Support white men/women against racism!

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2020 Dec 6, 8:32pm   1,147 views  11 comments

by TechBrosWon   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

All the conventional wisdom shows that "white men" are privileged class in the US.
But It fails to take into account that some liberal or conservative elite "white men" may be privileged but I am seeing that "regular Joe" white guy is also seen as privileged.

It is not that case, They also suffer racism and to add insult to injury, they still are afraid to report as they will be tagged as privileged class.
As a Sikh guy, I will be first to fight against white racism, But will also fight against racism against white men and woman.

It has become fashion to call whites "racist" when they express independent opinion. Whites are humans, Not the "waitresses" there to please us non-whites.
They have every right to express harsh opinions with-in certain limits. It is very easy to identify racist person and I have only met one white racist in last decade or so.

I applaud this Indian woman for calling racism against whites.

This is sad state of our nation.

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1   Patrick   2020 Dec 6, 8:52pm  

Thanks @election2020 I do appreciate your principled stance against all kinds of racism, including anti-white racism.
2   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Dec 6, 8:56pm  

That's quite noble of you.

FWIW, we won't be around much longer anyway so eventually non-whites will just have to fight amongst themselves.
3   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 6, 9:06pm  

Come on man. Don't be pessimistic whites will do great.
They have given a lot to world.

As others they have also produced many mofos like Hitler.
4   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Dec 6, 9:08pm  

Not pessimistic, just a realistic genetics scientist.
5   NDrLoR   2020 Dec 6, 9:18pm  

election2020 says
whites will do great.
They probably do 75-85% of the work keeping the lights on all over the country every day, taken for granted and not appreciated.
6   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 6, 9:58pm  

What I don't get is why majority black in Detroit don't understand this:
If the votes can be stolen by counters, They have no real power. They may help defeat Trump , But at the local level too.. they will have representatives who win by cheating with no real effort to solve their issues.
Candidates need to keep counters happy, Not the public.

This is how communist stupidity fails, as Dear leader has no fear of losing power.

7   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Dec 7, 3:09am  

Democrats/leftists/socialists want to do away with the electoral college. If that happens, mass ballot stuffing in one state or district will have effects spilling over to the entire country. One could argue, I suppose, that if people in Michigan want a corrupt in-state voting system, that's their prerogative, but their ballot-stuffed Biden vote shouldn't have an out-sized effect on people living in other states.
8   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Dec 7, 10:48am  

election2020 says
This is sad state of our nation.

That is indeed. Media really taught people to hate America and their fellow Americans. It's been in the media that way for 4 years... blame whites for everything, whites go along because they don't think it's a big deal. Didn't fight back against all this bullshit, lost elections and shit will get downhill now with more and more identity politics.
9   Patrick   2020 Dec 7, 5:52pm  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
blame whites for everything, whites go along because they don't think it's a big deal

I think that the self-congratulatory "educated" white people go along with anti-white racism because to them "white" means "gun-toting Republican", someone who feels threatening to their position in life.

That is, the white people with power hate poor white people more than they hate anything else in the world.
10   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 7, 6:40pm  

The reason I applaud that Indian lady is that she stood for white men strongly as she saw them in position of disadvantage.
We are fellow Americans, Just blaming the media is not useful.We need to stand for each other and take corrective action.

As I said before:
Liberal : More open to change. More role for government.
Conservative: More inclined keeping the tradition and less role for government.

We need both. Libertarians,fascists and communists etc. are all extreme people.
We may need some extreme to make loud noise, But nation as a whole need to be somewhat centrists of wide band... Otherwise we will go to civil war.
11   HeadSet   2020 Dec 8, 6:59am  

Patrick says
FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
blame whites for everything, whites go along because they don't think it's a big deal

I think that the self-congratulatory "educated" white people go along with anti-white racism because to them "white" means "gun-toting Republican", someone who feels threatening to their position in life.

That is, the white people with power hate poor white people more than they hate anything else in the world.

Yes, and I have seen one other aspect. Many actually financially privileged offspring who happen to be white have a spot of guilt because the kids know they did not earn it. Now they could give it away to the under-privileged, but that is too much sacrifice. Therefore, just virtue signal by making noise supporting ant-white rhetoric, but keep your money. Sort of like Warren Buffet claims that he pays a lower tax rate that his Secretary, while playing the game of paying himself an absurdly low salary for his position in order to avoid taxes.

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