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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   411,256 views  5,746 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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115   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 3, 8:25am  

Patrick says
@porkchopexpress Can you say which online pharmacy?
AllDayChemist. Been ordering from them for years for various things. It's legit. I also got HCQ and Azithromycin from them. They now take Zelle payments which is way better than checks.
116   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 3, 8:26am  

WineHorror1 says
Patrick says
@porkchopexpress Can you say which online pharmacy?

Believe it or not...

Yea, I'd be careful about getting the version for animals or anything else. Order the version for humans.
117   WookieMan   2021 Apr 3, 8:35am  

Zak says
The vaccines have been in trials now for over 9 months. The guinea pig volunteers would be showing signs if it was going to happen

No they won't. What stops Pfizer or Moderna from $1M payments to the guinea pigs to shut their mouth? Who could track it or find out? Your faith in large corps is disappointing. These weren't massive trials by any means. And even if proven safe, there's still vaccination of millions of people that will give us even better data. I'll wait on the real guinea pigs.

I've cheated in small business. If you think a company like Pfizer or Moderna is 100% above board you got another thing coming. Everyone cheats. Sometimes the cheating can give you cancer 5 years down the road and you're dead. I ain't risking it for something like a 0.0001% chance of dying for my age. If one wants to I won't judge you. But don't judge me or penalize me for not wanting to take it. I've taken every recommended vaccine my entire life outside of the flu. So have my kids. Logic and science matter. This vaccine is not ready and it wasn't under Trump. This isn't political outside of the narrative being made political. Gotta open your eyes.
118   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 3, 8:43am  

WookieMan says
Your faith in large corps is disappointing.
Agreed. I know better than to trust "the powers that be". If someone doesn't do their own research and truly make their own decisions, they do so at their own peril.
119   Patrick   2021 Apr 3, 9:43am  

Robert Sproul says
I REALLY liked this Mayo trained Dr.'s breakdown of the whole situation. (30 minute video)

Dr. Ryan Cole is very into vitamin D, which is fine. I've heard before that it helps the immune system. Though it is possible to OD on it if you chronically take too much as pills.

His numbers are interesting: the highest death rates from the virus are among blacks, then Hispanics, and whites way lower than either. People call it "racism" of course because they call EVERYTHING racism these days, but vitamin D is actually a more probable reason for that disparity. White people just naturally make more vitamin D. And then black and Hispanic people are more likely to be obese as well.

And this is exactly why white people are white to being with. Having lighter skin at high latitudes helped them to survive by making more vitamin D.

And lol, red-haired people are extremely white and get the most vitamin D from sunlight (along with the most skin cancer). I have reddish hair.
120   mell   2021 Apr 3, 9:58am  

Patrick says
Dr. Ryan Cole is very into vitamin D, which is fine. I've heard before that it helps the immune system. Though it is possible to OD on it if you chronically take too much as pills.

You have to take a lot to OD on it. 5k units a day may be good for most who are deficient, but you can take 50k-100k units a per week safely according to most studies, which shows how ridiculous the current daily recommendation of 200-1000 IU is, esp. for our sun phobic society. Even sunny areas such as the bay area have a staggering amount of Vit D deficiency, I read as high as 40%.
121   clambo   2021 Apr 3, 11:12am  

Red hair indicates Neanderthal genes

I heard Topogigio Fauci say he likes vitamin D also.
123   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 3, 11:57am  

Booger says
"Now let's see that penis"
124   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 3, 12:18pm  

My Mom died today, just 2 weeks after getting her Vaccine shots.
It left her incapacitated, and she developed bedsores, then got a lung infection, while in treatment for the infection.
125   Onvacation   2021 Apr 3, 12:45pm  

Tenpoundbass says
My Mom died today,

I am so sorry to hear this. May she rest in peace. I have no words that could make you feel better except to let you know that I feel for you. This is a tragedy repeating itself all over the country.

I lost my mother to cancer three and a half decades ago. She suffered on the way and at the end she found peace. She was a severe manic depressive that needed a lot of medication. In addition she was obese, drank Coca Cola and smoked more than a pack a day. It was a relief to all of her family when she stopped suffering.

I am so pissed at these mother fuckers lying to people about how "safe and effective" the experimental biologic agent is.
126   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 3, 1:23pm  

damn, sorry to hear that bass.
127   WookieMan   2021 Apr 3, 1:41pm  

Really sorry to hear this 10#. RIP momma bass.
128   mell   2021 Apr 3, 2:10pm  

Really sorry to hear that.
129   HeadSet   2021 Apr 3, 2:17pm  

Tenpoundbass says
My Mom died today

Very sorry to hear that. You have my condolences.
130   Ceffer   2021 Apr 3, 2:26pm  

Very sorry TPB. Condolences.
131   clambo   2021 Apr 3, 2:38pm  

I'm very sorry to hear Tenpoundbass' mother passed away.

It's tough having no parents.
132   Patrick   2021 Apr 3, 6:15pm  

Also sorry to hear it, especially this way. The "vaccine" is definitely not safe.
133   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 3, 6:54pm  

Thanks everyone, she had been in an assisted living facility. She has dementia somedays better than others. At the height of the lockdown, She was at her best in a few years. The Doctors that keep her pumped up with meds for everything you can think of. Couldn't get to her, and she didn't refill most of those meds. As a result She was getting perky and picking up. My Sister was taking her out regularly after the restrictions were lifted. She told me she got her shot a few weeks ago. Then she started going downhill days after that.
134   Zak   2021 Apr 3, 7:01pm  

@tenpoundbass. Sorry to hear that.
135   Bd6r   2021 Apr 3, 7:23pm  

@TPB, my condolences.
136   Shaman   2021 Apr 3, 8:00pm  

HeadSet says
Tenpoundbass says
My Mom died today

Very sorry to hear that. You have my condolences.

Sorry to hear that. My sincere condolences, Bass.
137   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Apr 3, 8:02pm  

Tenpoundbass says
My Mom died today, just 2 weeks after getting her Vaccine shots.
It left her incapacitated, and she developed bedsores, then got a lung infection, while in treatment for the infection.

Sorry to hear TPB, my condolescenes.
138   Onvacation   2021 Apr 3, 9:39pm  

139   RC2006   2021 Apr 3, 9:56pm  

@TPB, condolences
140   Ceffer   2021 Apr 3, 11:54pm  

Onvacation says

Everybody in the country are connected by about six degrees of separation. A true pandemic would have everybody connected to a dead victim by one or at most two degrees of separation. Yet, most people can't cite anybody they knew or heard of who died of Covid (even illegitimately).
141   Blue   2021 Apr 4, 1:08am  

Sorry to hear that sad news @TPB, my condolences.
142   Bd6r   2021 Apr 4, 8:41am  

Rb6d says
I got vaxxed with J&J more than a month ago. No bad effects whatsoever, and did it for convenience (can be Ted-Cruzish and tell that they can stuff their masks because SCIENCE). That is not all, however. I feel like crap today and will get corona tested tomorrow. If I am positive, it will be interesting. Before getting vaxxed, I spent hours in car with someone who went down with corona a day later, and did not get it.

AAAAAAAAAANNNDDD... I am corona-positive! Which means that vaccine sucks.
143   Rin   2021 Apr 4, 8:58am  

Rb6d says
Rb6d says
I got vaxxed with J&J more than a month ago. No bad effects whatsoever, and did it for convenience (can be Ted-Cruzish and tell that they can stuff their masks because SCIENCE). That is not all, however. I feel like crap today and will get corona tested tomorrow. If I am positive, it will be interesting. Before getting vaxxed, I spent hours in car with someone who went down with corona a day later, and did not get it.

AAAAAAAAAANNNDDD... I am corona-positive! Which means that vaccine sucks.

Well, in reality, the only purpose of the vaccine is that you're allowed to travel for work. It's a social signalling card, more than some medical miracle.

As I'd stated earlier, none of my guinea pigs have gotten sick in over a year ...

144   Onvacation   2021 Apr 4, 9:02am  

Rb6d says

AAAAAAAAAANNNDDD... I am corona-positive! Which means that vaccine sucks.

It's not a vaccine, but your symptoms should be lessened. Maybe.

WTF does "Corona-Positive" mean anyway? Ya got a cold? Sniffles? Are you on the edge of viral pneumonia and you'll need a ventilator soon? Or did a nose swab tell you you were sick?

Those fucking liars.

I am sorry you believed in the propaganda and volunteered to be a Guinee pig for the experimental biologic agent. I hope you do not suffer any long term effects. A friend of mine's mother died from the vaccination.

Some experts predict that in the coming years there is going to be a massive die off of those who took the jab. Even if the dire predictions of death are wrong, you will be required to have a quarterly update jab to guard against the latest mutation. Bill Gates has touted how "programmable" the technology is for new variations of Corona virus.

These people are murderous. They care more about money and power than human beings.
145   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 4, 9:24am  

Here is a link to the therapeutic protocol I'm prepared to follow if I get Covid again:

I already have Ivermectin being shipped to me from AllDayChemist.

The Vitamin D and Zinc supplements I'm using is from Garden of Life. You want a good, digestible form of both. I also take the Men's multi-vitamin from GoL.
146   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 4, 10:23am  

Rb6d says
AAAAAAAAAANNNDDD... I am corona-positive! Which means that vaccine sucks.

Well at least you took the J&J which is closer to an influenza type vaccine and not mRNA, so you're not a Guinea pig. Flu shots don't always work very well either.
147   Patrick   2021 Apr 4, 10:32am  

Onvacation says

I still do not know a single person who got sick from Wuhan flu, much less anyone who died.
148   Ceffer   2021 Apr 4, 10:59am  

They said the old guy in my hood died of Covid, but I think it is a cover for him dying after the jab, as you would expect from mendacious mongrels of public accountability.

I am hearing many unpleasant stories about the jab and its effects, but the above allegation is the only 'direct' Covid news, which I think is fake. Every other account seems to be a fog of 'third degree of separation' gossip. Of course, there are all of those influenza cases with fake false positive Covid, where people THINK they had Covid because they had the flu.

Remember, doctors who recommend the jab and have adverse consequences in their patients will be lying and running like thieves to dissociate themselves from the consequences. It will be another degradation of the medical profession.

They are conquered by Big Pharma, silenced by MSM and official intimidations, politicized, captured by Globalist psychopaths to do their bidding, and, now, forced into cover ups for the jab.
149   mell   2021 Apr 4, 11:10am  

just_passing_through says
Rb6d says
AAAAAAAAAANNNDDD... I am corona-positive! Which means that vaccine sucks.

Well at least you took the J&J which is closer to an influenza type vaccine and not mRNA, so you're not a Guinea pig. Flu shots don't always work very well either.

But the j & j uses viral vector dna to produce spike proteins as well, I thought flu vaccines simply contain weakened strains of the guessed mix of viruses, so more traditional. In any case fascinating technology, but very untested.
150   mell   2021 Apr 4, 11:13am  

Rb6d says
Rb6d says
I got vaxxed with J&J more than a month ago. No bad effects whatsoever, and did it for convenience (can be Ted-Cruzish and tell that they can stuff their masks because SCIENCE). That is not all, however. I feel like crap today and will get corona tested tomorrow. If I am positive, it will be interesting. Before getting vaxxed, I spent hours in car with someone who went down with corona a day later, and did not get it.

AAAAAAAAAANNNDDD... I am corona-positive! Which means that vaccine sucks.

Again, very strange, same progression as with many I know. Something isn't right here. Why does somebody who had plenty of contact suddenly develop Covid 1 year later, right after the shot? Is it possible that most of us have come in contact with it frequently but the body staged a muted immune response as not more was necessary, and that the "vaccines" amplify that response so that people actually get symptoms and go for a test and then test positive?
151   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 4, 11:14am  

Yes, I just said it's closer. It's still cloned into a mostly harmless weakened virus I think? Which is pretty much the definition of viral vector dna sans 'weakened'.

Point is it's not mRNA.
152   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 4, 11:15am  

I think they grow up flu vaccines (virus or virus particles) in chicken eggs?
153   mell   2021 Apr 4, 11:17am  

just_passing_through says
Yes, I just said it's closer. It's still cloned into a mostly harmless weakened virus I think? Which is pretty much the definition of viral vector dna sans 'weakened'.

Point is it's not mRNA.

Ok, yeah I'm def not against this technology, it's just very untested and early (and unnecessary for most for Covid). I think they are already using mRNA in modern cancer research and treatment trials in the immunotherapy line. It may actually prove quite beneficial there.
154   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 4, 11:37am  

Got mine (J&J). Felt crappy for a day.

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