Election Fraud News

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2021 Feb 2, 10:07pm   222,295 views  2,103 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Can't find anything at all in the media anymore, except wildly biased yellow journalism.

Trump continues to insist there was mass fraud, but all media simply dismisses his claim as "false" without any reasoning or evidence.

I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.

Update: after 2000 Mules presented the evidence, I'm 100% sure that Biden's election was fraudulent. See https://2000mules.com/

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1044   Patrick   2023 Aug 30, 8:47pm  

At least Trump is now publicly acknowledging that scamdemic was used as part of the election fraud last time and that the Democrats are planning the same kind of fraud again.

Now if only he would admit that the fucking toxxine killed 300,000 Americans.


The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming. Gee whiz. You know what else is coming? An election.

“They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal dropboxes, more mail-in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election. Does that sound familiar? These are bad people. These are sick people we're dealing with.

“But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY! So don't even think about it. We will not shut down our schools. We will not accept your lockdowns. We will not abide by your mask mandates, and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates.

“They rigged the 2020 election, and now they're trying to do the same thing all over again by rigging the most important election in the history of our country, the 2024 election, even if it means trying to bring back COVID.

But they will fail because we will not let it happen. When I'm back in the White House, I will use every available authority to cut federal funding to any school, college, airline, or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate. Thank you very much.
1046   Patrick   2023 Sep 1, 8:48am  

Why do memes always seem to have a spelling error or other typo?

It's like some kind of signal.
1048   Patrick   2023 Sep 1, 10:12am  


“Joe Biden” will be removed most likely by his own party before an impeachment inquiry can be launched in Congress. Not even The New York Times and CNN would able to ignore the horrific spectacle and the party’s own minions might be shamed into learning how they were hosed for so many years. The unseen hands that jammed “JB” into the White House can then figure out what to do about the hapless Kamala Harris while Congress turns its attention to impeaching Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Xavier Bacerra. At least that’s how it might work if the USA was a sane polity.

Otherwise, the people of this land will have to choose between being rolled-over by a globalist coup or find other routes of resistance. One would be for the governors of several so-called Red states to end mail-in voting, get rid of computerized ballot-counting machines, bring back paper ballots, and declare that all voting and hand ballot-counting take place on one election day. Don’t believe those who say it can’t be done. If it’s not done, we’ll never see anything close to an un-rigged election in this country ever again.
1049   Patrick   2023 Sep 2, 11:45am  


NEW: Mississippi Democrat county supervisor David Archie says he has video evidence of voting machines being tampered with to ensure his primary opponent won.

This could never happen in America!

Archie allegedly has video footage of Democratic Executive Committee Chair Jacqueline going into boxes, bringing thumb drives and bringing ballots to voting machines.

Archie lost the election by just 1900 votes.

“We have videotape of Jacquie Amos going into boxes, bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into machines. We have pictures of Jacquie Amos participating in what we think is fraud, as well as corruption.”

Archie is calling for Amos to step down and says he has sent letters to the state and national Democratic Parties.

Republicans should cheat just like Democrats do until we get paper ballots, same-day in person voting with photo ID, counted by all parties and results immediately published per polling place.
1052   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 3, 12:30pm  

The President of the USA.... Grabbing a girl's breast in public...

See https://twitter.com/ricwe123/status/1697988586425954547
1053   Patrick   2023 Sep 3, 5:05pm  


BREAKING: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party's primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

"We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the machines"

The person he's talking about is the Hinds County Democrat party chair.

If you watch this presentation, it sounds exactly like what happened in the 2020 election and 2022 election in Arizona. If Democrats are rigging their own primaries, imagine what they're doing in general elections.

@KariLake @realDonaldTrump are not alone. Democrats are rigging elections everywhere

Has good video, lots of details about the fraud.
1056   HeadSet   2023 Sep 3, 9:30pm  

The_Deplorable says

The President of the USA.... Grabbing a girl's breast in public...

See https://twitter.com/ricwe123/status/1697988586425954547

Here is the original unaltered video.:

There is enough evidence of Biden's lechedness without using fakes. These fakes just dilute the real stuff.
1057   richwicks   2023 Sep 3, 9:42pm  

HeadSet says

The_Deplorable says

The President of the USA.... Grabbing a girl's breast in public...

See https://twitter.com/ricwe123/status/1697988586425954547

Here is the original unaltered video.:

There is enough evidence of Biden's lechedness without using fakes. These fakes just dilute the real stuff.

It's deceptive. He's just placing "I voted sticker" on her.

There's real shit Biden has done, there's no need to make shit up. The reason people pass on FALSE depictions of him molesting women, is so that when you talk about an ACTUAL example, they will simply dismiss it.

There's plenty of actual examples:

original link

You can't trust a picture anymore.
1058   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 3, 11:25pm  

HeadSet says
"Here is the original unaltered video.:
https://apnews.com/video/videos-106014773bb34d96ac0998d24a77930b "

You are correct. Thank you. That was a misleading video.
1059   richwicks   2023 Sep 3, 11:44pm  

The_Deplorable says

HeadSet says

"Here is the original unaltered video.:
https://apnews.com/video/videos-106014773bb34d96ac0998d24a77930b "

You are correct. Thank you. That was a misleading video.

Now that you've seen it once, be aware of them in the future.

There's PLENTY of examples of Biden being inappropriate with young women, don't latch on to one that is misleading you.

Biden can be sunk with truth, but he's supported by lies. Lies are created so people dismiss actual evidence.
1062   Patrick   2023 Sep 5, 2:23pm  


4 am, hundreds of thousands of 100% Biden votes were counted in the 6 swing states where counting was haulted.

Why didn't this phenomenon happen in any of the other states?
1066   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 7, 1:28pm  

On Friday a Superior Court in Arizona "found that Arizona’s signature matching process is unlawful. The court said that the "statute is clear and unambiguous," requiring "the recorder to review the voter’s registration card" and not other documents with the voter’s signature."

Kari Lake's reaction to the ruling... "Maricopa County’s complete abandonment of signature verification standards has allowed for the integrity of our elections to be washed away. Election laws aren’t suggestions or guidelines, they’re the law. I am thankful the court has reminded Secretary of State Fontes and Recorder Richer of that fact... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/just-we-will-win-our-lawsuit-review-early/
1068   Patrick   2023 Sep 8, 8:48pm  



Was the 2020 election the "most secure in US history"? My film "2000 Mules" reveals the evidence, so you can make up your own mind.

Watch it free this Friday September 8 through Sunday September 10 only on X. Watch here!
1070   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 8, 9:04pm  

English is the most analytic PIE language by far, so English speakers are at a distinct disadvantage trying to learn other PIE languages like German, French, or especially Russian or Greek.

It's no flex that Spaniards or Germans learn French or Italian faster, since those languages are mostly synthetic with tons of inflections and cases like most PIE languages.

I don't know why English speakers get recommendations to learn PIE languages first, when other Analytic Languages are easier for the native English speaker, like Indonesian/Malay. Frisian would be easier but kind of useless as it doesn't have enough speakers.

Also, we should just reform our spelling to be like Dutch. It's funny people get all bent out of shape over double spaces after periods, but the best and most useful reform would be getting rid of our ludicrous English Civil War induced spelling system (Puritans like a Dutch spelling as Reformed HQ was in the Netherlands, Royalists like it French/Belgian spelling like their Norman forebears and French/Jesuit overseas supporter HQ, and the printers for both like needless double constanants for maximum printer profit for additional typesetting billable costs).
1072   Patrick   2023 Sep 14, 9:03am  


The California legislature voted last Friday to end manual counts of votes, ending any sort transparency in what they ironically refer to as "democracy" in the golden state.

Shasta County, a smaller rural area in northern California, ended its contract with the dark lords of electronic vote tabulation, those who media companies dare not name.

... After all that, the small conservative county opted to just count their votes by hand like the good old days, when cheating required more work like physically stuffing ballot boxes.

But the Democrats in Sacramento were having none of it. The last thing they want is some hick in a rural town questioning why John Smith voted for Gavin Newsom 16 times.

A machine will count all the votes, regardless of signature discrepancies and other signs of election fraud, so it's no wonder the Democrat legislature voted that all ballots must be machine counted, short of a natural disaster or not having enough wind and solar to keep power running in the state.

Oddly enough the chances of either in California are about 50/50 these days.

Shasta County Board of Supervisors chair Patrick Henry Jones said Friday the county would sue to block the bill should Newsom sign it. He said state officials "cannot guarantee that these machines haven't been manipulated."

"The state is now attempting to block us from being able to have a free and fair election without any outside influence," he said.

Careful, Patrick, that's how the dark lords came for Fox News.
1076   Onvacation   2023 Sep 17, 10:05am  

How hard could it be to keep track of and count approximately 150 million paper ballots? With modern technology we should know EXACTLY who voted (not who they voted for) and who won an hour after the polls close in Hawaii.
1077   Onvacation   2023 Sep 17, 10:11am  

How long did it take to count the 2020 ballots? If I recall correctly it took several days for the democrats to conjure up enough ballots.
1078   Ceffer   2023 Sep 17, 10:14am  

Onvacation says

How long did it take to count the 2020 ballots? If I recall correctly it took several days for the democrats to conjure up enough ballots.

Sometime weeks. They were finessing the fraud, which takes time and delay, rather than just counting legitimate votes.
1080   richwicks   2023 Sep 18, 11:13pm  

zzyzzx says

To be fair, I think it's quite possible that Al Gore DID win in 2000, not that it would have made any difference. He was as much of an establishment cock sucker as George W. Bush and we still would have gone to war with Iraq but for a different excuse: "Saddam Hussein is causing a humanitarian crisis, so we need shock and awe to cow the population into deposing him!!"

The Dummycrats would have defended it for years, and the Redumblicans would have condemned it as nation building. It would have been the same result.

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