Fuck teachers unions

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2020 Aug 4, 10:47am   20,476 views  189 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Teachers unions are the primary driver of systemic racism. Making sure kids don’t get an education and don’t get a choice of a different school. The poorer the kids are the worst they are affected and the less education they receive. This means that poor kids get poor educations and stay poor for their lives. If they don’t just drop out, join gangs, and wind up dead at a young age.

Now the teachers unions have managed to also fuck over working parents. People with jobs are expected to quit them to stay home with the kids and homeschool them. Regardless of their budgets of course. The only thing that matters to the teachers is that they get to stay home and still get paid.
Now the LA Unified School District has authorized free daycare for teachers who are parents, so they have someplace other than home (which is where they will be) to send their rug rats so they won’t have to care for them while “teaching online” everyone else’s kids who don’t get free day care.

In my neighborhood there are several gyms which have opened as daycare/schools able to provide daycare for school aged kids with staff who can help the kids with their online lessons. This costs $155-200/week and goes until 3PM same as a regular school day. Working parents who can’t be home with their kids to help them are expected to shell out $650-800/month per kid to “educate” their kids while public schools we all pay for are shuttered because teachers are scared of Covid. But NOT too scared to send their own kids to day cares as long as the school district pays for that!

Fuck teachers unions. Seriously.


It’s in the article, buried:
“Teachers also will be provided with child care.”

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124   mell   2021 May 15, 8:30am  

Whale blubber!
125   SoTex   2021 May 15, 10:52am  

Those poor poor feetsies!
126   Patrick   2021 May 19, 10:35pm  

The teachers union crafted CDC guidelines to keep schools closed longer.

127   BayArea   2021 May 19, 10:39pm  

Fuck teacher unions

128   AmericanKulak   2021 May 20, 11:22am  

Among the material associated with a Maryland public school's five-day social justice summer course is a slide that identifies the phrase "Make America Great Again" as a type of "Covert White Supremacy."

The slogan, often abbreviated "MAGA," has been a staple of Donald Trump's political career.

Judicial Watch obtained the slide and other materials related to Thomas Pyle Middle School's course titled "Reading and Taking Action for Social Justice."

"The enclosed materials were prepared to include in the class; however, many of the materials were not shared with students," according to the cover letter provided along with the course records. It also states that the class "took place July 13 through July 17, 2020 and met for 50 minutes each day. No grades were given and no actual work was due."

The middle school is connected with Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland, a school district that awarded more than $454,000 for an "Anti-racist System Audit."

"The Board voted to award a contract to Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium to conduct an Anti-racist System Audit for a total amount not to exceed $454,680 for Fiscal Year 2021," the public school district said in a November 2020 release. "The Anti-racist System Audit will provide an opportunity to examine the district's systems, practices, and policies that do not create access, opportunities, and equitable outcomes for every student's academic and social emotional well-being. Furthermore, the audit will provide the opportunity to examine not only the student experience; it presents the occasion to analyze policies and practices that impact staff, as well."
129   Patrick   2021 Jun 4, 5:35pm  


Second Circuit Rules Vermont Can’t Exclude Religious Schools From Tuition Program

The U.S Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit has ruled that Vermont can’t exclude students attending religious schools from state-sponsored tuition programs, striking down the state’s long-standing prohibition on public funding for those institutions.

Vermont’s Town Tuition Program (TTP), one of the oldest of its kind in the United States, provides educational vouchers for students living in towns that don’t have public schools. The program allows a designated “tuition town” to directly pay tuition to the school of student’s choice, which can be public, secular private, or home school in or outside Vermont.

The case was brought last September by families who applied to their tuition towns for funding under the TTP, but their requests were denied because the schools they attend are deemed “too religious.” Their complaint alleged that Vermont Agency of Education and had engaged in discrimination by denying religious schools access to TTP funding.

“The government is constitutionally required to treat religious people equally,” said Ryan Tucker, senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative legal group representing the plaintiffs in the case. “As the U.S. Supreme Court has held, denying public benefits because of religion violates the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause because it unconstitutionally forces families to choose between exercising their religion or enjoying a publicly available benefit.”

In its opinion released Wednesday, the appeals court sided with the suing students and parents, saying that Vermont’s education officials had maintained their discriminatory policy even after last year’s Supreme Court ruling.

“Last June, the Court clarified that this rule does not allow a state to apply a state constitutional prohibition on aid to religion that would bar religious schools from public benefits solely because of the religious character of the schools,” the opinion reads. “The officials who administer Vermont’s Town Tuition Program nevertheless continued to discriminate against religious schools and students in violation of the First Amendment.”

“The Supreme Court has made clear that the prevailing practice in Vermont—maintaining a policy of excluding religious schools from the TTP—is unconstitutional,” the judges wrote.

In June 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Montana can create a tax-credit scholarship program for private schools, even if it would mean that most money goes to religious schools.

“A State need not subsidize private education,” wrote Chief Justice John Roberts in the 5-4 decision. “But once a State decides to do so, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious.”
130   AmericanKulak   2021 Jun 4, 5:44pm  

Another ADF lawsuit!
131   Patrick   2021 Jun 4, 7:35pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
Another ADF lawsuit!


They seem like very good people.
132   AmericanKulak   2021 Jul 5, 9:55am  

The NEA will, with guidance on implementation from the NEA president and chairs of the Ethnic Minority Affairs Caucuses:

A. Share and publicize, through existing channels, information already available on critical race theory (CRT) -- what it is and what it is not; have a team of staffers for members who want to learn more and fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric; and share information with other NEA members as well as their community members.

B. Provide an already-created, in-depth, study that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society, and that we oppose attempts to ban critical race theory and/or The 1619 Project.

C. Publicly (through existing media) convey its support for the accurate and honest teaching of social studies topics, including truthful and age-appropriate accountings of unpleasant aspects of American history, such as slavery, and the oppression and discrimination of Indigenous, Black, Brown, and other peoples of color, as well as the continued impact this history has on our current society. The Association will further convey that in teaching these topics, it is reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks for understanding and interpreting the impact of the past on current society, including critical race theory.

D. Join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project to call for a rally this year on October 14—George Floyd’s birthday—as a national day of action to teach lessons about structural racism and oppression. Followed by one day of action that recognize and honor lives taken such as Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, and others. The National Education Association shall publicize these National Days of Action to all its members, including in NEA Today.

E. Conduct a virtual listening tour that will educate members on the tools and resources needed to defend honesty in education including but not limited to tools like CRT.

F. Commit President Becky Pringle to make public statements across all lines of media that support racial honesty in education including but not limited to critical race theory

133   Shaman   2021 Jul 5, 10:16am  

“ The National Education Association, America's largest teachers' union, is holding a vote on requiring mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations, masks and testing for students before classes return in the fall. ”

134   Onvacation   2021 Jul 5, 10:19am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says

What the fuck is that? Old straight men?

They couldn't fit white in that word.
135   clambo   2021 Jul 5, 10:32am  

There was a famous mega asshole who was the president of the United Federation of Teachers in New York City, Al Shanker.

He was so famous a dick that Woody Allen mentioned him in a movie.

I think it was the one about the future, Sleeper.
Paraphrase: "How was society destroyed?" "Someone named Al Shanker got hold of a nuclear weapon."

In Japan are teachers respected but they likely deserve it.
136   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Jul 5, 10:54am  

clambo says
In Japan are teachers respected but they likely deserve it.

Different unified culture. Strong parent rights, family ethic and tradition. By American standards, Japan is ultra racist in every way.
137   AmericanKulak   2021 Jul 5, 12:27pm  

Teachers in Japan have to eat with the kids, who clean up after themselves. Neither Karens nor EduKarens would tolerate such a thing.
138   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 4, 9:06pm  

"NEA: Trojan Horse" - by Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld, former Private and NYC Public Schoolteacher and Phonics/Homeschool Advocate:

139   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Sep 4, 9:57pm  

Patrick says
America is not doomed by diversity though, we just have to stress unity as Americans to overcome the obvious enormous harms of diversity.

It hasn’t been done I think, because it’s too easy to divide. We have very little that unites us right now, it worries me. The left destroyed almost all bonds we have between us here as people. It’s a very dangerous situation. Because people don’t stay in abusive relationships or even those that have no benefit. And our America feels like that relationship right now.
140   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Sep 4, 10:07pm  

Patrick says
She's fat enough that it may actually be a danger to her.

Yeah she’s legally a manatee. Or maamatee if it identifies as a ma’am. With that level of BMI everything is a death sentence. Of course she doesn’t think it’s her fault that she can be seen from the moon station by a naked eye.
141   richwicks   2021 Sep 4, 10:16pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
Patrick says
America is not doomed by diversity though, we just have to stress unity as Americans to overcome the obvious enormous harms of diversity.

It hasn’t been done I think, because it’s too easy to divide. We have very little that unites us right now, it worries me.

I think you're wrong about that.

We have a common enemy - our government. Liberals hate it, conservatives hate it.
142   HeadSet   2021 Sep 5, 6:36am  

richwicks says
We have a common enemy - our government. Liberals hate it

Liberals hate it? I see liberals always on the march for bigger, more intrusive government. The libs see big government as the method to get even with the rich and redistribute wealth to themselves.
143   BayArea   2021 Sep 5, 7:08am  

Teachers union is an enemy of our children
144   Patrick   2021 Sep 5, 9:57am  

HeadSet says
richwicks says
We have a common enemy - our government. Liberals hate it

Liberals hate it? I see liberals always on the march for bigger, more intrusive government. The libs see big government as the method to get even with the rich and redistribute wealth to themselves.

Yes, seems that way to me too.
145   richwicks   2021 Sep 6, 12:53pm  

HeadSet says
richwicks says
We have a common enemy - our government. Liberals hate it

Liberals hate it? I see liberals always on the march for bigger, more intrusive government.

No no no.

They want government to do more for the population. They complain that all this money is wasted on war, and they naively think they can get the government to change, if they just get people to vote in a certain way. They are the gullible among us.

They think they can FIX the government, Conservatives realize they can't and would prefer to abolish most of it.

Go take a look a Jimmy Dore for example:


Now I know many people here don't like him because he's a "liberal" - just remember, liberals aren't your enemies, they are just naive. Most liberals (except the fringe ones) don't give a crap about Drag Queen Story Hour, or the LGBTQ "agenda" - they want student debt relief, and the government to "do more", like handle the homeless crisis and provide "free" health care.

They are just naive. They're gullible - they aren't "stupid", they just don't realize that the "liberal" wing of government doesn't give a fuck about them.
146   Patrick   2021 Sep 6, 1:30pm  

I agree. I think that naivete is a huge problem

My mother-in-law thinks that it's very cynical of me to say that Fauci created the virus in order to sell the "vaccine".

I don't understand how she can ignore the easily available evidence. Fauci did indeed fund the lab that created the virus, and he does indeed push the jab.
147   richwicks   2021 Sep 6, 2:56pm  

Patrick says
I don't understand how she can ignore the easily available evidence.

She's just unable to understand the nature of true evil. She doesn't know how to think like a sociopath.

If you can get her to play some video games that are competitive - and if she's able to kill some players and NPCs (literal ones) - ask her if she felt bad for any character or person she took out. Of course she won't. That's how a sociopath thinks about people.
148   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 6, 3:20pm  

Liberals problem is that they grew up in homes where rationality and credentialism ruled.

In their minds, somebody with a degree/position can't be corrupt because they were vetted by their bourgeois surroundings.

Even a Liberal who had the SAT taken for him and went to Harvard on an Alumni admission thinks he is one of the capable, credentialed, virtuous people. He doesn't see his Alumni admission or SAT Fraud as being corruption or nepotism, but things he needed to do get that "Certification" as one of the "Better People". The Credential makes him one of the Most Highly Virtuous.

"I must be a good person because I had a re-usable grocery bag, I have the correct positions other bourgeois admins/execs have, I read the NYT and Economist and watch Late Nite Funny Men, and I have the proper credentials".

Words to the contrary simply don't compute. They have massive Doublethink.

This is why leftists can pivot from "Watch out for the Media and Big Pharma" to "Praise the Media and Big Pharma" in a minute without neck injuries. Best illustrated in one of many NPC memes where they get new instructions from NBC or WaPo or NPR.

Or they can have no problem with 1/6 solitary confinement for misdemeanors, but can excuse massive BLM/Antifa riots and violence; censorship of Alex Jones and Donald Trump and COVID counter-official narrative opinions, but claim to be for Free Speech.

Look at the ACLU, now claiming they won't automatically defend Free Speech cases if the accused are legally armed. They carefully phrased it so they CAN defend BLM/Black Nationalist groups that are (legally) armed.

When we replaced Western Classic Virtues and Christian Virtues with Radical Bourgeoisie Credentialism, John Dewey's mindset, that was the turning point for disaster.
149   clambo   2021 Sep 6, 3:26pm  

Just like nuts gravitate to psychology, weirdos gravitate to teaching.
150   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Sep 6, 4:11pm  

Patrick says
HeadSet says
richwicks says
We have a common enemy - our government. Liberals hate it

Liberals hate it? I see liberals always on the march for bigger, more intrusive government. The libs see big government as the method to get even with the rich and redistribute wealth to themselves.

Yes, seems that way to me too.

Doesn’t feel like liberals exist anymore. It’s Republicans who are more liberal today in terms of shit that matters. Left is only liberal on gay shit and open borders, but on regular peoples rights they are assholes.
151   richwicks   2021 Sep 6, 4:37pm  

clambo says
Just like nuts gravitate to psychology, weirdos gravitate to teaching.

I've got a bunch of teachers in my family, they are all pretty normal.

As for nuts gravitating to psychology, certainly seems true for my alma mater - when I ran into some spiked hair makeup wearing goth freak, 90%+ change it was an psychology. I knew like 1 engineering student who was like that.
152   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 6, 5:08pm  

The Teachers Union must be Destroyed.
153   Patrick   2021 Sep 6, 7:02pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
This is why leftists can pivot from "Watch out for the Media and Big Pharma" to "Praise the Media and Big Pharma" in a minute without neck injuries.


So true though, the left is absolutely in love love love with mega-corporations now, the bigger and more evil the better, with Pfizer at the top.

richwicks says
when I ran into some spiked hair makeup wearing goth freak, 90%+ change it was an psychology. I knew like 1 engineering student who was like that.

The engineering students don't have any psychological need to be like that, because they know what they are doing, and why, and exactly how much money they are going to make when they graduate.
154   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 6, 8:16pm  

Patrick says

So true though, the left is absolutely in love love love with mega-corporations now, the bigger and more evil the better, with Pfizer at the top.

Yep! Because they control them. Before, when they didn't, corporations were controlled by the "Man".

It was wicked evil for Walmart to pull a Rap Album full of cuss words, and whore this and bitch that, talking about gunning down people and slapping women, off the shelf without ID. Total oppression of Artists and Free Speech.

But now that they control Corporations, it's simply MUH PRIVATE COMPANY and Woke Virtue to ban Trump, Alex Jones, etc. ENTIRELY, adult or not adult. Regardless of content.

Hate Speech is Obscenity for the Left, except unlike Obscenity which is only limited to adults, Hate Speech must be restricted for ALL. And Hate Speech is simply Speech leftists (and liberals) hate.
155   Onvacation   2021 Sep 6, 9:07pm  

Patrick says
very cynical

On the scale of attitude:

I would put you somewhere on the optimistic side of realist.
156   Onvacation   2021 Sep 6, 9:08pm  

It's hard not to be pessimistic after the last couple decades.
157   Patrick   2021 Sep 6, 10:14pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
Yep! Because they control them. Before, when they didn't, corporations were controlled by the "Man".

That's interesting. It does seem that mega-corporation management has become quite leftist socially, while of course continuing to exploit the masses the same as ever.

Or maybe they just advertise that they have become leftists with the sodomy flag and BLM logos, while laughing at the leftist plebes who believe it.
158   zzyzzx   2021 Sep 7, 5:25am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says

Among the material associated with a Maryland public school's five-day social justice summer course is a slide that identifies the phrase "Make America Great Again" as a type of "Covert White Supremacy."

The slogan, often abbreviated "MAGA," has been a staple of Donald Trump's political career.

Judicial Watch obtained the slide and other materials related to Thomas Pyle Middle School's course titled "Reading and Taking Action for Social Justice."

"The enclosed materials were prepared to include in the class; however, many of the materials were not shared with students," according to the cover letter provided along with the course records. It also states that the class "took place July 13 through July 17, 2020 and met for 50 minutes each day. No grades were given and no actual work was due."

The middle school is connected with Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland, a school district that awarded more than $454,000 for an "Anti-racist System...

Why am I NOT surprised that this is in Montgomery County
159   Shaman   2021 Sep 7, 6:12am  

Onvacation says
I would put you somewhere on the optimistic side of realist.

I try not to be an optimist. Optimists tend to be angry most of the time, mostly because their hopes keep getting dashed by reality and the stupidity of other people. Especially these days. It’s bad being an optimist. I’ve been angry for so long. I don’t want to be angry anymore. I want to be at peace and pessimism is good for that. The world is fucked and most people are selfish and stupid. That’s reality. Accepting that reality brings an ability to accurately predict the course of events.
I know that people aren’t going to do their research before making a decision on whether to take an experimental jab. They’re going to take the advice of someone they respect (even if he is a dumb ass or propaganda mill) and do whatever he says.
I know that 90% of the parents on my baseball team aren’t going to help even before I meet them. People are selfish. I’m putting myself out there as a volunteer, training their kids, investing time and money, and they still can’t be bothered to help with field maintenance. I know this. So I’m not surprised. I do it for the kids. This way if a parent does help I am pleasantly surprised and they go on my private list of people who are “alright.”
160   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Sep 7, 7:04am  

Shaman says
It’s bad being an optimist. I’ve been angry for so long. I don’t want to be angry anymore. I want to be at peace and pessimism is good for that.

I suppose. Choosing parenthood is an extreme expression of optimism.

Scriptures are full of platitudes for being optimistic. Maybe this is why many people of faith have an optimistic outlook. (I know, the SF area is ground zero of the anti-faithful, and SF has the lowest kid population per capita of anywhere. Bring it on, hipsters.)
161   WookieMan   2021 Sep 7, 8:04am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
I suppose. Choosing parenthood is an extreme expression of optimism.

Agree with this, but I'd add you have to be pessimistic for it to work out in the end. I live by a rule to expect the worst. I have a knack for spotting situations going south and by being pessimistic, I'm able to prevent drama and am prepared for a negative outcome. Over optimism is toxic in my mind as Shaman is eluding to. The idea that things will just go right will fool you.

If you think you're going to win and continue to fail that has consequences mentally. You have to go in trying your best, but understand and accept there's a possibility you'll lose or something negative will happen. Being overly optimistic is not healthy.
162   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Sep 7, 1:07pm  

WookieMan says
I live by a rule to expect the worst. I have a knack for spotting situations going south and by being pessimistic, I'm able to prevent drama and am prepared for a negative outcome. Over optimism is toxic

Here is a different way of approaching a challenge through a lens that's not pessimistic. It's a challenge, how to confront/deal with the situation, solve the problem, make the best of a bad situation, figure out and navigate through the less bad of bad options. A test of one's intellect, problem solving, or values. Approach it with a positive outlook, you'll win even if you lose.

Being overly pessimistic is not healthy.

Like people of faith, optimistic in the knowledge that our fleeting time here is but a test, can face challenges with an overall optimistic outlook. Such are folks whom Hipsters and Snarksters like the Bay Area is chock-full of, would refer to as Simpletons.
163   Onvacation   2021 Sep 7, 4:29pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says
Here is a different way of approaching a challenge through a lens that's not pessimistic. It's a challenge, how to confront/deal with the situation, solve the problem, make the best of a bad situation, figure out and navigate through the less bad of bad options. A test of one's intellect, problem solving, or values. Approach it with a positive outlook, you'll win even if you lose.

Don't get frustrated, get challenged!

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