Election Fraud News

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2021 Feb 2, 10:07pm   205,158 views  1,780 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Can't find anything at all in the media anymore, except wildly biased yellow journalism.

Trump continues to insist there was mass fraud, but all media simply dismisses his claim as "false" without any reasoning or evidence.

I'm pretty damn sure Biden's election was fraudulent.

Update: after 2000 Mules presented the evidence, I'm 100% sure that Biden's election was fraudulent. See https://2000mules.com/

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1581   Patrick   2024 Aug 1, 9:58am  


“The Times,” reporting about itself, “analyzed partial voting tallies collected by the opposition. They cast further doubt on Nicolás Maduro’s declared victory.”

It’s a bad sign for communist dictators to have lost the New York Times. Just saying.

But wait! Things got even weirder after Elon Musk posted a copy of the DOJ’s 2021 $15 million dollar bounty on President Maduro for corruption and drug trafficking. Maduro went loco. He spicily challenged Elon to a fight, and Elon promptly accepted:


... Neither the Times nor Biden’s DOJ ever met a communist dictator they didn’t love. And the last thing they need everyone to think about is election problems.
1582   RWSGFY   2024 Aug 1, 10:08am  

1583   Patrick   2024 Aug 1, 2:28pm  


BREAKING: 14% of illegals in one single apartment complex in GA say they are registered to vote.

And it's all on tape...

Has video.
1585   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 1, 3:37pm  

Patrick says

Pretty fucking stupid, actually.

Well, more like lazy.
1587   Patrick   2024 Aug 1, 4:22pm  


New Unredacted MI State Police Report Reveals Several Other Cities and States Where Shady Dem-Funded GBI Strategies Was Operating In 2020

In 2020, Democrat-funded GBI Strategies, a “canvassing operation ” allegedly owned and operated by Gary Bell, set up shop in Michigan.

Only one month before the 2020 election, the Muskegon Police Department received a call from the Muskegon City Clerk alerting them that she had received between 8,000 and 10,000 voter registrations in the mail from an address in Auburn Hills, MI, with the initials “EM,” an abbreviation for Empower Michigan, the name used by GBI Strategies while operating in Michigan.

Muskegon Clerk Ann Meisch called the police when she discovered that many voter registrations delivered to her office were fraudulent.

1588   Patrick   2024 Aug 1, 5:01pm  



Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President.

Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security along with a U.S. State Department employee, the CIA, Italian Citizens and a Dominion Employee were all involved in the fraudulent stealing of the U.S. 2020 Presidential Election.

Joe Biden, once installed as the unlawful President of the United States, orders Mateo Renzi the Former Prime Minister of Italy to take down the current Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte. This is done by paying off Conte with millions of dollars in cash to keep him quiet.

U.S. Federal Prosecutor John Durham has in his possession documents of evidence that shows Barack Obama illegally moved $400 Million dollars in cash on pallets through the Dubai Embassy with the help of the Italians. They stole $400 Million dollars from America and put the money into a Merrill Lynch account in Geneva Switzerland.

Those involved in these atrocious crimes have murdered five Italian government officials in March alone to cover up their crimes. We cannot let them get away with stealing the Presidency of America and murdering innocent people. We must fight for justice and restore the rightful President of the United States.

Has video, but who is the guy speaking? Ah, here he is:

Prof. Alfio D'Urso - Legal Counsel / Supreme Court of Italy
1589   porkchopXpress   2024 Aug 3, 5:59am  


We keep finding more and more information that proves that the 2020 Election in Georgia and across the country was stolen.

Yesterday, Voter GA provided a press release identifying more of this information.

Three Experts Shred Fulton County 2020 Election Results, Shatter Secretary’s Claims of Georgia Election Accuracy

ATLANTA, GA, JULY 10, 2024 – The Georgia State Election Board (SEB) heard devastating testimony from three separate experts yesterday each of whom destroyed the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s official narrative that no fraud, errors or irregularities exist in Fulton County’s 2020 General Election results.

The experts upheld claims from SEB2023-025 complainants Kevin Moncla and Joe Rossi who contended that Fulton County certified up to 58,924 votes that have no source justification. These include:

17,852 ballots with certified votes that had no ballot images which are required for vote tabulation;
20,713 ballots with certified votes have no source tabulator from which they should have originated;
3,125 double scanned and double counted ballots
17,234 unsourced ballots were batch uploaded and backfilled into election results by the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) funded Elections Group to reconcile inexplicable errors
Three well-known technology professionals with over 100 years of total technology experience independently corroborated Moncla and Rossi’s claims. All of them have testified as experts in court cases or prepared expert court case declarations in 2020 election cases. Phillip Davis, a 30+ year career IT professional specializing in image analysis, confirmed that over 3,900 ballots were double scanned in the recount and double counted in the election results. He described the methodology he used and submitted a presentation to support his analysis. Clay Parikh, a 20+ year cybersecurity expert and voting system tester who holds a top-secret clearance and many certifications, confirmed that tabulator tapes are missing for over 20,000 in-person cast ballots and that 17,800 certified recount votes have no ballot images.

VoterGA co-founder Garland Favorito, a 40+ year career IT professional with 20 years of voting system research, explained how Georgia’s ballot processing flow works, what a real investigation would have uncovered, and the specific false conclusions Secretary of State legal counsel Charlene McGowan gave to the SEB at the May 7 meeting. His presentation also identified over 1,000,000 ballot election records that are missing in violation of federal and state law. These include.

380,458 missing original in-person ballot images
512,743 missing original Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) files that authenticate the images
17,852 missing recount ballot images
17,852 missing recount SHA authentication files
20,713 original AND recount ballots are missing tabulation records
17,234 unsourced ballots were batch-uploaded into results to reconcile original count errors
16,198 unsourced uploaded ballots were needed in the results to reconcile recount errors
Attorney Harry MacDougal summarized the veracity of Moncla and Rossi’s claims and the untruthfulness of the Secretary of State’s office investigation. He called for a bonafide independent investigation and independent 2024 election monitors. He concluded that: “You cannot rely on reports given to you from the Secretary of State’s office. They are sweeping things under the rug.”

VoterGA is a non-partisan, 501(c)3 registered non-profit organization created by a coalition of citizens working to restore election integrity in Geogia. We advocate for independently verifiable, auditable, recount capable, transparent and tamper proof elections.
1590   Patrick   2024 Aug 3, 10:28am  


Speaking of unexplained about-faces, the AP ran another switcheroo story yesterday headlined, “Harris has secured enough Democratic delegate votes to become their party's nominee, chair says.” That was fast!

It happened so fast, I bet you didn’t even know they were ‘voting.’ I bet the delegates didn’t even know they were voting. The DNC set up a special, totally secure, completely trustworthy website for Democrat delegates to quickly and easily cast their votes, and guess what happened next?

Vice President Cackle won! She beat the field even more clearly and resoundingly than President and Dictator for Life Nicolas Maduro did down in Venezuela earlier this week.

It wasn’t even close. Kamala handily beat every other nominee presented to Democrat delegates, which included … wait a minute … just a sec … oh. Sorry. There were no other options. The nominee drop-down on the website form was greyed out. She handily beat nobody.

But even if there weren’t any other available candidates, at least the voting process was completely transparent and open, by which I mean it looked much like the bottom of a coal mine after a cave-in, or maybe something closer to the pitch-black visibility in an inside cabin in the wreck of the Titanic. Here’s how the AP described the Democrats’ totally transparent presidential nominating process:

The Democratic National Committee did not provide details of the delegate vote count,
including a number or state-by-state breakdowns, during a virtual event that had the
flavor of a telethon, with campaign officials keeping tabs on a delegate-counting
process whose result is a foregone conclusion.

Haha, “Telethon.” In other words, it was a show. President Maduro is a pathetic amateur.

Still, I have a nagging question. If they can’t even trust their own delegates to vote right, how on Earth are they planning to trust the American people?

Weirdly, all of Biden’s campaign staff and all of his election apparatus seamlessly shifted to Kamala, as if she had no independent ideas at all, and as if the staff didn’t care who the nominee actually was. Rah-rah Joe Bi… go Harris!

It was just a small substitution of the side vegetable, nothing whatever to worry about. The price is the same.

Oh well. According to the AP, unidentified “Democrat officials” explained yesterday’s surprise, sudden and unexpected roll call website nominating process was absolutely necessary, thanks to an August 7th ballot deadline in Ohio. The AP admitted that deadline had already been extended by Ohio’s legislature to September 1st, but the anonymous officials just didn’t want to take any chances. So.
1594   porkchopXpress   2024 Aug 7, 5:30am  

Georgia Citizens declare a STATE OF EMERGENCY with Georgia’s Election System.

A press conference was held at the State Election Board meeting to expose evidence of fraud, widespread voter roll manipulation and demand action ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election

1595   Patrick   2024 Aug 8, 9:11am  


Youngkin mandates all paper ballots for presidential elections in Virginia
1596   AD   2024 Aug 8, 11:39am  


Even in 2012 the NY Times warned about fraud with mail in ballots. Now they are silent on this because paid AntiFa volunteers on behalf of Democrat party organizations like Bend the Arc and Act Blue are engaging in mail in ballot harvesting.


By Adam Liptak
Oct. 6, 2012

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — On the morning of the primary here in August, the local elections board met to decide which absentee ballots to count. It was not an easy job.

The board tossed out some ballots because they arrived without the signature required on the outside of the return envelope. It rejected one that said “see inside” where the signature should have been. And it debated what to do with ballots in which the signature on the envelope did not quite match the one in the county’s files.

“This ‘r’ is not like that ‘r,’ ” Judge Augustus D. Aikens Jr. said, suggesting that a ballot should be rejected.

Ion Sancho, the elections supervisor here, disagreed. “This ‘k’ is like that ‘k,’ ” he replied, and he persuaded his colleagues to count the vote.

Scenes like this will play out in many elections next month, because Florida and other states are swiftly moving from voting at a polling place toward voting by mail. In the last general election in Florida, in 2010, 23 percent of voters cast absentee ballots, up from 15 percent in the midterm election four years before. Nationwide, the use of absentee ballots and other forms of voting by mail has more than tripled since 1980 and now accounts for almost 20 percent of all votes.

Yet votes cast by mail are less likely to be counted, more likely to be compromised and more likely to be contested than those cast in a voting booth, statistics show. Election officials reject almost 2 percent of ballots cast by mail, double the rate for in-person voting.

“The more people you force to vote by mail,” Mr. Sancho said, “the more invalid ballots you will generate.”

Election experts say the challenges created by mailed ballots could well affect outcomes this fall and beyond. If the contests next month are close enough to be within what election lawyers call the margin of litigation, the grounds on which they will be fought will not be hanging chads but ballots cast away from the voting booth.

In 2008, 18 percent of the votes in the nine states likely to decide this year’s presidential election were cast by mail. That number will almost certainly rise this year, and voters in two-thirds of the states have already begun casting absentee ballots. In four Western states, voting by mail is the exclusive or dominant way to cast a ballot.

The trend will probably result in more uncounted votes, and it increases the potential for fraud. While fraud in voting by mail is far less common than innocent errors, it is vastly more prevalent than the in-person voting fraud that has attracted far more attention, election administrators say.

In Florida, absentee-ballot scandals seem to arrive like clockwork around election time. Before this year’s primary, for example, a woman in Hialeah was charged with forging an elderly voter’s signature, a felony, and possessing 31 completed absentee ballots, 29 more than allowed under a local law.

The flaws of absentee voting raise questions about the most elementary promises of democracy. “The right to have one’s vote counted is as important as the act of voting itself,” Justice Paul H. Anderson of the Minnesota Supreme Court wrote while considering disputed absentee ballots in the close 2008 Senate election between Al Franken and Norm Coleman.

Voting by mail is now common enough and problematic enough that election experts say there have been multiple elections in which no one can say with confidence which candidate was the deserved winner. The list includes the 2000 presidential election, in which problems with absentee ballots in Florida were a little-noticed footnote to other issues.

In the last presidential election, 35.5 million voters requested absentee ballots, but only 27.9 million absentee votes were counted, according to a study by Charles Stewart III, a political scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He calculated that 3.9 million ballots requested by voters never reached them; that another 2.9 million ballots received by voters did not make it back to election officials; and that election officials rejected 800,000 ballots. That suggests an overall failure rate of as much as 21 percent.

Some voters presumably decided not to vote after receiving ballots, but Mr. Stewart said many others most likely tried to vote and were thwarted. “If 20 percent, or even 10 percent, of voters who stood in line on Election Day were turned away,” he wrote in the study, published in The Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, “there would be national outrage.”

The list of very close elections includes the 2008 Senate race in Minnesota, in which Mr. Franken’s victory over Mr. Coleman, the Republican incumbent, helped give Democrats the 60 votes in the Senate needed to pass President Obama’s health care bill. Mr. Franken won by 312 votes, while state officials rejected 12,000 absentee ballots. Recent primary elections in New York involving Republican state senators who had voted to allow same-sex marriage also hinged on absentee ballots.

There are, of course, significant advantages to voting by mail. It makes life easier for the harried, the disabled and the elderly. It is cheaper to administer, makes for shorter lines on election days and allows voters more time to think about ballots that list many races. By mailing ballots, those away from home can vote. Its availability may also increase turnout in local elections, though it does not seem to have had much impact on turnout in federal ones.

Still, voting in person is more reliable, particularly since election administrators made improvements to voting equipment after the 2000 presidential election.

There have been other and more controversial changes since then, also in the name of reliability and efficiency. Lawmakers have cut back on early voting in person, cracked down on voter registration drives, imposed identification requirements, made it harder for students to cast ballots and proposed purging voter rolls in a way that critics have said would eliminate people who are eligible to vote.

But almost nothing has been done about the distinctive challenges posed by absentee ballots. To the contrary, Ohio’s Republican secretary of state recently sent absentee ballot applications to every registered voter in the state. And Republican lawmakers in Florida recently revised state law to allow ballots to be mailed wherever voters want, rather than typically to only their registered addresses.

“This is the only area in Florida where we’ve made it easier to cast a ballot,” Daniel A. Smith, a political scientist at the University of Florida, said of absentee voting.

He posited a reason that Republican officials in particular have pushed to expand absentee voting. “The conventional wisdom is that Republicans use absentee ballots and Democrats vote early,” he said.

Republicans are in fact more likely than Democrats to vote absentee. In the 2008 general election in Florida, 47 percent of absentee voters were Republicans and 36 percent were Democrats.

There is a bipartisan consensus that voting by mail, whatever its impact, is more easily abused than other forms. In a 2005 report signed by President Jimmy Carter and James A. Baker III, who served as secretary of state under the first President George Bush, the Commission on Federal Election Reform concluded, “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

On the most basic level, absentee voting replaces the oversight that exists at polling places with something akin to an honor system.

“Absentee voting is to voting in person,” Judge Richard A. Posner of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has written, “as a take-home exam is to a proctored one.”

Fraud Easier Via Mail

Election administrators have a shorthand name for a central weakness of voting by mail. They call it granny farming.

“The problem,” said Murray A. Greenberg, a former county attorney in Miami, “is really with the collection of absentee ballots at the senior citizen centers.” In Florida, people affiliated with political campaigns “help people vote absentee,” he said. “And help is in quotation marks.”

Voters in nursing homes can be subjected to subtle pressure, outright intimidation or fraud. The secrecy of their voting is easily compromised. And their ballots can be intercepted both coming and going.

The problem is not limited to the elderly, of course. Absentee ballots also make it much easier to buy and sell votes. In recent years, courts have invalidated mayoral elections in Illinois and Indiana because of fraudulent absentee ballots.

Voting by mail also played a crucial role in the 2000 presidential election in Florida, when the margin between George W. Bush and Al Gore was razor thin and hundreds of absentee ballots were counted in apparent violation of state law. The flawed ballots, from Americans living abroad, included some without postmarks, some postmarked after the election, some without witness signatures, some mailed from within the United States and some sent by people who voted twice. All would have been disqualified had the state’s election laws been strictly enforced.

In the recent primary here, almost 40 percent of ballots were not cast in the voting booth on the day of the election. They were split between early votes cast at polling places, which Mr. Sancho, the Leon County elections supervisor, favors, and absentee ballots, which make him nervous.

“There has been not one case of fraud in early voting,” Mr. Sancho said. “The only cases of election fraud have been in absentee ballots.”

Efforts to prevent fraud at polling places have an ironic consequence, Justin Levitt, a professor at Loyola Law School, told the Senate Judiciary Committee September last year. They will, he said, “drive more voters into the absentee system, where fraud and coercion have been documented to be real and legitimate concerns.”

“That is,” he said, “a law ostensibly designed to reduce the incidence of fraud is likely to increase the rate at which voters utilize a system known to succumb to fraud more frequently.”

Clarity Brings Better Results

In 2008, Minnesota officials rejected 12,000 absentee ballots, about 4 percent of all such votes, for the myriad reasons that make voting by mail far less reliable than voting in person.

The absentee ballot itself could be blamed for some of the problems. It had to be enclosed in envelopes containing various information and signatures, including one from a witness who had to attest to handling the logistics of seeing that “the voter marked the ballots in that individual’s presence without showing how they were marked.” Such witnesses must themselves be registered voters, with a few exceptions.

Absentee ballots have been rejected in Minnesota and elsewhere for countless reasons. Signatures from older people, sloppy writers or stroke victims may not match those on file. The envelopes and forms may not have been configured in the right sequence. People may have moved, and addresses may not match. Witnesses may not be registered to vote. The mail may be late.

But it is certainly possible to improve the process and reduce the error rate.

Here in Leon County, the rejection rate for absentee ballots is less than 1 percent. The instructions it provides to voters are clear, and the outer envelope is a model of graphic design, with a large signature box at its center.

The envelope requires only standard postage, and Mr. Sancho has made arrangements with the post office to pay for ballots that arrive without stamps.

Still, he would prefer that voters visit a polling place on Election Day or beforehand so that errors and misunderstandings can be corrected and the potential for fraud minimized.

“If you vote by mail, where is that coming from?” he asked. “Is there intimidation going on?”

Last November, Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican, suspended a school board member in Madison County, not far from here, after she was arrested on charges including absentee ballot fraud.

The board member, Abra Hill Johnson, won the school board race “by what appeared to be a disproportionate amount of absentee votes,” the arrest affidavit said. The vote was 675 to 647, but Ms. Johnson had 217 absentee votes to her opponent’s 86. Officials said that 80 absentee ballots had been requested at just nine addresses. Law enforcement agents interviewed 64 of the voters whose ballots were sent; only two recognized the address.

Ms. Johnson has pleaded not guilty.

Election law experts say that pulling off in-person voter fraud on a scale large enough to swing an election, with scores if not hundreds of people committing a felony in public by pretending to be someone else, is hard to imagine, to say nothing of exceptionally risky.

There are much simpler and more effective alternatives to commit fraud on such a scale, said Heather Gerken, a law professor at Yale.

“You could steal some absentee ballots or stuff a ballot box or bribe an election administrator or fiddle with an electronic voting machine,” she said. That explains, she said, “why all the evidence of stolen elections involves absentee ballots and the like.”

Amanda Cox contributed reporting from New York.

A version of this article appears in print on Oct. 7, 2012, Section A, Page 1 of the New York edition with the headline: Error and Fraud at Issue As Absentee Voting Rises.
1598   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 10, 6:08am  

SPECIAL REPORT: Pres. Trump’s Election Integrity Program at the RNC has:

-Engaged in about 100 lawsuits in 25 states

-Stopped 800k non-citizens from voting in New York City.

-Caught Appleton, Wisconsin not hiring Republicans as Poll Workers to assist voters in nursing homes (Special Voting Deputies) and forced them to do so by suing.

-Sued and won after catching Michigan’s Democrat Secretary giving election officials illegal instructions in secret to ignore mail ballot protections. Now MI must verify that signatures on mail ballots are accurate.

- Protected mail ballot safeguards in Pennsylvania.

- Sued the Biden-Harris admin for using tax tax dollars for partisan voter registration.

- Had 90,000 inactive voters removed from the rolls in Clark County, Nevada.

- Fought and won Georgia’s ballot application deadline, which is 11 days before the election.

-Vigorously defended Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Florida, and Georgia’s election integrity laws through multiple lawsuits in each state.

-Hired election integrity staff in 18 states.

-Recruited tens of thousands of poll watchers, poll workers, and lawyers.

-Hosted numerous training sessions for poll watchers and poll workers in the swing states.

1599   HeadSet   2024 Aug 10, 7:59am  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

Election Integrity Program

Stopping the steal is the best strategy. Trump already will win in a fair election.
1603   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 11, 7:16pm  

Folks - the Secretary of State of PA is a RINO named Al Schmidt. HE is responsible for elections.

@PAState on Twitter. He's refusing to answer ScottPressler.

Hey @Patrick, can we re-enable X embedded Tweets?

By the way, I said "Tranny" talking about "Dr" Loupis as a foreigner interfering in our elections and the page suddenly refreshed, and when I checked it had "reduced visibility". I hope when Elon moves X to TeXas, he's free of whatever CA law is forcing his hand.
1604   Patrick   2024 Aug 12, 11:47am  


Does anybody know what this shape-shifting chimera passed off as “our democracy” actually is? I will tell you. Like everything else in the Democratic Party’s tool-bag these days, it’s the opposite of what it appears to mean, namely: You, the demos give us, officialdom, the power to take whatever we like from you: your savings, your liberty, your stuff, your identity, and your posterity — because we are the boss-of-you, and don’t you forget it. . . and, by the way, the beatings will continue until morale improves.

It’s really that simple, though the deceptions cooked up to hide it are convoluted to the max. Like: engineering the illegal entrance to the US of millions from other lands and then using procedural hocus-pocus such as motor-voter registration and public assistance applications (free money + automatic voter registration) to stuff the election drop-boxes with the ballots of non-citizens — who, get this, don’t even have to be the ones casting those ballots, which can just be harvested, like so many oven-ready pullets, by lowly hired shills. If you catch onto the ruse, you’ll be instructed that borders are arbitrary roadblocks to social justice thrown up by the old white male patriarchy, and that these are “free and fair elections.” And if you object loudly enough, you lose your job, your livelihood, your Facebook account, and maybe get thrown into solitary confinement for a year. Our democracy.
1605   WookieMan   2024 Aug 12, 11:54am  

Nomograph says


Biden being elected was better??? What planet have you lived on the last 3.5 years? As a country and the world itself is in massively shit shape.
1607   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 12, 3:10pm  

EU interferes in US election:

1608   Patrick   2024 Aug 12, 5:52pm  

AmericanKulak says

Hey Patrick, can we re-enable X embedded Tweets?

@AmericanKulak I don't think this site ever had embedded Tweets. I'm not even sure how to do it.

I suppose it's a frame with a source from X. I'll look into it.
1609   Patrick   2024 Aug 12, 5:58pm  

Huh, I looked at the source for an embedded Tweet with video on patriots.win, but don't see how exactly it's embedded:

The "tweet" class must have some associated magic.
1610   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 12, 6:01pm  

Patrick says

Huh, I looked at the source for an embedded Tweet with video on patriots.win, but don't see how exactly it's embedded:

The "tweet" class must have some associated magic.

You might need a third-party plug-in. Sucks.
1611   Patrick   2024 Aug 12, 6:02pm  

Huh, it's that damn "blob" thing again, something I don't really understand:

1612   Patrick   2024 Aug 12, 6:04pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

You might need a third-party plug-in. Sucks.

Yes, it seems they are using some non-standard js library called Video.js:

data-vjs-player is a custom attribute used in Video.js, a popular open-source HTML5 video player. The data-vjs-player attribute is used to identify the HTML element that will be used to display the video player. Here is an example of how to use the data-vjs-player attribute in HTML:
In this example, the data-vjs-player attribute is added to the 'video' element with the ID 'my-video'. The 'data-setup' attribute is also used to configure the player, in this case setting the 'fluid' option to true to make the player responsive. The Video.js library will automatically detect the data-vjs-player attribute and initialize the player on the specified HTML element.

I could probably use it, but am leery of installing anything I don't really understand.
1613   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 12, 6:20pm  

Patrick says

I could probably use it, but am leery of installing anything I don't really understand

Yup. Prolly will snag all the titty pics.
1614   stereotomy   2024 Aug 12, 6:41pm  

Nomograph says


I would downvote @Nomograph, but it's just a curated bot. I wonder how much the original Nomograph was paid to have his PatNet UN hijacked for Globohomo purposes?
1615   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Aug 12, 6:49pm  

Patrick says

left handed i see
1616   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 12, 6:51pm  

stereotomy says

I would downvote Nomograph, but it's just a curated bot. I wonder how much the original Nomograph was paid to have his PatNet UN hijacked for Globohomo purposes?

^^^ this
1617   Patrick   2024 Aug 13, 1:41pm  


Approximately 50,000 physicians are now pressuring patients in Left-wing demographics to register to vote. These doctors wear badges displaying QR codes for patients to scan with their phones, which takes them to a website that registers them as voters.
1618   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Aug 13, 3:30pm  

Patrick says

Approximately 50,000 physicians are now pressuring patients in Left-wing demographics to register to vote. These doctors wear badges displaying QR codes for patients to scan with their phones, which takes them to a website that registers them as voters.

Useful Idiots (doctors doing this)

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