Patsy Identified? FBI Logic: RV Warning People To Evacuate Was Trying To Attract Police To Blast

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2020 Dec 26, 1:12pm   2,490 views  59 comments

by Ceffer   ➕follow (6)   💰tip   ignore  

Christ, they don't even apply logic to their statements any more. Message telling everybody to clear the area and evacuate was designed to attract and kill cops? Huhhhhh?

Of course, you can be sure if the FBI is involved, we will never know what really happened or why, and it will be disappeared into obscurity. I am glad they took time out from their busy schedule threatening, harrassing and intimidating election fraud whistle blowers to investigate this.

Possible missile trail before explosion caught on one cam? FBI increasingly nothing more than government criminal activity cleanup squad and witness threat/intimidation crew. The are probably collecting photo evidence to keep it out of public.


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1   Patrick   2020 Dec 26, 1:46pm  

I still have no idea what this explosion was supposed to accomplish.
2   Ceffer   2020 Dec 26, 1:52pm  

It took out an AT&T communication hub. That seems to have been the target. What that was supposed to accomplish is anybody's guess.
3   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 26, 2:02pm  

Patrick says
I still have no idea what this explosion was supposed to accomplish.


Georgia seems to be at center of "Dominion corruption". It seems the important domino and if it falls the whole "fraud election" falls.
There are few deaths already seems to have happened(shown as accidents) related to elections.
Claim is that there is AT&T center linked to Georgia election and was real target.
4   Ceffer   2020 Dec 26, 2:54pm  

The AT&T hub carried the Dominion fraud traffic, so somebody wants the evidence destroyed? i don't have the technical expertise to know how that works, since i would presume the traffic would be recorded elsewhere than just a hub, unless all of the logs were also contained with the hubs.

It could also just be an excuse to say logs were destroyed when they weren't? If it was an act of anarchy by an individual, it would have to be the weirdest act on record with the warning bell before the blast. Let's see how long the 'patsy' lives, or if he was 'killed in the blast'. LOL!
5   mell   2020 Dec 26, 2:57pm  

election2020 says
Patrick says
I still have no idea what this explosion was supposed to accomplish.


Georgia seems to be at center of "Dominion corruption". It seems the important domino and if it falls the whole "fraud election" falls.
There ar...

Same here. No plausible ideas for a motive make those allegations at least somewhat credible.
6   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 26, 3:33pm  

The problem with US currently is that somebody will believe "I can walk on water" before mainstream media.
So the vaccum is filled by many small time journalists and conspiracy theorists making it hard to know Truth.

Add on top that FBI/CIA are more corrupt than criminals they feign to investigate, We are left with no avenue to know truth.

May be this is giving some taste to Americans, How people in 3rd world are starved for truth.

..........Other stupid part was "Why was mayor s happy reporting it?" .. Did he do this for improving tourist traffic to city?
8   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 26, 3:55pm  

Look this is the issue. Anybody can say anything as there is no belief in system and authorities.

My take of this is:
We know for sure that there was a Paedo Island and all/many elites did heinous deeds.(Proven with Epstein death)
There are likely domestic and foreign interests blackmailing these elites to commit crimes against American people and other treasonous acts.(Highly likely)
They will do anything, sacrifice democracy, make citizens fight each other on gender/race etc. to help America's detractors,dumb down education to save their asses.We are for rough ride and world of hurt.

The bottom of all this evil is sexual perversion and greed of elites.
They have lost all the moral compass.The best we can do is not turn on each other but monitor these acts and maintain peace.
10   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 26, 4:02pm  

If we hear later that all "Georgia Dominion machines" are erased.... We don't have to guess much.
Some very weird power struggle is happening in our government beyond counting votes.
11   Ceffer   2020 Dec 26, 4:02pm  

So, was missile taking out the RV before it could reach its intended target, or was missile the source of the explosion? An incident of high strangeness. AT&T wasn''t just a public internet hub, it was an NSA surveillance center?

So much tasty speculation. FBI creeps are probably doing everything they can to cover it up.
12   Patrick   2020 Dec 26, 4:18pm  

Ceffer says
The AT&T hub carried the Dominion fraud traffic, so somebody wants the evidence destroyed?

OK, I can believe this was connected to the election fraud.
13   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 26, 4:50pm  

Patrick says
Ceffer says
The AT&T hub carried the Dominion fraud traffic, so somebody wants the evidence destroyed?

OK, I can believe this was connected to the election fraud.


For some reason General Flynn seems like most hated person by lefties.
I am not exactly sure what he did to get it.
It seems there is still ongoing war between him and deep state.
14   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 26, 5:32pm  


They Printed Ballots ...
15   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 26, 6:02pm  


I heard that machines are not on network for adjudication, But the "patent" itself shows it.
I tried to search all the patents of these guys.

May be they will spin "network" as "local network".. But all of us know that local network can be easily extended by using modem.
Now that can only be made sure if their are some network logs if access was local or not.

Dominion is mess and most likely will be implicated for voter fraud.
Look at Figure 15:
I am not sure How the provide image to election official for adjudication. Who were adjudicators? Do they sit in same room?
16   Robert Sproul   2020 Dec 26, 6:09pm  

Patrick says
what this explosion was supposed to accomplish

They will likely arrest some dopey Cracker in the next few days.
This sets up the next phase is which is the labeling of any resistance to The 2020 Electoral Coup as Right Wing Terrorism.
Also, one could expect a mass shooting or two, ascribed to the Radicalized Racist Right to justify enacting some 2A"common sense" on the common folks.
A few months ago FBI director Wray gave a preview to the Senate Judiciary Committee:
“A majority of the domestic terrorism cases we’ve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence”
Whereas Antifa, he says “is an ideology, not an organization” and therefore not dangerous at all he implies.
Like Veganism, maybe.
17   Ceffer   2020 Dec 26, 6:47pm  

Under Hoover, FBI agents could be fired for mentioning the word 'mafia' because the mafia had all of Hoover's cross dressing, pedophile prostitution and gambling chits for blackmail.
So, how do you expect the corporate culture of FBI to fall out? After all, they were integral co-conspirators in RussiaGate.

If there were a missile going in there, another speculative possibility opens up: Trump has already invoked the Insurrection Act in private with military, and they purposely blew up this communication hub because it was used as a comm center for the Georgia based Dominion to and fro internet fraud. So, the operation could be covert white hat. That could certainly explain the announcements designed for reduction of casualties. And, yeah, the Dems will probably spin with criminal FBI to put it as a terrorist act by those violent rabid right wingers.

I thought it would be strange that after massive Presidential election fraud, that anybody would just let Georgia repeat the goddam fraud all over again with printed ballots, mail in ballots, and the same Dominion machines that defrauded the POTUS elections and use them for the Georgia runoffs. Maybe taking out the hub means the Dominion machines don't have the dialed in access they did before. Also, I can't imagine that those open collection boxes for mail ballots would be allowed to be gathered and counted by the same band of crooks who did the first POTUS election fraud.

So much speculation, so little time.
18   richwicks   2020 Dec 26, 7:13pm  

election2020 says
Add on top that FBI/CIA are more corrupt than criminals they feign to investigate, We are left with no avenue to know truth.

Yes you do actually, but it's not trivial.

You have to identify what is UNTRUE on from that you're left to speculate what happened and there will plenty of people proposing theories of that.

It's easy to tell when the intelligence agencies are lying now - they ALWAYS are lying. The only people worth listening to in an attempt to gather information is listening to the people who realize this. It's a complete waste of time to listen to mainstream news, you are stuck listening to conspiracy nuts, who are listening to other conspiracy nuts, who don't trust the mainstream media or the "official sources". There's 100's of thousands of them, and you need to find an aggregator.

Alex Jones is misinformation and he's just in it for his own pocket book, but listening to the people he interviews can prove to be helpful. Also people who were previously reliable, will suddenly start being full of crap. To hide a lie, you mix it liberally with the truth. It's just rabbit hole after rabbit hole, and you have to chose which ones are important to know about. I only concentrate on the true reasons for US wars, since I have very little faith that elected officials control anything at all - they are just pawns that follow instructions and they don't even know why they "support" a war.

The truth is coherent, a lie is filled with contradictions. You have to get into the habit of eliminating cognitive dissonance and quite often you're given two ideas that conflict and BOTH are wrong. You have to keep collecting information and then make an educated guess that "this is what probably happened" or "this is probably the motivation for this". But you never know for certain, you just know for certain what is bullshit. It's tedious unless you enjoy just thinking for thinking's sake.
19   HeadSet   2020 Dec 26, 9:10pm  

As far as the air to ground missile - no way. Air-to-Surface missiles , from Maverick to Hellfire, can blow the turret off of a T-90 tank. If such a device were used, it would have left a crater. Also, a drone big enough carry such a missile, or an A-10 or Apache along with laser designator, radar, or TV guidance capable of hitting a specific vehicle would require military resources. I do not know much about Army surface-to-surface missiles, but they would likely be leave an even bigger crater, and I doubt they are designed for such precision as to hit a single vehicle. It would be much easier and not involve military equipment and manning if the RV was just pre-loaded with explosives in the first place. Maybe get a toned down version of Timothy McVeigh's fertilizer bomb recipe.
20   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 26, 9:22pm  


All I can say that things are not as calm as they look on surface. There is some kind of military operation underway.
The way FBI/CIA/DOJ/SCOTUS behaving, It is not normal.

Irrespective of their lefty bias, They wouldn't be behaving this way to totally kill their credibility.
Judges and FBI have become butt of jokes as do nothing corrupt swamp creatures. they can never recover from this.

I think there is some deep conflict underway as seen from burning of AT&T building and NY press which probably printed fake ballots .

Most strange of all is "traitor hoe", No happiness or joy to be POTUS/VP.. No big announcement about their plans or who they would hire except some COVID fearmongering
Trump stopping military briefings and now has also asked staff to stop packing.All this is not normal.
21   HeadSet   2020 Dec 26, 9:31pm  

election2020 says
Judges and FBI have become butt of jokes as do nothing corrupt swamp creatures. they can never recover from this.

Think they care about what the general public thinks? In their minds, it is "The wolf does not care about the opinions of the sheep,"
22   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 26, 9:33pm  

HeadSet says
election2020 says
Judges and FBI have become butt of jokes as do nothing corrupt swamp creatures. they can never recover from this.

Think they care about what the general public thinks? In their minds, it is "The wolf does not care about the opinions of the sheep,"

This is about their survival. Even in third world you have to resign if you lose total credibility, I think/hope US is better.
My assessment is that current handling is "military grade" above the level of domestic organizations like FBI/SCOTUS.
23   Ceffer   2020 Dec 26, 10:26pm  

They closed down the airspace above Nashville. Anybody flying over the airspace is on orders to be shot down. Not your usual itty bitty bomb terrorism.

FBI, ATF, the ludicrous drunken sod Soros mayor, police etc. gave ridiculous and meaningless status report. They just keep repeating that they think it was 'intentional'. Har. I guess they couldn't decide whether to go that far rather than call it a gas main explosion or something.

"Hey, somebody just shot a missile at a Nashville NSA hub after telling everybody to clear the area because something was going to blow up. Nothing strange here, move along!"

Question is it a 'white hat' scenario or a 'black hat'? is it just the FBI setting up another false flag bomb sting to make us think they are worth the tax money? The FBI would not have warned anybody away if it were their caper. I think they would have just let the blood and guts fly to maximize impact.

Anybody firing a missile would almost certainly be military. However, is it a Deep (Shallow) State missile, or an Insurrection Act missile? Only the hub harvesters know for sure.
24   FarmersWon   2020 Dec 26, 11:51pm  


The fearmongering from left is very high.
In some ways the military has already gotten dragged into the issue. Retired Lt. General Michael Flynn, President Trump's first national security advisor and a recently pardoned felon, publicly broached the subject of martial law on the conservative channel Newsmax last week, saying that the president should use the military to seize voting boxes and "rerun" the election in certain states.

The scare of Flynn is very high. It seems he has strong hold on military brass and rank and file.
25   Robert Sproul   2020 Dec 27, 7:42am  

One "bombing" with a presumably dead patsy, PLUS another heaping helping of Russia, Russia, Russia.
What is next in the contingency play book?
I continually underestimate these fuckers. I feel foolish for how I was thinking "gotcha" a couple of weeks ago.
I guess they have had 4 years to scenario plan this shit out.

"This week’s cyber attack on the U.S. government was perfectly timed with the Electoral College submitting its votes to the Congress and Joe Biden claiming he’s president-elect.

The reason why the release of this ‘attack’ on our government was perfectly timed is because it is a distraction from the growing unrest over the Democrats’ having stolen the election and cowering the courts into irrelevance.

This is classic CIA-level misdirection from what was more likely a Chinese or, dare I say it, homegrown operation for the very purpose of blaming the Russians to tamp down the anger and confuse the MAGA crowd."

A recent Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll found that only 55% of American Muppets believe the election was "legitimate and accurate" so I guess the False Flags will continue for a while.
26   Ceffer   2020 Dec 27, 4:03pm  

Anthony Warner is the official patsy. Lone nutter, identified immediately due to brilliance of FBI and law enforcement, died in blast so he can't testify or defend himself. All the perfect patsy blanks and check boxes filled in.

Like, nobody in his neighborhood would have noticed him rigging his RV to be a sophisticated explosive device with a PA system to announce the detonation. Yeah, those barrels and bags must have just gotten into the ole RV in dead of night.

Boy, when the false flags get this predictable, it becomes kind of tedious.
27   Robert Sproul   2020 Dec 27, 8:08pm  

This reminds me of the seemingly motiveless Las Vegas shooter, that Paddock guy.
What is this doofus's supposed motivation?
What is the point he was making that he was willing to die for?
Can't anybody at the FBI write a Basic Kook Manifesto?
28   Ceffer   2020 Dec 27, 10:26pm  

The oracle of conspiracy theories also believe that the Las Vegas shooter was an FBI setup. Because somebody wanted to end the second amendment? Who could that be?

The explosion in Nashville could have been a diversion for a deep ops into the AT&T/NSA hub. Supposedly, the buildings of these NSA hubs are specially 'hardened' to withstand enormous blasts in anticipation of sabotage, so a l'il ole truck bomb wouldn't have stopped the comm traffic like they say.

i propose in my own conspiracy land that they just konked Warner, loaded him in his RV with the PA system, and used a guidance system to blow up the van with a missile as a cover for whoever was intervening with the NSA comm hub for whatever purpose. The RV looked standard from the outside and may not have had any explosives in it at all. Why they would have to stage the explosion as false flag is anybody's guess, and whether they were foreign, domestic, white hat or black hat is also anybody's guess.

"Hey, Anthony, this is your lucky day! You won the Patsy Lottery and will be famous forever now! You were especially selected from tens of thousands of 'Patsy Profiles' to serve this special honor for us!"
29   Ceffer   2020 Dec 27, 11:49pm  

LOL! Now we get the 'unwinding' of the MOTIVE of Anthony Warner! Now, hmmm, who could they possibly pin this on as the blame magnet? I can't even guess. Might have something to do with SATAN OrangeManBad?

"What prompted somebody to perform this horrible act." Drum roll, BAM! It ain't going to be BLM or Antifa LOL!
30   Ceffer   2020 Dec 28, 12:42am  

Interesting if the NSA hub became the focus of a 'hot war' between black hats and white hats. Fake gunfires over PA or real?
31   Ceffer   2020 Dec 28, 12:49am  

Explosion center occurred at empty space on street? No RV there, white object on left is not RV? Explosion doesn't occur from white object, anyway, it's centered at empty space across street?
32   WookieMan   2020 Dec 28, 2:57am  

The whole thing with it being xmas day is intriguing. Obviously no intention of causing mass casualties. It's weird as fuck no doubt. I didn't even hear about this until over 24 hours after it even happened. Probably intentional.

I will say this, Nashville is a shit hole. Bunch of fake cowboy fags running around, playing shitty music in shitty bars. Top 3 worst cities I've been to in the states. Fortunately it doesn't seem like there was that much carnage from this, but there's not a more deserving city than Nashville if this was just some random nut.
33   Bd6r   2020 Dec 28, 7:43am  

Ceffer says
i propose in my own conspiracy land that they just konked Warner, loaded him in his RV with the PA system, and used a guidance system to blow up the van with a missile as a cover for whoever was intervening with the NSA comm hub for whatever purpose. The RV looked standard from the outside and may not have had any explosives in it at all. Why they would have to stage the explosion as false flag is anybody's guess, and whether they were foreign, domestic, white hat or black hat is also anybody's guess.

if we put on our conspiracy theory hat, most likely explanation would be that some three-letter agency supplied patsy with explosives, instructions, etc. Much simpler than shooting missiles. They have done this with some religion of peace adherents and that was documented, only in that case they swooped in and arrested them to show need for budget increases.
35   Ceffer   2020 Dec 28, 9:23am  

Most interesting thing for me is watching one of these 'events' roll out in real time and seeing how the MSM and deceptive gvnmt agencies 'lead the narrative' when there are so many alternative and clear information paths that are different from what they tell us. They spin the narrative and we gobble it up like corn dogs at the fair.

We see things with our own eyes, but won't even believe common sense or the obvious but let them gaslight us.
36   WookieMan   2020 Dec 28, 9:41am  

Ceffer says
Most interesting thing for me is watching one of these 'events' roll out in real time and seeing how the MSM and deceptive gvnmt agencies 'lead the narrative' when there are so many alternative and clear information paths that are different from what they tell us. They spin the narrative and we gobble it up like corn dogs at the fair.

I didn't even hear about it until Sunday. I'm generally "connected" to some sort of news source or information. It's honestly really bizarre.

I kind of get the feeling that the establishment and deep state don't want another Trump and are getting waaaaaay ahead of things so it doesn't happen again. Not so sure it's about election fraud, though could be. I've been on that street in Nashville. Unless this was a random case of someone just wanting to play with explosives in a city on xmas day, it makes zero sense.

Kind of thinking whatever happened, they were hoping to blame on a gas leak or something. When it was obvious that it wasn't, they come up with this camper story. The funny part is, if you've driven a camper, the last place you want to take it is a city. Can't fit in parking garages. Street parking is difficult if not impossible. It really doesn't make any sense along with the video footage.
37   Ceffer   2020 Dec 28, 10:38am  

An instance is the warning voice, sounding very official from a professional sounding female voice. How do we know it came from the RV? We don't, and it seems the lowest of probability that the 'designated whacko' had the foresight to frame such a coherent, co-ordinated and well timed message along with the blast.

Also, if he were protesting AT&T, why wouldn't he want to stick around to see the results of his handiwork? If he was that crazy and suicidal, he wouldn't have been thinking about how to 'save lives' he would have just been sweating to get his 'bomb' off. If he had been brought down with gunfire, and the van detonated on the street by authorities as also speculated, why continue the fakery of the whacko being blown up in his van while detonating the bomb? You don't see those kinds of 'immediate detonations' with other bomb scenarios, they fuck around at the scene with bomb squads and robots for a while.

I imagine the FBI has been mostly busy trying to scoop up any pictures and videos that don't support the patsy narrative. A couple have already gotten out and don't support the narrative.

Whenever I see those fucking hand mimes for the deaf at the conferences, I am beginning to regard them as virtue signaling diversions themselves to act like all is benign and credible on the propaganda front. 'Hey, fellas, don't forget to bust out the hand mime! People always believe you when you have one of those, and they can't tell that we are lying because our lips are moving because they are too busy watching the hand waving."

Like they say at the CIA, the explosion was a diversion and the real caper was inside the building around the comms systems. Get forensic copies of the 'hub' for analysis to see how deep the foreign players are in the NSA/CIA? Re-boot the hub to insert virus or spyware? Only the spooks know for sure. Somebody needed to shut down the system for a while and the explosion was the cover story.
38   WookieMan   2020 Dec 28, 12:29pm  

Ceffer says
Whenever I see those fucking hand mimes for the deaf at the conferences, I am beginning to regard them as virtue signaling diversions themselves to act like all is benign and credible on the propaganda front.

Lol, I've been questioning this since Covid came around. Yes, I've seen these guys before Covid, but every governor doing their daily updates has their wingman in tote waving their hands and weird facial gestures about a cold. It's the one time deaf people would prefer to be blind. Seeing a nerdy hand puppeteer next to a god awful politician talk about losing smell, sniffles and 0.001% of people getting tossed on ventilators and dying. Likely getting a hefty salary and guaranteed pension in the process .
39   Ceffer   2020 Dec 28, 1:58pm  

Another Bit Chute guy showing the missile evidence:
40   Ceffer   2020 Dec 28, 6:17pm  

OK, since nothing has broken about the unwinding of this false flag about the 'patsy' journaling or writing stuff, one might conclude that it would be necessary for a proper patsy to have some kind of 'manifesto' somewhere. Let's see if the FBI with their superhuman investigative powers and rapid deploy will find fevered scrawlings and manifesto from the patsy. A patsy without a manifesto or a writing, either online or on paper, is a patsy without an arc, and is only half useful. Thus, some manufactured screed is called for here. Will it magically appear within the next 24-48 hours or so?

Oh, and they have also identified that the number of stripes on Warner's RV at his home doesn't match the number of stripes on the 'Bomb RV'. Another little oopsie. Don't the perps have a proper context checker for their patsies?

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