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Have you seen the price of natural gas lately? Wrapping in saran wrap and lodging in landfills.
I don't see the coffin as a necessity except to the vendor who routinely overcharges for them. Seriously it's a waste of money.
Let the record show I am still alive 24 hours after receiving the the vaccine. I need a nap!
I survived it too, has almost been a week!! any minute I dont drop dead is worth celebrating. And not even dementia yet!!!
Everyone agreed his was insufferable asshole while he was alive. Honest people will not change their opinion now that he's finally dead.
And lol, good point about the vaccination.
Is living to 99 enjoyable anyway? I can't imagine those last 20-30 years being all that great. Hence why I try my best to have fun now and enjoy it when I'm healthy with my kids. I regret not having them 5-6 years earlier right out of college.
I really have no interest to make it to 90 in all honesty. Outside of accruing more SS money for heirs, life is likely miserable once you hit 80. I mean we can already tell Biden is sharper than ever, creating the AFT out of nowhere. lol.
life is likely miserable once you hit 80
feeling alone in your age group when everyone else has died or is dying offThis was my mother's (1902-1997) circumstance. She was the last one left of the 12 couples with whom she and my father became friends in 1924, the year she started teaching, variously called "The Gang" or "The Bunch". I grew up with them all getting together at each others' homes and a big celebration at Christmas. In 1954, they had a party at the Ridgewood Country Club based on the TV show This Is Your Life with Enid and Willie B. Wilie as the main couple who were in their 60's then and started the bunch and Mother and Daddy were the last to join, so they celebrated 30 years of friendship. I don't know if she was prescient, but I remember on Friday May 9 she was sitting on the sofa and said "I'm lonely". She passed away two days later on May 11, 1997, Mother's Day. However, through the years she always had friends from younger generations as well.
I really have no interest to make it to 90 in all honesty.
Honestly, I truly believe good weather (and of course exercise and healthy living) ages you slower. When I go back home to Chicago and Indianapolis and see some of my old H.S. and college buddies, they look 10 to 20 years older than me. It is hard on the body when almost half the year you have to be cooped up inside with nothing to do but drink, smoke, catch Chinese AIDS and watch sports.+1000
As fucked up an expensive it is living with all these retarded Liberals in California, there are definitely some quality of life benefits.
I bet that number is in the tens or even hundreds of thousands.
I am outside every day all year.....thank you CA and I am gladly paying the sunshine tax!
Pro tip: wear sun block every single day!
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.