Criminal Alien Admits He Came to US Because of Biden, ‘Definitely’ Would Not Have if Trump Were President

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2021 Mar 23, 5:34pm   96,910 views  999 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


A migrant An illegal A criminal alien (no person is illegal!) who is seeking asylum in the United States admitted in an interview that aired Sunday that he would not have attempted to travel to the U.S. if Donald Trump were still president.

In fact, the migrant illegal said specifically that he decided now was the right time to seek asylum here because of President Joe Biden.

ABC News anchor Martha Raddatz recently spoke with a Brazilian man — just one of the tens of thousands of migrants illegals who are traveling to the U.S. in search of asylum — who admitted that Biden's presidency was a motivating factor for coming to America.

"Would you have tried to do this when Donald Trump was president?" Raddatz asked.

"Definitely not. Definitely. We have a chance, you know. The same environment that's been going on today wasn't there last year," the man responded. "We used to watch the news and I definitely wouldn't do this."

Raddatz followed up," So did you come here because Joe Biden was elected president?"

"Basically, basically," the man said. "The main thing was the violence in my country. And the second thing, I think, was Joe Biden."


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301   Patrick   2023 Sep 21, 10:35am  


Yesterday, in a massively-important story completely embargoed by Establishment Media, probably because they haven’t gotten their narrative orders from the White House yet, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas made history by finally doing what the state’s conservatives have long been begging for:

Governor Abbott formally declared a State of Invasion at the border.

It’s a big deal, maybe even ‘yuge,’ as Trump would say. In a public letter in 2022 addressed to Joe Biden, Governor Abbott declared the federal government had failed to protect Texas from invasion, so the state invoked Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution. As Abbott put it, in his historic letter:

The subtext of Abbott’s letter was literally a declaration of war. Article I, § 10, Clause 3 says that states shall not “engage in war” without the consent of Congress unless actually invaded:

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

For at least a year that I can remember, Texas conservatives have been begging Abbott to invoke Clause I(10)(3) and take action. Abbott made the declaration but was slower to act. One sees both sides of the timing of making such a career-defining political decision. Abbott took the longer approach, and built up political armor by first sending migrants to blue places like Chicago and New York, which are also now buckling under the strain and more importantly, are complaining loudly and publicly.

It’s hard to understate how big a deal this is. Texas is going to war … but against what enemy? In his letter, Abbott smartly identified the cartels. In a tweet yesterday, Abbott showed his move was carefully and long-planned: at the time of the announcement, Texas has now already deployed the National Guard and started building containment measures like a border wall.

By moving fast, Texas can’t now be stopped before they begin by an emergency temporary injunction from an Administration-friendly judge. It’s too late. Yesterday Abbott tweeted:

Texas’s war might be with other enemies than just the cartels, Around 6pm last week, Governor Abbott tweeted that federal agents were removing Texas’ newly-installed razor wire and were actively helping migrants cross the barriers into Texas.

CLIP: Federal agents remove razor wire from the Texas border and help migrants cross the border (1:37).

One suspects the Administration’s lawyers are probably frantically drafting right now. Biden will likely file an emergency lawsuit trying to stop Texas from defending itself. The rhetoric will be hot as mustard. I also expect Woke Media to soon shift to covering Texas’s wartime “human rights abuses.” Oh, the humanity!

It’s a developing story. Stay tuned.
302   Misc   2023 Sep 22, 1:35am  

Do you think for an instant that the State of Texas will file criminal charges Federal Agents for violating Texas laws???
304   Patrick   2023 Sep 22, 11:00am  


Just like former Sanctuary City fan and Mayor Eric Adams, New York’s replacement Governor Kathy Hochul is experiencing this week a newfound appreciation for little things like borders and immigration controls and stuff. Yesterday, Hochul told a CNN anchor that New York’s shelter law was only meant for homeless aids patients and displaced families. “Never,” she said, “was it envisioned to be an unlimited, universal right or obligation on the city to have to house literally the entire world.” ...

In any event, the reporter asked Hochul, “Some people have said that New York’s legal right, its mandate to provide shelter, is a draw for people to come here. And they’ve called for it to be rescinded. Would you support that?” Governor Hochul immediately replied, “Yes, I would.”

Of course, talk is cheap. It’s one thing to say you would support rescinding New York City’s mandatory shelter law, it’s another thing to do something about it. ...

According to Gothamist, over 110,000 illegal aliens roosted in the city over the last 12 months, and around 60,000 are still living in the city’s shelter system — with an annual price tag of billions of dollars, according to New York City officials.

I am reading between the lines, but the unstated story seems to be that a certain minimum critical mass of illegal aliens has been reached in New York City, and now those aliens who’ve figured out how the game works are telling their friends and relatives about New York’s unlimited shelter law, which in turn is increasing arrivals, who are telling their friends and relatives, and so on. So the problem is spiraling out of control like a death tornado.

In other words, at this point it’s not just a few buses from Texas or a few flights from Florida. The aliens know now.

The Governor showed up in related news, when the New York Times ran a connected story yesterday headlined, “U.S. Will Allow Nearly 500,000 Venezuelan Migrants to Work Legally.” The sub-headline explained: “The move, announced late Wednesday, followed intense lobbying by New York Democrats before and during President Biden’s visit to New York City this week.” Here’s how the Times described the rationale for letting half a million illegal aliens obtain green cards:

"In an unusual break with a president of their party, the New York Democrats had argued that the city’s social safety net would tear under the weight of more than 110,000 recently arrived migrants unless they were allowed to work and support themselves more quickly."

Democrats hope that if the illegal aliens can work more easily, they’ll move out of free city housing. But as usual, democrats ignore normal human behavior and economic incentives. Obviously, the aliens will work and stay in free city housing.

On the other hand, never let a good crisis go to waste. Am I right?
305   stereotomy   2023 Sep 22, 11:58am  

Hochul is a fucking cunt.

As of 9/13/23, anyone buying ammo in the PRNY has to go through a NICS check (Federal firearms background check). Just in time for hunting season, there's a $2.50 surcharge per box of ammo - for shotshells that's for every 25 shells.

I was at Cabela's picking up powder for reloading, and the salesperson wondered if she needed to run a NICS check. I said "That's for ammo, not powder. You can't shoot powder. You need hulls, primers, powder, wads, and shot."

She agreed, so no NICS check so far for powder in the PRNY.
308   Patrick   2023 Sep 24, 9:16am  


Woah, there's a lot of content in this one.
315   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 11:26am  


As McCarthy seems to be saying, and this is the point, or the res gestae, we are currently paying billions and billions and billions and throwing our entire arsenal — except maybe for our fleet of high-tech, semi-autonomous F35 fighter jets, which a military spokesman insisted were not “lost,” just “misplaced,” and will be found any day now, probably — apart from those, we’re doing everything humanly possible to STOP THE INVASION IN UKRAINE.

Get it?

What about stopping the invasion a little closer to home? Like, RIGHT DOWN THERE. You know. The UNITED STATES’s border. Why don’t we send some Bradley “fighting vehicles” and Leopard tanks and cluster mines or whatever else we’re tossing down the Eastern European toilet down to the SOUTHERN BORDER instead? I mean, instead of paying corrupt Ukrainian oligarchic Nazis to fight Russians, why don’t we pay the Cartels to close OUR border? Seriously, what’s the difference?

Or instead of blowing up underwater Russian pipelines, how about we blow up the pipeline through Central America? Instead of sanctioning Lithuanians for selling chicken coops to Russian farmers, how about we sanction Mexico for invading the U.S.? Instead of destroying the Kerch Bridge between Russia and the Crimean Peninsula, how about we destroy the human bridge into America?

I could do this all day.

Good luck, Kevin. Speaker McCarthy earns a lot of well-deserved criticism, but focusing Congress on this issue was a solid move. Your move, deep state.
316   Patrick   2023 Sep 29, 10:55am  


Perhaps growing tired of all the Establishment Media gaslighting, Elon decided I’ll just go down there and see for myself. He filmed his border experience using Twitter’s live video feature and uploaded everything. At one point in his discussion with local officials, Elon — doing much better math this time — calculated that the annual number of illegals entering at that one location exceeds the population of the State of Wisconsin.

One local sheriff informed Elon that his county is geographically the size of a medium-sized state. But his entire law enforcement workforce is only 12 people, with only two deputies on duty at any one time. In other words, he’s totally outnumbered. It’s like the Alamo, but with only two Texans inside.

Meanwhile, around the same time as Elon was posting videos from his border trip, CNN also ran a heartwarming border story. The Establishment News network interviewed a nice young undocumented Colombian lady named Angelina who crossed the border into El Paso last year. An entrepreneur at heart, she began hooking right away, and in just one year she now rents a small building from a Bolivian fentanyl dealer and runs her own squad of six girls, providing crucial resume enhancement for two teens who can’t find work anywhere else. The hardworking bunch of gals recently added tattooing to their services menu, and Angelina told CNN that she was working very hard to get the proper licenses and everything, but the State of Texas is muy defícil to work with, always asking for papers and stuff. After Angelina shared her famous spicy burríto recipe, CNN transitioned into a breaking story exposing all the red tape at Texas’s Department of Business regulation.

(Okay, I made that last part up, but you get the idea.)
322   Patrick   2023 Oct 1, 10:56am  


Biden’s America: Illegal Immigrant Gang Kidnaps Three Girls, Including 11-Year-Old, in Northern Minnesota and Rapes and Tortures Them – Not Making Headlines
323   Patrick   2023 Oct 1, 1:18pm  


These Mexican immigrants had been caught in the snare of Operation Wetback, the biggest mass deportation of undocumented workers in United States history. As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign with a racist name, which was designed to root out undocumented Mexicans from American society.

It's not racist at all to call ILLEGAL ALIENS "wetbacks".

They got their backs wet by ILLEGALLY crossing the Rio Grande. Nothing to do with race. It's about being a criminal, committing the crime of illegally crossing the border.
324   stereotomy   2023 Oct 1, 2:03pm  

Patrick says


These Mexican immigrants had been caught in the snare of Operation Wetback, the biggest mass deportation of undocumented workers in United States history. As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign with a racist name, which was designed to root out undocumented Mexicans from American society.

It's not racist at all to call ILLEGAL ALIENS "wetbacks".

They got their backs wet by ILLEGALLY crossing the Rio Grande. Nothing to do with race. It's about being a criminal, committing the crime of illegally crossing the border.

Eisenhower was the last president to give a rat's ass about southern border security. As Allied Commander in WWII, he understood the importance of battle lines and borders.

It's been a shitshow ever since.
326   BeneTiberCato   2023 Oct 2, 5:07am  

Patrick says

where does this come from? I would like to learn more, please.
327   Patrick   2023 Oct 2, 8:26am  


I think that one was from https://patriots.win/

It was presented without evidence, but is plausible, given that the Tiananmen Square massacre was carried out by ethnic minority groups in China because Beijing leadership knew that they would have no problem firing on the public.
329   RC2006   2023 Oct 2, 9:34am  

BeneTiberCato says

Patrick says

where does this come from? I would like to learn more, please.

This is a strategy that's been used to conquer people for a long time. Put a minority group in charge knowing that if they fail they will be destroyed by the majority being oppressed as the incentive. This makes the minority group use any means possible to stay in charge. Usually they will pick the angriest minority. All empires have used this tactic.
331   Patrick   2023 Oct 4, 11:17am  


Speaking of illegal migrants and impassioned speeches, this one won’t be for everyone due to some extremely adult language that might offend the sensitive, but after weighing the pro’s and con’s, I decided to include it in today’s post. To set the table, Elon Musk has been encouraging “citizen journalists” to make their own reports on Twitter. Elon went to the border last week to show everyone how it’s done.

I have no idea whether this next super-spicy clip resulted from Elon’s encouragement or not, but it does show the growing frustration that regular folks have with traditional media.

In other words, if you stupid reporters won’t do your jobs, get out of the way and let us do it.

So the unidentified but totally based citizen who posted this video is today’s example. He saw something, filmed something, and it turned out to be a story. As the clip starts, a New York City resident approached a fancy hotel and asked what’s going on? Somebody said, it’s a migrant shelter. He started filming and, like a kicked-over rotten log, human cockroaches began boiling out of the lobby and trying to crawl all over him.

Watch this clip if you’re okay with the raw, but appropriate adult language.


A lifelong NY resident gets confronted by the security team at a migrant housing facility.

Funniest shit you’ll see all week.

For those who chose not to watch, what happened next is they all got into an argument over whether the guy “has the right” to film the hotel. They kept ordering him off, pushing around him, and he kept refusing to leave. More and more thugs came out of the lobby and tried to crowd him away. An NYPD officer stood by but refused to intervene. By the end of the clip, you can see at least eight people on the sidewalk representing the “shelter.”

None of them wore hotel uniforms.

We can learn a lot from this short video. We already know New York is paying luxury hotels hand over fist to house illegal immigrants. The clip evidences a conspiracy of silence between the media and the government to cover up the story. The Migrant Mafia members were too confident. They look like people who expect not ever to face any scrutiny.

A media that only covers gigantic problems when they are political problems for Republicans is a wholly worthless media.

Next, the clip showed us the uniform face of the vast migrant industrial complex. All those Migrant Mafia people are getting paid with taxpayer dollars, probably handsomely. And they all look and act like thugs. Who are these people, really? Who was the young black man in the Eastern European gangster-style track suit who spoke with authority and claimed to “own this building?”

New Yorkers, if you had an honest media, they would be all over figuring out where the money was going.

Finally, whoever they are, these Migrant Mafia people obviously do not understand basic laws of the United States of America. Otherwise they would know that the sidewalk is a publicly-owned area not subject to their jurisdiction, whatever they think that is. They seem to come from some third-world hellhole where might makes right and intimidation tactics are de rigueur.

What did we learn? The Establishment Media is a lost cause. We need a new media. New Yorkers: take up your cellphone cameras, and report!
332   Patrick   2023 Oct 4, 11:42am  

Anyone know where this is? It's at 320 (something) street, NYC.

This building seems pretty distinct:

333   Patrick   2023 Oct 4, 11:51am  

Ah, the shelter is at 320 W 31st Street, NYC, across from Penn Station.

Everyone should go visit there.
336   Patrick   2023 Oct 6, 10:51am  


I bet you didn’t have this next development on your 2023 bingo card. It’s so remarkable that I’m going to show you three of yesterday’s headlines. First, the New York Times:

... So. Trump’s useless border wall is, apparently, back, and is more useful than ever. The story started on Wednesday, when multiple outlets reported that the Biden administration issued an emergency notice waiving 26 federal laws to allow border wall construction to immediately resume in South Texas. DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stated in the notice, “There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas.”

You don’t say.

I’ll note without further comment that the bizarre, controversial DHS border action came less than a week after Elon Musk tweeted his own trip to the border. The announcement also proved that we’re fully into election season now which, while good news for America’s border, is horrible news for Ukraine’s border problem.

It also came after the Biden administration’s January 20th, 2021, proclamation to terminate Trump’s border wall project, which then stated, “building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious policy solution.” Then President Peters seriously ordered $300 million in border construction supplies to be auctioned off at pennies on the dollar.

In response to the news, pro-immigrant leftists predictably went berserk. They must have known that was coming. I’m guessing Team Biden believed that his support is down to the maniacal 35% of democrats who’d vote for him no matter what, and now it’s time to “pivot” to the center.

Or, Biden won’t be running and they might as well take the hit now. But it wasn’t well-planned. Super-diverse Biden press secretary Karine something-or-other was hardest hit, stumbling to explain the latest move. ...

The move raises the intriguing question, what next? Will Biden make Mexico pay for the wall?
339   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 2:18pm  


Over here in the U.S., the barbaric destruction unleashed at Israel’s failed border is raising some awkward questions about our own American border. The unrest is currently welling out of the GOP’s right wing, but I’m betting the notion will quickly spread toward the political middle, since there is really no effective rebuttal.

Here’s Representative Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Ga.) comments from Saturday:

Former Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake asked an obvious question yesterday: where are all the women?

There’s a lot I could say about this disastrous border issue, and I probably will say a lot more in coming days. But one thing the Israel attacks have proven beyond argument is that citizen fears about uncontrolled illegal immigration in the U.S. are not hypothetical, exaggerated, or fantastical, these undocumented people are legitimately a clear and present danger.

Republican governors should immediately consider two things. First, if it’s not already done, declare a state of emergency and do everything possible to thwart the federal relocation of illegal migrants into red states. Second, immediately start organizing civilian militias and training citizens how to fight back against a sudden sneak attack like Israel just endured.

There’s no time to waste.

It’s a unique political moment, and Governor DeSantis could seize it. Organize community militias in every Florida city and county and start training them. I intend to draft an open letter to the Governor today. Keep an eye on my Twitter feed.

I agree. All adult American citizens should be armed members of community militias. No non-citizen should be allowed to possess a gun.

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