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–Bluestorm83 187 points 8 hours ago +187 / -0
Their doublespeak is insidious.
"I have proof of a Thing."
"We do not have proof that you have that proof, therefore the Thing did not happen."
That is what the article claims. It does not claim counter-proof. It claims LACK of proof, AS PROOF.
But hey, Newsmax has been a snake since before the election. People here were calling it for a while. I told all my family who went to Newsmax after Fox showed its true colors not to settle there, to go to OAN, or to do as I have done and cast off TV news altogether and research every single story yourself.
Saw this coming a mile away. They are blackmailing Trump. If he talks about voter fraud at the fake impeachment, faggot Republicans will vote to impeach. IM OFFICALLY DONE WITH GOP. I Dont give a damn what trumo thinks about a new party. Its the only path forward. (
posted 7 hours ago by WindyCityBluez
Can't find anything at all in the media anymore, except wildly biased yellow journalism.
Trump continues to insist there was mass fraud, but all media simply dismisses his claim as "false" without any reasoning or evidence.
I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.
“Sir,” I continued, “in 30 minutes I can have a number of staffers from within your White House here to tell you that those are quotes from Pat Cipollone and Mark Meadows. This guy is lying to you through his teeth. They want you to lose.”
Trump turned, knowing I was correct. He indicated one of the other lawyers, said, “Did you know that this is his last day? He has a job starting Monday at a law firm up the street, getting paid 10 times what I can pay him here.” He continued wistfully, “Pat, can you imagine what I could have gotten done here, if I had not been fighting my own people?”
Cipollone and the other two lawyers scurried out the back door of the Oval Office. I heard them stay out in the ante room, caucusing. Meanwhile, the President, Sidney, Mike, Alyssa, and myself continued for a while walking through more of the details, reviewing some of what we had said earlier. At some point Allyssa, that quiet but razor-sharp female lawyer assisting Sidney, took over for a few points, and concisely explained aspects of the executive order, always clarifying with great precision whatever needed to be clarified.
After 10 minutes the three lawyers walked back into the room and stood, this time not in the back, but abreast and to the left of we four visitors: Alyssa, myself, Mike, and Sidney, sitting in chairs in a half-moon in front of the Resolute desk. Mike continued taking operational questions that arose, while Sidney and Alyssa handled the legal questions that arose. The three male lawyers edged closer to the front, and then as though as some hidden signal, they all started being bitches.
First was some comment about it not being right to use the National Guard. “The optics are terrible, Mr. President,” said one. “It would have to be the DHS.” I liked the National Guard idea because we needed to reestablish trust of the American people in the electoral process, and the US institution with the most trust is the one where people dress in military uniforms. Yet the National Guard is local, they are all around us, our colleagues at work, our “Citizen Soldiers”. But perhaps in a sign of flexibility, Flynn and Sidney allowed as how one could use the DHS instead of the National Guard.
“The press would tear your apart,” predicted Pat Cipollone at one turn in the conversation. Sidney said what Mike and I were both thinking: The press is going to tear him apart? Really? What are they doing now?
At some point Cipollone objected, “Never in American history has there been this kind of a challenge to an election!” Flynn responded, “Never in American history has there been a situation like this, with counting being shut down for hours, foreigners connecting to our equipment, …..” and so on.
“He does not have the authority to do this!” Cipollone thundered eventually. Sidney rejoined, “Of course he does,” citing EO 13848 (and something else signed by Obama). “Without question he has the authority.” Alyssa whipped out EO 13848 again and showed the relevant language that we had just covered. Trump looked at Cipollone with an expression that said, You never even brought this to my attention, Pat. He said to Cipolloner, “You know Pat, at least they want to fight for me. You don’t even fight for me. You just tell me everything I can’t do.”
By this point Cipollone was getting hot under the collar. Raising his voice to the President, he said, “Hey if you want to do this you don’t need my permission. You don’t even need a pen or a piece of paper. You can just say, ‘I hire Sidney Powell as White House Special Counsel,’ and it’s done.” But then he went on with more objections to everything he was hearing, all of which continued to sound stretched. Even frivolous.
After half-a-dozen of such frivolous objections from the White House General Counsel, Mike and I looked at each other dumbstruck. Mike grew calm and silent, his brow knit in bafflement. Finally I calmly announced to the room: “This is the most surreal conversation I have ever experienced.”
Around that time Alyssa spoke up on a legal point: he clearly had enough grounds to find that those Problematic 6 counties had enough peculiarities in their election, that under his powers under those EO’s, he was sending in federal teams to recount the ballots in those six counties. It was a defensible, reasonable action to take (which she said in legalese). What happened after that would be determined by what was found. But now the three male lawyers who were on their feet began speaking to her rudely. They challenged her, asking something like, “What do you think you know about the law?” She replied, “Well I am a lawyer. I work for Sidney, and-” they cut her off, snorting derisively.
Flynn sprung to his feet with a grace and ease that surprised me, a surfer getting up on his board. He turned to face the three lawyers standing over and barking at Alyssa. In a measured tone he asked of the three lawyers, “Let’s get something clear. What do you think happened on November 3? Do you think was a fair election? There was nothing unusual about it in your eyes?”
The three lawyers looked down, stuck their toes in the dirt, glanced at each other out of the corners of their eyes, and would not give an answer.
President Trump looked directly at me and said gently, “You know Pat, all my life I’ve had the best lawyers. People call me from all over the world, ‘What lawyer should I use on this? What lawyer should I use on that?’ But here…. You know, the other side breaks every rule in the book, but me….? All I have are lawyers who tell me ‘You can’t do this, you can’t do that…’ Do you see what I have been working with for four years? Can you imagine what I could have gotten done……” He broke off, then turned to Cipollone, asked “Where’s my Durham report? Where’s ….” and started rattling off his legal disappointments.
Can't find anything at all in the media anymore
Patrick saysSaw this coming a mile away. They are blackmailing Trump. If he talks about voter fraud at the fake impeachment, faggot Republicans will vote to impeach. IM OFFICALLY DONE WITH GOP. I Dont give a damn what trumo thinks about a new party. Its the only path forward. (
posted 7 hours ago by WindyCityBluez
Dumbass. New party === third party.
Third party === wasted vote.
Lyndon Johnson would have assuredly gone to jail
The reason the GOP is fucked is because Mike the Mechanic and Ignatz the Insurance Agent didn't become committeemen like their fathers and grandfathers. They just vote in elections and dropped the occasional bucks to GOP fundraisers, without actually participating at the local level. Whereas Dems are flooded with activist SEIU members from the groundfloor up pushing anti-American, anti-White BS.
He'll go down as the worst Speaker of the House ever. You got POTUS. You got the Senate. You got the House. He was GOPe and puss'd out. Simple as that. He almost single handedly fucked an entire generation by his lack of balls to get the job done.
We have the right to gather with others.
Rhetorical question: we are in a civil war, governed vs. rulers.
Constitution overruled by county health departments!
Not sure how anyone is going to stop the swamp on the federal level without lots of ammo.
Now, they are bragging about fixing the election, calling it 'protecting' the
Younger Chinese don't even know about the guy who stopped a column of tanks.
(Unfortunately we are largely a nation of obese sissy-men now)
1. Grow a beard if they can. (Women may say they don't like it, but their attention and actions in bed prove they are lying.)
Growing a beard can't possibly boost testosterone. What would the mechanism for that be?
And there I was, a pussy-man, looking like I'm 20, but almost 40, taking blades to my face for WHAT FUCKING PURPOSE?
Its an expression of subservience, same bullshit as a tie.
In my mind, a tie is a leash. Its the worst thing you could wear.
I keep my beard trimmed but have not had a haircut since the lockdown started.
the Inuit have been in the far north for only about 5,000 years. This may not have been enough time for significantly lower melanin production to have been selected for by nature.
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Trump continues to insist there was mass fraud, but all media simply dismisses his claim as "false" without any reasoning or evidence.
I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.
Update: after 2000 Mules presented the evidence, I'm 100% sure that Biden's election was fraudulent. See