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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   391,360 views  5,707 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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3184   Shaman   2021 Aug 17, 9:55am  

Yes this is BadTube but I can’t find it elsewhere and it’s extremely relevant to our current social and political moment.
The premise of the video is that the virtuous are really screwing everything up with their fake virtue. Like the monkey who “saved a fish from drowning” by sticking it in a tree, the do-gooders are always making things worse! Anyone with a utopia project or a plan to “change the world” is someone to treat as though they have leprosy. Actually, lepers are much better people and more socially acceptable.

3185   GNL   2021 Aug 17, 11:22am  

Patrick says
Maybe it would help to surround "public health" agencies and the homes of the "public health officials" with massive crowds.

Certainly the focus should be on the criminals issuing these diktats.

And all these assho school boards.
3187   Shaman   2021 Aug 17, 4:43pm  

Patrick says

It’s the height of irony that being vaccine hesitant because your advanced science degree tells you it’s a bad idea to inject GENE EDITING into your body that causes your very cells to pump out a toxic prion isn’t considered a valid excuse. But if you claim religious exemption because your body is a temple or there was some fetal cell line in vaccine development then you’re cool.

You get way more credit for being superstitious than for being more intelligent than government bureaucrats and journalists.
3188   Onvacation   2021 Aug 17, 6:06pm  

Delta, delta, delta.

I got on a CDC answer forum and asked, "Does the test detect the delta and lambda variants?"

The one word answer, "Yes!"

I followed up with, "Will the EUA test detect the Andromeda strain?"

Reply, "Great book."

I fear I may be on another list.
3189   DhammaStep   2021 Aug 17, 6:29pm  

Ultimately, it may just come down to a handful of simple factors. The bureaucrats operate implicitly with a monopoly on force thus in the minds of the majority, have the "right and responsibility" to do whatever it is they deem necessary. Force in this matter is not only armed forces but the ability to project information decisively and  widely, true or not.

In this manner, the "dummies" aren't afraid of negative consequences. The PhDs that understand what's going on know that the shot IS the bad consequence, and is less afraid of retaliation.

Psychologically, I would hazard to guess that the dummies are more second stage levels of psychological development [per Kegan's model]: meaning most of their worldview is based around how the external effects the self. Simply a collection of narcissistic interests aka young children and early teenagers. Some don't develop far past the worldviews they obtain in youth. These are the people on the news reports dying from mixing Buckfast and petroleum or whatever nonsense. They don't care, because as they get older they still experience life in a way they gives them an ability to assess risk more realistically than coddled undergrads.

The rabidly jabbed might be third stage folk stuck in a purely communal mode of thinking, they are unable to resolve conflicting goals/needs between relationships (i.e. hospitals are filled up everywhere, my family must suffer under oppression!) Generally, these people subordinate their own needs for others without properly weighing necessity or value. Think teenagers and peer pressure. Empirically, a third of adult Americans are stuck in this phase and will remain so until death. Our school system fails to help people evolve properly past stage 3 because they start to learn critique about systems they haven't even properly experienced yet, so their entire perspective is flawed.

Oh, I guess it isn't just simple factors. I enjoy proving myself wrong. I probably could have explained this better but I'm shamefully typing on a spydevice in the middle of the city trying to stay left of bang.
3190   Patrick   2021 Aug 17, 6:34pm  

"left of bang"?
3191   DhammaStep   2021 Aug 17, 6:36pm  

Patrick says
"left of bang"?

Basically having enough awareness around you to avoid danger or prevent threats from occurring. These cities aren't very safe these days, believe it or don't!

Check out the book Left of Bang by Patrick Van Horne and Jason Riley if you're interested.
3192   Patrick   2021 Aug 17, 6:42pm  

DhammaStep says
Left of Bang by Patrick Van Horne

Sounds good:

-- You walk into a restaurant and get an immediate sense that you should leave.

-- You are about to step onto an elevator with a stranger and something stops you.

-- You interview a potential new employee who has the resume to do the job, but something tells you not to offer a position.

These scenarios all represent LEFT OF BANG, the moments before something bad happens. But how many times have you talked yourself out of leaving the restaurant, getting off the elevator, or getting over your silly “gut” feeling about someone? Is there a way to not just listen to your inner protector more, but to actually increase your sensitivity to threats before they happen?

Legendary Marine General James Mattis asked the same question and issued a directive to operationalize the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter program. A comprehensive and no-nonsense approach to heightening each and every one of our gifts of fear, LEFT OF BANG is the result.

3193   PeopleUnited   2021 Aug 17, 7:12pm  

clambo says
I would shut down Twitter and waterboard Dorsey if I were the President.

Better punishment would be exile to a country more in line with his totalitarian beliefs, Maybe China or Afghanistan.
3194   PeopleUnited   2021 Aug 17, 7:21pm  

WineHorror1 says
PeopleUnited says
Robert Sproul says
Well, this sounds familiar (from 2015):
Robert Sproul says

Thanks for sharing. Short and easy to read yet very interesting.

Do I understand your intentions correctly? You're trying to say the unvaxxed are in danger from the vaxxed so get vaxxed and subject yourself to endless jabbings in order to survive?

No, I’m saying Mad scientists may have unintentionally or intentionally created a crisis through their viral gain of function research and/or experimental injections.
3195   PeopleUnited   2021 Aug 17, 9:19pm  

Patrick says
I think they want that, so they can use the military against US citizens.

If they want to use the military against US citizens they might use FBI and CIA and other deep state actors to create a false flag/staged/instigated event just like they did on election certification farce day.
3196   Patrick   2021 Aug 17, 9:44pm  

Intentionally, imho. To sell the fucking jab.

3197   Patrick   2021 Aug 18, 12:17am  

anonymous said, on August 16, 2021 at 3:39 pm

I wonder if paranoia exists, not because it’s (or despite it being) a malfunction, but because it’s adaptive? The paranoid guy can be wrong (probably is wrong) about all the details, but can still be right about the nature of his world or society.

Every so often, society goes insane. Conformity ratchets to infinity, and the high priests/shamans line everyone up for some Jonestown suicide act or gratuitous act of evil – paranoia tells you to escape to the hills for a while until the craziness takes its inevitable course. All the reasonable sounding people are calmly and rationally advocating, in ever more forceful and coercive ways, lunacy that ends in virgins getting their hearts cut out so that the sun rises tomorrow.

3198   richwicks   2021 Aug 18, 2:27am  

Patrick says
I wonder if paranoia exists, not because it’s (or despite it being) a malfunction, but because it’s adaptive? The paranoid guy can be wrong (probably is wrong) about all the details, but can still be right about the nature of his world or society.

The reason I exist is my great grandfather felt something was wrong with how Poland was going just PRIOR to WWII. My cousin is now an expat in Argentina, he thinks the US is screwed.
3200   Ceffer   2021 Aug 18, 10:37am  

So, the 'fully vaccinated' are now the 'not so vaccinated' and need extra jabs. I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked! The 'fully vaxxed' are enemies of the state again.

Hmm, what to call the triple jabbed now? The 'fully fully vaccinated'? The 'fully really vaccinated'? The 'If The First Two Didn't Get You This One Will vaccinated'?
3201   Patrick   2021 Aug 18, 11:56am  


Las Vegas Raiders To Require Vaccination To Attend Games In Person. But Don't Worry, You Can Get The Shot AT THE STADIUM BEFORE THE GAME. Seriously.

3202   Eric Holder   2021 Aug 18, 11:59am  

Patrick says

Las Vegas Raiders To Require Vaccination To Attend Games In Person. But Don't Worry, You Can Get The Shot AT THE STADIUM BEFORE THE GAME. Seriously.


Knowing Raiders fans I doubt the stadium will be even half-full.
3203   richwicks   2021 Aug 18, 1:26pm  

Eric Holder says
Patrick says

Las Vegas Raiders To Require Vaccination To Attend Games In Person. But Don't Worry, You Can Get The Shot AT THE STADIUM BEFORE THE GAME. Seriously.


Knowing Raiders fans I doubt the stadium will be even half-full.

At worst, it just kills a bunch of people that like the BLM/LGBTQ football themed games.

I think this is a perfectly reasonable restriction for a private business (that forces taxpayers to pay for their stupid stadiums).
3204   GNL   2021 Aug 18, 1:56pm  

zzyzzx says

What? Did he die or something?
3205   RWSGFY   2021 Aug 18, 1:58pm  

WineHorror1 says
zzyzzx says

What? Did he die or something?

Who gives a fuck?
3206   GNL   2021 Aug 18, 2:00pm  

FuckCCP89 says
WineHorror1 says
zzyzzx says

What? Did he die or something?

Who gives a fuck?

I'm curious why this image even got posted.
3207   Eric Holder   2021 Aug 18, 3:18pm  

WineHorror1 says
FuckCCP89 says
WineHorror1 says
zzyzzx says

What? Did he die or something?

Who gives a fuck?

I'm curious why this image even got posted.

It's the lovely message he decided to put around his cunt of a face.
3208   Onvacation   2021 Aug 18, 3:35pm  

zzyzzx says

at band camp...

3209   Patrick   2021 Aug 18, 5:31pm  


University in Connecticut to Fine, Block Internet Access to Unvaccinated Students
BY GQ PAN August 18, 2021

Students at Connecticut’s Quinnipiac University will be fined up to $2,275 and lose internet access if they fail to comply with the university’s COVID-19 vaccination policies.

They will go bankrupt from this outrageous violation of human rights, one hopes.
3211   zzyzzx   2021 Aug 19, 11:40am  


Trump claims COVID booster shots are a 'money-making operation' for Pfizer and he can 'see the dollar signs' in CEO Albert Bourla's eyes
3212   zzyzzx   2021 Aug 19, 11:41am  

WineHorror1 says
I'm curious why this image even got posted.

Because you'd have to be nuts to take medical advice from a smug gay flutist.
3214   Ceffer   2021 Aug 19, 11:56am  

Bell's Palsy? Poor guy can only give half a blow job, now.

zzyzzx says
3215   Patrick   2021 Aug 19, 1:44pm  

Former President Trump on Wednesday expressed skepticism of Covid booster shots, saying a third dose of vaccine 'sounds like a money-making operation.'

'You know what, that sounds to me like a money-making operation for Pfizer, okay, think of the money involved. That's tens of billions of dollars,' Trump told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo.

'If you're a pure businessman you'll say, "You know what, let's give them another shot, $10 billion of money coming in," the whole thing is crazy.'

The former president, who unceremoniously received his Covid-19 vaccine in January, continued: 'When these first came out they were good for life. Now they're only good for a year or two. And I could see the writing on the wall.'

'I could see the dollar signs in their eyes— of that guy that runs Pfizer. You know, the guy that announced the day after election that he had the vaccine. But we knew that, and I knew that, and the people knew that.'

Pfizer submitted its request for emergency use authorization on Nov. 20.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was paid over $21 million in 2020. He made $17.9 million from his job with the drug giant in 2019, the year before the pandemic.

Trump should have said this earlier and more forcefully.

He can still help by pointing out the incompetence and corruption at the CDC, NIH, and FDA.
3216   richwicks   2021 Aug 19, 1:45pm  

2 Australian children reportedly dead after forced to take the vaccine:


original link

If this isn't cause for revolt, nothing is. I'm serious, I hope the Australians revolt, and then try the people involved with mandating this and enforcing it for 2nd degree murder. Manslaughter at the minimum.
3217   Karloff   2021 Aug 19, 2:52pm  

If that's true, then that's a 1-in-12000 chance of death. That's far worse than the statistical chance of death from covid for children.

The articles on this weren't clear. Were these kids there willingly or did the state round them up and force them somehow? It's unethical enough they were doing this without parental consent, but if they did it even without the child's consent, that's yet another level of evil.
3218   richwicks   2021 Aug 19, 2:58pm  

Karloff says
Were these kids there willingly or did the state round them up and force them somehow?

It's been reported that they were pulled from schools to do this, I believe.

But take it with a grain of salt. To verify this, you'd need to know an Australian, and talk to them.
3222   Onvacation   2021 Aug 19, 6:45pm  

Latest numbers from the CDC


Statistically 0% of our children die of the Wuhan so let's jab them with an experimental biologic agent to save them.


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