BLM jumps shark in Rochester, destroying restaurants flipping tables right out from under patrons

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2020 Sep 5, 2:10am   3,997 views  36 comments

by Automan Empire   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Watch as BLM loses the support of everyone they interact with. This type of behavior is spreading and escalating while police stand down and mobs get away with it over and over with little to no repercussions. In the second portion of the video, it appears a woman goes deep into the dining space to demolish tables while a buff man follows her to stand guard and lend a menacing presence.


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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Sep 5, 2:21am  

Trying to break into an Apartment Building

2   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Sep 5, 2:31am  

Direct our energy towards the White People tonight. They've been attacking homes, too.

3   mell   2020 Sep 5, 6:14am  

I don't understand why people are not opening fire after a brief warning. Looks like we need the Koreans to do that again like during the Rodney King riots.
4   Tenpoundbass   2020 Sep 5, 6:44am  

I've seen this movie before, the net result usually ends up being. A massive crackdown on crime and criminal behavior with enhanced sentencing guidelines and zero tolerance on Criminals. I can even see the beefing up of self defense laws, "He got in my face" will be a valid form of self defense.
6   mell   2020 Sep 5, 7:17am  

TrumpingTits says
mell says
I don't understand why people are not opening fire after a brief warning. Looks like we need the Koreans to do that again like during the Rodney King riots.

And get a zillion charges of premeditated murder by a Libtard DA?

You either have rule of law or you don't. Nobody charged the Koreans during the King riots for shooting from their rooftops. If enough Americans don't let these assholes destroy their businesses none of any charges would hold. In fact you can sue afterwards and get a good settlement. You can't charge people for defending their property as long as they don't go out into the streets. Orherwise why have a business or live in the US at all. I don't run a business but if anybody threatens the safety of my family I will kill them if I have to. Why do they let years of hard work go to waste. Any deaths are the responsibility of those kids parents. You can go out and protest peacefully all you want but if you turn violent you'll pay the price.
7   RWSGFY   2020 Sep 5, 7:23am  

TrumpingTits says
mell says
I don't understand why people are not opening fire after a brief warning. Looks like we need the Koreans to do that again like during the Rodney King riots.

And get a zillion charges of premeditated murder by a Libtard DA?

Wear a mask.
8   mell   2020 Sep 5, 7:31am  

TrumpingTits says
mell says
charged the Koreans during the King riots for shooting from their rooftops

Do you know the name Kyke Rittenhouse? How about the McCloskeys?

King Riots? WTF? Might as well ask me if I am watching ALF on TV.

As for having the rule of law or not, that 'determation' was decided months ago.

McCloskeys should win in the end, this is just round one or two. Rittenhouse went out in the streets were the laws are not that clear. I think he should not get charged but it's a different situation. I have never heard of anyone who shot a violent intruder in their home/business and didn't get acquitted. Most don't get charged cause the law is much clearer in your own private space.
9   RWSGFY   2020 Sep 5, 8:10am  

mell says
I have never heard of anyone who shot a violent intruder in their home/business and didn't get acquitted. Most don't get charged cause the law is much clearer in your own private space.

They use the process as a punishment. Started with Zim.
10   Shaman   2020 Sep 5, 8:38am  

The rule of law itself is under assault from these critical race theory hucksters who make ridiculous statements in defense of riots and looting and violence against white people, and then dare anyone to contradict them while holding a big stick of RACIST to whack them with. Most people are cowards with lots to lose, so they are quiet and move away.
Will these cowards go full Stockholm Effect and embrace the ideology of their abusers? Or will they quietly vote for the other side (Trump) as a matter of passive aggression?
11   Ceffer   2020 Sep 5, 9:01am  

Is there really going to be a fascist backlash and crack down? It seems the Dem agenda is to goad that outcome and then claim to be the saviors of freedom.

Standard Progressive psychopath shit is to cause, incite and nurture the problem, then blame the backlash for being the problem.

Trump's policy of just letting them stew in their own shit for all to see cause and effect is about the most enlightened. . However, I wouldn't want the Nazi backlash, either.
13   mell   2020 Sep 5, 9:30am  

FuckCCP89 says
mell says
I have never heard of anyone who shot a violent intruder in their home/business and didn't get acquitted. Most don't get charged cause the law is much clearer in your own private space.

They use the process as a punishment. Started with Zim.

True but even Zim was out in the street and while you have the right to self defense they can always come with the argument he was pursuing it. When you are in your home or business the aggressor is crystal clear.

TrumpingTits says
mell says
McCloskeys should win in the end,

So what? Is this whacko DA going to pay for their legal expenses?

mell says
Rittenhouse went out in the streets were the laws are not that clear.

No. They are very clear. So clear that is total bullshit that he was charged with first degree murder.

And those Koreans fighting off the rioters today would be charged with bogus first degree murder too. This isn't the 90s.

What is the theme I keep pressing here, mell?

It is this: Rule of Law also means no out of control libtard prosecutors totally abusing their offices to financially ruin ordinary ppl with bullshit charges.

I agree with your premise but the laws are indeed different wrt at home and in the streets. The dwelling usually allows you to use deadly force while protecting other personal property hardly ever allows the use of deadly force. I agree with the bs if leftoid DAs but the fact remains that if the McCloskeys had waited inside their home and shot the first few assholes breaking in - if they would have done that - they would not be prosecuted right now. They shouldn't be anyways but there's a difference coming outside and shooting someone vs shooting an active intruder. All I was saying is that people should not be afraid to shoot violent/harmful intruders into their dwellings as they're protected by the law.
14   Bd6r   2020 Sep 5, 10:14am  

Automan Empire says
Watch as BLM loses the support of everyone they interact with. This type of behavior is spreading and escalating while police stand down and mobs get away with it over and over with little to no repercussions. In the second portion of the video, it appears a woman goes deep into the dining space to demolish tables while a buff man follows her to stand guard and lend a menacing presence

I don't get these "protester-looters". Their actions are the ones that will get Trump re-elected. Are they really so stupid, or there is some other explanation? Also, if Harris bails these people out, is she just as stupid or wants to lose the election?
15   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Sep 5, 10:25am  

Obviously these morons forcefully demand that you visibily affirm positions that they believe in. This provides them with pleasure, for example, from a belief that they are makng a difference. from a belief that they are creating a groundswell of similar beliefs, woking people, whatever. But they are getting off on it. And so they are exhorting diners to jerk them off. Fellow diners shoud take a poll and ask who wants to jerk these people off? If no one, then politely decline, and tell these imbeciles to go jerk themselves off.
16   Ceffer   2020 Sep 5, 10:58am  

Again, I am absolutely amazed that these 'protesters' expect that there will be no retaliations for their activities. It's like they are all borderline personalities who think that their hysteria 'makes it so'. They are two year olds in adult bodies.
17   Patrick   2020 Sep 5, 11:53am  

Brd6 says
Automan Empire saysI don't get these "protester-looters". Their actions are the ones that will get Trump re-elected. Are they really so stupid, or there is some other explanation? Also, if Harris bails these people out, is she just as stupid or wants to lose the election?

They abandoned reason a long time ago.

At this point it is just infantile hate. Such overwhelming hate makes people lose their ability to think clearly.

I say yes, they really are that stupid. They are impaired by the drug of hate.
18   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Sep 5, 11:55am  

NoCoupForYou says
Trying to break into an Apartment Building

Thanks, adding this to no police show!
19   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Sep 5, 12:09pm  

This shit is what automatic weapons were invented for. BLM chunks.
20   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Sep 5, 12:11pm  

TrumpingTits says
Libtard DA

Chunk the DA first.
21   Ceffer   2020 Sep 5, 12:34pm  

Convince them that piss is a good antidote for pepper spray, then go out there and piss all over them.
22   Bd6r   2020 Sep 5, 12:49pm  

TrumpingTits says
Called TDS and it has been around for a while.
The armchair Antifa wannabes on FB cheer this on, too.

+ what they get is a general change in attitude towards firearms. I was in our friendly neighborhood gun shop, and you will not believe the amount of Karens and Kens who were shopping. Most were first time buyers. Gun shop is out of 2/3 of their inventory.
24   Booger   2020 Sep 5, 5:49pm  

It would only take a few of those diners to stand up to the thugs and give them a beat down. Antifi are pussies who will curl up in a ball if challenged. People need to stop acting like sheep.
25   mell   2020 Sep 5, 5:59pm  

Booger says
It would only take a few of those diners to stand up to the thugs and give them a beat down. Antifi are pussies who will curl up in a ball if challenged. People need to stop acting like sheep.

Right nothing new about the modern soyboy but I'm wondering where all the "strong womyn" at. Isn't the world full of strong wommym who don't need men and can hold their own against men? I see only wommyn fleeing in panic. I'm a bit disappointed, where's wonder woman? ;)
26   Booger   2020 Sep 5, 6:00pm  


BLM Crash Louisville and Demand Kentucky Derby Canceled, Crowd of Fed-Up Patriots Push Back
27   Automan Empire   2020 Sep 5, 6:04pm  

mell says
I see only wommyn fleeing in panic.

Maybe they'll learn to start carrying soup cans in their purses if this is how it's going to be.
28   mell   2020 Sep 5, 6:15pm  

Automan Empire says
mell says
I see only wommyn fleeing in panic.

Maybe they'll learn to start carrying soup cans in their purses if this is how it's going to be.

I mean don't they carry mace and tasers, revolvers and shit to defend themselves from evil patriarchal fucking!straight!white!males? I'd love it if a womyn would put those punks into place, my kind of feminism. But don't talk big and then run away at the first sign of trouble.
29   Automan Empire   2020 Sep 5, 6:34pm  

mell says
I'd love it if a womyn would put those punks into place

Not only that, if the women at the table fought back against their lone attacker, they would be inverting the situation where the woman provocateur is protected from force by men. Now the man is in the position of watching his protectee get the shit beaten out of her with his hands tied because instead of a black man protecting a black woman from white men, suddenly he'd appear as a black man attacking white women.
30   Ceffer   2020 Sep 5, 6:56pm  

Wow! Louisville has a lot of well fed patriots.
31   HeadSet   2020 Sep 5, 8:03pm  

Nobody charged the Koreans during the King riots for shooting from their rooftops.

As I recall, those Korean ancestry Americans did not even have loaded weapons, just being visible on the roof with weapons was enough to stop them from being looted. I do not think they shot at anyone.
32   GNL   2020 Sep 5, 10:20pm  

Automan Empire says
mell says
I'd love it if a womyn would put those punks into place

Not only that, if the women at the table fought back against their lone attacker, they would be inverting the situation where the woman provocateur is protected from force by men. Now the man is in the position of watching his protectee get the shit beaten out of her with his hands tied because instead of a black man protecting a black woman from white men, suddenly he'd appear as a black man attacking white women.

Excellent comment. Who says race doesn't matter? More now than ever.
34   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Oct 6, 11:58am  

mell says
I don't understand why people are not opening fire after a brief warning. Looks like we need the Koreans to do that again like during the Rodney King riots.
When citizens are forced to kill in order to defend themselves and their properties from this mayhem, the mayors and governors should be charged with negligent homicide.
35   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Oct 6, 12:11pm  

HeadSet says
Nobody charged the Koreans during the King riots for shooting from their rooftops.

As I recall, those Korean ancestry Americans did not even have loaded weapons, just being visible on the roof with weapons was enough to stop them from being looted. I do not think they shot at anyone.
Untrue. They did open fire.

HA: The riot people took the next building, put it on fire. Then these people want to come to our store. Then we are shooting each other. Somehow, the people stationed on roof, then their line of fire got my security guard, and he really get blown off. So...


The clip showed store owners firing their guns, ostensibly to keep looters away, during the 1992 Los Angeles riots, which were sparked by racial unrest stemming from the beating of Rodney King and killing of 15-year-old Latasha Harris.

36   Patrick   2020 Oct 6, 12:16pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

God bless the Korean-Americans!

All looters should be shot on sight.

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