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Lol, is she campaigning against herself?
Can't cheat this one. Look where the money is going. They're going to try and salvage the House and Senate seats. They're already going to lose a Senate seat in Montana. Too many House seats to track all the races. They're likely flooding them with money. They can't have Trump running government with all 3 branches being conservative. House and Senate is the only option. Harris is toast and being used as a black fundraiser for down ballot. Just a pawn. Without Congress Trump can't do anything of substance.
last time Trump did have all 3 branches. Republicunts just sat on their dicks and did nothing. whole thing is bullshit shitshow. As i get older more i agree with George Carlins rants, just both parties, he mainly blamed Republicans.
Trump did have all 3 branches. Republicunts just sat on their dicks and did nothing. whole thing is bullshit shitshow.
Kamala's teleprompter briefly went out at the beginning of her speech — you can tell the exact moment it happened.
She had absolutely no idea what to do or say.
Kamala's teleprompter briefly went out at the beginning of her speech — you can tell the exact moment it happened.
She had absolutely no idea what to do or say.
Kamala's teleprompter briefly went out at the beginning of her speech — you can tell the exact moment it happened.
She had absolutely no idea what to do or say.
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