DNI Report: Dud or Blast or Delayed

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2020 Dec 16, 3:32pm   674 views  9 comments

by TechBrosWon   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

We will know in days.If trump give up now that means "Globalists" know how to fix anyone.
We know that:
1) Election fraud happened
2) Foreign interference happened.
3) Brow beating of judges/witnesses happened.
4) Inaction of CIA/FBI etc. happened.
5) media propaganda and censorship happened.
6) Open preference from wall street/big business happened.
7) China-Virus/US-hysteria-by-old-china-friends to get election outcome happened.


I believe that Globalists were able to stop #BREXIT , Now let us see what happens to #AMERICA_FIRST

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2   Patrick   2020 Dec 16, 5:49pm  

election2020 says
I believe that Globalists were able to stop #BREXIT

They certainly delayed as long as possible:

The withdrawal was originally scheduled for 29 March 2019. It was delayed by deadlock in the UK Parliament after the June 2017 general election

And even now I'm not sure how much of a separation from the rest of Europe has actually been implemented. Can Muslim terrorists will just cross into Britain from France at will?
3   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 16, 6:46pm  

DNI seems helpless.This is extraordinary tweet to tell citizens that some agencies are indulging in deliberate delay tactics.
Can't be more clear than that.
It seems complete lawlessness in government.

May be DNI is also part of this dog and pony show to delay the report.

Office of the DNI
Amanda Schoch, ODNI Director of Strategic Communications: "This afternoon the DNI was notified by career intelligence officials that the Intelligence Community will not meet the December 18 deadline, set by Executive Order and Congress..." (1/3)
"to submit the IC’s classified assessment on foreign threats to the 2020 U.S. elections. The IC has received relevant reporting since the election and a number of agencies have not finished coordinating on the product." (2/3)
"The DNI is committed to providing this report to our customers expeditiously.” (3/3)
4   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 17, 7:18am  


December 2020:
Donald Trump is enormously popular and commanding an army of fiercely loyal soldiers. The US swamp wants nothing to do with him.
6   TechBrosWon   2020 Dec 17, 7:23am  

It is amply clear there is war between:

Military(Trump) and Deep State(Dem + Republican).

Red/Blue party doesn’t matter .. It is race towards either freedom or submission to CCP.
Those Who support Biden will be helping make US another Hong King or Taiwan ..CCP colony.
8   Misc   2020 Dec 18, 11:04pm  

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, did the DNI report just not happen. SHOCKING I SAY SHOCKING. Oh, was it supposed to come today?

Washington is incapable of policing itself.

This report will never materialize, just like the Horowitz report fizzled (with proven lies), and the Dunham report which he is working on (and will be for the next 30 years).

Nothing is going to happen. Stop getting your hopes up.
9   Ceffer   2020 Dec 18, 11:21pm  

Trump does not need the report if he receives information from ANY other credible intelligence source to enact the EO. The DNI report might add credibility, but it is from the same groups who have been trying to black bag his Presidency for the last four years and engaged in their own sedition and treason. Why would one expect anything to come from a convention of traitors? The alleged delay on the report is as long as Trump has remaining in his first term, and is obviously flipping him the bird. It also shows they feel perfectly comfortable ignoring the EO deadline.

Ratcliffe has already given him all he needs about foreign interference. The only argument is who the foreign interference is from and to what extent. So, you have intelligence agencies defending China. What does that tell you?

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