Flatten the Curve

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2020 Jul 15, 3:31am   30,154 views  720 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

As the numbers of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths surge to record levels in multiple epicenters, local and state officials are struggling with whether and how much to reverse the rollback of restrictions on individuals and businesses. For example, following a gradual reopening over about a month, on Monday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the reintroduction of statewide restrictions that would again shut down bars, all indoor dining, family entertainment, zoos and museums following a surge in coronavirus cases. The governors of Florida, Texas, and Arizona, all now epicenters of infection, have also slowed or reversed reopening, but their actions have been tepid. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is even insisting on opening schools in the face of record-high numbers of infections.

These officials would do well to recall the observation of The Great One. No, not Dr. Tony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health—the other one, hockey legend Wayne Gretzky, who once explained, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”

Anticipating what’s coming is important in confronting an infectious disease, especially one whose dynamics are what many infectious disease experts consider their worst nightmare. COVID-19 is highly infectious, has a lengthy incubation period (during which asymptomatic infected persons can unwittingly shed virus and infect other people), and causes serious, sometimes fatal illness.

Those unusual characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, and the idiosyncrasies and spectrum of presentations of the illness—from pulmonary symptoms (including pneumonia and pulmonary fibrosis) to a range of non-respiratory manifestations, (including loss of sense of smell or taste, confusion and cognitive impairments, fainting, sudden muscle weakness or paralysis, seizures, ischemic strokes, kidney damage, and, rarely, a severe pediatric inflammatory syndrome) mean that we are on a steep learning curve.

The problem is: if we react too slowly to changing circumstances, we can fall off a metaphorical cliff.

There’s an old brain teaser that perfectly illustrates this point. Consider a pond of a certain size, on which there is a single lily pad. This particular species of lily pad reproduces and duplicates itself once a day, so that on day 2, you have two lily pads. On day 3, you have four; on day 4, you have eight; and so on. Here’s the teaser: if it takes the lily pads 48 days to cover the pond completely, how long will it take for the pond to be covered halfway?

The answer? 47 days. In just 24 hours, between day 47 and day 48, the lily pads would double in size and overtake the pond. Moreover, on day 40, the pond would still appear to be relatively clear; just eight days from the pond being completely covered, you’d hardly know the lily pads were there.

If the same thing happens with a virulent and highly contagious infectious agent, like the SARS-CoV-2 virus, you don’t know you’re in trouble until you wake up one morning to find that you’re overwhelmed. Like the lily pad example, the daily number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. was 18,577 on June 15th—just three weeks later, on July 10th, the number had shot up to 66,281.

Dr. Anthony Fauci
Dr. Anthony Fauci


From early in the pandemic, the public health mantra worldwide has been: “flatten the curve.” That important concept, which was in vogue several months ago, seems largely forgotten today.

In the above graphic from the University of Michigan, the blue curve is the viral equivalent of the lily pads, suddenly covering the pond. It represents a large number of people (shown on the vertical axis) becoming infected over a short time (horizontal axis), and, in turn, overwhelming our health care system with people who need hospitalization, or even an Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

People won’t shop for non-essentials, fly, go to restaurants, theaters, and athletic events, or send their kids to school, when numbers of new cases are soaring.

If, however, political officials, individuals, and communities take steps to slow the virus’s spread, the cases of COVID-19 will stretch out across a more extended period, as depicted by the flatter, yellow curve. As long as the number of cases at any given time doesn’t bleed past the dotted line marking the capacity of our nation’s health care system, we’ll be able to accommodate everyone who is very sick.

Curve-flattening has fallen out of focus in recent months, in part because some political leaders reopened too aggressively and prematurely, basing policy on their constituents’ “pandemic fatigue,” instead of on the advice of epidemiologists and infectious disease experts.

But it’s still critical to avoid the pattern of the blue curve, not only to spare hospitals and ICUs—which are especially under stress in parts of Arizona, Florida, and Texas—but also so that we can continue the gradual reopening of the nation’s businesses and schools. Reopening relies on curve-flattening. As the NIH’s Dr. Tony Fauci says frequently, public health and economic considerations are not in opposition but are opposite sides of the same coin; we can’t fully restart and resume commerce until the pandemic is under some measure of control. People won’t shop for non-essentials, fly, go to restaurants, theaters, and athletic events, or send their kids to school, when numbers of new cases are soaring.

That means we need to start anticipating and stop playing catch-up—as the governors of Florida, Arizona, and Texas have been doing, relying on a combination of magical thinking, Happy Talk, and too-little-too-late remedies, instead of aggressive, evidence-based public health policies.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, for instance, has offered no strategy for blunting the spike in COVID-19 cases other than to keep repeating that there were enough hospital beds to treat those who fall ill. And yet, ICU beds and ventilators in use by suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients in Arizona both hit new records on July 12th and were under stress, according to data reported by hospitals to the state.

On July 10th, a physicians group gathered outside Florida Governor DeSantis’s mansion in Tallahassee to urge him to issue an order mandating the use of face masks statewide, which arguably should have been done months ago. Masks have long been considered essential to slowing the spread of COVID-19, but, inexplicably, the Governor resisted. And only on July 10th did Texas Governor Greg Abbott finally mandate the wearing of face masks, and demand the prohibition of large gatherings and the closing of bars across the state.

Elected officials must heed Wayne Gretzky’s admonition and stay ahead of the coronavirus, in order to lower its rate of transmission. That’s the only way to slow the rise of new cases.

Evidence-based policies, such as requiring masks in public, prohibiting large indoor gatherings, and indoor dining at restaurants, are important. But as we’ve seen with California, even aggressive imposition of those kinds of strictures has not been sufficient—in large part because many people, especially younger ones, have failed to comply. As California allowed businesses and public places to reopen, bars, boardwalks, and beaches became crowded with large numbers of maskless patrons. It’s no wonder, then, that as of July 13th, hospitals in the state reported a 27.8% increase in hospitalized patients over the previous 14 days and a 19.9% increase in ICU patients over that same period. In fact, as a result of noncompliance, many local governments in the Golden State have had to coordinate with law enforcement agencies to issue citations and explore civil alternatives through code enforcement, environmental health, or other local government personnel.

Of course, the need for heightened consequences for noncompliance is unfortunate, but it will help to re-flatten the curve. That will spread out the demands on hospitals, which must have sufficient space, supplies, and healthy staff to care for all those who need hospital-level care—whether for COVID-19, a stroke, trauma, emergency surgery, or childbirth. It’s strong, but necessary, medicine—which possibly could have been avoided with more intense efforts to get the public to comply with wearing masks, social distancing, and frequent hand-washing.

If politicians properly understood their role in flattening the curve, they wouldn’t have to resort to policing and ticketing. They would instead launch a tsunami of public service announcements from all manner of dignitaries and celebrities, including prominent politicians, actors, rock stars, and athletes—maybe even The Great One himself—demonstrating how we can anticipate instead of falling behind the curve.

That non-coercive strategy could be a winner.

In this article:Coronavirus, Featured, large
Don't Miss:
For Coronavirus, the Name of the Game Is Minimizing the Probability of Infection.

Written By
Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D.
Henry I. Miller, a physician and molecular biologist, is a Senior Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute. He was the founding director of the FDA’s Office of Biotechnology.


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495   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 12:47pm  

Unless one thinks the video is doctored and full of shit.
Then all bets are off for everybody.
496   Eric Holder   2020 Aug 3, 12:55pm  

prodigy says
So simple.
So telling.
So non-political.

Eric Holder says
That cough video again?

Yeah, so simple: if you cough - cough into your sleeve. No need to wear mask 24x7.

Is there a video for simple normal breathing? They have everything set up, shooting another video should be no problem.
497   Eric Holder   2020 Aug 3, 12:57pm  

prodigy says
The virus comes out 12 feet with no mask -- IF YOU COUGH. And doesn't, if you don't cough.
The virus comes out 3.5 feet with bandanna type mask -- IF YOU COUGH. And doesn't, if you don't cough.
The virus comes out 12 inches with folded cotton handkerchief -- IF YOU COUGH. And doesn't, if you don't cough.
The virus comes out 2.5 inches with stitched cotton mask -- IF YOU COUGH. And doesn't, if you don't cough.

a 3rd grader would understand the implications of wearing the proper mask. -- FOR A PERSON WHO HAS A COUGH. Which is a tiny fraction of the general population.

Clarified it a little bit.
498   mell   2020 Aug 3, 12:59pm  

Eric Holder says
prodigy says
So simple.
So telling.
So non-political.

Eric Holder says
That cough video again?

Yeah, so simple: if you cough - cough into your sleeve. No need to wear mask 24x7.

Is there a video for simple normal breathing? They have everything set up, shooting another video should be no problem.

Exactly - if it's droplets only you believe in then coughing/sneezing into your arm or onto the ground (gravity) will do it. Again 90% of people don't cough or sneeze in your face. Making masks outdoor mandatory for no benefit is borderline lunatic. The main reason indoor masks are required is the fact that they're not sure if it is airborne or not. But then one should wear an N95 mask at the minimum, though surgical masks provide some benefit. Masks help with droplets but that would insinuate it's not very contagious. Can't have it both ways. I would never go with cloth/bandana, you're wreaking havoc on your own health by wearing this for a prolonged time and accumulating all the fomite.
499   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 1:12pm  

Vast majority of people will forget or not give a shit.

Eric Holder says
Yeah, so simple: if you cough - cough into your sleeve.
500   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 1:13pm  

I have no idea and neither do you.
Eric Holder says
They have everything set up, shooting another video should be no problem.
501   Onvacation   2020 Aug 3, 1:26pm  

prodigy says
The virus comes out 12 feet with no mask
The virus comes out 3.5 feet with bandanna type mask
The virus comes out 12 inches with folded cotton handkerchief
The virus comes out 2.5 inches with stitched cotton mask

Viruses aren't going away. Do you propose wearing masks forever?

What about church, sports, and schools do you propose we close those forever? Or just until we find a vaccine for this particular mutation of the cold virus.

prodigy says

a 3rd grader would understand the implications of wearing the proper mask.

An 8 year old has virtually zero chance of dying from covid-19. The consequences to children's health and well being from this masquerade is much more harmful than the virus ever could be.

Why do people hate kids so much that they would perpetuate this overreaction?

502   mell   2020 Aug 3, 1:30pm  

prodigy says
Vast majority of people will forget or not give a shit.

Eric Holder says
Yeah, so simple: if you cough - cough into your sleeve.

Not true, maybe 20%. Also you're basically advocating then massive government overreach instead of people protecting themselves by not going near others or wearing n95+ masks themselves. Every crazed out hobo on the street needs to be fined and jailed if they don't stop yelling and breathing at people, maybe that'll clean up the streets. At what point of lethality and contagion would you start instituting communist/fascist measures? cold, flu, bad flu, viral pneumonia? What R0? I get your point that if people generally practice the best hygiene and manners towards others and themselves we could reduce the spread of pretty much most infectious diseases, starting with stay home if you're sick. Then wear a mask if you're sick. But a government mandate and lockdowns to maybe curb a few percent of spread if at all is insane. Sweden has been open without mask requirement the whole time and the curves all roughly look the same. Again, if a private business or landlord/owner makes masks required that's totally fine, it's not if government tyranny descends onto the majority of people, threatening them with massive overreach and destroying their livelihood by closing their businesses.
503   Onvacation   2020 Aug 3, 1:36pm  

But go ahead and wear your mask until after the election.

And please keep it on afterward.

The best way to stop viruses from being deadly, which fly through n95 masks like the cliche mosquito through a chain link fence is through quarantine of THE SICK AND SYMPTOMATIC. Meanwhile the rest of us can let our immune systems create antibodies to battle the low levels of viruses occurring naturally in the world.

Wash your hands and stay home if you're sick or scared.
504   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 1:38pm  

Spring summer fall most people are wearing short sleeve shirts and not going to want to walk around with snot trails on their arms.
OTOH I think both numbers are guesstimates at best based on personal experiences.

mell says
prodigy says
Vast majority of people will forget or not give a shit.

Eric Holder says
Yeah, so simple: if you cough - cough into your sleeve.

Not true, maybe 20%
505   Onvacation   2020 Aug 3, 1:41pm  

mell says
government tyranny descends onto the majority of people, threatening them with massive overreach and destroying their livelihood by closing their businesses.

At the threat of life and liberty!

" Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
506   socal2   2020 Aug 3, 2:14pm  

prodigy says
The same that is going on everywhere else.
Summer comes along and people relax with their masks and distancing, thinking the numbers are low so screw the mask.
Then they get slapped in the face.

Is there really evidence that Japan stopped wearing masks and opened up too quick resulting in the spike? Did Japan have a bunch of irresponsible BLM/Commie rioters like we have had in the US for the past 2 months spreading COVID in our major cities?

Japan has been the poster boy of "doing it right" with a highly obedient society, existing tradition of wearing masks, strong network of contact tracing using phone data - but currently has one of the highest second wave infections on the planet.

If all of Japan's gains can be wiped away by some young Japanese people going to bars - then whats the point of all these lock downs and tremendous financial and health pain it brings in the first place?

How long should Americans wear masks and be under lockdown if this disease can flare up like this in Japan?
507   Eric Holder   2020 Aug 3, 2:54pm  

prodigy says
Spring summer fall most people are wearing short sleeve shirts

Mandate long sleeves then.
508   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 3:36pm  

I will.
not outside more than 10 ft apart, but in close outside encounters and always inside unless with family only.

Onvacation says
But go ahead and wear your mask until after the election.

And please keep it on afterward.
509   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 3:38pm  

You put together a good argument, until you post a statement like this.
Then it becomes political as usual.

socal2 says
Did Japan have a bunch of irresponsible BLM/Commie rioters like we have had in the US for the past 2 months spreading COVID in our major cities?
510   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 3:41pm  

I would guess a major contributor.
Once one is inebriated, all guards usually come down.

socal2 says
If all of Japan's gains can be wiped away by some young Japanese people going to bars
511   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 3:47pm  

A- we wipe it out by denying the virus new hosts.
B- we come up with an effective vaccine, which is no easy task.
C- we live with it until if or when a herd immunity takes effect.

socal2 says
How long should Americans wear masks and be under lockdown if this disease can flare up like this in Japan?
512   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 3:49pm  

Also japan's uptick in cases is mainly due to more testing.
socal2 says
How long should Americans wear masks and be under lockdown if this disease can flare up like this in Japan?
513   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 3:51pm  

Remember, one can have no symptoms and still carry and pass the virus.

Onvacation says
The best way to stop viruses from being deadly, which fly through n95 masks like the cliche mosquito through a chain link fence is through quarantine of THE SICK AND SYMPTOMATIC.
514   socal2   2020 Aug 3, 3:53pm  

prodigy says
You put together a good argument, until you post a statement like this.
Then it becomes political as usual.

I'd argue it is more political to gaslight us and pretend that historically large protests and riots in our major cities all through June and July played no significant role in driving our second wave.

Seriously, can you really not appreciate how many of us are furious that we can't attend church, funerals, weddings, go to the beach, backyard BBQ's, haircuts - not to mention losing our jobs - while we see the Media and Democrats cheer on the irresponsible behavior by protesters?

I am not a mask denier. I wear them as required inside public places. But I can appreciate how there is skepticism by some when they witnessed the monumental hypocrisy by our medical "experts", Media and Democrats who recklessly cheered BLM on.
515   Eric Holder   2020 Aug 3, 4:03pm  

prodigy says
Remember, one can have no symptoms and still carry and pass the virus.

This has been debunked.
516   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:03pm  

Hmmm. What did I post to make you think I denied this?
Lack of mentioning it?
I point to the act of mask denying, not caring what group is doing it.
That's making a non-political point.

socal2 says
I'd argue it is more political to gaslight us and pretend that historically large protests and riots in our major cities all through June and July played no significant role in driving our second wave.
517   socal2   2020 Aug 3, 4:05pm  

prodigy says
A- we wipe it out by denying the virus new hosts.
B- we come up with an effective vaccine, which is no easy task.
C- we live with it until if or when a herd immunity takes effect.

I will go with C since this disease that 99.95% of us will survive largely inflicts the very old and sick.

If this disease targeted our young and healthy (as the seasonal flu) does - I think the lockdowns would be more justified.

But we know alot more than we did back in March and the lockdowns are becoming worse than the disease. I have no doubt that the unprecedented lockdowns throwing kids out of school and millions out of their jobs played a significant role in flaming the violence we saw all over our major cities.

We will be documenting the longterm harm from the lockdowns for years to come.
518   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:05pm  

Try and keep up.

“The WHO created confusion yesterday when it reported that asymptomatic patients rarely spread the disease,” an email from the Harvard Global Health Institute said Tuesday. “All of the best evidence suggests that people without symptoms can and do readily spread SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. In fact, some evidence suggests that people may be most infectious in the days before they become symptomatic — that is, in the presymptomatic phase when they feel well, have no symptoms, but may be shedding substantial amounts of virus.”

Eric Holder says
prodigy says
Remember, one can have no symptoms and still carry and pass the virus.

This has been debunked.
519   Eric Holder   2020 Aug 3, 4:08pm  

prodigy says
Try and keep up.

Go fuck yourself.

prodigy says
“The WHO created confusion yesterday when it reported that asymptomatic patients rarely spread the disease,” an email from the Harvard Global Health Institute said Tuesday. “All of the best evidence suggests that people without symptoms can and do readily spread SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. In fact, some evidence suggests that people may be most infectious in the days before they become symptomatic — that is, in the presymptomatic phase when they feel well, have no symptoms, but may be shedding substantial amounts of virus.”

Eric Holder says
prodigy says
Remember, one can have no symptoms and still carry and pass the virus.

This has been debunked.

Fuck WHO. Where's the study?

P.S. Here's the study debunking that "asymptomatic spreaderes" shit:

"455 contacts who were exposed to the asymptomatic COVID-19 virus carrier became the subjects of our research. They were divided into three groups: 35 patients, 196 family members and 224 hospital staffs. We extracted their epidemiological information, clinical records, auxiliary examination results and therapeutic schedules.


The median contact time for patients was four days and that for family members was five days. Cardiovascular disease accounted for 25% among original diseases of patients. Apart from hospital staffs, both patients and family members were isolated medically. During the quarantine, seven patients plus one family member appeared new respiratory symptoms, where fever was the most common one. The blood counts in most contacts were within a normal range. All CT images showed no sign of COVID-19 infection. No severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections was detected in 455 contacts by nucleic acid test."


P.P.S. You can start you "not double-blind, not peer-reviewed" whining now. But this shit is still better that that WHO politisized crap. Remember, it's not early March anymore, there has been plenty of time for scientists to do their fucking job.
520   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:11pm  

Fuck WHO??
Try to keep up...


Eric Holder says
Fuck WHO. Where's the study?
521   Eric Holder   2020 Aug 3, 4:14pm  

prodigy says
Fuck WHO??
Try to keep up...


Eric Holder says
Fuck WHO. Where's the study?

Yes, fuck WHO and fuck your link: all they cite there is "modeling evidence". Weakest sauce of them all. I cited a study based on observation of 455 people who were in contact with asymtomatic carrier and not a single fucking one got the fucking Covid from them.
522   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:14pm  

Resorting to personal attacks is basically admitting you have run out of evidence to back up your assertions.
Thanks for the win!

Eric Holder says
prodigy says
Try and keep up.

Go fuck yourself.
523   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:18pm  

Well i'll take the WHO over a study by 50 chinese scientists employed by the commie bastard leadership putting out crap to cover their covid19 assault on humanity..

"A study on infectivity of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers
Author links open overlay panelMingGaoa1LihuiYangb1XuefuChencYiyuDengdShifangYangeHanyiXueZixingCheneXinglinGaoe
The Second School of Clinical Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, 510515, China
Hospital Infection Control Division, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, 510080, China
Department of Infectious Disease, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, 510080, China
Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510080, China
Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangdong Provincial Geriatrics Institute, Guangzhou, 510080, China
a href="/post/1333874&offset=#comment-1692242">Eric Holder says
P.P.S. You can start you "not double-blind, not peer-reviewed" whining now. But this shit is still better that that WHO politisized crap.
524   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:20pm  

I guess some people are just suckers for chinese propaganda...
525   Eric Holder   2020 Aug 3, 4:21pm  

prodigy says
Resorting to personal attacks is basically admitting you have run out of evidence to back up your assertions.

No. Now you need to try and keep up with what just happened: I basically wiped floor with your and your weak sause political bullshit by pointing to a real scientific study. There was no need to tell you to go fuck yourself because your arguments were "strong" - they were completely obliterated. The reason you were told to go and fuck yourself is for your condescending tone.

Now go and fuck yourself again.
526   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:21pm  

And you swallowed the chinese coverup study, hook, line, and sinker...LOL

Eric Holder says
I cited a study based on observation of 455 people who were in contact with asymtomatic carrier and not a single fucking one got the fucking Covid from them.
527   mell   2020 Aug 3, 4:21pm  

prodigy says
Try and keep up.

“The WHO created confusion yesterday when it reported that asymptomatic patients rarely spread the disease,” an email from the Harvard Global Health Institute said Tuesday. “All of the best evidence suggests that people without symptoms can and do readily spread SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. In fact, some evidence suggests that people may be most infectious in the days before they become symptomatic — that is, in the presymptomatic phase when they feel well, have no symptoms, but may be shedding substantial amounts of virus.”

Eric Holder says
prodigy says
Remember, one can have no symptoms and still carry and pass the virus.

This has been debunked.

The WHO knows jack shit and is seriously corrupt - they were the ones downplaying it on behalf of the CCP as long as possible and once everyone in the West got their contagion it suddenly becomes the most dangerous and infectious illness so the West suffers drastic economic consequences while Chyna reopens. Same goes for Harvard Global Health. The only true fact is that nobody knows when someone is most contagious, but it is either once they show symptoms or just shortly before because you need a high viral load to show inflammatory symptoms and vice versa. If a person is asymptomatic all the time they are hardly shedding and therefor hardly contagious. Everything else is still just speculation. You can't seriously mandate asymptomatic people wearing masks outdoors in public, most European countries don't even mandate them in big enough and ventilated indoor spaces anymore.
528   Eric Holder   2020 Aug 3, 4:22pm  

prodigy says
And you swallowed the chinese coverup study, hook, line, and sinker...LOL

Eric Holder says
I cited a study based on observation of 455 people who were in contact with asymtomatic carrier and not a single fucking one got the fucking Covid from them.

It has no value as a "cover up" because it doesn't cover anything up. Try harder, little buddy.
529   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:22pm  

Which makes the CCP, and their 'studies' even worse.
mell says
The WHO knows jack shit and is seriously corrupt - they were the ones downplaying it on behalf of the CCP
530   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:26pm  

Exactly. So to use any chinese study as evidence of anything Covid is patently stupid and ignorant.
At least the WHO has to answer to the rest of the world for funding.
The chinese do not answer to anyone.

mell says
downplaying it on behalf of the CCP as long as possible and once everyone in the West got their contagion it suddenly becomes the most dangerous and infectious illness so the West suffers drastic economic consequences while Chyna reopens.
531   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:28pm  


Eric Holder says
prodigy says
Resorting to personal attacks is basically admitting you have run out of evidence to back up your assertions.

No. Now you need to try and keep up with what just happened: I basically wiped floor with your and your weak sause political bullshit by pointing to a real scientific study. There was no need to tell you to go fuck yourself because your arguments were "strong" - they were completely obliterated. The reason you were told to go and fuck yourself is for your condescending tone.

Now go and fuck yourself again.
532   mell   2020 Aug 3, 4:30pm  

prodigy says
Exactly. So to use any chinese study as evidence of anything Covid is patently stupid and ignorant.
At least the WHO has to answer to the rest of the world for funding.
The chinese do not answer to anyone.

mell says
downplaying it on behalf of the CCP as long as possible and once everyone in the West got their contagion it suddenly becomes the most dangerous and infectious illness so the West suffers drastic economic consequences while Chyna reopens.

The link between being symptomatic and spreading a virus is well established, you don't need a study for this. There are a few viruses that are most contagious just before the person is showing symptoms, but remember without symptoms they're also not coughing or sneezing, so you really have to be indoors with them for a while. Again, if you never develop symptoms, your body kept the viral count low by producing antibodies fast and you're hardly contagious.
533   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:30pm  

The problem is with people that may have high viral loads but never show any symptoms.
mell says
The only true fact is that nobody knows when someone is most contagious, but it is either once they show symptoms or just shortly before because you need a high viral load to show inflammatory symptoms and vice versa
534   prodigy   2020 Aug 3, 4:33pm  

It makes the virus look less contagious than it really is.
Making china's coverup look less destructive than it really is.
Try harder. ( I don't have pet names for my pecker, sorry )

Eric Holder says
It has no value as a "cover up" because it doesn't cover anything up. Try harder, little buddy.

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