Where is Tiffany Dover?

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2021 Jan 5, 1:58pm   63,834 views  492 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


If Tiffany Pontes Dover is truly okay and has not suffered a severe vaccine reaction as has been speculated by millions of people — prove it to the world! Contact NoFakeNews or another news outlet and give an interview (unmasked) and end the public speculation about what has happened.

Let’s not play games any longer, Tiffany Dover, by maintaining a state of silence under the guise of privacy concerns. When you hold yourself out there for public eyes and act as a poster healthcare official attempting to broadly influence citizens to receive an unapproved, experimental medicine and then faint on public television 17 minutes later, people have a right to know how you are doing. You don’t get to insert your right to privacy until you provide the proper closure for the American public. Anything other than giving a proper, unmasked interview after being silent for so long is unacceptable.

Contact me at NoFakeNews through the website’s contact portal with your interview, and I will personally make sure the content is displayed.

Help me put an end to the conspiracy theories suggesting you became ill or died from a vaccine reaction and confirm what the mainstream media, your employer, and the fact-checking websites are all claiming — that you are healthy and doing well!


(Patrick added the words Damar Hamlin to this thread here so that it will be found in searches.)

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335   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 12, 8:43pm  

Ahh, good point. The only thing that readily comes to mind is deepening disconnection from reality for those who have bought all the lies, and deepen the divide between realists, and those who live in this fantasy world.

Other possibility, they are desperately trying to plug any hole they can in a sinking ship. They don't know what lie will finally break the camels back, and forever shatter confidence in them and their system.
336   richwicks   2023 Apr 12, 8:51pm  

NuttBoxer says

Other possibility, they are desperately trying to plug any hole they can in a sinking ship. They don't know what lie will finally break the camels back, and forever shatter confidence in them and their system.

I think it's a possibility that we are being setup for a "savior" that finally tells the truth, which may lead us into a totalitarian regime.

I can't imagine being in the level of cognitive dissonance a person that listens to CNN or FOX must experience. I would imagine they want relief from it and will flock to anybody that will grant them this. Who is this puppet? Trump? DeSantis? I have no idea, but I don't trust either.
337   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 12, 9:06pm  

Simplest explanation is that Tiffany has anxiety when speaking in public. That would explain her initial fainting spell and CHI advising her not to speak in public again.

There are plenty of people who did die after injection(s) there is no reason to lump Tiffany into that category. If she were dead someone close to her would tell that story. Where is the body? Where was her funeral? What did her family say about it? If we don’t have that , it’s probably because she is actually alive and well. Not everyone who took the jab has obvious side effects.
338   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 12, 9:30pm  

richwicks says

I think it's a possibility that we are being setup for a "savior" that finally tells the truth, which may lead us into a totalitarian regime.

That is exactly what is going to happen. Probably very soon.

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Satan and his minions won’t come on the scene wearing horns and red makeup. They will appear to be upright, perhaps even holy and religious. But they will tell lies that oppose the real truths about God, man and the Word of God.
339   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 13, 9:02am  

richwicks says

I think it's a possibility that we are being setup for a "savior" that finally tells the truth, which may lead us into a totalitarian regime.

340   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 13, 9:03am  

PeopleUnited says

Simplest explanation is that Tiffany has anxiety when speaking in public. That would explain her initial fainting spell and CHI advising her not to speak in public again.

She wasn't speaking when she fainted. And if she isn't dead, and did that interview, she seems to have no problems with public speaking. Occam says you're reaching.
341   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 13, 9:11am  

PeopleUnited says

Satan and his minions won’t come on the scene wearing horns and red makeup. They will appear to be upright, perhaps even holy and religious. But they will tell lies that oppose the real truths about God, man and the Word of God.

Won't be Musk, he's too Earthy and Rational.

It'll be like a Gavin Newsome, with a mouth full of Theraputic "Spiritual" nonsense.
342   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 14, 8:43pm  

NuttBoxer says

PeopleUnited says

Simplest explanation is that Tiffany has anxiety when speaking in public. That would explain her initial fainting spell and CHI advising her not to speak in public again.

She wasn't speaking when she fainted. And if she isn't dead, and did that interview, she seems to have no problems with public speaking. Occam says you're reaching.

She was about to speak when she fainted. Cameras were on her and a bunch of reporters. For someone susceptible to fainting when they become the center of attention that was a perfect set up. In contrast, She wasn’t speaking in public during the recent interview, she had probably two other people in the room and for all we know they edited out any fainting. The photos to me look like the same person who has aged, put on weight making the cheeks seem different. But it is the same person. The creases of her smile roll up high on her nose and you can see that even poking out at the top her mask in the older photo. Like I said, there are plenty of people who died after the shots. Tiffany just isn’t one of them. Where is her family? (If she was dead someone she knows would speak up) Where is her funeral? Where is her body?
343   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 14, 8:47pm  

AmericanKulak says

PeopleUnited says

Satan and his minions won’t come on the scene wearing horns and red makeup. They will appear to be upright, perhaps even holy and religious. But they will tell lies that oppose the real truths about God, man and the Word of God.

Won't be Musk, he's too Earthy and Rational.

It'll be like a Gavin Newsome, with a mouth full of Theraputic "Spiritual" nonsense.

Yeah, I don’t think Antichrist even has to be a human. And I’m pretty sure that Musk is disqualified, the antichrist will appear like a messenger of great importance perhaps even angelic and “holy”. But I think he and Musk are likely to be good friends if they ever meet.
344   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 21, 7:47pm  

PeopleUnited says

She was about to speak when she fainted. Cameras were on her and a bunch of reporters. For someone susceptible to fainting when they become the center of attention that was a perfect set up. In contrast, She wasn’t speaking in public during the recent interview

Seriously? She had literally just gotten the shot injected, and there are many, MANY videos of people having similar reactions. And who the fuck do you know who goes on national television and isn't nervous. I don't give a fuck how many people are in the room, you know who's going to see it.

But fuck all that, you really believe that someone who just fucking completely disappeared for three fucking years is totally normal in your book? Completely reasonable, not suspicious at all!?

This is your thing man. Don't fucking drag Occam into this, it's all you.
345   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 21, 8:06pm  

Show me the evidence. Dead people have funerals, grieving family and friends. The living Don’t have to do anything, sometimes they do their own thing because it is not their job to prove to you they are alive, but sometimes they do give interviews.
Fainting after an injection when a person has a history of fainting (and yes, it is relatively common to faint after a flu shot, or other shot) is a nothingburger. Don’t be fooled by the hysteria. There are plenty of people who have died from the vaxx, but Tiffany is not one of them.
346   richwicks   2023 Apr 21, 8:18pm  

PeopleUnited says

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Again, I envy your conviction in your faith, but I don't share it.

Every generation believes they are in "the end times". Every single generation does. If there is a god, it's innate in all of us, and doesn't have to be discovered through a several thousand page book. We know it innately, IF there is a god.
347   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 21, 8:22pm  

PeopleUnited says

Show me the evidence. Dead people have funerals, grieving family and friends. The living Don’t have to do anything, sometimes they do their own thing because it is not their job to prove to you they are alive, but sometimes they do give interviews.
Fainting after an injection when a person has a history of fainting (and yes, it is relatively common to faint after a flu shot, or other shot) is a nothingburger. Don’t be fooled by the hysteria. There are plenty of people who have died from the vaxx, but Tiffany is not one of them.

I don't think she died.

I think she was Vax Injured.

NuttBoxer says

But fuck all that, you really believe that someone who just fucking completely disappeared for three fucking years is totally normal in your book? Completely reasonable, not suspicious at all!?

Exactly, they paid her to shut up and go away for a while, hence her lavish lifestyle over the past months.

Now that she's recovered from her Bell's Palsy, Migranes, Spastic Limb Movements, etc., they brought her back out and paid her to say "I told you so".

You know they would have done that many moons ago if there wasn't a reason she wouldn't agree to appear for a 10 second video to say hello.
348   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 21, 8:45pm  

richwicks says

PeopleUnited says

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Again, I envy your conviction in your faith, but I don't share it.

Every generation believes they are in "the end times". Every single generation does. If there is a god, it's innate in all of us, and doesn't have to be discovered through a several thousand page book. We know it innately, IF there is a god.

Be careful, God can forgive all kinds of sin, but when a person rejects the existence of God:

Romans 1:28 Context

25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

This describes our generation better than any in human history.
349   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 21, 8:49pm  

AmericanKulak says

I think she was Vax Injured.

Everyone who got the vaxx is vax injured, some just worse (more obvious) than others.

Even if the only injury is the needle poke, it was unnecessary and left permanent damage to the tissue/cells.
350   richwicks   2023 Apr 21, 9:38pm  

PeopleUnited says

Be careful, God can forgive all kinds of sin, but when a person rejects the existence of God:

Stop it.

This is a logical conclusion I've been FORCED into. There is no malice or hatred involved. You simply can't understand that. I don't "hate god", but whatever the creator is, forced me into a logical conclusion.

Threaten me all you like, that won't change my conclusion, my forced conclusion. It's not my fault I'm dragged into this area of thinking. I can more easily change you than you can change me, however, I do not wish to change you. It won't benefit you.
351   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 21, 9:51pm  

Nobody is threatening you. But you are responsible for your choice. You can’t claim you are forced into any choice, you have free will.

But you sure are foolish to claim that you could change my choice but not your own. That doesn’t even remotely connect with reality. Seems truth is missing from that perspective.
352   richwicks   2023 Apr 21, 10:00pm  

PeopleUnited says

Nobody is threatening you.

You've invoked Pascal's Wager. You may not be aware of this, but you have.

PeopleUnited says

But you are responsible for your choice. You can’t claim you are forced into any choice, you have free will.

I don't know if I have free will. AI may prove I don't. I don't know. We've failed with making machines that can think, but we're not far off. We'll see.

PeopleUnited says

But you sure are foolish to claim that you could change my choice but not your own. That doesn’t even remotely connect with reality. Seems truth is missing from that perspective.

I am very good at attacking Christianity. I'll give you an example:

Your god is all powerful and all knowing, so why did he decide to produce a son to be tortured to death? He could have snapped his fingers and prevented this, why would a GOOD god decide to have his son TORTURED to death? He's omnipotent, so why are you sure this god is good?

It was entirely unnecessary, but your god decided to have his own son tortured and murdered. Are you sure your god is good?

I can make you question your belief, but I do not wish to. It's just simple logic. The god of the Old Testament is not the same god of the New Testament, and I don't think either are real. Again, if there's a god, it's innate and knowable in all of us. I know right from wrong, I didn't need a book to tell me this.
353   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 22, 5:25am  

richwicks says

You've invoked Pascal's

No I’ve quoted the word of God which predates and obviously supersedes “Pascal”.

richwicks says

We'll see.

You don’t have to wait. There is no debate. You chose everyday what you believe. You have even said it many times that you have changed your mind on many things, and actually desire that people challenge your understanding. I’m telling you that the evidence of God is in the most obvious and the least obvious places. Ignorance of God is therefore deliberate and motivated by sin as the verses from the book of Romans above describe.

richwicks says

why would a GOOD god decide to have his son TORTURED to death?

Free will. It was a demonstration of His free will to be willing to sacrifice His only son, and free will of His son to be obedient to death, to pay for our sins where we used our free will to disobey. Our free will separated us from God, His free will redeems us and gives us the only path to reconciliation. Suffering is not evidence of a cruel God, it is evidence of a merciful God, because He knows that all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose. But don’t forget the most important part, after His suffering and death He rose, ascended into Heaven and has been there since then, preparing a place for all who believe on His name. (Jesus means Savior)
354   Blue   2023 Apr 22, 5:36am  

Don’t waste time on atheist who can knows both sides to convince and bring back to barn.
355   joshuatrio   2023 Apr 22, 5:53am  

Tiffany Dover is dead. Here are the many faces "she's worn" over the last couple years. The powers that be are laughing their asses off.

This shit isn't even believable anymore.

FFS just look at the difference in the nose alone.

356   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 22, 6:10am  

joshuatrio says

Tiffany Dover is dead. Here are the many faces "she's worn" over the last couple years. The powers that be are laughing their asses off.

This shit isn't even believable anymore.

FFS just look at the difference in the nose alone.


Did you get your photos from Mike Lindel?
357   joshuatrio   2023 Apr 22, 6:57am  

PeopleUnited says

joshuatrio says

Tiffany Dover is dead. Here are the many faces "she's worn" over the last couple years. The powers that be are laughing their asses off.

This shit isn't even believable anymore.

FFS just look at the difference in the nose alone.


Did you get your photos fr...

Check the link
358   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 22, 8:14am  

PeopleUnited says

Did you get your photos from Mike Lindel?

Everyone has propaganda they fall for. Some fell for the scamdemic, some for Ukraine, some for 9/11. You fell for the Dover coverup.
359   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 22, 9:49am  

joshuatrio says

"Tiffany Dover is dead. Here are the many faces "she's worn" over the last couple years.... just look at the difference in the nose alone.

From the link: " The bottom-right photo (Tiffany #4) is the Tiffany Dover who just spoke with the NBC News presstitute last week. Here is the bottom-right 'Tiffany Dover' again."

This is obvious. Tiffany #4 - the NBC Tiffany Dover - is not Tiffany Dover.

And this, after 3 years? No, Tiffany Dover is dead.
360   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 22, 10:55am  

NuttBoxer says

You fell for the Dover coverup.

This one is special. So now people are inventing narratives that never happened and accusing the people who don’t believe the false narratives of “falling for a coverup.”

Let’s start here. We need testimony of Just two close friends, relatives or coworkers that surely could tell us all that she is dead. There must be hundreds of people close to her who can tell us. Just find two.
361   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 22, 11:13am  

joshuatrio says

Check the link

Yes. I read it. Looks like a solid piece of propaganda. So they take 4 photos that somebody says are Tiffany. And we are supposed to put 2 and 2 together and decide not only that all 4 photos are real, unaltered photos of persons allegedly identifying as the Tiffany Dover, but also because it is obvious that the photos look like they might be of different people, it is also obvious that Tiffany is dead, but worse then that it is obvious there is a massive and sophomoric attempt by a large number of conspirators to cover up her death.

Wow, how could I not have seen that? Obviously the Covid blog.com is full of pure truth, here is an example from the page in the link:

“Toxic artificial fluoride stunts brain development in children. The data continually show inverse correlations between fluoride exposure and IQ – as the previous goes up, the latter goes down. By the year 2000, nearly 60% of Americans lived in municipalities with fluoridated water. But fluoride alone cannot explain the obsequious, sycophantic, tribal nature innate in most Americans.

We literally live in a society where 40% believe Donald Trump is god, and another 40% believe that men are really women.“ https://thecovidblog.com/2023/04/18/tiffany-dover-is-dead-declassified-1944-cia-manual-outlines-government-mainstream-media-manipulation-tactics-as-artificial-intelligence-and-performance-art-blurs-lines-between-reality-and-theater/

I think the work they have done speaks for itself.
362   Ceffer   2023 Apr 22, 11:19am  

Tiffany is bone ash and fly shit. She was the first obvious casualty of the Covid Terror infliction, so her current fake avatar is part of the roll back after all the arms dealers of the political and medical establishment have cashed out.

Remember the Satanic Imperative that everything that we believe MUST be a lie. Hail the blood sacrifices and the screams of suffering for Baal!
363   joshuatrio   2023 Apr 22, 11:37am  

PeopleUnited says

joshuatrio says

Check the link

Yes. I read it. Looks like a solid piece of propaganda. So they take 4 photos that somebody says are Tiffany. And we are supposed to put 2 and 2 together and decide not only that all 4 photos are real, unaltered photos of persons allegedly identifying as the Tiffany Dover, but also because it is obvious that the photos look like they might be of different people, it is also obvious that Tiffany is dead, but worse then that it is obvious there is a massive and sophomoric attempt by a large number of conspirators to cover up her death.

Wow, how could I not have seen that? Obviously the Covid blog.com is full of pure truth, here is an example from the page in the link:

“Toxic artificial fluoride stunts brain development in children. The data continually show inverse correlations between fluoride exposure and IQ – as the previous go...

I don't drink fluoride. Never have, never will. My father did a lot with water quality testing for his state. His three biggest take aways after being in that field:

1) Don't drink chlorine
2) Don't drink fluoride
3) Before you buy property, try to determine the aquifer that your well or municipality pulls from. This after he discovered certain areas were cancer hotspots due to chemical plants in neighboring states.

I'd encourage you to look at the history of fluoride :)

PeopleUnited says

Yes. I read it. Looks like a solid piece of propaganda. So they take 4 photos that somebody says are Tiffany. And we are supposed to put 2 and 2 together and decide not only that all 4 photos are real, unaltered photos of persons allegedly identifying as the Tiffany Dover, but also because it is obvious that the photos look like they might be of different people, it is also obvious that Tiffany is dead, but worse then that it is obvious there is a massive and sophomoric attempt by a large number of conspirators to cover up her death.

Go find the Tiffany Dover footage yourself, it's out there. It's easy as fuck, and takes two seconds for anyone to determine this she is dead and they are using actors/AI.
364   joshuatrio   2023 Apr 22, 11:42am  

PeopleUnited says

We literally live in a society where 40% believe Donald Trump is god, and another 40% believe that men are really women.“ https://thecovidblog.com/2023/04/18/tiffany-dover-is-dead-declassified-1944-cia-manual-outlines-government-mainstream-media-manipulation-tactics-as-artificial-intelligence-and-performance-art-blurs-lines-between-reality-and-theater/

I'd say the Trump part is pretty damn accurate lol. The trans portion is likely sarcasm.
365   mell   2023 Apr 22, 1:21pm  

It's highly suspicious that she quit being a nurse. Why?? They should lock her up in a room and make her do some skilled nurse techniques on patients, would prob fail. If you just fainted briefly you'd go back to work the next day or day after, there is no medical reason not to, and have a few pictures taken saying here I am and I'm back. It's hard to believe for anybody but at the minimum this story stinks significantly
366   Onvacation   2023 Apr 22, 1:33pm  

richwicks says

Every generation believes they are in "the end times". Every single generation does.

I'll go a step further and say that every PERSON eventually will face the end of time.
367   Onvacation   2023 Apr 22, 1:48pm  

AmericanKulak says

Now that she's recovered from her Bell's Palsy, Migranes, Spastic Limb Movements, etc., they brought her back out and paid her to say "I told you so".

They probably finally gave her some ivermectin and quercetin to clear out the spike cells.

It's plausible that Tiffany is still alive, but at this point what difference does it make.

We know they released this plague to steal the election and try to control our every movement. It seems this "pandemic" with its lockdowns, vaccine passports, etc. was planned well in advance but the popularity of Trump threw a monkey wrench in their plans and they had to move up the timeline. They weren't completely prepared.

Tiffany is dead and replaced by this actor, recovered enough to reenter society, Or is telling the truth and she was just hiding from the press for a couple of years. Ultimately she was just more "collateral damage" from this nightmare that has been foisted upon us for the last couple of years.
368   richwicks   2023 Apr 22, 2:16pm  

NuttBoxer says

Everyone has propaganda they fall for. Some fell for the scamdemic, some for Ukraine, some for 9/11. You fell for the Dover coverup.

I don't have good enough facial recognition in order to tell. Unless somebody has very unique features, I forget what they look like.
369   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 22, 2:27pm  

joshuatrio says

Go find the Tiffany Dover footage yourself, it's out there. It's easy as fuck, and takes two seconds for anyone to determine this she is dead and they are using actors/AI.

Let’s just say I’m from Missouri.

And for that matter anyone who can be convinced by internet propaganda in 2 seconds better get a better filter, even the reptilian shape shifters in the Illuminati aren’t that good. Either that or the propaganda machine is nearly perfected.

Here is Tiffany and her husband. She looks just like the woman in the NBC interview except she is older now and changed her hair color.

Here is Tiffany by herself, she looks younger but it is clearly the same woman as the one interviewed by NBC above.

And here is another of Tiffany, obviously the same woman in the NBC interview.

370   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 22, 2:59pm  

mell says

It's highly suspicious that she quit being a nurse. Why??

My take is three fold:
1. She was not that smart to begin with. I work with nurses, some are amazing, some are just plain scary dangerous! But back to Tiffany, she took the jab so her judgement is questionable by that fact alone, her TV interview did nothing to instill confidence in me that she is an intelligent capable nurse who I would trust handing life and death decisions.
2. She is likely injured by the vax and perhaps seriously injured. At the very least she may not have been eligible to get a second dose, and decided to change or was forced out of nursing due to vaccine requirements imposed by the employer. That could be why CHI (her employer) told her not to speak out sooner. She never said that she was not injured. But if she was seriously injured then that would require its own cover up. Payments, rehab. Etc.. and her family would know. Why is there no one who knows Tiffany speaking up? Probably because There is nothing to speak up about! So most likely scenario is that she wasn’t a great nurse, and did not want to continue working during Covid pandemic hysteria and started doing something else. Maybe she was even attentive enough to know that ventilators were killing people and wanted no part of that.
3. The powers that be have controlled opposition in place to discredit and distract people from the truth. They created a false narrative about Tiffany being a vax death and spread it far and wide on the alternative sites. This Tiffany Dover business is such an obvious nothingburger. But it has convinced so many otherwise discerning and intelligent people to believe a living breathing person is dead. That is impressive, though the propaganda sellers are no doubt laughing to the bank. This is strong evidence that their plan to be able to deceive the whole world to believe a new false narrative after the rapture when millions of men women and children disappear is nearly ready to implement.
371   joshuatrio   2023 Apr 23, 10:03am  

PeopleUnited says

mell says

It's highly suspicious that she quit being a nurse. Why??

My take is three fold:
1. She was not that smart to begin with. I work with nurses, some are amazing, some are just plain scary dangerous! But back to Tiffany, she took the jab so her judgement is questionable by that fact alone, her TV interview did nothing to instill confidence in me that she is an intelligent capable nurse who I would trust handing life and death decisions.
2. She is likely injured by the vax and perhaps seriously injured. At the very least she may not have been eligible to get a second dose, and decided to change or was forced out of nursing due to vaccine requirements imposed by the employer. That could be why CHI (her employer) told her not to speak out sooner. She never said that she was not injured. But if she was seriously injured then that would require its own cover up. Pa...

You believe what you want to believe. I don't really care honestly. The article you posted is dated 12/19. It appears she was jabbed earlier that week. Making the photo dated from pre-jab days.

Based on the photo's above, she's taken on many different forms, including ones with different eyes, nose and eyebrows. I don't see how you can consider her the same person.

PeopleUnited says

3. The powers that be have controlled opposition in place to discredit and distract people from the truth. They created a false narrative about Tiffany being a vax death and spread it far and wide on the alternative sites. This Tiffany Dover business is such an obvious nothingburger. But it has convinced so many otherwise discerning and intelligent people to believe a living breathing person is dead. That is impressive, though the propaganda sellers are no doubt laughing to the bank. This is strong evidence that their plan to be able to deceive the whole world to believe a new false narrative after the rapture when millions of men women and children disappear is nearly ready to implement.

I'd love to hear more on your theory about the rapture... I'd also like to know how propaganda sellers would be able to predict/pre-empt a rapture, if no one knows when it could happen except for God Himself.
372   mell   2023 Apr 23, 10:22am  

It's definitely a possibility she got a larger settlement and it included her not being allowed to talk specifics of hospital and jab injuries (of course the media would hide that fact if so), so she was forced to quit as well. Still doesn't look like the same person, even considering that womynz can morph quite a but w makeup and hair style
373   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 23, 4:22pm  

joshuatrio says

The article you posted is dated 12/19. It appears she was jabbed earlier that week. Making the photo dated from pre-jab days.

Exactly, it is a reliable before and after photo of Tiffany without the mask. the woman standing next to her husband is clearly the same woman in the NBC interview. Tiffany lives. And Tiffany has changed her hair and aged/put on weight but that is clearly the same person. Don’t believe some fake photos from conspiracy flakes. There are plenty of real COVID coverups, we don’t need to muddy the waters by inventing more. But if there are even two witnesses who can corroborate that Tiffany is dead let’s hear them!
374   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Apr 23, 5:27pm  

PeopleUnited says

NuttBoxer says

You fell for the Dover coverup.

This one is special. So now people are inventing narratives that never happened and accusing the people who don’t believe the false narratives of “falling for a coverup.”

Let’s start here. We need testimony of Just two close friends, relatives or coworkers that surely could tell us all that she is dead. There must be hundreds of people close to her who can tell us. Just find two.

Lots of people fainted during the pandemic, or had seizures, yet none of the rest of them disappeared from the public spotlight so completely, so oddly, and for so long.

Find two people from the families of flight 93(only plane to ever disintegrate on impact) who will attest to the whole story being bullshit. You just saw the greatest farce in history two years ago, yet you believe people can't be bought by government?

The deeper you dig this whole instead of researching, or admitting you were wrong, the more you have to detach from the reality of absurdity of the story, and the more susceptible you become to future indoctrination. You're a Christian right? That means the truth matters more than your ego.

Check my posting history here, I admit to being wrong all the time, happened just this week. Because I am a Christian, and fuck my ego up the ass, I only care about the truth.

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