End Leftist Violence

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2020 Jul 12, 8:55pm   42,144 views  296 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

All political violence of that last few decades comes from the left alone, not from the right.

If you attempt to wear a red MAGA hat in leftist-controlled states, you will likely be beaten or spat on.
There is nothing political that you can wear which would cause anyone on the right to beat you or spit on you in any state.

Matt Taibbi: The left has become exactly what they accused the right of being

Leftists violence threatens us all, and threatens the existence of the country.

The Unabomber, for all his faults, described leftism perfectly:

Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

Academia incites leftist violence, billionaires abet it, and the media excuses it, if they report on it at all.

The left is rioting, looting, tearing down statues of all political figures, even abolitionists, and worst of all, murdering those who disagree. No one on the right is doing any such thing.

We need to speak up and remove all BLM cult signs, which are incitements to violence. Those signs promote hate, beatings, riots, lootings, and murder.

BLM and violent leftists are a cult which murders innocent people.

All the hate for Trump has become hate for orderly civil life, hate for mutual respect, and hate for calm reasoned debate. All TDS is incitement to violence.

To end leftist violence we first have to tell the truth about it (please mail p@patrick.net with more):

Leftist cancellations, boycotts, and threats:

  1. Louis CK

  2. Roseanne Barr

  3. J.K. Rowling (ironic since did the same thing to others)

  4. Ricky Gervais

  5. Miss Swimsuit UK stripped of title after 'all lives matter' post

  6. Google bans ad revenue for any story which questions the official Wuhan virus narrative

  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8535907/Petition-demands-Trader-Joes-change-racist-food-packaging-uses-harmful-stereotypes.html for using "Trader Jose's" and "Trader Ming's" etc

  8. https://nypost.com/2020/07/01/harvard-grad-threatens-to-stab-anyone-who-says-all-lives-matter/

Leftist firings and school suspensions:

  1. James Damore, fired from Google

  2. https://patrick.net/post/1333940/2020-07-18-fordham-university-openly-violates-student-s-right-to-free-speech

  3. Cisco fires employees for saying "All lives matter"

  4. AZ professor threatened with violence for teaching the truth about Islam's clear incitement to terrorism

  5. Teacher fired for Tweet in support of Trump

Leftist beatings and shootings:

  1. https://ktrh.iheart.com/featured/michael-berry/content/2020-07-01-blm-activist-arrested-for-shooting-innocent-driver-in-utah-during-march/

  2. https://www.waynedupree.com/2020/05/man-wearing-maga-hat-attacked-by-protesters/

  3. https://www.breitbart.com/crime/2019/04/16/black-man-wearing-donald-trump-maga-hat-beaten-maryland/

  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8527275/NYPD-COD-three-cops-injured-attacked-protesters-Brooklyn-Bridge.html

  5. https://patrick.net/post/1333953/2020-07-19-angry-leftist-attacks-black-man-for-tearing-down-blm-signs

  6. https://therightscoop.com/black-trump-supporter-stabbed-in-portland-cnn-withholds-the-facts-says-cops-tear-gassed-peaceful-protesters/

  7. Armed leftist attempted to fire at a car, hits another leftist in the leg

Leftist murders:

  1. Dallas sniper who gunned down 5 cops 'wanted to kill white people'

  2. Retired St. Louis police captain, David Dorn, killed by looters during the George Floyd riots

  3. https://patrick.net/post/1333827/2020-07-13-all-violence-comes-from-the-left-young-mother-jessica-doty-whitaker-murdered-by-blm-fanatics

  4. https://www.foxnews.com/us/wisconsin-man-targeting-white-person-killed-motorcyclist

  5. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/07/05/domestic-terrorism-black-lives-matter-protestors-murder-8-year-old-black-child/comment-page-1/

  6. 15 July 2020, Black man targets and kills two white men at random, media silence

  7. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/body-found-in-wreckage-of-minneapolis-pawn-shop-burned-in-george-floyd-riots/

  8. 60-YEAR-old Donald Trump supporter was shot dead in broad daylight near his "Vote Trump" banners as cops investigate a "political motive."

Special bonus deaths due to leftists:

  1. Another thousand dead of Wuhan virus after leftist riots.

  2. How many additional blacks murdered by other blacks since the police were told by liberal mayors to withdraw the police and let them kill each other?

How we got here.

We need to start a class action suit against BLM, NPR, the NY Times, and all of those leftists who have contributed toward making America a far more hateful and violent place. Incitement to violence is a crime.

The goal of all of this leftist discrimination and violence is ultimately genocide.

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184   richwicks   2023 Jun 15, 11:05pm  

HeadSet says

Patrick says

According to a screenshot of the email, the threat was made in response to Target’s decision to remove its satanic-themed LGBTQ+ pride collection from its shelves last week.

That sounds like a false flag. Someone trying to add discredit to the LGBT movement did that. But then again, they have enough nutcases so maybe it is real.

I think it might be a false flag as well.

The logical solution for Target is ignore "gay pride" next year. Maybe have some flags up, but no merchandise that is specific, especially for children and infants.

The problem is that if you produce gay pride bullshit, then withdraw it, THEN there's a problem, so just don't produce gay pride shit. Problem solved, but give the slightest acknowledgement to LGBTQ+ (or whatever the current acronym of the week is) to placate the lunatic fringe.

I buy new sneakers during "pride month" by the way. Did you know stores move inventory out of the way in order to make room for "pride sneakers"? Found that out at Dick's last year when I needed a new pair, and everything was rainbow colored. I wandered over to a discount store "DiDi's discounts" and that's where all their inventory went. Bought a pair of Levi's sneakers for $14 this year. Grey and white and pretty comfortable.
185   HeadSet   2023 Jun 16, 8:26am  

richwicks says

I wandered over to a discount store "DiDi's discounts" and that's where all their inventory went. Bought a pair of Levi's sneakers for $14 this year. Grey and white and pretty comfortable.

I presume Didi Discounts will have quite the supply of rainbow kicks after July 1st. Cheap.
187   richwicks   2023 Jun 20, 1:11am  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

I wandered over to a discount store "DiDi's discounts" and that's where all their inventory went. Bought a pair of Levi's sneakers for $14 this year. Grey and white and pretty comfortable.

I presume Didi Discounts will have quite the supply of rainbow kicks after July 1st. Cheap.

I can check.

It's just a little closeout store. I was so pissed off last year when I needed a new pair of shoes and everything was rainbow themed but I found Didi's - worked out. Rainbow month irritates me. I was an ally 25 years ago, I'm an adversary now. I know gay people who are adversaries now.
189   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 9:59am  

richwicks says

Rainbow month irritates me. I was an ally 25 years ago, I'm an adversary now. I know gay people who are adversaries now.

I used to just be a libertarian about it, "Do what you want as long as you're not hurting anyone else."

Now I recognize male homosexuality as an ancient endemic disease spread primarily by pedophilia. It should never be encouraged or talked about in terms of anything other than the disease it is.
190   Patrick   2023 Jun 26, 1:04pm  


A Democrat state senator has been arrested by local police in Rhode Island after he was caught vandalizing a Trump supporter’s car.

Rhode Island State Senator Joshua Miller (D) was arrested and charged with vandalism and malicious injury to property.

Miller allegedly vandalized a vehicle with an “anti-Biden” sticker parked at an outdoor shopping area on Thursday.

Cranston Police reportedly placed Miller in custody after he was accused of “keying” an SUV in the Garden City Center parking lot around 3:30 p.m. ...

The victim says they saw Miller standing beside their vehicle holding a keychain and gripping a single key.

Miller allegedly tried to flee the scene after the car owner confronted him about the incident.

The unidentified victim, reportedly a supporter of President Donald Trump, noticed a vehicle parked near his with a “Re-elect Senator Josh Miller” bumper sticker attached.

Following the incident, the victim looked up Miller online and identified him as the suspect. ...

Miller appeared to admit the crime to police after an officer showed up at his house saying police obtained video of the incident.

Democrats are like that.
192   Patrick   2023 Jun 27, 11:35am  


The clip, posted on Twitter by K. Yang, said she's a "former trans rights activist & LGBT non-profit whistleblower." Yang said the incident took place Sunday in Washington Square Park during a New York City Pride event.

"I was just kicked, hit, pushed, mobbed by dozens of people," Yang wrote, adding that men who identify as women "called me 'bitch' and assaulted me."
194   Blue   2023 Jul 1, 10:53am  

richwicks says

it promotes mental illness.

Being well adjusted to a sick society is not an accomplishment.

yes, many business around constantly promoting and 'training' semi/annual basis to be complicit.

LOL! 'helping mental illness' programs are offered in so many Bay area business! Every time I see it, it reminds @WookieMan's comment of medical "grocery store workers" but unionized and got more political support to promote more 'mental illness'!
I know a case that I heard through a close contact who in touch with a couple who live in Livermore,CA struggling to ends meet with their "counseling for mental illness" and in debt while living in a 1B apt. and almost packed to move out. Boom the scamadamic came in and started getting more calls! Later they were so busy. It is interesting to know that there are calling area zones for the patents/victims;) to cover insurance. "Zoning" could be a part of some kind of union! any how their business is booming and they bought a house of 2.x mil in Livermore about 6 mo ago!
198   Patrick   2023 Aug 14, 12:01pm  


Wallace shanked her fiance, Samuel Mayo, 34, and then followed him out of their home near London with the kitchen knife, leaving him to bleed to death on the street.

Witnesses said Mayo was heard begging for his life, saying, "Please, Blaze. I love you, please Blaze."

199   HeadSet   2023 Aug 14, 4:21pm  

How was this small woman able to overpower him?
200   Patrick   2023 Aug 14, 4:49pm  

She stabbed him in the chest.

And apparently he went down begging her not to continue.

Red Pill could have saved this guy's life.
201   richwicks   2023 Aug 14, 5:46pm  

Patrick says

She stabbed him in the chest.

And apparently he went down begging her not to continue.

Red Pill could have saved this guy's life.

Nobody knows what happens. For all we know, she was on a bunch of SSRIs for depression. Those make you suicidal and homicidal as side effects.

Getting off from that shit, you have to be in a straight jacket, and to be isolated. Crazy this shit is legal.

You know why people are depressed, they either realize the world is fucked up, or they are on the verge of realizing it, and can't break through the cognitive dissonance.
203   Patrick   2023 Oct 5, 10:09am  


AfD co-chairman Tino Chrupalla in hospital following claims of a needle attack at an election rally in Ingolstadt
204   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 5, 3:01pm  

Ramaswamy Car rammed in Iowa by two Leftoid Militants.

205   Patrick   2023 Oct 5, 3:14pm  

Violent leftists are simply agents of the government.
207   Patrick   2023 Oct 6, 1:03pm  


A Bernie supporter showed up to the Wisconsin Capitol on Wednesday with a loaded pistol asking to speak with the governor, got arrested, then posted bail and returned with his AK ...

I looked into this guy, his name's Joshua Pleasnick, he's a former chef at a popular Madison distillery, and he seems to be insane.

Joshua has donated on several occasions to ActBlue, a Democratic fundraising operation that takes pride in "powering Democratic candidates, committees, parties, organizations, and c4s around the country," so don't let the lefties fool you into believing this guy is one of those dirty MAGA people. His donations were earmarked for Bernie Sanders.
208   Karloff   2023 Oct 7, 10:32am  

Patrick says

Why'd they black out the license plate?

Seriously, stop giving these people the considerations you'd offer to an honorable opponent. They are dishonorable to the core and would dox you in a second, calling every whacko out of the woodwork to savage you.
209   Patrick   2023 Oct 7, 4:03pm  

Karloff says

Why'd they black out the license plate?

I wondered that myself. They should blow up the license plate number and publish it everywhere.
210   richwicks   2023 Oct 7, 4:32pm  

Patrick says

Karloff says

Why'd they black out the license plate?

I wondered that myself. They should blow up the license plate number and publish it everywhere.

Government does this all the time, they don't ACTUALLY want to catch the criminals, likely they ARE the criminals.


Gee whiz, comments are turned off from ALL their videos. Looks like they're really trying hard...
213   Patrick   2023 Nov 18, 1:59pm  


Just an awful and tragic story to report out of Arizona today.

A Christian pastor from Victory Chapel First Phoenix was apparently shot while standing and preaching on a street corner in Glendale, Arizona, on Wednesday evening.

The latest update from his church says that he is in critical condition:

Hans was taken to the ER where they discovered he had been shot after conducting a CT scan. He began seizing and was intubated. There has been some movement; however, physicians are uncertain how much is voluntary and began draining fluid from his brain. He remains in critical condition, please continue praying.

According to reports, Hans Schmidt was on the corner of 51st and Peoria avenues quoting Scripture and preaching with his megaphone when someone pulled a gun and shot the preacher in the head.

Paul Sanchez works nearby and recalled occasionally seeing people drive by, cursing and screaming at Schmidt as he preached. However, Sanchez said the preacher never responded with hostility.

"There was a slurry of everything, really. I mean, hateful comments, people yelling at him, 'Just get off the street.' All sorts of mean things," Sanchez told AZFamily.

No suspect has been arrested yet, and Schmidt is still in critical condition.
215   HeadSet   2023 Nov 22, 11:40am  

Patrick says

Substitute "Palestine" with "BLM" and substitute "Israel" with "MAGA" and the statement stays true.
219   Patrick   2024 Apr 16, 12:01am  


A well-known supporter of President Donald Trump has been hospitalized after being brutally attacked with a sledgehammer in New Jersey.

64-year-old Rocky Granata was attacked by an anti-Trump activist and repeatedly hit with a sledgehammer.

Granata drives an RV around town with prominent pro-Trump and Make America Great Again signs covering it,

He was attacked by Michael Gonzalez, 36 at Crown Tire in the Port Monmouth section of the city.
220   Patrick   2024 Apr 22, 1:10pm  


Head of Young Populist Activist Group Violently Attacked on Street in France

The young populist activist was reportedly assaulted by a group of leftists when they discovered who he was and what his beliefs were.

In true leftist fashion, they reportedly screamed “fascist” and “Nazi” at him during the unprovoked, violent attack.

The victim was 24-year-old Stanislas Rigault.

Rigault is the president of the youth movement of Éric Zemmour’s Reconquête! (Reconquest) anti-mass migration party.
222   Patrick   2024 May 6, 9:23pm  


... nobody has a greater interest in condemning political violence than the German right, because Alternative für Deutschland is its foremost victim. Things could hardly be otherwise in the face of unceasing media vilification and calls by political figureheads for “militant opposition” against AfD politicians.

Last year saw two particularly high-profile assaults on AfD representatives. In August, Andreas Jurca, from Augsburg, was beaten unconscious by a group of men as he left a party function. He endured severe facial bruising and a broken ankle, and the press had basically nothing to say about it. In a still more disturbing incident two months later, AfD co-chair Tino Chrupalla suffered a needle attack at a campaign rally in Ingolstadt. He collapsed and ended up spending several days under medical observation in intensive care, while investigators prevaricated and the Bavarian Interior Minister accused him and his party of “perfidiously and deceitfully trying to capitalise” on the attack for political gain. The police rapidly discontinued their investigation and they have made no arrests.

That is the truth of political violence in the Federal Republic, but the truth doesn’t matter, because our rulers have enormous resources at their disposal, and they work night and day to construct a very different reality. In their alternate discursive universe, “the right” is the primary source of political violence and everyone else its victims. This is why attacks like those against Jurca and Chrupalla must be so studiously ignored, and why every last assault on anyone from the left must be elevated to the level of a national emergency.

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