Stock market and housing bubble.

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2021 Jan 6, 11:11am   23,288 views  416 comments

by RC2006   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

With all that's going on how is stock market going up, is it inflation speculation driving it? Are we approaching housing bubble?

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80   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Feb 6, 8:15pm  

I don't look at this stuff all that often.

I was flabbergasted today to see that some of the stocks in my account had climbed to P/E a bit over 30. For comparison I looked at SP500. According to this website it was 39 (https://www.multpl.com/s-p-500-pe-ratio). A different page on that website has the dividend yield at 1.50%

Holy freaking crap.
81   Patrick   2021 Feb 6, 8:33pm  

Yes, on the one hand things look very bubbly, but on the other hand, shit, what is the latest bailout, another 1.5 TARPs?

Maybe people are fleeing to equities in expectation of inflation. I don't really know.
82   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Feb 6, 8:49pm  

Patrick says
Maybe people are fleeing to equities in expectation of inflation. I don't really know

In the runup to 2008, which anyone with any critical thinking could see was coming, during that time I read everything I could find about the Weimar inflation. Learned a lot. In addition to esoteric books buried in university libraries about Weimar, there's a long discussion about the hard times there in a recent biography of Oppenheimer. He was a grad student in Weimar during that time (it was where he made many contacts that he tapped in the Manhattan Project).

Germans who saved in mark bank deposits or Weimar treasury debt were completely wiped out. Those who had equities lost hugely, like about 80% or something like that. That's a horrible loss, but at least they retained some purchasing power compared to the marks.
83   ThatGuy   2021 Feb 6, 9:41pm  

Patrick says
Maybe people are fleeing to equities in expectation of inflation. I don't really know.

Thats what I'm doing. Was in bonds. I fled to foreign stock, New Administration is going to remove any Trump policies, and redouble its export philosophy. Alibaba etc is going to fucking rip, Unfortunately I'm stuck in a 401k thing that gives me very little control .
84   Patrick   2021 Feb 6, 9:45pm  

ThatGuy says
Unfortunately I'm stuck in a 401k thing that gives me very little control .

Is it with your current or former employer?

If it's a former employer, you should immediately roll it into a self-directed 401k rollover. There's no tax on that, and then you can invest your money as you see fit.

But if it's a current employer, you're kind of fucked, which I think was the exact intention of the 401k law: to trap employees in employer plans with limited high-cost choices that benefit the financial institution running the plan.
85   ThatGuy   2021 Feb 6, 10:12pm  

Its a current employer... I do have an IRA option, Fidelity for what its worth.

I've been using the 401k to re-finance existing loans.

For example, 2 years ago I had bought a new travel trailer at 6%, roughly $30k.

I took a loan against my 401k, now I pay myself 4%, That's a 10% swing.

Something like $5k in my favor in the end.

The internet is FILLED with hate for how I manage my finances.

Promises of 8% compounding are everywhere, but unfortunately I'm never realizing them.

I'm just paying off all my shit until its done I guess.

Paid debt with interest is the same as gaining said interest, no?
86   RWSGFY   2021 Feb 6, 10:16pm  

ThatGuy says
Paid debt with interest is the same as gaining said interest, no?

Yes. Tax-free to boot.
87   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Feb 6, 10:34pm  

Fucking just spent that past 6 hours doing taxes. I'm about halfway done but not quite.
88   Patrick   2021 Feb 6, 11:51pm  

FuckCCP89 says
ThatGuy says
Paid debt with interest is the same as gaining said interest, no?

Yes. Tax-free to boot.


A penny saved is like 1.5 pennies earned, if you consider taxes.

Paying off a loan to save on interest is usually an excellent investment.
89   clambo   2021 Feb 7, 5:02am  

Fidelity has good mutual funds.

Re: debt

I ran up a credit card debt a couple of years ago and was going to pay it off by selling something, shares of a mutual fund or stock.

I decided to just let it ride; my investments went up 40%, but my debt decreased by a little bit.

I decided to delay paying it off until I left California so I would not pay 2 capital gains taxes to take money out of investments.

I redeem some shares only if necessary of my least favorite fund.

Eventually I have to start redeeming more shares to spend my money, otherwise why did I invest?
90   WookieMan   2021 Feb 7, 6:26am  

just_passing_through says
Fucking just spent that past 6 hours doing taxes. I'm about halfway done but not quite.

I spend 100 hours during the year and hopefully only an hour filing. Sent mine in last week and it was about 2 hours. I'll get my government loan back, which sucks I loaned it to them, but it's better than owing them this time of year. Seasonal income sucks. We learned owing close to $10k one year.

Situation is always so fluid as one job could be $20-30k swing for us in income. So great years we have to be careful with tax payments and withholdings and overpay. Don't know how it's possible, but this year is forecasting to be our best year ever. By a lot. Fingers crossed.
91   Tix2fun   2021 Feb 7, 9:09am  

Patrick says
FuckCCP89 says
ThatGuy says
Paid debt with interest is the same as gaining said interest, no?

Yes. Tax-free to boot.


A penny saved is like 1.5 pennies earned, if you consider taxes.

Paying off a loan to save on interest is usually an excellent investment.

Patrick I have seen you have been strong advocate of paying of loan to save interest . Do you still advice the same in very low interest era like right now mortgage rate is 2.50% for 30 yrs and 1.99% for 15 yrs.
I feel fed already committed to keep the interest rates low till 2023 not sure if paying off partial loan or holding cash to investing in stocks will fetch more returns at the end of 30 yrs. I am still confused.

I am waiting for market correction, but so far have fetched good returns in 401K as my employer also allows to open brokerage link account in fidelity for self directed investment. I have been booking profits as and when market goes into greed to increase my cash position and invest when it goes into fear . I check this and it has paid off so far https://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/
92   Patrick   2021 Feb 7, 9:34am  

Tix2fun says
Patrick I have seen you have been strong advocate of paying of loan to save interest . Do you still advice the same in very low interest era like right now mortgage rate is 2.50% for 30 yrs and 1.99% for 15 yrs.

Yes. Debt is slavery. As long as you have debt, you are not free.

Sure, interest rates are low, but nowhere can you find any investment with as much certainty as paying off debt. If you pay off 2% debt, then you save that 2% guaranteed, plus the taxes you would have to pay to get that 2% through work. So you're getting something like 2.5% guaranteed, immediately.

Or look at it this way, if you invest in US Treasuries, which are about as equally certain, you'd get only 2%, you'd have to pay federal income taxes on that 2%, and you'd be locked in and potentially losing to inflation.

Of course if you have any higher-interest debt, like credit card debt, pay that off first.
93   HeadSet   2021 Feb 7, 9:41am  

Or look at it this way, if you invest in US Treasuries, which are about as equally certain, you'd get only 2%,

10 year treasuries are about half that, which strengthens the argument of paying off existing debt first.
94   Tix2fun   2021 Feb 7, 9:51am  

Thanks Patrick for your advice .I also agree being debt free gives you peaceful sleep and I am in favour of reducing debt when one is young vs extending it beyond 50 yrs of age. I have a target to reduce my debt to less than 40% when I turn 50. And by 55 yrs to less than 25%.I hope I can achieve my goals.
95   RC2006   2021 Feb 7, 10:02am  

Peace of mind goes a long way. Only debt is my mortgage don't see getting out from that for now.
96   GlocknLoad   2021 Feb 7, 10:31am  

What should I do with the $50,000 in cash I have right now? I have no debt and I have a 401k with a current employer.
97   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 7, 11:09am  

GlocknLoad says
What should I do with the $50,000 in cash I have right now? I have no debt and I have a 401k with a current employer.

Bitcoin/Ethereum....3x your money in the next 6month.
98   RC2006   2021 Feb 7, 11:25am  

GlocknLoad says
What should I do with the $50,000 in cash I have right now? I have no debt and I have a 401k with a current employer.

Just save most of it for rainy day or after stock crash investment. Always good to have some cash in bank for lifes surprises.
99   mell   2021 Feb 7, 1:17pm  

RC2006 says
GlocknLoad says
What should I do with the $50,000 in cash I have right now? I have no debt and I have a 401k with a current employer.

Just save most of it for rainy day or after stock crash investment. Always good to have some cash in bank for lifes surprises.

This, and gamble a little in sectors that will do well in this administration, I'd recommend biotech (if you can handle the volatility).
100   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Feb 7, 1:24pm  

New company I hired onto is allowing the Mega Backdoor Roth. I'm going to be able to stuff up to (I think) 58K into retirement accounts this year. I may be off by $500 or something.
101   porkchopXpress   2021 Feb 7, 2:00pm  

just_passing_through says
New company I hired onto is allowing the Mega Backdoor Roth. I'm going to be able to stuff up to (I think) 58K into retirement accounts this year. I may be off by $500 or something.
I have a crazy setup like that at my company. 3 retirement accounts I can max out for some ridiculous amount. It's great.
102   porkchopXpress   2021 Feb 7, 2:03pm  

G36 says
GlocknLoad says
What should I do with the $50,000 in cash I have right now? I have no debt and I have a 401k with a current employer.

Bitcoin/Ethereum....3x your money in the next 6month.
I agree. Not sure I'd go all $50K into crypto at once, but start with $10K and ease your way into it.

This is the way I look at things. If your time horizon is at least 10 years, you shouldn't be holding onto cash except for emergencies. With the way the central banks are printing full tilt, all that inflation will find itself into liquid investment assets like stocks and crypto. Of course prices will fluctuate but you will win big in the end. This is why Warren Buffett just tells people to dump all their cash into stock index funds and hold on.
103   RC2006   2021 Feb 7, 2:35pm  

mell says
RC2006 says
GlocknLoad says
What should I do with the $50,000 in cash I have right now? I have no debt and I have a 401k with a current employer.

Just save most of it for rainy day or after stock crash investment. Always good to have some cash in bank for lifes surprises.

This, and gamble a little in sectors that will do well in this administration, I'd recommend biotech (if you can handle the volatility).

Lol that's why I got into ATHA last week, its one of a few long shots.
104   ThatGuy   2021 Feb 7, 2:42pm  

If I had $50k to invest, I'd drop it in BNGO
105   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Feb 7, 4:45pm  

WookieMan says
I spend 100 hours

8 and I'm basically done except for a K1 I have to wait for on the 26th..
106   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 7, 6:27pm  

Bitcoin :)
No other asset class comes even close.
107   GNL   2021 Feb 8, 3:42am  

G36 says
Bitcoin :)
No other asset class comes even close.

Is that what you were saying as you watched bitcoin go from $20,000 to under $4,000?
108   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 8, 4:57am  

WineHorror1 says
G36 says
Bitcoin :)
No other asset class comes even close.

Is that what you were saying as you watched bitcoin go from $20,000 to under $4,000?

heck ya! Think of buying Bitcoin below 20k.....buying opportunity of a life time.

man, 4K Bitcoin....last I checked you would have made over 10x

109   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 8, 5:44am  

sry, a few minutes later it hit 44k. Want to provide you with the most recent price. (goes up quickly these days)

110   mell   2021 Feb 8, 1:23pm  

RC2006 says
mell says
RC2006 says
GlocknLoad says
What should I do with the $50,000 in cash I have right now? I have no debt and I have a 401k with a current employer.

Just save most of it for rainy day or after stock crash investment. Always good to have some cash in bank for lifes surprises.

This, and gamble a little in sectors that will do well in this administration, I'd recommend biotech (if you can handle the volatility).

Lol that's why I got into ATHA last week, its one of a few long shots.

Good luck! Phase 3 plays are extremely risky but if you hit it they pay well for a critical conditions where improvement is in dire need. If it runs into the read-out I'd sell 25%-75% (whatever your comfortable holding) just to hedge and keep the rest for the binary event.
111   Rin   2021 Feb 8, 1:35pm  

Ppl, stocks like AT&t (T) and Altria (MO) are already beaten down vs the S&P500 index. With divs at 7+%, even with an additional slide in price, compounding your divs (DRIP) will get you to many more shares making it worth your while.
112   GlocknLoad   2021 Feb 8, 2:56pm  

G36 says
WineHorror1 says
G36 says
Bitcoin :)
No other asset class comes even close.

Is that what you were saying as you watched bitcoin go from $20,000 to under $4,000?

heck ya! Think of buying Bitcoin below 20k.....buying opportunity of a life time.

man, 4K Bitcoin....last I checked you would have made over 10x

Really?!! So as you watched your profits between $20k and $4k evaporate and bounce around the bottom for months (a year(?)), you were like "Fuck yeah honkeys, load up the truck". Is that what you said/did?
113   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 8, 3:17pm  

I bought Bitcoin recently at around 15k in November.
I am saying anything below 20k was an opportunity of a lifetime. We are probably going to 100k (at least). So its still a great time to buy.
Did that help?
114   porkchopXpress   2021 Feb 8, 5:49pm  

"I Guess It's Too Late to Get Into Crypto" -- a short story by Unknown

It's 2011. BTC has recently hit $32. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $0.50 a BTC. $32 is too expensive. Guess it's too late to get into crypto." BTC later falls to $2 and I don't buy any.

It's mid-2013. BTC has recently hit $220. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $32 a BTC. $220 is too expensive. Guess it's too late to get into crypto." BTC later falls to $70 and I don't buy any.

It's late 2013. BTC has recently hit $1100. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $220 a BTC. 1100 is too expensive. Guess it's too late to get into crypto." BTC later falls to $315 and I don't buy any.

It's 2017. BTC has recently hit 20k. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $1100 a BTC. 20000 is too expensive. Guess it's too late to get into crypto." BTC later falls to $3700 and I don't buy any.

BTC has recently hit $40000. I tell myself....
115   Patrick   2021 Feb 8, 5:52pm  

Rin says
Ppl, stocks like AT&t (T) and Altria (MO) are already beaten down vs the S&P500 index. With divs at 7+%, even with an additional slide in price, compounding your divs (DRIP) will get you to many more shares making it worth your while.

Rin, financially you're right. But I just wouldn't feel too good after sucking Satan's cock for cash.
116   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 8, 6:28pm  

porkchopexpress says
"I Guess It's Too Late to Get Into Crypto" -- a short story by Unknown

It's 2011. BTC has recently hit $32. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $0.50 a BTC. $32 is too expensive. Guess it's too late to get into crypto." BTC later falls to $2 and I don't buy any.

It's mid-2013. BTC has recently hit $220. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $32 a BTC. $220 is too expensive. Guess it's too late to get into crypto." BTC later falls to $70 and I don't buy any.

It's late 2013. BTC has recently hit $1100. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $220 a BTC. 1100 is too expensive. Guess it's too late to get into crypto." BTC later falls to $315 and I don't buy any.

It's 2017. BTC has recently hit 20k. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $1100 a BTC. 20000 is too expensive. Guess it's too late to get into crypto." BTC later falls to $3700 and I don't buy any.

BTC has...

completely silly people think the price of an asset is the only thing that matters. So they dont by a portion of Bitcoin because they think, Oh I cant even own one full Bitcoin.
So they buy some random shitcoin at a few cents (or an airline stock - LUV). Sure, Its much easier to move a low marketcap coin but the risk is much higher. Bitcoin moved 18% today....just in one day. I bought Bitcoin at around 15K (Qty of 1.9) and it hit 46k today. In just a few month I made more than 2x by doing nothing.
People who hate on bullish Bitcoin news missed out, are afraid and wont take a risk. Jealousy.
117   EBGuy   2021 Feb 8, 6:43pm  

Obligatory... ALL! TIME! HIGH!
118   mell   2021 Feb 8, 6:49pm  

SF housing market is falling, but the liquidity in the stock market is massive. This is a melt up fueled by money printing. Corrections have been short lived though I expect a bigger correction soon, no crash. Inventory outside of SF remains relatively low, so they don't see the downward pressure SF is seeing. Rent vs buy still favors rent.
119   GNL   2021 Feb 8, 7:24pm  

G36 says
porkchopexpress says
"I Guess It's Too Late to Get Into Crypto" -- a short story by Unknown

It's 2011. BTC has recently hit $32. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $0.50 a BTC. $32 is too expensive. Guess it's too late to get into crypto." BTC later falls to $2 and I don't buy any.

It's mid-2013. BTC has recently hit $220. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $32 a BTC. $220 is too expensive. Guess it's too late to get into crypto." BTC later falls to $70 and I don't buy any.

It's late 2013. BTC has recently hit $1100. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $220 a BTC. 1100 is too expensive. Guess it's too late to get into crypto." BTC later falls to $315 and I don't buy any.

It's 2017. BTC has recently hit 20k. I tell myself "Damn...I should have bought some when it was $1100 a BTC. 20000 is too expensive. Guess it'...

Maybe a little but at the same time the only thing you're basing your buying on is that it will go higher. At least with a stock you own part of a physical thing. Or at least something that generates a profit. An economy based on money printing and gambling has got to go sideways at some point.

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