Election Fraud News

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2021 Feb 2, 10:07pm   204,359 views  1,734 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Can't find anything at all in the media anymore, except wildly biased yellow journalism.

Trump continues to insist there was mass fraud, but all media simply dismisses his claim as "false" without any reasoning or evidence.

I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.

Update: after 2000 Mules presented the evidence, I'm 100% sure that Biden's election was fraudulent. See https://2000mules.com/

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1251   Ceffer   2024 Jan 13, 7:52pm  

Draco infested Skull Boner Kerry required to shore up Biden Actor's re-election empire of lies. Lies about the climate will have to wait.

1252   SoTex   2024 Jan 13, 8:00pm  

I heard Dave Collum call the climate cult a 150 Trillion dollar grift today lol!

1255   Patrick   2024 Jan 16, 1:05pm  


Tucker gives some solid recommendations for recovering election integrity.
1256   Patrick   2024 Jan 16, 1:22pm  


A couple from Illinois, Jodie and Ken Zitko, have formed a group of concerned citizens who have been analyzing the Illinois state voter database. They have found serious irregularities, detailed in a formal complaint filed with Bernadette Matthews, director of the Illinois State Board of Elections on December 21.

Here are some of their findings after almost 2,000 hours of analysis.

There were over 300,000 votes from the 2020 election missing or deleted from the Illinois voter data prior to the conclusion of the federal retention period of 22 months.
Over a four-year period, Illinois population decreased by 150,000, while the voter roll increased by 650,000.
Over 2.5 million people had votes cast prior to their registration dates.
More than 230,000 registrations show seemingly Illegal or illogical registration dates.
There are more than 4 million apparent registration violations out of 8.9 million registrations.
1257   Patrick   2024 Jan 17, 1:20pm  


In what possibly may be the most remarkable headline so far this year, Reuters ran a story yesterday simply captioned, “Putin says past U.S. elections were rigged.”

My goodness. Has Putin succumbed to conspiracy theories now, too? According to Reuters, the Russian President said “previous” U.S. elections — presumably referring to the 2020 presidential election — were stolen through mail-in voting:

Russian President Vladimir Putin, running for a new six-year term in an election that his opponents say is a parody of democracy, said on Tuesday that past U.S. elections had been rigged by postal voting.

"In the United States, previous elections were falsified through postal voting ... they bought ballots for $10, filled them out, and threw them into mailboxes without any supervision from observers, and that's it," Putin said, without providing evidence.

Haha, without providing evidence! No evidence. Like, is he supposed to carry the evidence of US election fraud around in his jacket pocket? Ironically, Reuters went on to suggest that Putin intends to cheat in Russia’s upcoming elections by, get this, manipulating electronic voting machines. Even more ironically, totally tone-deaf Reuters also accused Putin of jailing his political opponents on — and I promise I am not making this up — “trumped up” charges...

This “story” isn’t news. Give me a break. It’s part of an old category of clear media manipulation that I call the somebody said something story. In other words, nothing actually happened. It was just a random Putin remark about four-year-old elections, yet every corporate media outlet covered it like he’d just announced war with NATO. Why?

Usually, the “somebody said something” story is a way for the media to make a point by putting the words in somebody else’s mouth, or support the current narrative.

Corporate media obviously knows how to ignore whatever Putin says. In fact, they are the best at ignoring stuff Putin says. They’ve been doing it for years now during the Ukraine war. So … why would they run this headline now?

After all, according to them election denialism is misinformation!

And not just regular misinformation. Election denialism is radioactive-level misinformation that threatens democracy itself. Think about it: If you had posted Putin’s remark on social media just last year, your account would have been instantly locked and you might even have been visited by the FBI. So again, why are they promoting Putin’s election misinformation?
1259   Patrick   2024 Jan 18, 7:55pm  


Why I'm Rooting for the 1972 Landslide I Once Feared

I want a Trump win so big it sends a message to the Ruling Class that we are mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore. ...

Democrats deserve to lose, and to lose so big it sends an unequivocal message that resonates through the ages — never again.

Never Again

Can it happen in this country that the sitting president investigates a duly elected president before he takes office. It can never happen again when one regime declares itself the supreme leader and decides to systematically undo the election results by sabotaging the campaign and the presidency of their chief rival. That choice is not up to them. It’s up to us.

It can never happen again that The Regime drives an impeachment, aided by the Security State, and sends out operatives within the administration to “find something” to use against Trump and openly sabotage him when his job is to serve us, the American people.

And that, The Regime, out of bitterness, narcissism, and totalitarian impulses, demands all of American society form a phony “resistance” and use that to justify the dehumanization, marginalization, surveillance, and disenfranchisement of American citizens.

It can never happen again that the “well-funded cabal” of elites form a pact with politicians, billionaires, the media, and the Security State to rig the election. That is the exact kind of monopolistic abuse of power Teddy Roosevelt once sought to dismantle.

It can never happen again that an election is won long before Election Day because The Regime decided to change laws to allow them to collect ballots in an operation funded with dark money by billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, a decision made without the permission of the American people and hidden from them by a lying, complicit media.

It can never happen again that lawyers like Michael Teter and the 65 Project are allowed to threaten and harass lawyers who might choose to represent or defend Trump or people who worked for him. They don’t get to convict Trump of imaginary crimes in the Court of Public Opinion to justify their authoritarian overreach.

It can never happen again that political protesters are treated like terrorists in their own country, put on trial for “spectral evidence,” what they believe rather than what they did.

It can never happen again that protests themselves are turned into threats against The Regime. Not in America. Protests are the voice of the people, and it’s the government's job to shut up and listen, not to tell them to shut up, throw them in jail, and turn them into enemies of the state.

It can never happen again that a former president and his administration weaponize the DOJ to persecute and jail a political opponent. The four indictments, the two impeachments, the phony show-trial — who elected Liz Cheney to be the leader of anything, let alone the decision to convict Trump in the Court of Public Opinion without the defense of counsel or due process. Shut up and sit down, ma’am. I don’t care who your father is. This is not a monarchy. It is your job to listen to us.

The ongoing lies told by the press about Trump are beyond the scope of one regime’s power as granted to them by the people of the United States. If they are to be state propaganda, then let them be identified as such. ...

To Democrats, the memory of 1972 remains an enduring nightmare. Nixon won every state but Massachusetts. Watergate handed the Democrats one more chance in 1976 to address the needs of the people. They failed, still trying to sell their utopia.

By 1980, it was a changed country. So many wandered around aimlessly, joining cults, tuning out, going to California to “find themselves,” only to eventually “sell out,” abandon the hippie life and embrace the “greed is good” lifestyle of the 1980s. ...

Heading into the 2020 election, many of us were warning about another 1972, a pull too far to the left. Don’t pick Bernie, we said. Don’t pick Elizabeth Warren. Don’t rock the boat. Trump had shaken things up in 2016, and now we needed someone to calm things down. ...

As I was frantically urging my fellow Democrats to do something or risk Trump winning in a landslide, I slowly began to realize that there was never any intention of telling the public the truth. Their narrative was going to be that the police were racists, that Donald Trump was the racist-in-chief, and that if we didn’t vote him out, this would be our new normal.

The media and the politicians were going to gaslight Americans, lie directly to our faces at the Democratic National Convention that these were “mostly peaceful protests.” If there was violence, it was justified because Trump was just that evil.

What a fool I was. I was like Jake at the end of Chinatown, who spends the whole movie trying to rescue Evelyn, only to lead her to her own demise.

That was the beginning of the end for me. Once I saw the puppet masters, I couldn’t stop seeing the strings. They were on their way to rigging the 2020 election, and nothing was going to stop them, certainly not violent riots on the streets of America. What riots? ...

I realized I’d wasted time I didn’t have advocating for a candidate the system would install and pretend everyone voted for. ...

I kept waiting for the day when the madness would stop, the bubble of fear and hysteria would burst, and things could return to normal. They’ve brought nothing but division, nothing but chaos. They’ve foisted upon us a cult-like religion none of us asked for. Now, we’re being forced to accept that there is nothing immoral about mutilating the bodies of children, sterilizing them all in the name of utopia. ...

Biden and the Democrats have had almost four years to prove to the American people that they were the better option, but they’ve failed. They’ve failed to unite the country. They’ve failed to defend “democracy.” They’ve failed to revive the economy. They’ve failed to calm things down. ...

I’m rooting for Trump and MAGA as I rooted for the Cutters in Breaking Away, the kind of movie Hollywood would never make today. Why wouldn’t they? Because they don’t care about people like those who inhabit this film.

For one thing, they’re white. For another, they live in a red state and would be MAGA. ...

By the end of this movie, there was not a dry eye in the house. Movies used to do this for us. They used to transport us from our ordinary lives to experience the extraordinary.

When I felt so much despair by the end of 2020, I began watching MAGA rallies, getting to know the people I’d been told were racists and monsters. But even after everything had been taken from them- their culture, government, status, and jobs - they were happier than anyone I’d seen in a year.

We had everything, and we were miserable. They had almost nothing, and they were having the best time, whether it was freezing or raining. ...

Watching the richest and most powerful people in the country demonize and dehumanize people who have no power makes me sick. They can’t tell stories like Breaking Away because they don’t know the country anymore. They have decided to turn people they no longer understand into their enemies.

Without even knowing it, the Democrats and the ruling class have inadvertently cast themselves as the villains in this story. In their ignorance and stupidity, in trying to cling to what was instead of allowing an ever-evolving country to turn the page, they’re missing one of the greatest underdog stories in the history of America.

I don’t know about you, but I’m rooting for the happy ending when the underdogs prevail and win in a landslide. Go MAGA go.
1261   Patrick   2024 Jan 19, 9:41am  


Like a mostly-peaceful protest in urban Illinois, news and social media have been burning this week with hysteria over the next pandemic, billed as a new and improved, deadlier-than-ever virus certain to derail the elections, again!. You’ve surely heard of it by now, the infamous but generically-named “Disease X” (brought to you by Coyote and the Acme Corporation).

Sometimes I wonder whether corporate media is really just trolling us. Does it reassure you that world leaders are focused on preventing a hypothetical pandemic? Does it make sense to spend billions of tax dollars getting ready to solve a problem that they admit “doesn’t exist?” Aren’t real pandemics enough for them? We literally just had one. Do we really need to spend real money preparing for fake pandemics now?

It’s for your own good! ...

And those people honestly believe they are smarter than everyone else. Which might be true in at least one sense: They figured out the grift before we did. ...

In 2008’s “X-Files: I Want to Believe,” the government first released a deadly virus, call it Disease X, hyped the public’s fear, and then released a nanotech-based genetic vaccine in service of their nefarious plot, and to catch a few Benjamins in the process. I know, I know, that plot is too crazy to even make a movie about, what were they thinking, and so forth. ...

That’s why they need Disease X; they don’t have a real pandemic anymore. Letting them fearmonger us plays right into their grubby little self-important hands. My suggestion is: ignore Disease X.

Postscript. Entertaining for a moment the conspiracy hypothesis that Covid-19 was an intentional plot to derail the 2020 elections and allow for massive mail-in voting fraud, they cannot do the same thing again. It won’t work. Everyone’s on a hair-trigger watching for a repeat strategy. It would just be too obvious to start having global pandemics only in election years. Plus, pandemics aren’t supposed to happen very often anyway, which would raise even more questions.

In other words, they’ve already played the pandemic card, whether intentionally or accidentally. Not just that; they already played the black swan card, and I doubt they could engineer even a different type of black swan event right before the very next election in a row, not without giving away the entire game. If they want a replay this time they’ll have to come up with Black Swan X, something unforeseen and totally unexpected. People are already expecting pandemics, wag-the-dog wars, extreme weather events, and even aliens.

So, top that.
1271   Patrick   2024 Jan 21, 9:02pm  


In June 2023, the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Georgia unsealed the 96-page Halderman Report – the Security Analysis of Georgia’s ImageCast X Ballot Marking Devices.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had been hiding this report from the public for two years.

University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Alex Halderman and Security Researcher and Assistant Professor at Auburn University Drew Sringall collaborated on the report where they discovered many exploitable vulnerabilities in the Dominion Voting Systems’ ImageCast X system.

Far-left Judge Amy Totenberg sealed and covered up the results of the investigation of Dominion voting machines in Georgia and sat on the report until this week.

The report confirmed that votes can be altered in the Dominion voting machines. In fact, the report revealed that the Dominion software is vulnerable and can be hacked.
1273   Patrick   2024 Jan 23, 3:40pm  


Benny Johnson asks: WHEN in American election history have all 5 swing states simultaneously STOPPED counting ballots on election night?

Is there any explanation for this other than centrally organized fraud?
1274   Patrick   2024 Jan 24, 1:30pm  


Tucker Carlson: They stopped counting votes on election night.

Ken Paxton: Because what they needed to figure out was how many real votes there were so they could figure out how many mail in ballots to apply to the election. That’s what they would have done in Texas, I’m convinced.

Tucker Carlson: So you think that was fraud, right?

Ken Paxton: I have no doubt, having been through that whole process.

Tucker Carlson: It wasn’t just a water leak.

Ken Paxton: It was definitely planned. I mean, it would have happened in Texas, I promise.

Tucker Carlson: But can you just stop counting ballots on election night whenever you’re watching tv? Oh, I know.

Ken Paxton: Have you ever seen that before? Ever? For three?

Tucker Carlson: Well, you tell me. You’re the one…

Ken Paxton: I’ve never seen it before in my life. I was like, I knew it when they stopped and Trump is leading in all these states. I knew exactly what they were doing. Because there’s no way to know where those mail in ballots came. Anybody could have filled them out. Anybody. There’s no way to know where those ballots came from.

Tucker Carlson: That’s not a dangerous conspiracy theory.

Ken Paxton: I watched it happen.
1278   Ceffer   2024 Jan 24, 10:05pm  

Patrick says

Ken Paxton: I’ve never seen it before in my life. I was like, I knew it when they stopped and Trump is leading in all these states. I knew exactly what they were doing. Because there’s no way to know where those mail in ballots came. Anybody could have filled them out. Anybody. There’s no way to know where those ballots came from.

Two things I remember Trump distinctly saying. I stayed up on election night because I was basically alarmed. Somebody asked Trump on live TV when everybody was getting ready to turn in about how he felt being ahead, and would he go to sleep feeling that he had the election. Trump stated outright that the voting would be stopped at 3AM (the devil's hour) and that the trucks stuffed with ballots would be pulling up at the polling stations. He KNEW the election was going to be defrauded and just plain stated it.

The other thing I remember Trump saying when the 'Chinese scare' started over the Covid fraud disease (the Chinese were happy to kill a lot of their own citizens with 5G to start the Covid scare), I heard Trump say very succinctly that Covid was a psyop. He knew absolutely that Covid was a massive fraud from the get go. He knew all their plans and what they were doing, and whatever strategy he had, he let them do it.

Thanks so much for the education, President Trump, you flogged it into us.
1279   Patrick   2024 Jan 25, 10:36am  


Bridgeport Democrat Mayor Wins Race After His Associate Is Caught Stuffing the Local Ballot Drop Boxes with Bags of Ballots

Mayor Joe Ganim won another victory on Tuesday in the Bridgeport, Connecticut special election for the Democratic primary for mayor. Ganim quickly claimed victory after winning the in-person tally by 274 votes.

In November a local judge overturned the initial primary election after Wanda Geter-Pataky, the Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Town Clerk and a vocal supporter of incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, was caught on video stuffing the ballot drop boxes with dozens if not hundreds of absentee ballots.

So Mayor Ganim won again on Tuesday against John Gomes in the Democrat primary.

The Gomes campaign was able to identify the woman in the footage as Wanda Geter-Pataky, the Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Town Clerk and a vocal supporter of incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, who is seeking reelection. Gomes’ campaign claims that the video shows Geter-Pataky dropping off stacks of absentee ballots ahead of the September 12th primary.

“Video surveillance proving that the mayoral election was unequivocally stolen through corruption within City Hall by tampering with absentee ballots,” John Gomes said on his Facebook page.

“This is an undeniable act of voter suppression and a huge civil rights violation. It’s time to restore lasting credibility to our city’s democracy. Once and for ALL. Enough is enough!” he added.
1281   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 25, 11:56am  

Get this and more charts here from:

Who got 4 months in jail from the Commies.
1284   Patrick   2024 Jan 27, 4:59pm  


Federal Bureaucrats Censored Public Concerns over Mail-In Ballots during 2020 Election, Docs Show

Unelected federal bureaucrats censored the concerns of the American people regarding the use of mail-in ballots during the 2020 election, newly obtained documents have revealed.

Public concerns about the election were censored by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

According to the newly released docs, CISA officials knew it was wrong to censor Americans voicing legitimate concerns but they did it anyway.

A tranche of documents was published by America First Legal (AFL) on Monday.

The docs alleged the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) CISA was aware ahead of the 2020 election that mail-in ballots were less secure than in-person voting.

They knew that mail-in votes carried a risk of voter fraud but sought to cover up this information and smear and suppress those who, accurately, suggested in-person voting was safer, AFL’s vice president and general counsel Gene Hamilton revealed.

As part of the campaign, the CISA undertook an “unprecedented censorship campaign to mislead the American people about the truth,” according to Hamilton.

“Common sense dictates that ballots submitted via mail are inherently less secure than verified, in-person voting by a citizen who shows identification before casting his or her ballot,” Hamilton said in a press release.

“The American people were lied to, and there must be accountability.”
1286   The_Deplorable   2024 Jan 29, 2:27pm  

Harpy: A lying liar who lies, is lying again!

1288   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jan 31, 11:49am  

Patrick says

Not if they steal.it.
1289   Onvacation   2024 Jan 31, 5:51pm  

"...there are two ways to run [as a candidate] either without an opponent or scared." Kamala

original link
1290   richwicks   2024 Jan 31, 6:11pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

Patrick says

Not if they steal.it.

Yeah, they're going to steal it, again.

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