 911. You can let the troubled person with an emotional handicap and medical condition know that there is a safe injection site about 5 blocks from your home. Can you drive him there?"
65   ignoreme   2020 Jun 9, 8:08pm  

NoCoupForYou says
We just had the worst 24 hours of murder in Chicago History in 60 Years

Black community, it’s time to stop being slaves. Support your local police. Don’t let the Democrat establishment shame you into letting criminals hunt you down in the streets so that they can win an election.

If you think black lives matter (I do) demand police protection and prosecution of these murderers.
66   RC2006   2020 Jun 9, 8:19pm  

All dems are doing is promoting more thug behaviors by making a martyr out of a thug and promoting a white hate group. They want whites to dislike blacks and keep everyone divided under thier thumb because its the easiest way to control. It's a bonus that they incited so many millinials many of which are turning against their own family.
68   Patrick   2020 Jun 18, 8:50pm  

richwicks says
That information is not clear. It doesn't tell me if the labels of "black", "white" and "hispanic" are victims or perpetrators.

@richwicks this graph is clearer:

Again, most black people won't hurt you, but statistically, you're much more likely to be hurt by a black person than someone of any other race. This is also true for black people: they are much more likely to be hurt by another black person than by someone of any other race.

And this is a home-grown issue. Pretty sure that immigrant blacks from the Caribbean and Africa are not nearly as risky to be around. Ie, it's cultural with American blacks.
69   HeadSet   2020 Jun 19, 8:10am  

Actually, what BLM is protesting is even rarer. It is not "Black killed by Whites" but "Blacks killed by White Police."
72   Patrick   2020 Jun 22, 8:50am  

FuckCCP89 says

This is why people avoid black neighborhoods.
73   Patrick   2021 Nov 19, 10:45pm  


SHOCKING: Mostly-peaceful teens shout "We're black!" before they beat an Asian girl senseless on a Philly train

Jesse James
Nov 18th, 2021 9:23 am
I've been told this is neither racism nor violence, since these women are not white male members of the #Patriarchy:

[Warning: Language, Violence]

Can we put aside all the media's narratives on race in America for one moment and agree that this kind of thuggery, regardless of who you are, is unacceptable? ...

More deets:

The incident occurred on a Broad Street Line train near SEPTA's Erie Station around 3:30 p.m. Wednesday.

Video of the attack shows a group of teen girls repeatedly punching and screaming at another group of teens on the train. One of the attackers also punches, knocks over and repeatedly kicks a teen girl before slapping her with her shoe.

The attackers in the video are African American while the victims appear to be Asian or Asian American. Investigators have not said whether or not the attack was racially motivated or what led to the incident, only describing the victims as "students."

But speaking of the aforementioned mainstream media clowns, do you think they will report on these actual examples of violence to help us better understand problems in our cities and protect our fellow neighbor, or will they only report on it if it fits the divisive Narrative™?
74   HeadSet   2021 Nov 20, 9:19am  

Patrick says
Poverty may cause crime,

Poverty does not cause crime - that is a crock. There are plenty poor who never commit crimes, and plenty of middle class and rich folks who do.
75   Patrick   2021 Dec 3, 11:17pm  


How is this not racism? Black Lives Matter calls for boycott of all "white companies"

Jesse James
Dec 2nd, 2021 11:30 am
We used to have a term for people who targeted others based entirely on the subjective perception of skin color and ethnicity.
76   richwicks   2021 Dec 4, 1:01am  

Patrick says
How is this not racism? Black Lives Matter calls for boycott of all "white companies"

Who cares?

BLM is just a CIA op with a bunch of useful idiots that have to be paid for support. This is like the KKK calling for boycotts - nobody fucking cares about their statements, although our media will make much of it. In reality, they are irrelevant. Their only relevancy is that they aren't prosecuted by corrupt DAs, and that only happens because our voting system is corrupt.
77   HeadSet   2021 Dec 4, 7:52am  

Patrick says
Black Lives Matter calls for boycott of all "white companies"

Does that include looting only Black owned companies?
78   clambo   2021 Dec 4, 8:12am  

I have a fresh anecdote.
A black female friend was at a 7-11 store recently.
A black thug was annoyed by her looking at him.
(She’s hot, so I don’t understand his objection)
He had words with her and said she should have respect for him, that this was “his territory” and he was “a father”, he also said to her the famous “black lives matter!” at this time he pulled out a gun and pointed it at her.
She of course objected to this insanity and told him so.
She called the cops and Palm Beach County sheriff deputies came and searched the area, but didn’t find the perp.
They’re going to look at the security camera video to see if they can identify him.
Factoid: in Florida it is illegal to use a gun (use means anything from brandish to shoot) unless you or another person is in imminent danger of death or serious injury.
After she told me the story she said “I wish you were with me at the time, you take no shit.”
She knows that I can concealed carry in Florida and there’s always a piece in my car.
Funny how they forget feminism when they feel a threat.
80   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 25, 11:22am  

clambo says

Funny how they forget feminism when they feel a threat.

Selco said all Feminism in ex-Communist, very Feminist Yugoslavia disappeared within 24-48 hours of the siege of his city.

81   gabbar   2023 Apr 25, 1:16pm  

Patrick says

Please don't use "libtard". It's not anything we can have a reasonable discussion about, nor is "Trumptard".

Let's talk about policies and results, and general philosophies.

I second. Using libtard/truptard works in favor of those whose goal is to divide people.
82   richwicks   2023 Apr 25, 1:20pm  

Patrick says

Please don't use "libtard". It's not anything we can have a reasonable discussion about, nor is "Trumptard".

I would argue in favor of the use of Libshit though. That's just a liberal that has no actual liberal principles, but claims to have them. Nancy Pelosi and AOC are Libshits, so is Liz Cheney and Hillary Clinton. You know, warmongers that are indistinguishable from Neocons, because they ARE Neocons.
83   gabbar   2023 Apr 25, 1:21pm  

Patrick says

FuckCCP89 says

This is why people avoid black neighborhoods.

A couple of days back, a black dude tried to rob a gas station. When the employee tried to stop him, black dude shot him dead. I am close to this situation, I just can't forgive. No amount of justice is going to bring back this student who was trying to earn minimum wage to feed himself.
84   richwicks   2023 Apr 25, 1:41pm  

gabbar says

A couple of days back, a black dude tried to rob a gas station. When the employee tried to stop him, black dude shot him dead. I am close to this situation, I just can't forgive. No amount of justice is going to bring back this student who was trying to earn minimum wage to feed himself.

Nobody should die to protect money when they are making minimum wage.

We have high definition cameras, and they are cheap. Let the police pick them up.

I almost think that there should be a website devoted just to videos of people involved in crimes, publicize them, and let the public track them down, as well as the police.

You working some crap job and being robbed? Just give them the cash, don't make any attempt to stop them.
85   Patrick   2023 Apr 25, 1:52pm  

I agree, but @gabbar's point was that black men commit these murders at a rate vastly beyond that of any other group.
86   richwicks   2023 Apr 25, 4:09pm  

Patrick says

I agree, but gabbar's point was that black men commit these murders at a rate vastly beyond that of any other group.

Crime rate is very low overall.

Consider this, do you think that black areas are given less policing, and poorer education? I know you are aware of East Palo Alto. They are underpoliced, and I think intentionally.

I think this is problem of software, and not hardware. I don't think black people NATURALLY are more criminal, I think our government intentionally tries to make them more criminal. They do this by giving them inferior education imposed by the federal government, and underserving them in police enforcement.

I think we DO have systemic racism, imposed by our government.
87   Patrick   2023 Apr 25, 4:16pm  


New research from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows, once again, what most of us have known all along: When it comes to murder in America, the country’s millions of lawful gun owners are not the problem.

The research paper by John Lott, founder and president of the CPRC, titled “Murders in U.S. Are Very Concentrated, and They Are Becoming Even More So,” revealed that 2% of American counties experienced 56% of murders in 2020, showing that increasing murder rates are very localized in identifiable hotspots.
88   Patrick   2024 Apr 23, 10:16am  


Literally one day after Biden stopped at the Pittsburgh Sheetz convenience store last week, the Department of Justice filed a federal complaint alleging that same family-owned chain discriminates against black folks because it requires a criminal background check in its hiring process.

These days, the EEOC refers to ex-convicts and felons as “justice-involved individuals.” I wish it were, but that is not a joke.

Public reaction has been mixed. First of all, most people do not resonate with the EEOC’s logic. According to the DOJ’s EEOC, since black folks are proportionately more likely than white people to have felony records, the background check requirement is de facto racism, even if Sheetz’s motives are pure, and even if their only goal is to hire better employees. They call this kind of thing “disparate impact.”

EEOC attorney Debra M. Lawrence explained to the Associated Press why Sheetz’s actual motives don’t matter: “Federal law mandates that employment practices causing a disparate impact because of race or other protected classifications must be shown by the employer to be necessary to ensure the safe and efficient performance of the particular jobs at issue," she said.

That’s not all. Even if Sheetz can prove it needs to put non-criminal employees in charge of handling cash, the 600-store chain will still not be out of the federal persecution woods. "Even when such necessity is proven, the practice remains unlawful if there is an alternative practice available that is comparably effective in achieving the employer’s goals but causes less discriminatory effect," DOJ Debra added.

Second, social media was already exploding over the Sheetz story, thanks to a few viral videos suggesting that Biden did not receive a very warm welcome when he stopped there for a milkshake. Maybe if Sheetz had hired more convicts, Biden’s reception would have been a more heartwarming experience. You never know.

So the timing of the EEOC’s lawsuit seemed suspect, like it was payback by the Biden Campaign for Sheetz’s unenthusiasm, and perhaps a dark warning to other small businesses and convenience store chains, to clap harder whenever Biden stumbles along.

It reminds us of like those old Soviet stories about movie theater attendees standing and clapping for hours after the ending of a Stalin propaganda video, in sheer terror of being seen as the first one to stop.

According to the Fox article, Sheetz has been wrangling with the EEOC over this issue for eight years:

"Diversity and inclusion are essential parts of who we are. We take these allegations seriously," Sheetz spokesperson Nick Ruffner said, as reported by The Associated Press. "We have attempted to work with the EEOC for nearly eight years to find common ground and resolve this dispute."
The EEOC disparate impact trick isn’t new, and it hasn’t worked particularly well, not that previous failures are stopping them. According to an article in the New York Post, in 1989, the EEOC sued a Florida trucking company for refusing to hire a Hispanic applicant with multiple arrests and a prison term for larceny. But the federal judge (himself hispanic) scoffed, holding that “EEOC’s position that minorities should be held to lower standards is an insult to millions of honest Hispanics. Obviously a rule refusing honest employment to convicted applicants is going to have a disparate impact upon thieves.”

Perhaps the most ironic and hilarious part of this Sheetzy story is that the federal government — including the EEOC which is suing Sheetz for using criminal background checks in hiring — itself requires applicants to undergo criminal background checks...

89   GNL   2024 Apr 23, 1:24pm  

Patrick says

Perhaps the most ironic and hilarious part of this Sheetzy story is that the federal government — including the EEOC which is suing Sheetz for using criminal background checks in hiring — itself requires applicants to undergo criminal background checks...

Everything government does would be (is) a crime in the private sector.
91   WookieMan   2024 Apr 24, 1:48pm  

richwicks says

Consider this, do you think that black areas are given less policing, and poorer education? I know you are aware of East Palo Alto. They are underpoliced, and I think intentionally.

I don't know the specific area you're talking about in CA personally. We have no active duty cops from 12-7am every day of the week in my town. No break in's. No car theft or robbery. No murder. Education is average.

Policing has nothing to do with it. It's culture and how police are allowed to react to crimes. When you grow up with songs like fuck the police, what's that? You think your kid is going to respect police? I have no interest to interact with police. So I don't do anything to have that interaction with them. Easy. Again, it's culture.

Until blacks want to get out of their dumpster fire, they're doomed. They need to stop blaming whites. Just fucking adult at some point and raise kids with a mom and dad. Doing it now myself. My wife is not his mom obviously, but my nephew is my son. His baby daddy is in prison. I'm not perfect but I manned up and took on another child. So sick (not you) of people making excuses for blacks. Maybe my nephew is the "token" negro, but he's absolutely loved in a white hill billy town. Comes down to parenting and leadership at the end of the day. Blacks don't do that. Ultimately that's on the men.

I will say blacks were given a losing hand when manufacturing moved out of country. But the men didn't adapt to the new culture. So the sons born in the 80's went scorched earth because dad couldn't provide and blamed the police because they didn't have a job. The 80's were a huge turning point.

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