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Bitcoin saysWhy would you want Covid (just a question of when not if) and not the vaccine?Because millions of people already had Covid and most got through it just fine and have natural immunity
Aids is just a virus too, right? What did it mutate from before it was AIDS?
Although you are right in that there is strong evidence that the initial viral load exposure seems to have an impact on the severity of a given infection due to the replication multiplier getting that many more times of the virus into your system for your immune cells to deal with... With mRNA.. yet another problem that doesn't exist....no replication...
Bitcoin saysThose people that push that BS also believe in 9/11It was an inside job lol
Sure, there are many viruses and always have been.Exactly. We’re not anti vaxx, just anti experimental vaxx.
But there has never before been a mass experiment on the public with non-FDA approved injection of foreign genetic material for profit.
What should we be more afraid of is the question.
If it were a proper vaccine (just fragments of protein) I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it.
In a word, no. That's why we get the flu still. That's why AIDS exists. Look what we did with Polio.. Now people are refusing polio vaccine, simply because they don't see first hand what polio actually did to people.Apples and oranges. Different kinds of viruses.
"Also the antibodies produced against the spike protein deteriorate quickly"
I appreciate that you're looking at the data and actual information around this. I'm glad we can actually have refreshing and engaging conversations on topics like this, and get different viewpoints where people are "constructively arguing". It's one of the things I love about patnet ...
On this particular point you are correct. The same thing happens though with normal viral antibodies, or "normal vaccine" antibodies. The antibodies themselves deteriorate, but memory T cells seem to encode the antibody encoding for long term defense. Initial results seem to be promising that the mRNA sourced antibody response shares this property.
But you're 100% right, and there isn't yet long term efficacy data.. so I appreciate what you are saying is a possibility...
But it seems paramount to me to defeat this via natural herd immunity first and foremost as it will almost guaranteed become endemic and linger.
mell saysBut it seems paramount to me to defeat this via natural herd immunity first and foremost as it will almost guaranteed become endemic and linger.
You can't make money doing that though. It's coming to an end in my opinion, hopefully around June. Masks are here to stay in urban areas unfortunately. Vaccines are here to stay. It will mostly go back to normal though I think.
Mission was accomplished. Got the puppet in and Trump out.
It's already mutating, so we know that more mutations are coming the more people are infected... why not reduce yourself as an infection pathway with a chance of mutation?
lots of old people are dying. Also overweight, immuno compromised, etc...
Zak saysIt's already mutating, so we know that more mutations are coming the more people are infected... why not reduce yourself as an infection pathway with a chance of mutation?
It's a fucking cold! Colds mutate.
And the experimental biologic agent doesn't stop infection!
Why are you pushing this crap?
Again, because it seems like if we DO squash this thing..
1) we can move on
Let the strong and the brave live their lifes!
smart ones
People are fighting against basic statistcs saying if something doesnt 100 pct protect from infection, it "doesnt work".
Bitcoin sayssmart ones
Speaking of, I'm pretty sure OV has you on ignore... so yeah.
Zak saysPeople are fighting against basic statistcs saying if something doesnt 100 pct protect from infection, it "doesnt work".
@Zak I appreciate your comments.
My position is that masks provably do nothing outdoors because there has not been even one documented casual outdoor transmission anywhere on earth.
You can't reduce zero further. So outdoor masks are pointless, unless you are going to sit right next to someone for an hour an have an extended conversation like the two Chinese guys in that one known case of outdoor transmission.
Indoor masks are a different topic, but not that different. I don't think there is any good evidence of effectiveness there either.
Some good scientific overview article pointed out that transmission rates are a function of three variables:
- density of potentially infected people
- duration of interaction
- ventilatio...
How is this different than the few who caught covid and were out a few days?!
Speaking of, I'm pretty sure OV has you on ignore... so yeah.
Not sure what your point is?
Bitcoin saysSpeaking of, I'm pretty sure OV has you on ignore... so yeah.
Not sure what your point is?
I know, there was no point :)
No one can see what you write.
says the guy who responds to my comments. ROFL! Thanks Wookie, you make me laugh every day!
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.