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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   392,701 views  5,716 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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259   WookieMan   2021 Apr 5, 8:53pm  

mell says
But it seems paramount to me to defeat this via natural herd immunity first and foremost as it will almost guaranteed become endemic and linger.

You can't make money doing that though. It's coming to an end in my opinion, hopefully around June. Masks are here to stay in urban areas unfortunately. Vaccines are here to stay. It will mostly go back to normal though I think.

Mission was accomplished. Got the puppet in and Trump out.
260   Zak   2021 Apr 5, 8:54pm  

" but I believe only "at risk" people should do it and then we bolster health people's immune systems with therapeutics and supplementation to allow nature to fight the virus. Just my belief."

I get that... I would think this was a fine safe approach if we didn't have a vaccine. Vaccine numbers are showing approximately 1/40th the death rate (I don't know the breakdown by risk group). Functionally, they prevent billions of DNA virus replications and possibilties for viral mutation... If the R value were lower, then I wouldn't care about this either. But since it does spread so fast, so easily, the ability to mutate and outpace us medically seems to be a good reason to try to curtail the simple natural spread through the population model.

It's not that I don't think your way will keep us mostly safe/in good health... (and that we can end/alter the lockdown nonsense for only the risky) . And I think it is good that people are cautious about the actual vaccine, what it is, how it works, and that it potentially can have side effects. Again, i'm just seeing about 1/40th the risk of natural w/covid vs get the vaccine, with 1000% less "maintenance of lifestyle" to get that protection. That's why it seems like everyone should get it, and we can quash this thing before we have to deal with yearly mutations that each need their own vaccine... (Which will probably happen anyway in several years ) . But I'm not shouting at people that they are idiots if they disagree... I think a lot of people here have valid concerns. I'm just trying to do my part of what I think might help people see what might be a "better way". But I'm trying to do that based on what I think are facts and "unspun" statistics, and putting those facts up for other people to knock down if my thinking looks like it is bullshit and wrong.
261   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 5, 8:57pm  

Fair enough, Zak
262   mell   2021 Apr 5, 9:00pm  

WookieMan says
mell says
But it seems paramount to me to defeat this via natural herd immunity first and foremost as it will almost guaranteed become endemic and linger.

You can't make money doing that though. It's coming to an end in my opinion, hopefully around June. Masks are here to stay in urban areas unfortunately. Vaccines are here to stay. It will mostly go back to normal though I think.

Mission was accomplished. Got the puppet in and Trump out.

Right also even 30% vaccination rate which we already pretty much achieved coupled with a 40% exposure rate (of course with overlap) and natural immunity from prior CV infections should get us already pretty close to the lower mark of 60% for herd immunity. Hence my guess it will go endemic, esp. with mutations against which prior natural exposure with T cell response will provide a better protection than mere antibodies, so I don't see it going full pandemic again, or at least the risk will be equal to the risk of a flu pandemic if not less. So my suspicion is also it will be over by early to mid summer.
263   mell   2021 Apr 5, 9:04pm  

But if they keep successfully pushing antibody measurements as a gauge of when to reload on the vaccine they will make a boatload of money and the most hard-core followers will be in for yearly if not semi-yearly Covid shots which is insane imo, esp. given the number of successful therapies by now. But to each their own.
264   Zak   2021 Apr 5, 9:06pm  

"This fear shaming is getting ridiculous"

I agree with you on this.. Like I said.. if I was a conspiracy theorist, I would say that socialists/marxists couldn't create a better climate to have their opposition act against their own interest to not get vaccinated.

- make thousands of ridiculous statements to the point that all reasonable people object and rebel against everything you do (collect the underpants)
- make 1 statement against the lifesaving interest of your opponent (they figured out the - ???)
- watch your opponent act against their self-interest and die (profit)
265   WookieMan   2021 Apr 6, 7:23am  

I just want it done with really Zak. I've been one of the most reckless anti-covid people. I've tested twice. 16 one way flights, all 2-4 hours, all with 2-3 hours in some what crowded airports. 2 road trips and one had 17 people staying in one house (pre-mask days). 30+ people I personally know with positive tests, 2 which were active in my basement for 5 hours on NYE. I got sick after that event, but tested negative. Either way it was a trivial flu bug, whatever I had. Down for 3-4 days.

Under 50 crowd should have ZERO worries at all about covid. Even passing it to elderly parents if you're just smart. No hugging or kissing when you see family. Don't talk face to face, sit at a table. These are all things people should have been doing with the elderly anyway. Don't care if it's grandma or not. Not interested in hugging or kissing a bag of bones. Just being honest.

Was good to see the Rangers game though last night with people packing the stands. It's what we should have been doing. At no point has any hospital been above capacity beyond what they'd see for a seasonal flu. None. Hospitals would go above capacity before covid was around and will after it becomes endemic.
266   Onvacation   2021 Apr 6, 7:37am  

Zak says
It's already mutating, so we know that more mutations are coming the more people are infected... why not reduce yourself as an infection pathway with a chance of mutation?

It's a fucking cold! Colds mutate.
And the experimental biologic agent doesn't stop infection!

Why are you pushing this crap?
267   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 6, 7:46am  

All this talk of mutation being a serious thing could simply be fear mongering to get as many people to take the experimental biologic as possible before the world figures out it was a sham. The mutation talk making the virus into something more serious is all hypothesis.
268   Onvacation   2021 Apr 6, 7:46am  

Zak says
lots of old people are dying. Also overweight, immuno compromised, etc...

Old people without comorbidities are surviving.

Old and sick people die. That is no reason to lock down the world and install fascism.

The Wuhan is a new mutation of the cold that may have been developed in a laboratory. It was used to steal the US election and further take people's rights and enslave them.

269   WookieMan   2021 Apr 6, 7:48am  

Onvacation says
Zak says
It's already mutating, so we know that more mutations are coming the more people are infected... why not reduce yourself as an infection pathway with a chance of mutation?

It's a fucking cold! Colds mutate.
And the experimental biologic agent doesn't stop infection!

Why are you pushing this crap?

I don't like the pushing. Take the vax and move on is my theory. I'm not going to. I won't shame people that do either and therefore I expect the same respect in return and not get shamed for my take on it. I've had every logical vaccination out there, so I'm not anti-vax. This is just different circumstances and there's no disputing that fact.

The focus on gross number of deaths is laughable as well. A lot more people are going to be dying now that most boomers are entering a stage in life where minor ailments will kill them. This is nothing new, we just have more numbers of people able to die. We gotta stop freaking out over it and just let adults make adult decisions about their own life. If you're worried, stay the fuck home and don't see anyone. Super easy solution.
270   Onvacation   2021 Apr 6, 7:52am  

Zak says
Again, because it seems like if we DO squash this thing..
1) we can move on

So you want to wait until a cure for the common cold before we stop fascism. FUCK THAT!

Go hide in your basement, wear a mask, and get the fucking jab of experimental biologic agent if you think it works. Let the strong and the brave live their lifes!
271   Zak   2021 Apr 6, 8:21am  

Wow. People talk about not shaming and i think if you read through my posts, the only shame you might get out of them is if you find yourself following some bad data.. but there is no shame in changing your mind with better analysis and information. I even say i support you guys 100 pct in your freedom to choose otherwise than what i am supporting..

So that said i really dont understand some of you saying the vaccine doesnt stop the virus without any logical backup or statistical backup... from all the data i see we have a 95pct effective rate or something.. daily infection rates are coming down. Hospitalization rates are downetc.. what data are you seeing that shows vaccines are not working?

And again it seems more like you are trying to shame me about wearing a mask or hiding in a basement i dont have.. but why would i be shamed to voluntarily foĺlow a protocol i think is unobtrusive, nonmandatory, and probably effective?

Again i 5hink this took a political turn and so people equate masks w the left which is a false equivalence. You can call it a face diaper if you want, but playground politics dont really change my view, common sense and data do. People are fighting against basic statistcs saying if something doesnt 100 pct protect from infection, it "doesnt work". This is just ignorant misunderstanding, and if you want to fight on that front, its full on dunning kreuger... i understand the math on statistical protection rates. Iti have no idea how these things are being classified as not working.
272   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 6, 8:23am  

Onvacation says
Let the strong and the brave live their lifes!

Yes thats right! the weak and dumb ones who get the vaccine are just puppets and deserve whats coming for them! The good news is, the brave and smart ones will prosper and populate the earth while the vaxxed idiots will vanish in 1-2years. Natural selection and a big win for the smart, brave, strong un-vaxxed.

Its been 3 days since my J&J shot. 5 months and 27 days left until dementia will hit me.
273   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Apr 6, 8:33am  

There a perverse irony that we could be fighting a man made (or man manupulated) virus using an untested (or sparingly tested) mRNA treatment.

Wasn't that a plot of a book... they give you poision only to sell you the cure?

It's like the human race is one big clinical trial.

I don't blame the skeptics for passing on this. We don't know what we don't know.
274   WookieMan   2021 Apr 6, 8:38am  

Bitcoin says
smart ones

Speaking of, I'm pretty sure OV has you on ignore... so yeah.

Glad you got the vaccine though. I don't care if people want it or not. Up to the person which is their right. So kudos to you if that's what you wanted. I'm healthy and don't need it. I will die of far more things in my lifetime before Covid #stats.
275   Patrick   2021 Apr 6, 8:43am  

Zak says
People are fighting against basic statistcs saying if something doesnt 100 pct protect from infection, it "doesnt work".

@Zak I appreciate your comments.

My position is that masks provably do nothing outdoors because there has not been even one documented casual outdoor transmission anywhere on earth.

You can't reduce zero further. So outdoor masks are pointless, unless you are going to sit right next to someone for an hour an have an extended conversation like the two Chinese guys in that one known case of outdoor transmission.

Indoor masks are a different topic, but not that different. I don't think there is any good evidence of effectiveness there either.

Some good scientific overview article pointed out that transmission rates are a function of three variables:

- density of potentially infected people
- duration of interaction
- ventilation

Outdoor ventilation is effectively infinite.
276   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 6, 8:45am  

WookieMan says
Bitcoin says
smart ones

Speaking of, I'm pretty sure OV has you on ignore... so yeah.

Not sure what your point is? I dont mind responding to people that have me on ignore. its not like I care what they would write back. 90% of the time I only read the first sentence of your comments. If that.
277   mell   2021 Apr 6, 8:53am  

Patrick says
Zak says
People are fighting against basic statistcs saying if something doesnt 100 pct protect from infection, it "doesnt work".

@Zak I appreciate your comments.

My position is that masks provably do nothing outdoors because there has not been even one documented casual outdoor transmission anywhere on earth.

You can't reduce zero further. So outdoor masks are pointless, unless you are going to sit right next to someone for an hour an have an extended conversation like the two Chinese guys in that one known case of outdoor transmission.

Indoor masks are a different topic, but not that different. I don't think there is any good evidence of effectiveness there either.

Some good scientific overview article pointed out that transmission rates are a function of three variables:

- density of potentially infected people
- duration of interaction
- ventilatio...

I'm starting to wonder if the shots cause more harm than good even for productivity. I have several services (car mechanic etc.) I am waiting on and at least 3 of them so far have been delayed significantly because workers took covid shots and then were out for days in a row. How is this different than the few who caught covid and were out a few days?! And many more take the shot than contract covid. Nothing makes sense.
278   Zak   2021 Apr 6, 9:29am  

mell says
How is this different than the few who caught covid and were out a few days?!


I thought this same thing when I got my flu shot the past couple years. Ugg.. feel terrible.. probably wont even get the flu!

But then again If you get the flu and feel the same way (but usually lets be honest, its way worse), you're probably passing it on to a few other people during the incubation stage. At least with the flu shot, its only me, and not my kids or neighors, or teachers, etc...

I agree masks outdoors probably don't do very much at all due to the already large mass of air moving around. But in busses, airplanes, trains, buildings, etc.. seems to make a lot of sense, and statistics prove it out also. So again.. not sure why people are anti-mask.. They should just be anti bad mask policy, like if someone required it outdoors. Same thing with the objections to private businesses requiring a mask to come inside. This is America, and that's literally the definition of freedom I thought all of us as conservatives wanted, was for private property owners to get to decide what they want to do on their own property as long as it doesn't hurt anyone... And the best protest against a bad policy is just not spending your money at that business... not fighting your way inside to get them a profit.. Its ridiculous.
279   WookieMan   2021 Apr 6, 9:34am  

Bitcoin says
Speaking of, I'm pretty sure OV has you on ignore... so yeah.

Not sure what your point is?

Okay.... lol. Keep talking to yourself. No one is engaging in the Bitcoin threads so now you're jumping ship to new topics. You got the shot. No one cares. Most of us don't want it. No one should care. Your choice. Get over it.
280   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 6, 9:42am  

WookieMan says
Bitcoin says
Speaking of, I'm pretty sure OV has you on ignore... so yeah.

Not sure what your point is?


I know, there was no point :)
281   WookieMan   2021 Apr 6, 10:06am  

Bitcoin says
I know, there was no point :)

No one can see what you write. For good reason. That was the point.
282   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 6, 10:10am  

WookieMan says
No one can see what you write.

says the guy who responds to my comments. ROFL! Thanks Wookie, you make me laugh every day!
283   Ceffer   2021 Apr 6, 10:13am  

"Facebook 'corrects' woman's complaint vaccine 'is killing me,' then she dies"

How precious. In this instance, they used the fallback that she had a 'preexisting condition' that caused her problems. So, if you die of the jab, it's because of 'preexisting conditions' or if you 'waited too long' for the vaccine, it is Covid diagnosis that killed you (based on fake diagnosis).
284   WookieMan   2021 Apr 6, 10:24am  

Bitcoin says
says the guy who responds to my comments. ROFL! Thanks Wookie, you make me laugh every day!

Yes. I'm in charge of moderating spam and personal attacks. The crypto spam threads have gone away now that 14 active users thought they were crap. You've now had 2-3 crypto people tell you to tap the brakes. Not me, them. Maybe listen or have an actual conversation. I'm actually very reasonable and I actually think we have more in common than you'd think. You've just gotten set in your ways because I think crypto is a bad investment and I'd never live in CA. Let go Elsa.
285   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 6, 11:13am  

WookieMan says
Bitcoin says
says the guy who responds to my comments. ROFL! Thanks Wookie, you make me laugh every day!

Yes. I'm in charge of moderating spam and personal attacks.

Says the guy who got flagged multiple times for making person comments! Thanks Wookie! You make me laugh multiple times per day ROFL
286   Onvacation   2021 Apr 6, 11:23am  

Patrick says
Some good scientific overview article pointed out that transmission rates are a function of three variables:

- density of potentially infected people
- duration of interaction
- ventilation

You missed the most important variable, immune system.

I remember a really old study where volunteers were directly exposed to a large dose of flu virus. Surprisingly half of the subjects had no symptoms at all.

The fact that there are treatments for this cold contraindicate using an experimental biologic agent that does not confer immunity. The fact that the people who were suppressing the use of these treatments are desperately trying to get EVERYONE to take this experimental biologic agent that does not give you immunity is even better reason not to take the jab.

Healthy living, good nutrition, exercise and some key nutrients to enhance your immune system are a much better plan than poverty, handouts, masking, fear porn, isolation, and an experimental biologic agent to not get the flu or a cold.
287   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 6, 11:25am  

Onvacation says
fear porn

yeah, like, if you take the vaccine you will have dementia in 6month or in 1-2y you will be dead if you take the vaccine.
That fear porn?
288   Booger   2021 Apr 6, 4:01pm  


Facebook 'corrects' woman's complaint vaccine 'is killing me,' then she dies
289   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 6, 4:17pm  

Booger says

Facebook 'corrects' woman's complaint vaccine 'is killing me,' then she dies
Damn. And then people wonder why we're apprehensive about taking this experimental shot.
290   Onvacation   2021 Apr 6, 4:23pm  

Or why we hate Facebook for censoring the truth.
291   Patrick   2021 Apr 6, 5:06pm  

Zak says
and statistics prove it out also

I have not seen any convincing evidence. What's the best link or two you have showing masks work indoors?

mell says
How is this different than the few who caught covid and were out a few days?! And many more take the shot than contract covid. Nothing makes sense.

It sure makes sense in terms of profits for the 50 new vaccine billionaires.
292   GNL   2021 Apr 6, 7:41pm  

Patrick says
What's the best link or two you have showing masks work indoors?

Oh for Christ sakes, they do not work. It says it on the box. Sneezing and coughing? Sure, the masks would help but, let me know the next time you see someone sneeze or cough IN their masks. Besides, covering our mouths and noses while coughing and sneezing is one of the first things we all learn at a young age. At least here in America we do.
294   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 7, 8:13am  


A 40-year-old music teacher is dead four days after publishing a Facebook photo wearing a mask and holding an “I was vaccinated” sticker.

Ms. Holub’s obituary says she died of natural causes. Of course there is no mainstream media coverage of her death. And even if there were, it would entail canned talking points, starting with “her death is not related to the shot.”
297   Shaman   2021 Apr 7, 8:58am  

Bitcoin says
Onvacation says
fear porn

yeah, like, if you take the vaccine you will have dementia in 6month or in 1-2y you will be dead if you take the vaccine.
That fear porn?

Nobody knows enough to say that statement is fact or fiction. You’re part of a medical experiment that you signed up for with no compensation. Lean into it.
298   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 7, 9:10am  

Shaman says
Bitcoin says
Onvacation says
fear porn

yeah, like, if you take the vaccine you will have dementia in 6month or in 1-2y you will be dead if you take the vaccine.
That fear porn?

Nobody knows enough to say that statement is fact or fiction

pretty sure its fear-porn-fiction! But, we will find out in 5 month and 25 days or so. That's when dementia is supposed to hit me. Until then its party-pool-time for me.

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