Hindooo doctors commit lot of medicare/Medi-Cal fraud. He must be investigated How he made such palace: Is he involved in medical frauds like this DNA is used to in Bharat and continue to do so after coming in US: https://twitter.com/VirtualGlobe/status/1218605459067805703/photo/1
He tried to organize a Car rally against farmers and total of 7 showed up and he himself didn't come. Traitor Hindooo blood.Meanwhile "Farmers rights" rally. It is huge people's movement against Hindooo Nazism. https://www.jakara.org/kisaanrally
Deportation proceedings against him should start now for working for Nazi Hindooo government planning #SikhGenocide. Sikhs will expose "Hindoo financial and ethical" frauds to safeguard US from this filthy cult.
#SikhGenocide planners and their supporters names have been recorded. Not sure How many Hindoooo on this site are part of Sikh genocide planning. I hope Sikhs are prepared in India to fight with Hindoooo rape/riot cult. They should be "ready upon ready" as Guru Gobind Singh asked Khalsa to be.In the west we should work to identify these Hindooo Nazis and get them deported.
He said about 27,000 people had filled in the form and nearly 15,000 people had joined the Telegram group. Additionally, 5,000 people had signed up with the Hindu Ecosystem’s “Twitter team”. No points for guessing what social and gender groups the members came from: going by the usernames they were mostly upper caste Hindu men.
Hindooo caste system slaves showering respect at Sikhs and blue collar workers. You go to any twitter about "Sikhs/Farmers protesting" in west, Hindooo cult will be washing their dirty racist laundry there.
(Sikh youth are almost 100% literate and doing financial very well compared to Hindooo everywhere due to their humility and hard work) http://dailysikhupdates.com/sikhs-2nd-richest-religious-community-world-per-capita/ Not bad for toilet cleaners and taxi drivers. Hard work and doing "manual labor" for whites pays .. Hindooos? @RIN @PATRICK call a Sikh when you need toilet cleaning :).. It makes us rich according to Hindooo.
I am liking it a lot as It helps expose rape/riot discriminatory cult. I hope Bhartis , 80% living less than $2 a day wake up and smell some freedom from this ugly Hindoo cult of discrimination.
https://twitter.com/vikas_jhajee/status/1364029448270479361 Don't worry.. every action has a reaction.. these people will get what they deserve... This time it will not be like 1984 where innocents were targeted... This time we will mark and hunt.
Oh really, Hindooo rape/riot cult of innocents will now spare the common man. I don't believe them ....kissing the tyrant ass and tormenting the poor and weak in Hindooo DNA. #SikhGenocide is under preparation by Hindooo cult.
Indra Gandhi massacred Sikhs and has an Airport named after her .... Narendra Modi massacred Muslims & has a Stadium named after him.... So tell me again how Indians respect minorities?
https://twitter.com/amanmangat08/status/1366377778816278532 Hindooo instigating Sikhs in canada. They want some incident to happen and then the whole "Dirty Hindooo" will cry #SikhGenocide in India. Sikhs/Honorable Bhartis need to be careful,peaceful,legal in conduct and continue to show the ugly "divide and rule" THUG mindset of Hindoo and keep calm. Once Hindoo gets frustrated and fail to instigate fight, They will become violent and then crush them as it is legal to respond to aggressor. This will be end of story like Hindooo here or in twitter only stops after complete insult and exposure of their dirty cult.
Hindooo is rape/riot cult and they have already done following: 1) 120M more unemployed in last few years. 2) Begging and stealing jobs worldwide. 3) No population control in spite of no jobs or food. 4) Majority of population hungry. 5) No toilets or extremely dirty( Toilet cleaning is taboo according to Dirty cult hindoo caste system).
Jaskaran Sandhu: Beware Of Pro-Modi Rallies Attempting To Provoke Sikhs In The West The goals of pro-Modi rallies are clear. Much like in India, the hope is one of provocation to change narratives.
Mansi Kaur: Former Members Disclose How The BJP IT Cell Is Targeting The Farmers Protest They slowly realized how comfortable other cell members were with spreading disinformation and targeting people’s faiths to invoke a response
Modi is the single worst thing that happened to your country. He will continue dividing the people. God save you guys.
Modi is the latest front man. The issue is “Hindooo cult” which has permeated the Bharti society as a design of Turkic invaders.
Hindooo is colonial mindset of divide and rule. Purpose of Hindooo is hegemony of few over most Bhartis.
This dirty Hindoo DNA(Created by Turkic invaders) is responsible for: 1) Caste system to discriminate 2) Supporting British to divide Bhartis on religion front. 3) Supporting corporates to screw common man. 4) Supoirting socialists/communist like Indira to crush Sikh minority. 5)Forcing language and other uniformity to bring whole Bharat under their elite control and make common man into serfs. 6) Hate for egalitarian Khalsa and backstabbing (No moral chops or character strength to go directly against Khalsa) 7) Destroy the liberal sects of various religions like saints(Sanatan) or Sufis(Muslim).For Muslims only depic them as ISIS and portray Hindooo as its opposing cult to achieve maximum hatred for elites.
Other thing Turkic Hindoo thugs did is to malign the Sanatan Gods to demoralize people and take away morality at same time. They made Gods into: 1) Ran away with girls clothes and left girls to go home nude. 2) Lost wife in gambling is OK virtue. 3) Throw wife into burning fire to check her faithfulness . 4) Masturbate looking at girls and then create a kid from semen itself.
Farmers reminding him that He is "Modi's dog" in front of his house in Fremont.
(Ha Ha for Hindoo Khalsitani Jab)
Hindooo doctors commit lot of medicare/Medi-Cal fraud. He must be investigated How he made such palace:
Is he involved in medical frauds like this DNA is used to in Bharat and continue to do so after coming in US:
More Indian American doctors caught in DOJ’s Medicare-Medicaid dragnet
Indian American defense contractor also indicted in an unrelated fraud
He tried to organize a Car rally against farmers and total of 7 showed up and he himself didn't come.
Traitor Hindooo blood.Meanwhile "Farmers rights" rally. It is huge people's movement against Hindooo Nazism.
Deportation proceedings against him should start now for working for Nazi Hindooo government planning #SikhGenocide.
Sikhs will expose "Hindoo financial and ethical" frauds to safeguard US from this filthy cult.