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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   411,513 views  5,746 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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158   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 4, 12:38pm  


@Rin is going to kill the goddam 'vaccine' hahaha!
159   Rin   2021 Apr 4, 12:39pm  

just_passing_through says
If I had cancer and I was running out of options I'd try just about anything lol.

Exactly! And likewise, when nanotech gains more momentum, an mRNA device could also deliver a knock-out punch to a tumor, directly under its nose, than in the general body, which could cause one's organs to go into shock.
160   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 4, 12:41pm  

FWIW, I think people are exposed to DNA and RNA generally by eating. Both from plants and animals. Packaged in liposomes. So there is that. (I used to sit by a guy at work who was super paranoid about this)
161   Bd6r   2021 Apr 4, 12:46pm  

Patrick says
I still do not know a single person who got sick from Wuhan flu, much less anyone who died.

now you know someone
162   Bd6r   2021 Apr 4, 12:48pm  

Onvacation says
WTF does "Corona-Positive" mean anyway? Ya got a cold? Sniffles? Are you on the edge of viral pneumonia and you'll need a ventilator soon? Or did a nose swab tell you you were sick?

I have 100 F fever, feel tired, don't have appetite, that's about it.
163   Rin   2021 Apr 4, 12:53pm  

just_passing_through says
exposed to DNA and RNA generally by eating. Both from plants and animals.

Yes, however, our cells have restriction enzymes which break 'em up into their sugar substrates making 'em into food stuff than an RNA fragment which could jam up the ribosomal complex.

All and all, the fact that the mRNA vaccine works, makes me even more worried because in effect, it's evaded our cell's early detection systems of an invading force.
164   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 4, 1:20pm  

Yup, RNAses..

In industry we just call that 'getting chewed up'.
165   Patrick   2021 Apr 4, 5:39pm  

Rb6d says
AAAAAAAAAANNNDDD... I am corona-positive! Which means that vaccine sucks.

@Rb6d So how do you feel? Ill or not?
166   Booger   2021 Apr 4, 6:09pm  

Rin says
If I'm forced to take the J&J one, to be able to attend conferences,

If asked, you already had the shots. If asked for proof, you have a computer and a printer.
167   Onvacation   2021 Apr 4, 6:17pm  

Booger says

If asked, you already had the shots. If asked for proof, you have a computer and a printer.

I am not sure it is a good idea to support the "vaccination regime" by pretending to be a part of it.

The FACTS are that the Wuhan is not fatal to anyone without comorbidities, there are cheap effective treatments, the experimental biologic agent is not a vaccine, will not finish it's human trials until 2023, and the jab will not give you immunity. State the facts and say that you prefer to take your chances with the cold.
168   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 4, 8:15pm  

Get well soon @Rb6d!
169   Bd6r   2021 Apr 4, 8:33pm  

Patrick says
@Rb6d So how do you feel? Ill or not?

like suffering from a Chinese biological agent. Headache, eye ache, 99.5-100 F constant fever, tired.
170   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 4, 8:38pm  

After 3 days of fever and body/headache the worst part for me was the lethargy. That lasted 10 days and would come and go.
171   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 4, 8:51pm  

Onvacation says
Some experts predict that in the coming years there is going to be a massive die off of those who took the jab.

"Some experts" also predicted Bitcoin will go to 1.2K. Never happened....its at close to 60k. "Some experts" also claim the earth is flat. "Some experts" even think this year we will see a stock market crash.
172   Bd6r   2021 Apr 4, 9:05pm  

just_passing_through says
Get well soon @Rb6d!

Thanks! Today is the first day I started feeling a little better.
174   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Apr 5, 5:14am  

I thought long and hard about it. Initially I was against it. I felt like it's been rushed and the longterm effects are (as yet) unknown. I talked to my doctor. I talked to friends and relatives who got it early. (I have several healthcare workers in my circle.) I thought about all the other stuff I've ingested and/ or been exposed to over the years. I looked at the risk given my personal health history.

Finally decided that for me the risks reward curve tilted towards rolling up my sleeve. First dose went fine.

That said it's a personal choice and if you don't want it I can respect that. Life, liberty and all that good stuff.
176   RWSGFY   2021 Apr 5, 5:52am  

If you are serious about being actively anti-racist you won't take the jab until every black and brown person, who are disproportionally affected by the pandemic, is fully vaccinated.
177   clambo   2021 Apr 5, 6:22am  

I had Easter dinner with a group who work in hospitals. They were administrators.
A female friend who runs some radiology offices said she won’t take the shot.
Another female who is CEO of a local hospital said “are you an anti-vaxxer?”
I interjected “Some people are skeptical because they have been hearing bullshit for a year. It’s not their fault.”

I said I had no reaction to the Moderna shot, “I probably had the virus already a year ago.”

A gay administrator of another hospital corrected me “No you didn’t have it!”

The radiology girl has very little formal education; the administrators who gave us shit went to some business program at some college.

I was the only person there who has taken a university course in biochemistry, organic chemistry, physiology, anatomy, etc. , before working in science.

I don’t think that they were aware that the shot was 1. A new kind of vaccine 2. Not actually FDA approved (it has “emergency approval”)
178   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 5, 7:40am  

clambo says
I was the only person there who has taken a university course in biochemistry, organic chemistry, physiology, anatomy, etc. , before working in science.

I don’t think that they were aware that the shot was 1. A new kind of vaccine 2. Not actually FDA approved (it has “emergency approval”)

Doesnt this play in your favor? Dumb people take the vaccine and according to Onvacation's experts they will die soon. The earth will then be populated by smart people who didnt take the vaccine.
179   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 5, 8:51am  

Rb6d says
Patrick says
I still do not know a single person who got sick from Wuhan flu, much less anyone who died.

now you know someone
I had it too back in December.
180   RWSGFY   2021 Apr 5, 8:59am  

Get your pins now!

181   Onvacation   2021 Apr 5, 9:21am  

FuckCCP89 says
Get your pins now!

Fuck Amazon!
182   mell   2021 Apr 5, 9:28am  

Onvacation says
FuckCCP89 says
Get your pins now!

Fuck Amazon!

lol get you David's star now! Or better a tattoo on the forehead - where have we seen this before? hmmmmm
183   RWSGFY   2021 Apr 5, 10:18am  

Onvacation says
FuckCCP89 says
Get your pins now!

Fuck Amazon!

Don't you love how they make money off that shit every possible way, coming and going?
184   Rin   2021 Apr 5, 10:38am  

Not always ...

185   RWSGFY   2021 Apr 5, 10:45am  

BTW, did you know how much a "free" Covid test really costs? $225 for the collection of the sample and doing the necessary manipulations and another $225 to the doctor who "interpretes" the results. So $450 per test. It's a fucking gold mine for everyone involved, no wonder they are so keen on keep the shit going.

Anybody has the number for vaccination? I bet it at least twice that of the test.
186   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 5, 10:48am  

FuckCCP89 says
It's a fucking gold mine for everyone involved

hehe, the company I work for profits from it :) But it all goes back into the economy.....company makes a killing, gives out nice bonuses and pay raises.....I invest more in stocks and RE.
187   WookieMan   2021 Apr 5, 11:12am  

FuckCCP89 says
BTW, did you know how much a "free" Covid test really costs? $225 for the collection of the sample and doing the necessary manipulations and another $225 to the doctor who "interpretes" the results. So $450 per test. It's a fucking gold mine for everyone involved, no wonder they are so keen on keep the shit going.

I've just done the self administered tests at CVS for my travels and the one time I was legit sick. Insurance covers it and it goes to a lab. I can't imagine they're making that much, but who knows... especially with health insurance.

I got two BS x-rays for my fractured heel that were 100% unnecessary for the injury. Big pharma and medical fleecing you with no regards to your actual health. Anyone involved should be prosecuted. Obviously will never happen. I hope everyone involved dies a slow, painful death.
188   Ceffer   2021 Apr 5, 11:15am  

LOL! Hague Nuremberg Lawsuit deems jab "Crime Against Humanity Shot".

Dolores Cahill Phd states that those over 70 receiving the mRNA jab will have a mean life expectancy of a year or so. Younger jabees in their 30's and 40's could have mean life expectancy of 4-5 years.

However, those surviving will have high incidence of immune system morbidities, including neurologic consequences.
189   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 5, 11:22am  

now that I am vaxxed, we can finally invite a shit ton of people to our house! Pool party! It was a shame to not share our nice backyard during this beautiful sunshine weather!
Thank you Johnson and Johnson!
190   WookieMan   2021 Apr 5, 11:32am  

Bitcoin says
now that I am vaxxed, we can finally invite a shit ton of people to our house! Pool party! It was a shame to not share our nice backyard during this beautiful sunshine weather!
Thank you Johnson and Johnson!

Wowzer. So you're one of the sheep? Explains a lot. We went on vacation in May 2020 with 17 people in the same house, in Tennessee, right as the moronic freak out was happening. Southwest national park tour in 4-5 different hotels and houses in September. St. John, USVI. Anna Maria, FL. Pensacola, FL.

Never got covid. Plenty of pool parties last summer at our house with 30+ people. Just had some late night Easter party fun with 20+ neighbors last night. Must be fun to be cucked by your state government and let them get away with it....
191   Patrick   2021 Apr 5, 11:40am  

porkchopexpress says
Rb6d says
Patrick says
I still do not know a single person who got sick from Wuhan flu, much less anyone who died.

now you know someone
I had it too back in December.

How can you be sure it wasn't just an ordinary flu?

One: is there a corona pandemic, or is there only a PCR test pandemic, specifically, does a positive PCR test result mean that the person tested is infected with COVID-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing, in connection with the COVID-19 infection,” he said, unafraid to mention alleged corporate greed in his lawsuit.

original link
192   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 5, 11:44am  

Patrick says
How can you be sure it wasn't just an ordinary flu?
I suppose I can't be 100% sure but I've never lost my taste and smell completely like that. This hit me in a way that seemed different than a typical flu. Plus, I had the flu shot and I haven't been sick with the flu in years, just to coincidentally get it the same year as Covid. I dunno man...I'm open-minded but that's a long shot.
194   Blue   2021 Apr 5, 11:51am  

Read an full length article found that pfizer CEO is suggesting to take 3rd shot for the new mutant variant and take once every 2 years booster shots. Lot of people are affected who are vaccinated. Not sure how many folks are suffering from the vaccine. It leaves more questions while vaccine contractors are stopping by at lot of companies to vaccinate drive through. Now co-workers will know who got it or didn't along with employer. This is scary.
195   Patrick   2021 Apr 5, 12:01pm  

I'm pretty sure there really is a disease caused by Wuhan Virus, I just think the spread and the danger are both greatly exaggerated.
196   RWSGFY   2021 Apr 5, 12:20pm  

WookieMan says
I can't imagine they're making that much, but who knows... especially with health insurance.

The numbers are from the ins bill.
197   ChauvinsKnee   2021 Apr 5, 12:27pm  

Blue says
It leaves more questions while vaccine contractors are stopping by at lot of companies to vaccinate drive through. Now co-workers will know who got it or didn't along with employer.

This is when you point at a pin on your lapel and say: "Thanks, I'm good". =))

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