Rin's 5 min take on Bitcoin

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2021 Feb 27, 7:59pm   8,503 views  149 comments

by Rin   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

In another thread ...

Just for some fun, I've decided to run a weekly price bar chart, with Fibonaccis on the whole thing ...

Here's the scoop, now that bigger institutes, along with the retail traders are into this speculation, there are actually trading zones for this thing because there are lots of players, not just the penny stock speculators.

So since last week's bearish candle engulfs the prior week's bullish one, we're on a retest of the price near the 0.618% Fibonacci retracement level. If that level holds, we have a bounce in place ... ready to go.

If it falls through that region w/ no intraweek support, then it falls to the next trading zone, and so on.

For this to be a bust, it needs to get back to the baseline.

I suspect that the big fish will issue a huge buyback in the 23K range, if not earlier (29K-35K). Sure, this thing may evaporate in the future if the concept of digital gold doesn't hold but between now and then, this is a trader's entity.

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87   WookieMan   2021 Mar 5, 9:47am  

Onvacation says
The same could be said about anywhere.

Yes. I'm just countering a troll that I don't think has been anywhere in his life. I shouldn't waste my time. I like CA. I also like FL, MT, CO, AZ, WI, WA, OR, MO and surprisingly Alabama. Puerto Rico, USVI and other Caribbean islands rock as well. Mexico is growing on me too. Really want to get to Alaska.

I'll never be settled in one area and just sit there and not frequently see things. Won't happen at this point. Not that there's anything wrong with people that do either. Life choice. I'll go to CA probably another 10-20 times in my life depending how long I'm here. I like it. I just don't like people that pump it like it's the best things knowing damn well it's massively flawed. And then bash my state having never been. I've been to CA a dozen times roughly, most for 4-7 days. I'm sure there are great parts. Of places I've traveled I'm extremely underwhelmed with CA outside of the scenery that can be found in other states.

I'll have fun in rain, snow, cold, sunshine, etc. The weather fall back for me is a cop out. Especially considering how messed up CA is with homeless, illegals, drugs, etc. I also have to fall back on the users here that bash it almost daily. I hear about how bad it is mainly and I've also been. I think I have a decent understand of the place having traveled it from the northern most point to souther a couple times. Not enough to "know" it like someone that's lived there, but I've seen enough to have an idea.

Either way, G won't even answer a simple question about where he's traveled. It is fact that wealthy people travel. He could lie for all I care. He claims to be wealthy from crypto. I call BS and the guy won't answer a question. He spams/pumps crypto. I'm guessing he's paid to pump. This isn't our first go around either.

Not you OV, but if someone wants to defend a quote manipulator go ahead. Just diminishes what can be great conversation here. And maybe I'm wrong for engaging a troll. But defend what someone is questioning. G doesn't do that.
88   Patrick   2021 Mar 5, 9:52am  

@G36 How about just talking about Bitcoin but not the other users personally?
89   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 5, 9:56am  

@Patrick, agreed. Its just not easy with someone like @WookieMan who constantly gets personal.
90   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 5, 9:57am  

G36 says

what is this now? none of my comments come through anymore lol @Patrick
91   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Mar 5, 10:38am  

WookieMan says
Yes. I'm just countering a troll that I don't think has been anywhere in his life.

What has where you think he's not been got to do with his BitCoin trolling? (I agree with you about the trolling, BTW).

Just asking.
92   WookieMan   2021 Mar 5, 10:57am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
WookieMan says
Yes. I'm just countering a troll that I don't think has been anywhere in his life.

What has where you think he's not been got to do with his BitCoin trolling? (I agree with you about the trolling, BTW).

Just asking.

Hasn't been to IL that's for sure and bashes it in almost every post. We get a bad rap and maybe I'm hypocritical of CA for the same reasons. I've been to most major cities in the country for multiple nights. Chicago has rough spots, but it's probably the best American city I've been to. Boston would be the only one that I really haven't experienced as an adult.

The rest of IL is basically farm communities. Wholesome, super nice people that will give you the shirt off their back. My wife was doing something for work just the other day on a road. Some woman drove up and asked if she needed help and offered to give her a ride thinking her car broke down (again, not a guy).

CA is massive, but most of it is concentrated along the coasts. Urban areas blow. I've lived in Chicago, Geneva and now.... I won't say, but rural. Nothing beats rural. 5-15 years in each place.

I'm sure rural CA is great too. I like CA. My experience has been negative and that's not me just messing with a troll. I honestly like Patnet because you guys seem like the cool Californians I've experienced. Not all are bad, but the "hey dude" CA vibe and personality is not what is happening it real life. Most I know there seem miserable and it shows here on patnet quiet frequently.

Winters and humidity are blah, but IL is a good place to live if you give it a chance. Just like CA, though it's financially fucked up like IL is. Biden will fix that for both of us though....

Fact is there are better places than CA and he makes grand claims that it's the best. I don't claim IL is the best. It's the best for me. But he trolls and says IL sucks having never been. Can't answer a question. We may not agree on things, but I'm at least having a dialog with you. G doesn't.
93   WookieMan   2021 Mar 5, 11:07am  

HunterTits says
Because this is religion for him, I think.

This. I don't believe in god or any religion, but at least with those there's historical context and literature to kind of back it up. And morally it's at least seemingly beneficial, though people use it as a cover a lot. Islam is bad though.

If I asked a Catholic person about their religion they'd answer. This crypto religion. No one can answer a fucking question. Everything is a scam to part you from your money. That's what commerce and trade is. Crypto is literally nothing but a spreadsheet or a program. Now a program could help you streamline rental car reservations and is value. Crypto streamlines nothing. You're just trading USD or other existing currencies for another "currency" supposedly.

I'm open to having a conversation about it, but the other side has to answer one question. They haven't.
94   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 5, 11:35am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
WookieMan says
Yes. I'm just countering a troll that I don't think has been anywhere in his life.

What has where you think he's not been got to do with his BitCoin trolling? (I agree with you about the trolling, BTW).

Just asking.

prime example....he doesnt let Bitcoin investors discuss and share infos without constantly making personal comments.
When we make a personal comment, he runs to Patrick.
95   WookieMan   2021 Mar 5, 11:51am  

G36 says
awaiting moderation

You don't answer a question. Thought I'd throw out a softball question and see if you could answer. You didn't. That's how we got here with the travel. We did try to discuss BTC and crypto with you, you didn't want to. Then you went personal. There are threads and comments of evidence I'm right. Crypto is good in your world, but you've failed to sell anyone on it. I'm sorry that disappoints you.
96   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 5, 12:03pm  

97   WookieMan   2021 Mar 5, 12:10pm  

G36 says
awaiting moderation

Dude, you never answered a question from anyone. Stop with the BS. It wasn't just me.

Others have brought up perfect examples of why BTC is crap and you just mock them with it. You don't answer what they asked you. That's trolling. And then posting links to crap sites and not responding to valid criticism. That's spam. You don't have to like what I'm saying, but that's what it is.
98   Patrick   2021 Mar 5, 4:47pm  

G36 says
what is this now? none of my comments come through anymore lol

Will you lay off the fake quotes?
99   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Mar 5, 6:47pm  

G36 says
prime example....he doesnt let Bitcoin investors discuss and share infos without constantly making personal comments.
When we make a personal comment, he runs to Patrick.

Is Patrick biased with controlling his blog? If he is, well, it's his blog.

If you want to troll cryptocurrencies you could create your own blog and then you could censor people who disagree with you.
100   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 5, 7:30pm  

Patrick says
G36 says
what is this now? none of my comments come through anymore lol

Will you lay off the fake quotes?

yes....I absolutely will not edit quotes anymore.
101   Patrick   2021 Mar 5, 10:20pm  

OK @G36 you are out of moderation jail. Thanks.
102   Blue   2021 Mar 5, 11:46pm  

HunterTits says
Patrick says
OK @G36 you are out of moderation jail. Thanks.

He's so toxic I blocked him a while ago. Only see him quoted by others and that is bad enough.

Also pumping same crap like election2020 (blocked) Some people have limited intellectual capacity. If I see same crap from G36, I'd block him too to stop wasting time.
Crypto in the current form is purely gamble to find next greater fool. Mainly used for contraband that destroys communities.
103   SoTex   2021 Mar 6, 12:10am  

Patrick says
Will you lay off the fake quotes?

Ewww... That's like a black sin or something. Comment changers are no bueno. Unless it's their own of course for typos.
104   richwicks   2021 Mar 6, 4:02am  

Rin says
In another thread ...

Just for some fun, I've decided to run a weekly price bar chart, with Fibonaccis on the whole thing ...

Here's the scoop, now that bigger institutes, along with the retail traders are into this speculation, there are actually trading zones for this thing because there are lots of players, not just the penny stock speculators.

So since last week's bearish candle engulfs the prior week's bullish one, we're on a retest of the price near the 0.618% Fibonacci retracement level. If that level holds, we have a bounce in place ... ready to go.

If it falls through that region w/ no intraweek support, then it falls to the next trading zone, and so on.

For this to be a bust, it needs to get back to the baseline.

I suspect that the big fish will issue a huge buyback in the 23K range, if not earlier (29K-35K). Sure, this thing may evaporate in the fu...

As a serious question:

I understand how easy it is to make money doing nothing for society, do you feel guilty only making money doing nothing to improve society, or do you think you improve society in a way I cannot see?

I think I can easily make money by being a sociopath, but even as an atheist, I want to hold onto my humanity. Are you sure you've held onto this? You're fucking a plastic doll, and before that whores.

Do you have any obligation to other people - and by that I mean do you have any feeling for them? I know this is a heady question.

For a long time, a very long time, I was a vegetarian because I realized I couldn't kill an animal, I simply could not end a life. I suspect you see this as weakness, but I see a lankness of compassion. Within my lifetime I've experienced compassion. Useless compassion for the most part.

I strongly believe our only worth of existence is making another life better. You may laugh at this, but I guarantee I'm the best dog owner you've ever talked to. My best experience was improving a life. I did dog rescue and fostering for a decade, and the most broken and miserable dogs, I kept and built up, only to have them die on me. This was my most rewarding part of my life and the most painful part of my life, so far. They were "just dogs" but I was an truly actually an exceptional owner. They had a better existence than 99% of human beings, and better than 99.999% of a dog's life. Vicarious joy is wonderful.

Rin, find something you can love. But - find something you can actually love. It's beneficial for them and you, benefit them. Improve a life, and get something out of it as well. Love isn't selfish.

But I warn you, love is a commitment through life. A dog is merely 14 to 18 years at most. A human is a full lifetime. Even so, 14 years is a long time.
105   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 6, 7:05am  

richwicks says
I understand how easy it is to make money doing nothing for society, do you feel guilty only making money doing nothing to improve society, or do you think you improve society in a way I cannot see?

Both. I wouldn't feel guilty. But if I get richer, I indirectly help society because with my profits I am able to buy more rentals and be a good/fair landlord. Also, Investing in Bitcoin helps society greatly: Banks used to have a monopoly. Now you can be your own bank.

I also like your dog story. We got a 2 year old doggy and I love improving his and my life by walking through the rolling hills in this beautiful SoCal weather.
106   WookieMan   2021 Mar 6, 7:12am  

G36 says
Banks used to have a monopoly.

What are you talking about? Trucking is a monopoly with what you're saying. It makes no sense. There are multiple banks and transactional vendors in USD. Visa, Discover, Chase, BoA, etc. There's competition. Because they charge a fee makes no difference. If there's a fee free way, vendors aren't going to reduce the cost of goods. BTC has no net benefit besides maybe some of the tech. Ultimately there are no assets or value outside of trading it like digital video game coins. It's a game.
107   Onvacation   2021 Mar 6, 7:27am  

richwicks says

I understand how easy it is to make money doing nothing for society, do you feel guilty only making money doing nothing to improve society, or do you think you improve society in a way I cannot see?

I think my biggest problem with bitcoin is that it is purely a speculative bet that depends on the greater fool, consumes vast amounts of energy, and has no benefit to noncriminal society.
Wait, that's what I have saying all along!
108   Onvacation   2021 Mar 6, 7:32am  

G36 says
Also, Investing in Bitcoin helps society greatly: Banks used to have a monopoly. Now you can be your own bank.

Not really. All crypto is valued in central bank fiat. When the banks crash nobody will trade your crypto for food even if it's worth $1,000,000 per coin.
109   WookieMan   2021 Mar 6, 7:43am  

Onvacation says
richwicks says

I understand how easy it is to make money doing nothing for society, do you feel guilty only making money doing nothing to improve society, or do you think you improve society in a way I cannot see?

I think my biggest problem with bitcoin is that it is purely a speculative bet that depends on the greater fool, consumes vast amounts of energy, and has no benefit to noncriminal society.
Wait, that's what I have saying all along!

I don't even look at it morally. Yes it's bad. Tons of bad stuff with it.

My issue is that literally no one that invests in it can explain it. Every single website out there if you research it is pure pumper trash. People will claim "institutional" investors are getting in. So did the largest fucking insurance firms in the early 2000's buying pure trash or insuring it during the housing bust. That's why I think most crypto people are 22-34. They didn't live the housing crisis financially.

Crypto is not what anyone thinks it is that's invested. Plenty of people made bank off the housing crisis, a ton more got burned. When you've got people buying 3 houses as a waitress, things ain't right. Can't stop stupid I guess.
110   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Mar 6, 9:34am  

Onvacation says
I think my biggest problem with bitcoin is that it is purely a speculative bet that depends on the greater fool, consumes vast amounts of energy, and has no benefit to noncriminal society.

Those are three problems.

Which one of those would you say is the biggest problem?
111   WookieMan   2021 Mar 6, 10:00am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
Onvacation says
I think my biggest problem with bitcoin is that it is purely a speculative bet that depends on the greater fool, consumes vast amounts of energy, and has no benefit to noncriminal society.

Those are three problems.

Which one of those would you say is the biggest problem?

Greater fool in my opinion. It can destroy families. I've seen it during the last bull run. And so can stocks, but with stocks you at least have an idea what you're getting by investing. You or anyone cannot explain what you're getting from crypto and specifically BTC.

It's tradable for sure. It would be stupid to hold it like other stocks and investments though. 2018 until Nov. 2020, BTC was dead money. 2-3 years. No dividends. No assets. No financial reporting. Who is holding it and who can pull the trigger at a moment and move the market. How much has been literally lost. Pain in the ass to transact in. There's nothing there and people are eating up the pumping right now.

So yeah. Greater fool. I don't like the criminal aspect to it either. It's not about drugs either. I don't think people understand human trafficking all that well. Crypto is perfect for that. It's sick.
112   Onvacation   2021 Mar 6, 10:49am  

WookieMan says
B.A.C.A.H. says
Onvacation says
I think my biggest problem with bitcoin is that it is purely a speculative bet that depends on the greater fool, consumes vast amounts of energy, and has no benefit to noncriminal society.

Those are three problems.

Which one of those would you say is the biggest problem?

Greater fool in my opinion

Agreed. Bitcoin is a big Ponzi scheme. The only way to get money out is for someone else to put money in.

The fact that it is unsustainable and used by criminals are secondary problems.
113   richwicks   2021 Mar 6, 11:34am  

G36 says
richwicks says
I understand how easy it is to make money doing nothing for society, do you feel guilty only making money doing nothing to improve society, or do you think you improve society in a way I cannot see?

Both. I wouldn't feel guilty. But if I get richer, I indirectly help society because with my profits I am able to buy more rentals and be a good/fair landlord. Also, Investing in Bitcoin helps society greatly: Banks used to have a monopoly. Now you can be your own bank.

I also like your dog story. We got a 2 year old doggy and I love improving his and my life by walking through the rolling hills in this beautiful SoCal weather.

Do you understand the objection of a rentier society?

Be kind to your dogs. I put so much into mine that when they died, it just destroyed me in that area. Worst thing I've ever done was ending my dog's life. I was an absolutely incredible dog owner but I cannot go through that again. If you are a good dog owner, if you love them, you will experience the same crushing pain. Others may see it as ridiculous, but I'm having a great deal of difficulty from euthanizing them and they made it to 16, 2 years beyond their life expectancy.

It's easy to make money if you have no regard for anything but yourself. I consider this evil to do. I am seriously considering being evil.

Regardless, be good to your dogs. Man's best friend, we co-evolved for at least 30,000 years.
114   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Mar 6, 1:59pm  

richwicks says
I put so much into mine that when they died, it just destroyed me in that area. Worst thing I've ever done was ending my dog's life.

I was very sad when I lost them. One of the best things I've ever done was ending their suffering. I was very sad, but had no difficulty making that decision. Their vets agreed with me. Loved them too much to make them suffer. I think they would do the same for me.
115   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 6, 2:31pm  

Nice thing about Bitcoin is that its decentralized. Not like banks. There are lots of advantages over gold and fiat.

No wonder institutions are pouring Fiat into Bitcoin to hold long term on their balance sheet. I do the same.

116   Onvacation   2021 Mar 6, 3:01pm  

So, according to the chart Bitcoin is not backed by a sovereign but is valued in fiat. Can you see a little problem there?

If you can give a cogent answer to the question above we can debate the rest of your fallacious chart.

I think I'll drive the sports car to the yacht. (Miata to the boat) and go sailing.
117   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 6, 3:42pm  

I think the best thing about Bitcoin is the scarcity. Unlike FIAT, you cant just print more Bitcoin. I believe that's the biggest reason why Tesla bought 1.5B worth of USD in Bitcoin :)
Thanks Tesla!
118   Blue   2021 Mar 6, 4:07pm  

G36 says
I think the best thing about Bitcoin is the scarcity. Unlike FIAT, you cant just print more Bitcoin. I believe that's the biggest reason why Tesla bought 1.5B worth of USD in Bitcoin :)
Thanks Tesla!

What is this different from yours previous repostings. I am done reading your illogical posts.
119   SoTex   2021 Mar 6, 8:19pm  

China just 'went to war' against bitcorn miners on the 1st. This is going to shut down 65% of the worlds mining operation.
120   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 6, 8:54pm  

just_passing_through says
China just 'went to war' against bitcorn miners on the 1st. This is going to shut down 65% of the worlds mining operation.

yawn...sooo old news....we hear this every year since 2016
121   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 6, 8:55pm  

Blue says
G36 says
I think the best thing about Bitcoin is the scarcity. Unlike FIAT, you cant just print more Bitcoin. I believe that's the biggest reason why Tesla bought 1.5B worth of USD in Bitcoin :)
Thanks Tesla!

What is this different from yours previous repostings. I am done reading your illogical posts.

nobody forces you to read Bitcoin news
122   SoTex   2021 Mar 6, 10:04pm  

G36 says
yawn...sooo old news....we hear this every year since 2016

Only morons don't pay attention to material shit.

That being said, it hasn't moved the price.

Hell, it might even protect people from a 51% attack.
123   GNL   2021 Mar 6, 10:27pm  

G36 says
I think the best thing about Bitcoin is the scarcity.

Bitcoin is infinitely divisible, correct?
124   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 7, 8:25am  

WineHorror1 says
G36 says
I think the best thing about Bitcoin is the scarcity.

Bitcoin is infinitely divisible, correct?

"Over two quadrillions units are available
On its part, a single bitcoin is divisible by eight decimal points. The smallest unit is the Satoshi, which is also referred to as a bit, hundredth of a millionth bitcoin (1 satoshi = 0.00000001 BTC). Therefore, each Bitcoin can be broken down into 100,000,000 satoshis.

If you convert 21 million bitcoins into satoshis you have slightly over two quadrillions, enough units to go around. In fact, every world citizen in 2140 could own an average of 131,250 satoshis."


but not only scarcity and divisibility are advantages for Bitcoin....there is so much more... for instance "non counterfeit ability"

There's a huge black market for counterfeit money, from fake gold coins to fraudulent $20 bills.

Cant do that with Bitcoin :)
125   Bitcoin   2021 Mar 7, 8:27am  

just_passing_through says
Only morons don't pay attention to material shit.

Exactly! Thats why nobody pays attention to the miner/china news. It comes up every year. Old, boring news. Think of it as a nothing burger.

Its very easy to just move your mining business.
126   GNL   2021 Mar 7, 8:35am  

G36 says
not only scarcity and divisibility are advantages for Bitcoin

2 quadrillion is scarce?

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