IF Biden steals it...

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2020 Nov 4, 11:56am   1,467 views  13 comments

by Dholliday126   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I say let's impeach that motherfucker for the REAL crimes he committed and show these dems what putting a president through hell for 4 years really looks like.

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1   RC2006   2020 Nov 4, 11:58am  

Can't impeach him with house under den control.
2   WookieMan   2020 Nov 4, 11:59am  

Dholliday126 says
I say let's impeach that motherfucker for the REAL crimes he committed and show these dems what putting a president through hell for 4 years really looks like.

Nooooooooo. You'd want Kamala? The Republicans would have to take the House (not happening I don't think, unless they do in 2022) AND find crimes against Kamala and impeach her. Not a good strategy. Biden is a puppet regardless and is handcuffed without the Senate or SCOTUS. Haven't looked at those races for '22, but Biden is a lame duck either way if he wins. It would be pure retardation for us to elect an 80 year old man who clearly is already off.
3   Eric Holder   2020 Nov 4, 12:00pm  

Nomograph says
Congrats, it sounds like you are getting close to accepting the fact that Trump lost and Biden won.

Not necessarily: if TDS sufferers never accepted the fact that Trump has won, why should BDS sufferers accept Bidon's win? =))
4   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 4, 12:02pm  

RC2006 says
Can't impeach him with house under den control.

The Democrats wont vote in 2022, they will be disillusioned when they realize what resemblance of growth and normal life was ALL Donald Trump and the sorry Democrat mother Fuckers were holding America back and kicking their feet out from under them.

The Republicans will get the House and the Senate in 2022.

Trump still has about three months to put lots of things in play, that will prevent an election cheat like this from ever happening again regardless of the outcome of this election.

I hope he will stop trying to play along with the changing rules and cheating. And start tackling it head on and putting a stop to it.

I can't believe he allowed the 2018 election steal to stand, but they did start the Impeachment right after the election so that he would be busy and couldn't focus on it.
5   Eric Holder   2020 Nov 4, 12:04pm  

Nomograph says
Why on earth would you want to be like those people? Two sides of the same snowflake.

Because "its our turn now, deal with it" =))
6   Eric Holder   2020 Nov 4, 12:20pm  

Nomograph says
Tenpoundbass says
The Republicans will get the House and the Senate in 2022.

I thought Republicans were supposed to control the House and the Senate after this election. What happened?

Voter fraud.
7   socal2   2020 Nov 4, 12:22pm  

Nomograph says
I thought Republicans were supposed to control the House and the Senate after this election. What happened?

WTF are you talking about? Gaslight much?

Trump and the Republicans were supposed to lose in a landslide. It was supposed to be a "Blue Wave" to "repudiate those racist Trump supporters".

For the last month, we were told Trump was 11 points down and was going to drag down the whole party. Democrats raised hundreds of millions to flip Senate seats in Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina - yet Republicans picked up House seats, held the Senate and may still win the Presidency despite massive media corruption.

The corrupt polls had the impact as Republicans decided to not try and win some House races around the country, effecting fundraising etc.
8   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Nov 4, 12:25pm  

Too bad Trump didn't pardon Julian Assange years ago. If he had, he could now be declassifying and broadcasting all sorts of documentation of the coup.
9   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 4, 12:31pm  

Nomograph says
I thought Republicans were supposed to control the House and the Senate after this election. What happened?

Election fraud, just look at the Baltimore election the idea that Trump got more votes than Kimberly Klacik is laughable. To think that someone would think of it enough to vote for Trump for change, but vote for the Democrat machine for the House race. It's laughable.
10   Dholliday126   2020 Nov 4, 1:00pm  

Correct, I think Trump is going to win but I will never count out the deep state. Watch PA and AZ
11   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 4, 1:03pm  

Nomograph says
I'm talking about the predictions made by folks on this site.

Yes, I was wrong.

FL, WI, MI, and PA went for Trump beyond what I expected, which were more modest victories of 1-3% in most cases. Wasn't thinking 5%+ like PA and Michigan

I'm just waiting for the found ballots to be disqualified.

Now I know why the Media was insisting the Election wouldn't be settled that night, and why the Dems were so insanely upset that ACB replaced RBG.
12   Eric Holder   2020 Nov 4, 1:12pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Now I know why the Media was insisting the Election wouldn't be settled that night, and why the Dems were so insanely upset that ACB replaced RBG.

Yep, it all comes together.
13   richwicks   2020 Nov 4, 1:34pm  

Nomograph says
socal2 says
WTF are you talking about? Gaslight much?
I'm talking about the predictions made by folks on this site.


I was right:


It's easy to predict the outcome when you know it's rigged.

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