Thought Experiment - Trump Dies of COVID Before Election - What happens?

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2020 Oct 2, 8:35pm   3,907 views  46 comments

by ThatGuy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

As said above, what happens if Trump dies of COVID before the election?

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22   Ceffer   2020 Oct 3, 12:52am  

Nobody thinks the timing of all of this is more than suspicious, and all these government officials being infected all of a sudden, when the virus is being quenched.

"Gee, it almost sounds like it isn't a coincidence!" An 'on purpose' super strain of Covid for them? Or maybe something a little stronger?
23   richwicks   2020 Oct 3, 3:01am  

This has happened before in several elections although I don't think ever a presidential election.

Tickets remained unchanged, people can vote for "Trump" and should he win, Pence becomes president. I don't know who becomes the next VP though in this case.
24   Dholliday126   2020 Oct 3, 7:49am  

Don Trump Jr. Steps in, wins 80% of the vote because the guy is a total badass. Starts a war with China to avenge his dad, within 3 months he's drinking green tea in the forbidden palace and taking a daily dump on Xi's face.
25   MrEd   2020 Oct 3, 8:51am  

Don Jr will be dead alongside his dad, of covid.
The whole Whitehouse is coming down with the shit.
I wonder what new excuses the mask deniers will come up with next .
Mask deniers make rocks look like rocket scientists LOL

Dholliday126 says
Don Trump Jr. Steps in, wins 80% of the vote because the guy is a total badass. Starts a war with China to avenge his dad, within 3 months he's drinking green tea in the forbidden palace and taking a daily dump on Xi's face.
26   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Oct 3, 9:00am  

ThatGuy says
Short term or long term?

Very short term. Just like it plummeted for a day or so after his surprising win over Hillary.
27   WookieMan   2020 Oct 3, 9:08am  

MrEd says
I wonder what new excuses the mask deniers will come up with next .

Weren't masks supposed to prevent others from getting it and stopping spread? Where is the goal post at this point? First it was to stop the spread from infected people to others and now it stops the virus from getting in you? Which is it?

Either way he won't die. Wishing his son dead is also pretty sick. Lots of people I don't like, but wishing death on others is being a shitty human. Congrats.
28   Hircus   2020 Oct 3, 10:43am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
ThatGuy says
Short term or long term?

Very short term. Just like it plummeted for a day or so after his surprising win over Hillary.

Think you got it backwards. It fell while Hillary was expected, when Trump won it surged. S&P500:

DOW & Nasdaq are similar.

Although, I do remember all the "expert" talking heads told me so many times that if Trump won, it would be chaos and doomsday.
29   Ceffer   2020 Oct 3, 11:15am  

LOL! Some fake newsters are saying Trump is faking Covid because he is afraid of debating Biden again.

I have to admit that when Clintons et alia send their best wishes for his recovery, it is NOT a good sign.
30   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Oct 3, 11:20am  

Corona virus is going to be sorry it ever met Trump. The only thing worse would be meeting Chuck Norris.

Edit: Or Bruce Lee if he were still alive. The only person who can beat Bruce Lee is Bruce Lee.
32   Onvacation   2020 Oct 3, 1:30pm  

ThatGuy says
I'd vote third party (libertarian)

Who's the candidate?
33   Onvacation   2020 Oct 3, 1:33pm  

MrEd says
Mask deniers make rocks look like rocket scientists LOL

True believers can't be convinced.

Once they have it in their head that catastrophe is imminent even evidence to the contrary will not change their minds.
34   RWSGFY   2020 Oct 3, 1:37pm  

Hircus says
I do remember all the "expert" talking heads told me so many times that if Trump won, it would be chaos and doomsday.

Not just any expert - a full-blown Nobel prize winner!
35   B.A.C.A.H.   2020 Oct 3, 2:19pm  

Hircus says
Think you got it backwards. It fell while Hillary was expected, when Trump won it surged.

Hmmm..... thank you for sharing. I remembered there was some kind of drama.

OK then, stock market will plunge, very short term.
36   Booger   2020 Oct 3, 5:36pm  

Pence becomes president, then appointments Trump Jr as VP. Then Pence resigns, and Trump Jr becomes President. Trump Jr then picks Pence as VP. Trump Jr gets re-elected in 2024.
37   HeadSet   2020 Oct 3, 7:30pm  

AU79 says
Online Betting Websites Place ODDS Of Trump Dying From Corona At 33%!

That means that twice as many people are betting that Trump will live. The generic claim of a "74 year old with heart problems" does not apply to Trump.
38   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Oct 3, 8:15pm  

Booger says
Pence becomes president, then appointments Trump Jr as VP. Then Pence resigns, and Trump Jr becomes President. Trump Jr then picks Pence as VP. Trump Jr gets re-elected in 2024.

After that space force is fully activated. A young skywalker is born.
39   WookieMan   2020 Oct 4, 6:26am  

TrumpingTits says
Yup. Trump will be in the hospital for maybe two weeks. Then he'll be cleared and get to boast being the guy who beat the "China Virus" while Biden will have been hiding in fear behind his mask and non-campaigning the entire time.

And in the meantime all the news is about Trump having Corona. Even if Biden was campaigning, the main coverage is still Trump as he sits in a hospital. Trump getting rona is probably going to bump him a point or two in the BS polls.
40   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 4, 2:31pm  

When you throttle Irony like that, Biden might die before the election. Trump is returning home tomorrow.
Biden must get the tube and wait and pray for a vaccine. Per Fauci, because nothing is effective.

41   MAGA   2020 Oct 5, 8:37am  

Patrick for President
42   Shaman   2020 Oct 5, 3:28pm  

Well Trump is Trump and he’s taking the tack that Covid is no big thing when set against the therapeutics we have to combat it today.
Although I do think he’s just high on Dexamethasone and feeling good. That drug alone will probably turn around almost any Covid infection and clear up lung issues. High altitude mountain climbers use it to keep their lungs clear and not water logged as can happen when scaling very high mountains over a course of days and weeks.

Trump isn’t bowing to the Covid fear, he’s turning that tale on its head and modeling the optimist’s course through the pandemic. Basically, he’s saying that Covid is easily beaten now.

What happens when they harvest Trump’s plasma and clone it so they can offer Trumpian “tiger blood” for anyone battling Covid?
43   GreaterNYCDude   2020 Oct 5, 3:30pm  

So what if Pence gets it next after the VP debate?

(Not that I want to see that happen.)

Suddenly well go from "keep 6 ft apart to keep 18 ft apart... in full hazmat suits"

Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to downplay this... but it is strange to see the amount of caution (or lack there of) generally fall along political lines.

Its a shame really. What ever happened to we all isolate for 14 days and this goes away? Or Flatten the curve. Now it's wait for a vaccine... but we can't rush a vaccine. Masks work, not they don't, yes they do...

Ugh. Its clear they are making it up as the go and have no real idea what "best practices" are or are not effective; except washing your hands regularly which is just common sense.
44   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Oct 5, 5:11pm  

If Trump dies before election (or is "deathly ill" by November) I predict Trump voters will mostly stay home and Biden will win. If the Dems grab the upper and lower houses as well as the oval office, that'll be the end of the country as we know it... next stop: Venezuela or Civil War II.
45   Patrick   2020 Oct 5, 5:22pm  

Here are my predictions:

- Trump and Melania get better, remain fine after that
- public consciousness starts to turn from "OMG we're all going to die!" to "huh, only 0.26% of the people who get this die, and they are all obese or in very poor health"
- the media desperately hypes the "OMG we're all going to die!" yet again and BIGGER AND LOUDER
- even more people realize the MSM is complete and utter bullshit, turning to the National Enquirer for much higher quality news than the MSM
- Trump wins by an even bigger margin than he would have otherwise
46   Onvacation   2020 Oct 5, 5:30pm  

Patrick says
turning to the National Enquirer for much higher quality news than the MSM

The reptilian overlords are real, you know.

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