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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 6, 8:15pm  

Pray he's right and not BS'ing.

The Rubicon is the LEAST worst option right now. Only if we get Big Tech and the MSM to get out of the fucking way and present the evidence and get people in front of military tribunals, will we have a chance to reverse this.

So disappointed in Pence.
2   Onvacation   2021 Jan 6, 8:36pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Pray he's right and not BS'ing.


If you think the whole world is crazy it might be you. I have been questioning this twilight zone we call reality lately.
3   Onvacation   2021 Jan 6, 8:37pm  

NoCoupForYou says
So disappointed in Pence.

But not surprised.
4   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 6, 9:09pm  

Onvacation says
But not surprised.

I freely admit: Loeffler didn't surprise me, Graham I had hopes for but not surprised, McConnell no surprise, etc - but Silver Fox surprised me.
5   GlocknLoad   2021 Jan 6, 9:12pm  

I have got to say, the stamina of the faithful is nothing short of amazing.
6   Ceffer   2021 Jan 6, 10:07pm  

Pence surprised me, too, but with the swamp creatures, you just never know. I sincerely hope that Lin Wood is right again. Some reassurances are welcome, but hope it is not another head fake. Trump is in danger, I can feel it.
7   Onvacation   2021 Jan 6, 10:18pm  

It seems the only way left is if they really have been collecting information on all of the corruption and foreign dealings of the swamp. It would require a military takeover and a purge of Congress, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and several well known billionaires.

Probably not going to happen.

Exciting time to be alive!
8   Patrick   2021 Jan 6, 10:19pm  

Onvacation says
NoCoupForYou says
So disappointed in Pence.

But not surprised.

Yes, Pence has proven himself disloyal.

I never could tell about him, until now. What an utter shitstain.
9   SoTex   2021 Jan 6, 10:33pm  

"We shall heal our land"

He kept saying that last year. Creepy as fuck. Not surprised.
10   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 6, 10:38pm  

I believe Republics need an enlightened despot every 100 years or so to purge out the filth in the system from bureaucrats and the mass collected buildup of special interest laws.

"This city needs an enema"

11   Ceffer   2021 Jan 6, 10:52pm  

I should hope the military is behind him, unless the Pentagon wants to start reporting to Chinese generals.

Even if they enjoy being mercenaries and errand boys for the Deep State, they would have to stand with Trump on this, even if they don't like Trump. Can you be a patriotic military for a non-country? They have to forget about their neocon pets and the military industrial complex for a while. Like they said, two seconds of superficial screening would rule out Biden as a serious security risk, and this guy is going to be President?

Remember, they gave Biden's transition team disinformation, and picked up right away the chatter that it had been fed to the Chinese. That's why they stopped allowing Biden's transition team access.
12   richwicks   2021 Jan 6, 11:09pm  

Ceffer says
Remember, they gave Biden's transition team disinformation, and picked up right away the chatter that it had been fed to the Chinese. That's why they stopped allowing Biden's transition team access.

I think the motto of the military should be "give up all hope, all ye that enter".

Nobody is on the republic's side. People sell out for pennies. We are a nation of sellouts.
13   Ceffer   2021 Jan 6, 11:22pm  

Trump seems to follow Teddy Roosevelt's advice about speaking softly but carrying a big stick. He doesn't overstate his case, always allows room for enlightenment and negotiation. He states his views pretty straight forward but never in overly complex terms.

He spoke softly to Raffensperger, and he spoke softly ABOUT Pence. I just hope he has the big stick in waiting. Was the 'big reveal' happening today the coup of Pence trying to take over the office of the President and suborning treason in the chambers of Congress?

I'm tired of four dimensional chess, and will settle for some blood and guts checkers instead.
14   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 6, 11:54pm  

Ceffer says
I'm tired of four dimensional chess, and will settle for some blood and guts checkers instead.

Word. Hope the Battlefield is prepared now and it's time for the shit to go down.
15   richwicks   2021 Jan 7, 12:08am  

Ceffer says
I'm tired of four dimensional chess, and will settle for some blood and guts checkers instead.

Fuck, I'd settle for some fucking fair playing rules. That would be enough.

I don't mind the government is corrupt, I mind that the law isn't evenly applied and the rules are ill defined. It's a tilted game, and it's tilted at about 60 degrees.
16   Ceffer   2021 Jan 7, 12:12am  

Shaun Attwood has a vid interviewing Lin about Epstein. As many of us speculated from the bleachers during the fake suicide, Epstein had an insurance policy that would blow up if he were killed. Thus, keeping him alive and well keeps the fingers off the kill switches that would publish all of his blackmail.

I can't link because of Patrick's well earned anger at YT. It might be on other sites like Bitchute as well.
17   stfu   2021 Jan 7, 5:31am  

I think Lin Wood has had a break with reality. I think he has mental health issues.

I consider myself ready to believe almost any theory but Lin has pushed past my limits.

I would love to be eating crow a week from now.
18   astronut97   2021 Jan 7, 5:39am  

Patrick says
Onvacation says
NoCoupForYou says
So disappointed in Pence.

But not surprised.

Yes, Pence has proven himself disloyal.

I never could tell about him, until now. What an utter shitstain.
You do know that congress and the President and Vice President swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the US, so Pence was loyal to the Constitution as he doesn't have the power to overturn a Presidential election. Between being loyal to Trump or being loyal to the Constitution, he's only sworn a public oath to the latter. If you think he should have put loyalty to Trump above the Constitution, then you are advocating the demise of this republic
19   Tenpoundbass   2021 Jan 7, 5:48am  

Fuck Lin Wood!

His sole purpose was to deligitimize Trump's legal team's effort to stop the steal. With his worse than crazy conspiracy theories, that had nothing to do with the voter fraud issues.
What he did was classic Alynskism, color the truth with so much bullshit, people don't know what to believe, and those seeking the truth are repulsed and consider it all bullshit.
20   Onvacation   2021 Jan 7, 6:10am  

astronut97 says
then you are advocating the demise of this republic

If Biden/ Harris are successful, the republic is over.
21   mell   2021 Jan 7, 8:22am  

Tenpoundbass says
Fuck Lin Wood!

His sole purpose was to deligitimize Trump's legal team's effort to stop the steal. With his worse than crazy conspiracy theories, that had nothing to do with the voter fraud issues.
What he did was classic Alynskism, color the truth with so much bullshit, people don't know what to believe, and those seeking the truth are repulsed and consider it all bullshit.

Have to agree with that. Maybe he was just overzealous though due to his past. not sure if intentional, but it didn't help.
22   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Jan 7, 8:34am  

It’s sad to see so many of you go down this rabbit hole.

This things over. The Dems won. The mainstream media won. Americans are stupid and we’re getting 2-4 years of even more stupid.

No Coup, you are smarter than this. So are you Patrick.

It all sucks.
23   Ceffer   2021 Jan 7, 10:54am  

Tenpoundbass says
His sole purpose was to deligitimize Trump's legal team's effort to stop the steal.

You really think he is some kind of controlled opposition? He really does dangle the boom boom carrot, like a lot of them do, but outside of yesterday and Nashville, not much boom boom manifesting lately. There do seem to be other sources that corroborate things he says, and he was spot on about Pence and people were just recently saying he was crazy for saying stuff about Pence.

I think he is very angry and is saying things that he knows but are beyond the evil avoiding, tender sensibilities of many people. He isn't the only voice saying many of those Deep State, Globalist things.

I am afraid that if Trump is truly done, though, a lot of our population is in for boom boom they never anticipated.
24   porkchopXpress   2021 Jan 7, 11:01am  

With what Big Tech, society and gov't are now doing to Trump and his family, this makes Trump even more dangerous. Why not pull the IA and military option at this point? At least go down in history as a hero.
25   Ceffer   2021 Jan 7, 11:28am  

Just read a couple of confirmations that Trump is, in fact, in Texas with the military planning his next move in light of Italian/Vatican involvement. Linn Wood tweeted the truth first early last night that Trump flew to Texas, so I am on board with him as a credible source, sensibilities be damned.

The fact that the White House is releasing statements on Trump's behalf is suspicious all by itself. They may not even be coming from the stated personnel, they could be shadow published under official names because CIA et alia are trying to get their hands on Trump. i even wonder if he is going to return to the White House.

Trump was behind bullet proof glass when he spoke yesterday, the first time I remember that happening. He received high alert assassination threats, obviously. Must have seen Lee Harvey Oswald on the security cams.
28   joshuatrio   2021 Jan 7, 11:52am  

Ceffer says

Just read a couple of confirmations that Trump is, in fact, in Texas with the military planning his next move in light of Italian/Vatican involvement. Linn Wood tweeted the truth first early last night that Trump flew to Texas, so I am on board with him as a credible source, sensibilities be damned.

The fact that the White House is releasing statements on Trump's behalf is suspicious all by itself. They may not even be coming from the stated personnel, they could be shadow published under official names because CIA et alia are trying to get their hands on Trump. i even wonder if he is going to return to the White House.

Trump was behind bullet proof glass when he spoke yesterday, the first time I remember that happening. He received high alert assassination threats, obviously. Must have seen Lee Harvey Oswald on the security cams.

29   Robert Sproul   2021 Jan 7, 12:01pm  

Pence and the cowering cowards behind him are terrified. Part of the point of the Summer of Urban Chaos was perhaps to show them all what crossing the Globalist Security Cabal looks like.
30   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Jan 7, 12:05pm  


Could would might.

Listen to yourselves.
31   Ceffer   2021 Jan 7, 12:13pm  

joshuatrio says

Simon Parkes gives cross corroboration, also on the Italian connection. Others I won't mention because borderline credible.

Parkes says that the fact that a NATO ally, much less the Vatican, makes for a real international sticky wicket, and also says there are indications that Germany and France could be involved as well. Robert Davis Steele (I know, pedo camps on Mars and JFK Jr. is still alive) believes the real threats to Trump have been quarterbacked not just from CiA, but MI5/6 and England.

Christ, Trump is taking on the loaded cannons of the world it seems. However, they are all aimed at broadsiding and destroying our nation with domestic complicity.

I believe Wood now, no matter what his tone, having moved from skepticism. I just think he is spluttering enraged at the perversion and the perfidy and is poking the dragon.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 7, 1:25pm  

They were gonna destroy the country anyway, looting it piece by piece and getting their Chinese/Wall Street middleman percentage for organizing and managing it.

"The sooner we get it over with, the better" - Patton
33   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 7, 1:28pm  

May this be true. Cast the die, Trump.

I wonder if what is happening with Facebook, Pelosi and Congressman Cori Bush, etc. is a last ditch attempt to intimidate him into surrendering.

This is really playing out just like Caesar. Asshole Elitist Cato wouldn't even accept Caesar getting Illyria Governorship and a legion that Cicero brokered, he demanded Caesar's head on a plate to crush the populist threat to his optimate clan rule (Republic was just his excuse) and nothing less. He would not allow Caesar to be anything but beheaded so he could never be consul again.

Who will be Pompey? McCrystal? Cartright? He owes Obama a favor.
34   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 7, 1:30pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Congressman Cori Bush

Is this the cunt who called for all GOP congresspeople to be removed? Was she dropped on her head immediately after birth or something?
35   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 7, 1:31pm  

Eric Holder says
Is this the cunt who called for all GOP congresspeople to be removed? Was she dropped on her head immediately after birth or something?

Yep, and wrote it and filed it Jan 5th, before the Peaceful Capitol Building Visit.
36   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 7, 1:45pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Eric Holder says
Is this the cunt who called for all GOP congresspeople to be removed? Was she dropped on her head immediately after birth or something?

Yep, and wrote it and filed it Jan 5th, before the Peaceful Capitol Building Visit.

Dead giveaway.
37   Ceffer   2021 Jan 7, 1:47pm  

Well, we are at civil war for sure. Deep State vs. People Of United States, as it has been for quite some time but is emerging into 'kinetics' as they say.

It does look like the strategy is to place Trump under some bogus house arrest with the screaming chorus of the MSM filled with bullhorn screaming, raging weeping antipathy and invoke Amendment 25 to hobble him before Jan 20.

His staff members may or may not be involved (but may just be standing aside under threat). I'm sure the CIA and FBI have been busy little bees threatening the lives of many politicians, bureaucrats, advisers etc. and their families if they don't comply. Much of the anti-Trump movement is based on fear and blackmail. Nothing personal, just political business as usual.
38   Patrick   2021 Jan 7, 10:12pm  

NoCoupForYou says
I wonder if what is happening with Facebook, Pelosi and Congressman Cori Bush, etc. is a last ditch attempt to intimidate him into surrendering.

I wonder if it's because Trump knows things and they are afraid he will finally say them.

That's why he can't be allowed to have a platform.
39   Onvacation   2021 Jan 7, 10:24pm  

Patrick says
Trump knows things

UFO's? Lizard people? JFK's real killer? The truth of bigfoot?

There are so many conspiracies that the government can easily put to rest. but they don't. I always hoped Trump would, he could, but he hasn't.

It's going on 58 years since Kennedy was assassinated and they still have secret files.
40   Ceffer   2021 Jan 7, 10:33pm  

I guess the bizarreness doesn't stop. Lin Wood doesn't say anything about Trump's concession on his parler feed. He jokes that Hunter needs to fix his teeth before Trump's swearing in later in the month. He has Hunter's laptop and it looks like the x rated stuff. He also jokes that since they are coming after Trump supporters, he'll have to make a getaway and shows a vid of him in an antique car.

Also, his parler linked to this video claiming absolute proof of election tampering through the Leonardo satellites controlled by the Vatican:

I'm still a bit baffled by the somewhat antic nature of Trump's concession speech. I didn't hear Trump use the word concede, or congrats to Biden by name, and even seems to riff a bit on Biden's phony 'healing' message.

Is the concession a head fake? I doubt it at this point, but high strangeness continues. Why concede when there appears to be absolute proof of vote tampering coming in from yesterday? He still has 12 days, and the Dems seem very nervous about letting him stay in office another second.

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