Curious distribution of Oregon and N. California fires along highways

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2020 Sep 11, 2:11pm   10,055 views  84 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


There would be a lot more fires in the drier eastern halves of those states if they had occurred naturally.

Conclusion: the fires are arson by climate cultists to whip up fear.

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1   georgeliberte   2020 Sep 11, 2:49pm  

During the Floyd protest in May all the looting in Fairfield, CA occurred in close quick easy access to I-80. Just sayin.
2   Hircus   2020 Sep 11, 3:42pm  

More importantly, is the way the fires start. I wish the images went back before sept 8th, because thats when this effect was visible. The wind is blowing west, as seen via the smoke. But the OR fires spread south over the course of a day, as if an NPC were driving and starting them. Odd that so many fires independently start in the same day, despite most being too far apart to ignite each other.

Patricks image shows a major hwy, but there's plenty of smaller roads that go right through the fires.
3   Blue   2020 Sep 11, 4:05pm  

There are satellites scan the entire earth continuously. One can rewind and find out activity. There are very sophisticated sw available to process and analyze what is happening if needed.
4   ignoreme   2020 Sep 11, 4:22pm  

Just get out of CA Patrick. Trump is gonna win, CA is gonna secede, I say let them. Blow up the few roads crossing the Rockies so they can’t get over. We can take it back in 20 years after they all sodomize themselves to death.
5   Patrick   2020 Sep 11, 5:11pm  

georgeliberte says
During the Floyd protest in May all the looting in Fairfield, CA occurred in close quick easy access to I-80. Just sayin.

You're right, what the organized looters seem to do is rent a bunch of cars and drive on the highway to the looting zone.


At around 6 p.m., Santa Monica Police Chief Cynthia Renaud sent out a message asking police "partners" to email smtips@santamonica.gov if they saw something suspicious.

"We want to share that there will be a continued visible presence of SMPD officers in the community this evening given a threatening Instagram story shared in the last hour," Renaud wrote.

At around 6 p.m. the Police Department deployed its drone to monitor incoming traffic.

An hour later -- as called for in the Instagram post -- caravans of rental cars began exiting the freeway and traveling in rows of three to five towards the Downtown.

Officers began pulling over drivers who who violated the traffic code, Cobarrubias said.

"As soon as we started doing traffic stops the others would leave," she said. "As soon as they saw the officers, they veered off.

"The cars kept circling the Downtown area."

It was an unusual sight on a weekday night during a pandemic.

"The Downtown area on a Tuesday night doesn't get a lot of people," Cobarrubias said. "This looked like a Friday or Saturday night when it was busy."

The pattern of the looting was similar to that in other cities like Chicago, she said.

"It's the same M.O. (modus operandi). Organized groups are renting cars and driving in caravan style."
6   Patrick   2020 Sep 11, 5:13pm  

ignoreme says
Just get out of CA Patrick.

The dilemma is that I still have a great job here, probably best I ever had.
8   Onvacation   2020 Sep 11, 10:04pm  

CBOEtrader says

its climate change! not BLM, duh

Newsom is such a moron!
Never trust anyone that talks with their hands in their pockets. They are hiding something from you.
10   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Sep 11, 10:37pm  

Patrick says
The dilemma is that I still have a great job here, probably best I ever had.

I'm suffering with that right now as well.. Sadly I'm not going to find a bioinformatic job in Florida. Nor most other places worth leaving to.
12   Hircus   2021 Aug 13, 10:24am  

Blue says
There are satellites scan the entire earth continuously. One can rewind and find out activity. There are very sophisticated sw available to process and analyze what is happening if needed.

@Blue do you know of any? I'm trying to see this satellite view as it was on sept 8 2020.
13   mell   2021 Aug 13, 11:28am  

They already caught one person who was laying fires near the Dixie fire. Globull warming my ass
14   Patrick   2023 May 18, 7:54pm  


There’s breaking news from the Fifth-Generation Proxy War, or the Climate War, depending on your preferred narrative.

— Canada’s annual wildfire season is burning brightly. So brightly that it’s TEN TIMES normal — 100 fires instead of the average 10 — which seems sort of like a lot, and raises a few questions. But don’t strain your cerebrum, because the official narrative says it’s climate change, provoked by a 3/100-degree annual increase in normal temperatures. So.

Or … it could be one single saboteur with a pocket propane torch and a car. Which makes more sense to you? ...

Note: this has nothing to do with it, but woke forestry allows uncontrolled forest growth in worship of Earth Mother Gaia. Uncleared forest growth creates tons of dry tinder. Dry tinder is easily ignited into uncontrollable, large-scale fires. On the other hand, normal, pre-woke forestry procedures regularly cleared underbrush and created lots of fire breaks, for just in case. The West’s adversaries certainly know our woke forestry practices create opportunities for a lone firebug to have a flammable field day.

I’m not saying anything; I’m just saying.

In case you were wondering, I’m not the only one smelling a firefly. For just one example of many, a Canadian twitterer suspects climate activists:

15   Ceffer   2023 May 18, 7:57pm  

At least there has been a hiatus on the DEW weapons it seems. Woo says satellites were shot down, too man people caught on that the fires did not resemble natural events and the destructions of building to ash likewise. Santa Rosa and Paradise were DEW'd.
17   Ceffer   2023 Jun 6, 1:31pm  

DEWs active again. Destroying agriculture for the new Globalist Illuminati engineered Holdomor and driving people into 15 minute prison cities.

18   Patrick   2023 Jun 6, 1:45pm  


It really is an amazing coincidence that all of those fires would start at more or less the same time. Perhaps if there had been an epic lightning storm blanketing the area, which there wasn’t. Or maybe a particularly large shower of meteors, although a cosmic impactor swarm large enough to set fire to the country would presumably have been seen by a lot of people, and there are only 2 reports for 2023 from the whole of Canada, with the most recent being out in Alberta.

The only other way I can imagine that you’d have that many fires starting with such perfect synchronization is via coordinated human activity. If you go on social media, the other narrative vying for supremacy with the climate crisis shrieking is that this is mostly deliberate arson. Yes, that’s a crazy conspiracy theory. It’s one that at least some police share, however, with local news in British Colombia, Alberta and Nova Scotia reporting arrests or active investigations of suspicious activity. The Alberta government has assigned just under half of the wildfires to human activity, with the rest under investigation.
19   Patrick   2023 Jun 7, 9:27am  


Alberta says 'people' started 300 wildfires this year, ends provincial state of emergency

Since the start of May, more than 38,000 Albertans fled their homes under duress from local evacuation orders. Of that, 4,200 evacuees remain under evacuation due to out-of-control wildfires.

20   rocketjoe79   2023 Jun 7, 5:23pm  

Blue says

There are satellites scan the entire earth continuously. One can rewind and find out activity. There are very sophisticated sw available to process and analyze what is happening if needed.

That would be true IF TPTB wanted you to know.
21   richwicks   2023 Jun 7, 5:48pm  

rocketjoe79 says

Blue says

There are satellites scan the entire earth continuously. One can rewind and find out activity. There are very sophisticated sw available to process and analyze what is happening if needed.

That would be true IF TPTB wanted you to know.

They can't stop us from knowing.

People who remain ignorant, remain ignorant by choice at this point.
23   Patrick   2023 Jun 8, 8:32pm  

Same shit going on in Canada this year, with Soros-funded Pantyfa types lighting fire to whip up hype about globull warming.
24   richwicks   2023 Jun 8, 8:56pm  

Patrick says


Hey @PeopleUnited

Think the Internet makes no difference still? It's a JOKE now that our government is creating devastation to push a false narrative of global warming. Because they care about the environment, RIGHT?

It's a SLOW FUCKING EFFORT to get people to open their eyes. People would say "what can I do?", well when there's 200 million Americans asking that question, they will find out they can do a lot.

The first thing you need to do to fix a problem is EXPOSE the problem, don't fucking keep it secret. You got these dumb societies like the John Birch Society and the Lyndon LaRouche PAC - they want to keep membership, control access to information. You want to fix a problem, you show that there's a problem. They are doing the same fucking thing as the Franklin School does - manipulate by emotions, don't appeal to higher levels of thinking.

You can appeal to base emotions, as an addition, but you better have the fucking evidence to back it up. Maybe the United States DID have a good, legitimate reason to invade and bomb Iraq? It's POSSIBLE, but they've never bothered to explain it, therefore, I don't think that reason exists. Maybe "globull warming" is cover for something that NEEDS to be dealt with, like depletion of petroleum fuels, maybe we ARE running out - maybe that's the emergency, but they instead lie to us. MAYBE the vaccines were preparation for WWIII, and this is expected to be a biological war, and people were really inoculated against pathogens that were expected to be used? Possibly a 1% death rate by the vaccines VASTLY outweighed a 90% death rate in the non-inoculated? Could be! Who knows?

The problem is that they lie to us, all the goddamned time, and I don't think liars ever have your best interests at heart.

My problem is my government lies to me, treats me like a child, like I'm stupid, expects me to believe stupid things, demonstrates that people around me believe stupid things. Well, I'm an adult, leak the truth, tell it to me through some "conspiracy nutcase", I'm OK with that - but until they do, and they have credible story (the truth is always 100% credible), and their story has NO contradictions (truth never has any contradictions!), I consider them enemies, not friends.

I'm not willing to go along to get along anymore. I'm tired of it. Too old for it.

You know something I don't? Share it. Let me evaluate it. You may have been lied to, same with me. Truth is discoverable though. You have over a billion people on the Internet, and ONE person can specialize in ONE tiny interest and discover the reality of that truth. They'll explain it, it spreads. That's how it used to be, censorship is fucking with that, but that's fine, now it's even easier because somebody telling an inconvenient truth is removed from "major social sites", and you can find them elsewhere. Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter are sifting out the rocks, and the rocks end up elsewhere. There's a lot of giants in knowledge in VERY specific areas.
25   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 9:26am  


"Climate Change" Now Causes 400 Forest Fires To Erupt At Once in Quebec, And Send A "Toxic Blanket" Over NYC

Why Not Syracuse? ...

It seems to me that yes, they’ve launched the next terror wave, and it’s “climate change.” I have to be honest—this one I am not going to handle very well.

American Life in 2023 consists of being lied to, gaslit, and terrorized on an industrial scale; I’m responding at this point by having no responses. I have nothing to add, it’s all so painfully obvious.
26   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 9, 10:40am  

Patrick says


"Climate Change" Now Causes 400 Forest Fires To Erupt At Once in Quebec, And Send A "Toxic Blanket" Over NYC

Why Not Syracuse? ...

It seems to me that yes, they’ve launched the next terror wave, and it’s “climate change.” I have to be honest—this one I am not going to handle very well.

American Life in 2023 consists of being lied to, gaslit, and terrorized on an industrial scale; I’m responding at this point by having no responses. I have nothing to add, it’s all so painfully obvious.

People living in these forest lands should patrol them to prevent arson during the fire season. It's in their own interest after all.
27   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 2:50pm  

Quoting my own comment on Naomi Wolf's Substack:


Same thing happened in California in 2020, but the arsonists were rather lazy and set the fires in places accessible from the highways, rather than in more remote and even drier areas which would have burned had the fires been of natural origin.


I suppose the people who are setting these fires "to save the planet" by whipping up fear have learned from that spatial mistake, yet the fires they just now set in Canada were temporally all clustered. Not possible that that is natural.

Seriously, someone high up in the Climate Cult should get rid of those incompetent underlings who are giving away the game.
28   Ceffer   2023 Jun 9, 2:59pm  

Ready, Set, GO!!! Light your fires altogether now, crowd sourced pyromaniacs. The 'KommieKunt Pyros of Tik Tok', working in the service of the Satanic Inversion Global Warming agenda?
32   richwicks   2023 Jun 10, 4:01am  

Patrick says

"Climate Change" Now Causes 400 Forest Fires To Erupt At Once in Quebec, And Send A "Toxic Blanket" Over NYC

Why Not Syracuse? ...

My parents live in Lowville, NY - they don't report anything unusual.
33   WookieMan   2023 Jun 10, 7:40am  

richwicks says

Patrick says

"Climate Change" Now Causes 400 Forest Fires To Erupt At Once in Quebec, And Send A "Toxic Blanket" Over NYC

Why Not Syracuse? ...

My parents live in Lowville, NY - they don't report anything unusual.

We had poor air quality alerts where I'm at from the fires 5 days roughly. Somewhat hazy the last week here in northern IL.

Our bigger issue is our drought here. We "might" get a 1/4" of rain tomorrow, but the 10 day is still dry as fuck. I don't recall it ever being this dry, especially late may to almost mid-June. We usually get some pretty good t-busters and downpours. I think I've only heard thunder from 2 systems this year. Really abnormal. Few people here have in ground irrigation, so a lot of brown lawns currently. I don't think I've mowed my own lawn in 2 weeks. Stopped mowing 60 acres of school property this week because it's brown and much of that was treated with fertilizer.

The weather though has been the best for 3 weeks though in my lifetime in IL. Not overly hot or humid. 80-85º and sunny with no clouds. Only had to turn the AC on 3-4 days. Cool at nights. It's been awesome. Just my lawn looks like shit, but I'm a cheapskate and won't water. Not shitting on my lawn, so not gonna pay the sewer portion of the water bill for greener grass.

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