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I'm betting Photoshop.
I'm betting Photoshop.
Patrick saysI'm betting Photoshop.
What's worse that it could be Photoshop or that we can't instantly know because of how crazy left is.
I'm betting Photoshop.It's funny how the wearing of lace collars over their black robes is supposed to soften the images of female judges--it sure didn't work in the case of RBG any more than it does in the image of Judge Judy:
If not, holy jeebus we are in for some bad times.
Oh dear god, I think it is real?
"Yeah, RBG was an amazing person," said LeBron James after the game. "I have her biography right here and I totally read it right before the game. She was a judge. That's cool, I respect that. Judges judge things and not everyone can do that. She believed in Black Lives Matter and being on the right side of history and stuff."
Holy holy shit, this guy influences millions....we're done...maybe bees will take over.