Trumps report card

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2020 Nov 13, 7:25pm   1,446 views  32 comments

by TechBrosWon   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

As a brown guy of Sikh faith, I am very neutral towards Trump. I consider Biden net negative(Report card if he ever become president after some time).

What I like about Trump:
1) No regard for useless status quo.
2) Ability to demystify the government for ordinary people. Other words non elitist.
3) Not afraid to take strong stand.
4) Executive efficiency.
5) This may surprise you, But I find him not-racist.
6) Result oriented and not lazy, Work hard.
7) Again it may surprise you , I find peacenick.

1) Short temper
2) No tolerance to dissent and clear dictatorial tendencies.
3)Poor communication skills.
4)Shallowness,ego and vanity.
5) No respect for experts.
6)Too attached to his business and family.Lack of altruism.

I can rate him very good president if he didn't have 2 & 5 above. Most of his cons are style and as a common man don't impact us unless you have a snowflake tendencies.
I will be most worried about him taking after Putin if his power is not checked.Putin did fill the gap of Russian dis-integration, But somewhere he lost and now is just another dictator. By the way I can't call anybody nationalist , if they take away freedom of their citizens.(Fascism and communism are out).

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1   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Nov 13, 9:27pm  

The experts are shit, that's why he ignores them silly!

No way the guy becomes a dictator. You have your political parties flip flopped.

Otherwise, mostly good IMHO.
2   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 13, 9:44pm  

@ just_passing_through , I fear both "Fascism and communism".
As a brown guy, White nationalism and fascism can be equally fatal for us/other minorities.
I hope/expect it never gets to that in US.
3   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Nov 13, 9:47pm  

We don't have any sort of White nationalists or supremacists to any extent these days. What was left of those died off or were sued to oblivion along with the KKK many years ago. It's just a canard the leftists put out. They are the ones obsessed with race these days. They are also the fascists despite pantyfa.
4   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 13, 9:57pm  

I don't think white nationalists or Antifa are dangerous anytime soon.
I just find both enemies of "freedom of citizens" and don't like them.

I find trump to have bit soft corner for white nationalists although I think he himself is not racist.
5   clambo   2020 Nov 13, 10:17pm  

The cons are incorrect, but you have your opinion and I mine.
6   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Nov 13, 10:40pm  

sikhguy says
I find trump to have bit soft corner for white nationalists although I think he himself is not racist.

Nah, that's just persuasion from the mainstream media getting to ya! He has a soft spot for ALL nationalists. Not just the pale ones.
7   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 13, 11:23pm  

I would take a soft nationalism(love your country, not hate others) over fascism and globalism any day.
Problem is to keep nationalism in a sweet spot without letting it become toxic.
8   WookieMan   2020 Nov 14, 5:44am  

sikhguy says
As a brown guy, White nationalism and fascism can be equally fatal for us/other minorities.

White people are the minority in the vast majority of large cities. We are mostly out in the country minding our own business letting others fuck with our way of life. I have no issue with other races whatsoever. But to be concerned about white nationalism is comical. Whites are the one's that should be concerned about getting tucked in a corner and having rights removed. Already happening to white men whether you want to believe that or not.
9   Shaman   2020 Nov 14, 6:09am  

This was a white people country. Then we decided to let in people from all different ethnicities and religions because white people in America mostly are pretty fucking tolerant and welcoming. Name any other country which is more welcoming? And that includes India which has not always been welcoming or tolerant of even its native ethnicities like the Sikhs.

On a related note: I’ve been learning a little more about Sikhs in the past couple of years and I got to say it’s fascinating and kind of baller. We have so many different ethnicities here in America, that brown people with turbans tend to get lumped together. But Sikhs are kind of awesome in a totally different way than other brown peoples. A race of hereditary warriors who are monotheistic and value truth and honor? Totally righteous!
10   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 14, 6:12am  

sikhguy says
1) Short temper
2) No tolerance to dissent and clear dictatorial tendencies.
3)Poor communication skills.
4)Shallowness,ego and vanity.
5) No respect for experts.
6)Too attached to his business and family.Lack of altruism.

That Con List reads like a list of shit you got to say to attend a SJW sponsored Thanksgiving dinner.

Trumps greatest failure was trying to hard to be liked by people who just blindly throw around items on that list, as Trump traits without ever once giving him credit for the Amazing things he has done.

You put that list out there, because you've been effectively brainwashed by the media to regurgitate it.

Assholes with traits like the list you posted don't get nominated for 4 Nobel Peace prizes, people with short tempers don't broker world peace.

He has one Con, he wanted so badly to be embraced by the same assholes that compiled and blindly redistribute that list as Trump traits, that he neglected people in many ways that put him there and he promised his agenda to.

He should have fired everyone that was working against him in his cabinet, and appointed his own AG, that would opened investigations into all of the dirty scoundrels in Washington. He should have tied them all with quadruple legal jeopardy, than they were tossing at him. He should have created just as precedence by doing unprecedented shit as Congress did to him for 4 years.

He didn't because he didn't want the people who do not support him, to say mean things about him. Even though they were anyway.

Everything that has come out in the last 9 months should have been brought forth in his first 9 months, he should have had an AG that was giving Mueller and indictment while he was discussing his special council. And many more.

He was supposed to drain the swamp, not get invited to the Weekend Social by them.
11   WookieMan   2020 Nov 14, 6:18am  

Tenpoundbass says
SJW sponsored Thanksgiving dinner.

You haven't heard, Thanksgiving is cancelled in most locations...lol. I'd love for this to be a joke but it's not.

I'm surprised shit has been as calm as it has. Kind of feel like we're in that calm before the storm phase. Something is coming with regards to Trump or all the Covid bull shit. Something is off.
12   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Nov 14, 6:26am  

WookieMan says
You haven't heard, Thanksgiving is cancelled in most locations...lol. I'd love for this to be a joke but it's not.

it's an advisory only, it carries no rule of law. so it's not cancelled, its just that people are obedient fucks when left tells them to do anything.
13   WookieMan   2020 Nov 14, 6:38am  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
WookieMan says
You haven't heard, Thanksgiving is cancelled in most locations...lol. I'd love for this to be a joke but it's not.

it's an advisory only, it carries no rule of law. so it's not cancelled, its just that people are obedient fucks when left tells them to do anything.

I get that. I was kind of joking, but in IL they really are asking you to cancel turkey day. Not enforceable, but even the simple fact it's a request is something I'd never imagine hearing here in America.

Stay home if you're scared. It's as simple as that. No one is breaking down anyone's door making you leave your house and get infected.
14   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 14, 7:06am  

My Report Card.

If Biden does get inaugurated.

Trump was the strongest world leader the world has ever seen in the last 60 years or more.

But he was probably the weakest America leader we've ever had. He let the media, the Democrats political activism in institutions that should have stayed apolitical run the table on him at every turn.

He should have crushed the Communism indoctrinate machine that is our Universities as soon as we all learned just how deep that rabbit hole went.
He should have crushed the Weaponized legal system, and the whole MeToo movement, and sent financial backers of the "Victims" to prison.
He should have shut down networks undermining the fabric of America and calling for sedition
He should have shut down the Celebrities making violent threats against his supporters.
He should have had Congress people arrested for their crimes, rather than letting lead a false narrative against him. Especially the Russia collusion hoax.
He should have busted up the Brownshirt armies, BLM ANTIFA and brought those who finance them and drive their agenda to Justice

Americans want someone that will lead, and be strong. Had Trump acted on all I mentioned above. There would have been more harmony in America and most of the people brainwashed repeating what CNN said, would have loved Trump.

The Left would have said it was as Unfair as we've all known the Democrat, TDS and Never Trumper resist movement was.

But you wanna know something? If you're the leader, it's supposed to be the other side that says... "This SUCK!" the winning side shouldn't have to spend 4 years of "This Sucks".

Trump wanted to be like by future Historians, more than he wanted to be the strong leader of America that had to make Unpopular choices in the now.

He didn't want the History books to call him a tyrant that lead with an iron fist.

And as it is now, in 5 to 10 years, 90% of the TDS Morons that has besieged our sanity for the last 5 years, are all going to sing Trump's praises, and say how great of a leader he was. While those of us that love him now, will roue the day he was elected. The Swamp is about to get a 12,000 Watt Tube Amplifier and a volume control that goes to 11.

In five years, we wont feel any of Trump's accomplishments. The only thing we will remember is all of the shit he should have done. While the Left is going to realize just how fair Trump was to them, that he gave them all a pass, hoping the Democratic process would have taken care of them.
15   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 14, 7:39am  

Another failing of Trump.

Not doing a sick audit, especially after sending hospital ships and spending hundreds of millions on field hospitals in Cities around the US, and it all went unused.
Even though it was in response to those City Mayors all claiming their Hospitals were over burdened.

He should have went and inspected those Hospitals personally, he should have ignored the MSM elevating Fauci to the supreme knowledge of all things Virus, and fired him.

Trump didn't do enough to smash the fraud in the whole Covid hoax, he could have exposed it as seasonal flu, that the Establishment was using to kill sick people with other ailments to pad the stats.

Now all of these things would have played into the Media's narrative about Trump being a mean tyrant, but at least the voting public would have respected Trump more.

Because he would have been shattering the MSM and Establishment's narrative he allowed them to dictate for 4 years.
16   Shaman   2020 Nov 14, 8:08am  

I agree that Trump worried entirely too much about being liked by the Left. If he was a bit more authoritarian about quashing the Leftist riots, twisted Governors arms into asking for the national guard, he would have been more respected as a person of authority. And he had better have been on this election fraud! He had months and years to consider how to respond to the inevitable DNC steal. He should have been ready for it.
17   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Nov 14, 8:16am  

Shaman says
I agree that Trump worried entirely too much about being liked by the Left. If he was a bit more authoritarian about quashing the Leftist riots, twisted Governors arms into asking for the national guard, he would have been more respected as a person of authority. And he had better have been on this election fraud! He had months and years to consider how to respond to the inevitable DNC steal. He should have been ready for it.

He was attacked non stop for 4 years. And he still got a lot done for America. He couldn’t do it all when all big tech and swamp were impeaching him for 4 years man.

It’s fucked up, left isn’t trying to convince us, they are forcing us.
18   Bd6r   2020 Nov 14, 8:23am  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
obedient fucks when left tells them to do anything

Idiots here wear face masks while biking outdoors...
19   Bd6r   2020 Nov 14, 8:25am  

Shaman says
I agree that Trump worried entirely too much about being liked by the Left. If he was a bit more authoritarian about quashing the Leftist riots, twisted Governors arms into asking for the national guard, he would have been more respected as a person of authority. And he had better have been on this election fraud! He had months and years to consider how to respond to the inevitable DNC steal. He should have been ready for it.

Agreed - I think Trump has the correct ideas, but he is not organized enough and has not picked correct advisors to get these ideas implemented. He did not introduce E-verify; ban on woke propaganda in Federal workplaces was implemented a couple months before election; etc.
20   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 14, 9:39am  

Shaman says
And he had better have been on this election fraud! He had months and years to consider how to respond to the inevitable DNC steal. He should have been ready for it.

He should have had every Mayoral office every communication wired, and every election official around the US, Barr declared it legal after all.

If there's going to be anything saving us all, it will be the tapes if Trump has them. If not we're all fucked!
21   Onvacation   2020 Nov 14, 10:07am  

WookieMan says

I'm surprised shit has been as calm as it has. Kind of feel like we're in that calm before the storm phase. Something is coming with regards to Trump or all the Covid bull shit. Something is off.

At this point people are saying to the government, "nice rules, we'll beat covid", and then go on doing what they do. We wear masks to eat. We wear masks to shop. We buy into little acts of tyranny because it's easier than fighting.

It won't be so nice when masks are mandatory in public and you can be arrested and tortured if you don't.
23   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 14, 7:00pm  

Do you guys think Trump has some smoking gun on election or just messing with democrats for another few week?
The numbers reported by "Gateway Pundit" does seem somewhat credible, But this again was bit unsual election due to COVID.

I hate to see tainted democracy in US. I hope Trump fight and "get the presidency" if he won. If he lost then admit it and move on.
24   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 14, 7:06pm  

He has the smoking gun.

He knew this months - actually years - in advance and planned for it.

Month after month, they come at him with things - Has he lost yet?
25   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 14, 7:10pm  

We all know what we've seen .
We all know what they've done, it has not been transparent..
they've lied about water main breaks, sent all election watchers home, and manifested and conjured up 100's of thousands of votes in the wee hours of the night.
If it doesn't taste like Chili, then it probably isn't.

The process has been corrupt for ever, and Trump would have had a challenge ever cleaning that up. It's great that they are pulling out all stops to oust him on this. It really exposes every last minutia of how they steal elections, through manipulating rules and exploiting the process to shave, sneak and hide votes in lots of different ways. I think employing the Electronic equipment, if there was a large scale of fraud and corruption, there's a log and can be further proved as bogus by the way it distorts the curve.

Trump isn't demanding Barr does something, he's not counting on any agency to come and save him.
But Trump does have the most brilliant minds working on exposing the fraud and corruption. And like I have hoped all along, in the end I want to see Criminal charges being filed before any of this goes to Scotus to ask them to weigh in on the process. And not the crimes themselves.
The SCOTUS suits will be after that, like does this make the last election null and void and the Democrats get to have Primaries for a new Democrat challenger to run after the Election is overhauled and the organized crime network has been dismantled that rigs and throws elections.

There's only one way out of this for Trump.

He's got to burn the Mother Fucker Down!
26   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 14, 7:15pm  

Tenpoundbass says
And like I have hoped all along, in the end I want to see Criminal charges being filed before any of this goes to Scotus to ask them to weigh in on the process. And not the crimes themselves.

And don't forget the more Trump exposes crimes the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, DHS all should have had the drop on. It exposes their culpability through their complacency.
They will either have to act or resign, like many have done.

Look at the end of the day.

Our Constitution is open for Revolution when necessary. It didn't say nothing about the President couldn't be the next General Washington.
27   richwicks   2020 Nov 14, 7:21pm  

sikhguy says
As a brown guy, White nationalism and fascism can be equally fatal for us/other minorities.
I hope/expect it never gets to that in US.

I hope you realize that everybody realizes this. But I fear we're falling into either fascism or communism. The people that run the country don't care if it's fascism or communism - they just want power.
28   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 14, 7:23pm  

Your thinking is that he wants to bring down more corrupt people before taking action.
Here is what I hope from Trump if he is truly a patriot.
1) Take the presidency if he won(bow out if he lost).
2) Clean up the election corruption for next four years. Strengthen the democracy not weaken it.
3) Honorably leave after 4 years and not take advantage of current corruption to do "dictator" shit.
29   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 14, 7:33pm  

Gateway is reporting that they have programmer witness and seized the source code.(I have no knowledge on credibility of this site)
If they had two code stream , It is easier to fudge , Otherwise patching and getting a working release is not easy.

Even if they had two releases , providing same data will produce discrepancy and will be caught.
At this time either Trump or his opponents are wrong/lying and I don't seem to think of it as a election, It seems like a war, Which is really sad. Pitching citizens against each other is bad idea.

Our family left India because Sikhs were genocided and Govt pitches people against each otehr.. Sadly same crap is happening here.
30   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 14, 7:39pm  

richwicks says
sikhguy says
As a brown guy, White nationalism and fascism can be equally fatal for us/other minorities.
I hope/expect it never gets to that in US.

I hope you realize that everybody realizes this. But I fear we're falling into either fascism or communism. The people that run the country don't care if it's fascism or communism - they just want power.

I think we will be fine.The issue is we need to make sure we take care of our poor hardworking citizens.
Once citizens have a stake in country, They won't let it go to abyss.
I agree with you on elites taking power, But would Americans give up? I see they will awaken as long as they don't start fighting each other on basis of race,religion etc.
31   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 14, 8:00pm  

sikhguy says
As a brown guy of Sikh faith, I am very neutral towards Trump. I consider Biden net negative(Report card if he ever become president after some time).

In America all of the Brown guys are brown guys by choice. If anyone is rigging the game for or against people's skin tones, it's the Democrats.
Which is why so many people relish being brown, the Democrats offer up so much free shit, as long as they will play victim and not try to get ahead through productive means.

There's a right and left battle, and battles between the economic classes, and battles between Communism and Freedom, and a fight between good and evil.
I don't have time for Race wars too! Nor to 99% of the Trump supporters. I don't include the Mitt Romney supporters though. It's freaking Utah, they don't like anybody.
32   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 14, 10:12pm  

Tenpoundbass says
sikhguy says
As a brown guy of Sikh faith, I am very neutral towards Trump. I consider Biden net negative(Report card if he ever become president after some time).

In America all of the Brown guys are brown guys by choice. If anyone is rigging the game for or against people's skin tones, it's the Democrats.
Which is why so many people relish being brown, the Democrats offer up so much free shit, as long as they will play victim and not try to get ahead through productive means.

There's a right and left battle, and battles between the economic classes, and battles between Communism and Freedom, and a fight between good and evil.
I don't have time for Race wars too! Nor to 99% of the Trump supporters. I don't include the Mitt Romney supporters though. It's freaking Utah, they don't like anybody.

Here is what typical Sikh thinks about free stuff:

On the other hand Sikhs have been genocided by Hindu government of India, So that is what we don't want repeat in US for any community.

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