Election Fraud News

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2021 Feb 2, 10:07pm   204,536 views  1,746 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Can't find anything at all in the media anymore, except wildly biased yellow journalism.

Trump continues to insist there was mass fraud, but all media simply dismisses his claim as "false" without any reasoning or evidence.

I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.

Update: after 2000 Mules presented the evidence, I'm 100% sure that Biden's election was fraudulent. See https://2000mules.com/

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1189   Patrick   2023 Nov 23, 4:02pm  


Trump has the simplest campaign pitch in the world:
1) Things were good when I was president.
2) Everything went to hell when Joe Biden became president.
3) Elect me and I'll make things good again.
That's the whole campaign. For now, it is clearly resonating with many voters.

Right, I think Trump would get elected for a third time except for the massive election fraud which the DNC/FBI/CIA no double have in the works again.
1192   Patrick   2023 Nov 26, 11:19pm  


NEVER FORGET: From 130,000-280,000 Completed Ballots Were Shipped Across State Lines from NY to PA in 2020 Election – Never Explained
1193   Patrick   2023 Nov 26, 11:47pm  


The Georgia State Elections Board (SEB) initiated an investigation into the Fulton County data from the RLA report, labeled SEB2021-181. The SEB identified violations and errors in the 2020 Election recounts in Fulton County. Another complaint for Fulton County was filed July 8, 2022, specifically calling out 3125 duplicate ballot counts and 17,852 votes counted that do not have a corresponding ballot image. This complaint resulted in the creation of investigation SEB2023-25, which is complete and will be presented to the SEB on December 19, 2023.

The SOS’s office lied about the accuracy of the recounts in Georgia. Post-Governor Kemp’s validation letter from November 17, 2021, the SOS’s office, the AG’s office, and the Georgia SEB worked to exonerate the SOS of any responsibility for these numerous errors and violations. There is also an open inquiry before the Georgia SEB (SEBBI2023-001) regarding Election Code Violations committed by the SOS.

The investigations noted in this series were independent of two court cases that occurred in Georgia after the 2020 Election. At least three individuals involved in a recount identified 148,000 fraudulent ballots, and Fulton county and state are still preventing access to these ballots. A separate audit of voting machines was initiated after the 2020 Election, showing that the systems used in Georgia had security issues and bad actors could hack into them and change election results.
1196   Patrick   2023 Nov 27, 8:12pm  


Did you know that DJT won the “in person vote” in ALL 50 states in 2020?

Biden won the “mail-in ballot” vote in every state.
1199   Patrick   2023 Nov 29, 2:07pm  

When we had more votes than voters, bellweather counties anomalies, unprecedented simultaneous mutli-state count stoppage, algorithms splitting a single vote... and there is NOT ONE Media person who might have the tiniest bit of INTELLECTUAL CURIOSITY. You know it was rigged. TRUMP WON.

Good way to put it.
1200   Patrick   2023 Dec 5, 7:20pm  


Why are Democrats keeping the border open and flooding major cities with masses of invading illegal aliens? It’s all about the elections.

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) on Sunday accused New York City of trying to stack voter rolls by trying to illegally register migrants housed at a Staten Island shelter to cast ballots in the upcoming elections.

Malliotakis, joined by four other Staten Island Republicans, claimed a city contract with a nonprofit hired to run the shelter includes a stipulation that voter registration forms are to be distributed to asylum seekers staying there — which they called both unlawful and underhanded.

The contract, which Malliotakis said was obtained via a state Freedom of Information Law request, includes a stipulation that the nonprofit, in accordance with the New York City charter, “shall provide and distribute voter registration forms to all persons,” with the forms to be made available in Spanish and Chinese.

Mayor Eric Adams claims that it’s absurd and untrue, and forced on the city by DHS regulations, but New York City had previously passed a law allowing non-citizens to vote.

More than 800,000 noncitizens and “Dreamers” in New York City will have access to the ballot box — and could vote in municipal elections as early as next year — after Mayor Eric Adams allowed legislation to automatically become law Sunday.

A judge struck down that law, but never assume that the Undead Civic Voters Association and the Guy We Paid 5 Bucks to Cast a Ballot Committee are going to stop.

Keeping the borders open is about elections and political power.
1207   Patrick   2023 Dec 17, 5:40pm  

Lol, Bidet lost the election in 2020 as well, so what is Obama worried about?
1208   Patrick   2023 Dec 18, 11:35am  


“Joe Biden,” is only the most obviously weak device in the feckless and misbegotten regime installed via the blob’s US color revolution of 2020. This sort of coup d’état, you understand, was well-rehearsed by our combined intel, 4-gen war, and propaganda units over prior decades in fractious foreign places like Kyrgyzstan (2005), Egypt (2011), and Ukraine (2014). So, it was only a matter of time before these geniuses turned their political black magic on the home front, against their own citizens. But wasn’t it ol’ Karl Marx himself who observed that tragic history repeats as farce?

Thus, the farcical pageant, in a land of fake everything, of America’s fake government attempting to rescue itself from the web of lies and subterfuge it so cleverly spun for itself to keep all its sundry rackets going. For instance: the preposterous idea that “Joe Biden” is running for reelection. Does anybody over age seven, even in Beverly Hills, believe this whopper? I doubt it. But the absurd meme is repeated endlessly in the relic newspapers and floundering cable news channels, and for one reason: elite members in the party behind all this mischief — that is, the Democratic Party of Chaos — are desperate to avoid prosecution for things like seditious conspiracy to defraud the electorate, bribery, and treason.

They have two reasons to be really afraid. One, of course, is Donald Trump, the once and increasingly probable future president, and Bobby Kennedy, the outsider warrior personifying America’s erstwhile interest in the eternal verities. Both of them promise to bring a heavy hand down on the coupsters, going back to the coup preliminaries in the Obama White House, and including the Clintons, more than one US attorney general and their adjutants, a groaning raft of former and current high officials in and around the blob’s vicious intel “community,” and the public health rogues who engineered the Covid-19 fraud and vaccine crime.

The blob’s weakness and idiocy are clearly on display in the four court cases against Mr. Trump, which look like a cartoon of thieves throwing stuff out of a hijacked furniture truck at the cars in pursuit behind them. There’s DA Alvin Bragg’s joke case in Manhattan around the dead-on-arrival Stormy Daniels business. End-of-story, as T0ny Soprano always liked to say. New York’s AG, Letitia James, vowed to get Mr. Trump on something, anything, while electioneering, and delivered a bullshit case to Judge Arthur Engoron that is sure to get tossed on appeal — and will eventually get both Ms. James and the Judge disbarred (and possibly prosecuted) for their trouble. There’s Fulton County (GA) DA Fani Willis’s laughable RICO rap against Trump, Guiliani, et al,. for complaining about the obviously janky ballot-counting activity there in 2020.

And then, there are US AG Merrick Garland’s two cases against the former president. The DC case brought under Special Counsel Jack Smith, claiming that Mr. Trump somehow led an “insurrection” at the US Capitol on 1/6/21. This turkey was rehearsed in earlier House J-6 Committee hearings, so shabbily staged that Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) arranged to have all the evidence destroyed (including witness deposition transcripts) as soon as the hearings wrapped. Mr. Trump’s defense is probably immaterial in Judge Tanya Chutkan’s DC courtroom. But one of the case’s main predicates, the law against “obstructing official proceedings,” is about to be adjudicated in the US Supreme Court involving convicted J-6 defendants. If the court tosses it, Jack Smith’s case goes out the window too. If not, and Mr. Trump is successfully railroaded by Judge Chutkin, you can be sure the appeal will be expedited to SCOTUS and die there. If there even is a trial before the election of 2024. In any case, Mr. Trump will still be on the ballot next November.

The second Garland / Jack Smith case is the most interesting. That would be the Mar-a-Lago documents case. According to the reporter who styles himself as “Sundance” at The Last Refuge news site, the purpose of the August 2022 Mar-a-Lago raid was not to seek classified documents at issue in a dispute between the former president and the National Archives — as the public has been given to understand by the blob’s news media. The actual purpose was to find a 10-inch-thick dossier of documents collected over many months by Mr. Trump’s deputies to be used in future prosecutions of DOJ, FBI, and other officials and private persons (including Hillary Clinton, the DNC, the DNC’s law firm Perkins Coie,) who were implicated in the Russia collusion hoax, especially after the failure of Special Counsel John Durham to even depose many of these parties and persons.

There were apparently many copies made of Mr. Trump’s dossier, and distributed among anti-blobsters, but these were all heavily redacted — names were all blacked out. The binder at Mar-a-Lago was unredacted and this was what the FBI was after in the August 2022 raid. Is there any chance by now that the FBI hasn’t disposed of 10,000 emails and documents that were in its possession pertaining to the Russia hoax and other crimes? Do you suppose that the unredacted Trump doissier was the only copy? I wouldn’t. So far, Mr. Trump and his lawyers have not mentioned this. Why wouldn’t they play this hand close to the chest?
1210   stereotomy   2023 Dec 19, 8:51pm  


So fucking true. I need to get all my shit in order so that the next time "they" try to card me, I'll just walk away, or if I feel feisty, I'll have them bring the store manager so I can call him a globohomo commie cunt.
1212   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 20, 12:30pm  

Patrick says

I dunno. I think they have a plan for when it comes to SCOTUS, too.
1213   Patrick   2023 Dec 27, 9:53am  


Of course the deep state traitors will try to do something big, because their election fraud techniques are widely known now. I assume they will just try to cancel the 2024 election entirely.
1214   HeadSet   2023 Dec 27, 4:45pm  

Patrick says


Of course the deep state traitors will try to do something big, because their election fraud techniques are widely known now. I assume they will just try to cancel the 2024 election entirely.

Cancelling the elections would be a bridge too far, and they know it. I think the plan is to have Biden bumped by Dominion, et al, to 45% by using vote transfers, then transfer enough additional Trump votes to a 3rd party candidate to keep Trump below 45%. That is the true purpose of the RFK run. Watch this happen in whatever district needs Trump to lose.
1217   socal2   2023 Dec 28, 2:29pm  

Never forget - Trump and MAGA was instrumental in getting Mitt Romney's niece (McDaniel) re-elected to Chairwoman of the RNC.

Not only do we face the likely risk of losing the Presidency, we are likely going to get wiped out down ballot because the RNC has very little cash on hand, no ground game and no new talent. And they have done fuck-all to challenge all the loosened voting rules, let alone support J6 prisoners.
1218   Patrick   2023 Dec 28, 3:47pm  


🔥 Troll level: Grand Master. Well played, Russia. Well played. Newsweek ran the informative story yesterday featuring this startling headline:

Bwahahahaha! According to Newsweek, Russia’s state-approved 11th Grade World History textbook informs students that the democrats stole the 2020 elections in the U.S. "as a result of obvious electoral fraud by the Democratic Party,” adding for context that Joe Biden had extensive corrupt connections to Ukraine. And they included a masked picture of Joe, an obvious metaphor which is triggering leftists even more:

Of course this kind of thing makes democrats believe the whole “Russia collusion” story even more, but you have to admit the pot-stirring is a tasty little scrap of satisfaction.
1220   Patrick   2023 Dec 29, 9:53am  


DENVER, CO — Facing critics over their 4-3 decision to remove Trump from the presidential ballot in 2024, Colorado's Supreme Court insisted it was a necessary step due to concerns the usual election rigging system could fail.

"I know we have all the normal rigging techniques available to us, but we're worried that Trump's lead could grow so much that those efforts will fail to protect our democracy as they did in 2020," said Justice Richard Gabriel. "Rest assured, we will not rest until we save democracy by making it completely illegal to vote for Trump. You're welcome, America!"

Pollsters confirmed that even with classic rigging measures like hackable voting machines, unmonitored drop-boxes, illegal immigrants, ballot harvesting, and universal mail-in voting, it may still not be enough to stop Trump from being reelected. Experts are urging unelected Judges to put additional measures in place.

At publishing time, Trump had responded by vowing to build a wall around Denver.
1223   Patrick   2023 Dec 30, 10:30am  


AUGUSTA, ME — In a move designed to push back against criticism that they have a track record of rigging elections in secret, Democrats have now adopted a policy of rigging elections in broad daylight so everyone in the country can see it.

"We are being entirely transparent about our election interference," said Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows after announcing former President Donald Trump will not be allowed on the 2024 primary ballot. "Any wild allegations of covert efforts to rig elections are simply preposterous. As anyone can clearly see, the steps we are taking to interfere with and rig the outcome of our elections are being done in plain sight. This is a win for democracy."

Bellows's decision to rule Trump ineligible to be included on the state's ballot came on the heels of a hotly debated ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court that also attempted to keep Trump's name off the ballot in that state. Though serious questions have been raised regarding the legitimacy of elections, Democrats deny any secret plots. "We aren't hiding anything," Bellows said. "Everyone can see what the FBI and DOJ are doing. All these baseless indictments aren't being made in secret. Heck, I made a public announcement about taking him off the ballot. I don't know where these accusations of us covertly rigging the election are coming from."

At publishing time, top Democrat powerbrokers were reportedly also preparing to begin operations in every state to rule all Republican voters ineligible to vote in any elections in order to save democracy.
1225   Patrick   2023 Dec 30, 2:19pm  


The 45th president of the United States, Donald John Trump, is a particular kind of president, out of all the previous presidents in modern history, and a specific kind of threat to established political organizations.

He is not a threat per se to voters, or to Americans, but rather to the current political party system.

But there is a fascinating reason why this is so, and I’d like to suggest that it stems from the most powerful element of America itself, including its founding: individualism.

That may seem like an obvious statement, but if you map out all the elements of the current U.S. political economy, they are made, for the most part, out of the exact opposite of individualism: institutionalism. Trump stands in especially stark contrast, as he is by nature not only an outsider to politics, but an outsider to many entrenched business practices. Even if you may find him completely objectionable, he still functions as a symbol, and that symbol, like it or not, is an individual.

What do I mean by individualism, and an “outsider?” I mean that all the contentions that you are subject to daily from the “public square” of U.S. politics, are defined, organized and transmitted by institutions: the DNC, the GOP, the WHO, the CDC, the DOD, the DOE, the WEF, the U.N., and hundreds of foundations (such as the U.K. Runnymede Trust for example), and dozens upon dozens of other types of institutions. And of course there’s the media, made up of numerous corporate institutions.

And then there’s an individual named Donald John Trump.

He is considered especially dangerous because of what he effectively transmutes socially, both from and back to, the majority of Americans: individualism. This is the precise antagonism to progressive Left ideology, because everything they stand for is based on group behavior, group consensus, group solidarity, and group thinking. It derives its power from fear, and its value from perceived authority. Its authority stems purely from institutions, and its methods of coercion, including its obsession over the control of free speech and free thought, depend desperately on sustaining the illusion of institutional legitimacy, authority, and dependency: on lowering your God-given natural confidence, and replacing it with man-given doubt and controls. ...

But that may be just the opposite of what actually happened: over time, American institutions grew and grew, and grew, and now have grown out of control so that they dominate the private sector of individual interests. This includes our nation’s university system that has such influence over young adult minds. Universities are complete corporate, political institutions, and they follow, obey, and carry out all institutional signals, orders and directives (the “Covid" program is an example, which depends entirely on group obedience and group ideology: the individual is by contrast deemed “unsafe”).

The individual is the greatest threat to progressive Leftism, as it is to all authoritative regimes seeking the fantasy of absolute control. Trump is part of that system in several ways, but a part of him also naturally stands outside it, and his presence alone symbolizes directly and indirectly, deliberately or not, the nonconforming individual will of hundreds of millions of individual Americans with individual lives, individual families, individual businesses, individual wealth, individual thoughts, individual aspirations, and individual power.
1227   The_Deplorable   2023 Dec 31, 2:13pm  

I find it hard to believe that in the US, right now, there is a Democratic Party with people voting for these losers.

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