by Tenpoundbass ➕follow (9) 💰tip ignore
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True, but the majority of people do still get their newest from major outlets and they are drowned by the sheer amount of information so they don't do research and are happy to accept 180 degrees "course corrections" as truth. Even in 1984 people had the truth in their memories despite the erasing/altering of the past, but they were conditioned to truly believe that 2+2 can be 5.
mell says
True, but the majority of people do still get their newest from major outlets and they are drowned by the sheer amount of information so they don't do research and are happy to accept 180 degrees "course corrections" as truth. Even in 1984 people had the truth in their memories despite the erasing/altering of the past, but they were conditioned to truly believe that 2+2 can be 5.
There were 3 classes remember. The Proles - the lowest class, the Outer Party - the middle class, and The Inner Party - the upper class.
The slogans for the Inner Party are all correct and not contradictory. War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery. Provided the country was at war, the Inner Party had peace, provided that the Outer Party and Proles were Ignorant, the Inner Party had strength, provided the that Outer Party and Proles were slaves, the Inner Party h...
Patrick says
dude its pretty annoying the manipulation. suddenly Zelenski the new saint that is holy and can do no wrong.
"Should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?" he asked reporter Amol Rajan. "I'm comfortable with the idea that not only am I not part of the problem by paying for the offsets, but also through the billions that my Breakthrough Energy Group is spending, that I'm part of the solution."
He acts like there are only two options, either he flies on his private jet to Kenya or the world burns up. Do you mean to tell me the computer guy has never heard of Zoom?
Looking at AOC's wide open mouth, understand that a white dick regularly enters that orifice.
Here's a San Francisco supervisor literally begging for more cops in her district ... oh and also her tweets from 2020 about how hard she was fighting to defund the police
Patrick says
Surprisingly enough Bidet did keep most of Trump's anti-CCP policies intact. This is the one they didn't pursue initially, but looks like they might do it too.
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