Why would anybody live in a Trailer Park?

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2021 Mar 12, 6:24pm   2,718 views  62 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Old School Pat.net question:

I just don't get it.

Your Mobile Home is going to run on average maybe $50k, that's an average of decent new ones vs. older ones.

So you're looking at around $500/month financing. Then you pay lot rent of $700-800. Total of $1300, say.

Plus you still have to do maintenance of mobile homes, they get roof leaks and window leaks and clogged vents like any house.

For $1300 you can rent a 2-bedroom house/apt in most parts of the country where trailer parks are to be found, like Northern Florida. Or pay the mortgage on an older but decent house, and not only own the house but the underlying property, eventually. With "Lot Rent" you only own the depreciating mobile home asset.

Hell, for $1300 you can finance both the underlying piece of land AND the mobile home in most rural/outer suburban areas where most trailer parks are located anyway.

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50   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Mar 13, 8:17pm  

Michael Cooke says
It appears county enforcement and police are targeting people who attempt to subvert American mortgage slavery by purchasing the land and putting a trailer on it

I'm developing the opinion that the West Coast is more buttinsky than the East Coast, esp around Tampa. Yeah South Florida is regulated, but most dense places are. Well off Minnesotans, the NPR Subscriber kind, are the absolute worst for Buttinskyism though. Sticking their nose in windows like Grumpy Old Men, particularly the Well Off Bureaucrat/Teacher kind. Not that snobby NY'er Karens are that much better.

Best bets for people to MYOB are the North and East Central parts of the Coast, and the Panhandle. It's more honky. Worst for nosey neighbors and regulators is Hillsborough and Miami-Dade, esp around the snobby parts. Broward throws the book in Fort Lauderdale and other NY Rich heavy areas, but of course lets the Negroes and Hispanics mostly be in the Western part of the county (but don't bank on it).

Never, ever drive in Aventura, esp around that mall - absolute worst drivers. Lots of NYC Drivers, + the advanced age and entitlement factor. Only Storrow Drive in Boston comes close. Also very bad is Sunny Isles - Mix of Russian Mafiosos who can't drive for shit, and Elderly Jews who can't see for shit.

Of course, the real culprits are Realwhores and Developers. Some guy said "You can't live in an RV while building. Rvs are for a campground." I said "Like Daniel Boone had to stay in the campground and build his log cabin down the road?" So Unamerican.
51   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Mar 13, 8:58pm  

Sheriff of Brevard County responds to Trevor Noah, announces weekly anthem event in perpetuity for the Brevard Sheriff Office.

52   SunnyvaleCA   2021 Mar 14, 1:18am  

Michael Cooke says
I was blown away my Grandma got $800,000.00 for a $30,000.00 house. Cannot imagine it being 1-2 million in that area now. Crazy. Honestly I would not pay 1 million plus to live there. We had relatives on a place nearby called Sanibel Island. That is where I would live for 1-2 million. Not Cape Coral.
Thanks for so much thoughtful info. Yeah, Sanibel Island is nice. The key distinction with Cape Coral is being directly on the "river" (best), within short distance to the river with no bridges in the way (OK), merely on one of the canals with a long ride to get out and no hope with a sailboat mast (no thanks), and, finally, not even on the canal (at which point the land value is practically zero).

I don't know about the house you reference above, but in my area 60-year-old houses originally costing $26k are going for about $2MM now. The attraction is being walking or biking distance to Apple's Spaceship and Infinite Loop campuses. I pulled the plug just last week (yup I finally did it!) and so I could walk there but they won't let me in the door any more!
53   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Mar 14, 12:55pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
Could someone tell me what they think of this place?

It seems similar to what my buddy just bought in Saint Petersburg just North of that but he paid 2.3M. His is bigger, the former owner apparently raised the foundation and 'drilled down and attached it to bedrock'.

He said he's going to 'flip yachts', in his back yard haha..
54   Patrick   2021 Mar 14, 7:07pm  

HeadSet says
Michael Cooke says
They are now in the process of slowly turning my hometown into the place they ran away from.

This is happening to many unspoiled Red areas across the country.

A possible upside:

If the liberal idiots move to a majority red state, they probably won't have the numbers to change, say, the electoral college votes.

But they will be draining liberal votes from their own states.
55   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Mar 14, 7:48pm  

So you can be roottiest tootiest heehawing Gun toting Jesus preaching redneck insurrection deplorable who votes for America and freedom maga!!!
56   HeadSet   2021 Mar 14, 8:06pm  

Patrick says
A possible upside:

If the liberal idiots move to a majority red state, they probably won't have the numbers to change, say, the electoral college votes.

But they will be draining liberal votes from their own states.

Yes, they will have the numbers to change local and statewide elections. Example - Virginia and Georgia. Next, North Carolina.

And they will not be effectively draining liberal votes away from the blue states. Those states have plenty of blue in reserve, and import more every day if the form of illegals.

It is like having a metastasized cancer. Having liver cancer does not mean your lung cancer has gone into remission.
57   Michael Cooke   2021 Mar 14, 11:14pm  

The new neighbor is complaining people shouldn't be allowed to keep sailboats in driveways. It belongs tied to the dock, why does he have a dock and park it outside, it could slide off, its could hurt someone, it doesn't look right. it's normal to see sailboats in driveways. It is part of the scenery. You also see Jet-skis and Kayaks in the yard. I wish I was there to ask him if he noticed this before he moved here and why he is complaining about it. It starts with complaining, moves to city hall, and ends up becoming a city or county regulation.

Dammit they just keep coming to Florida. First they banned vacation rentals - now this. These people have money and way too much time on their hands.
58   Michael Cooke   2021 Mar 14, 11:30pm  

Patrick says
HeadSet says
Michael Cooke says
They are now in the process of slowly turning my hometown into the place they ran away from.

This is happening to many unspoiled Red areas across the country.

A possible upside:

If the liberal idiots move to a majority red state, they probably won't have the numbers to change, say, the electoral college votes.

But they will be draining liberal votes from their own states.

In Florida they are primarily coming from New York and California. In the past it was not uncommon to see New York license plates; uncommon to see a California license plate. Now they are everywhere.
59   WookieMan   2021 Mar 15, 12:25am  

HeadSet says
Yes, they will have the numbers to change local and statewide elections. Example - Virginia and Georgia. Next, North Carolina.

Wisconsin is another one. The border towns still within driving range of Chicago are absolutely booming. Most are moving because they can't stand the high taxes of IL. I'd say it's a 50/50 split of R's and D's moving out, but it's skewing the overall ratio in WI to D's and really makes no impact on IL since it's so blue. At least Cook county.

So Wisconsin has been kind of purple, but I think it may swing to the consistent blue column over the next decade due to limousine liberals moving up there from IL. Madison and Milwaukee also have a lot of blue power too. Most of the state is redneck red though. And most the state is rural. There's just not enough of them to counter 200 home subdivisions at the border being filled with blue voters.

Sad really. Basically 2 WI cities dictate national elections and state wide elections. Cities are ass hoes.
60   zzyzzx   2021 Mar 15, 6:06am  

Patrick says
But they will be draining liberal votes from their own states.

Find me an example of this, because I'm stumped. Have yet to see a blue state flip red due to out migration.
61   WookieMan   2021 Mar 15, 6:38am  

zzyzzx says
Patrick says
But they will be draining liberal votes from their own states.

Find me an example of this, because I'm stumped. Have yet to see a blue state flip red due to out migration.

I can't think of one. IL is not going red anytime soon, but they're heading into Wisconsin in droves and IL will stay blue because Chicago's large black and hispanic population. Much of the hispanic population is illegal as well.

I worked in housing for about 13 or so years and I'd guess that 80-90% of all hispanic laborers were all illegal. Might not be as high now as some younger guys born here from an illegal, might actually be naturalized citizens having been born here. ICE could walk up to any Chicago construction site and for sure hit 50% of Mexicans as illegal. No one wants to do anything about it. Chicago also has a huge Puerto Rican population (Humbolt Park) and you have to be careful accusing a light brown person of being a citizen or illegal as people from PR are citizens.

2nd biggest retail corridor in Chicago is Little Village on the Southwest side. 26th St is 2nd to the Magnificent mile (Michigan Ave) as far as retail goes. 90%+ hispanic Mexican and likely 1/4-1/2 illegal. That's why Chicago allows it. Huge revenue generator so they turn a blind eye to it. All about money and politics.
62   Ceffer   2021 Mar 15, 9:34am  

Nothing worse than being a Florida obstetrician giving birth to babies covered with swamp dirt clods:

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