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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   393,155 views  5,716 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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361   ForcedTQ   2021 Apr 9, 7:22am  

Patrick says
Everyone agreed his was insufferable asshole while he was alive. Honest people will not change their opinion now that he's finally dead.

And lol, good point about the vaccination.

So, King Charles is not too far off then?
362   WookieMan   2021 Apr 9, 7:31am  

Is living to 99 enjoyable anyway? I can't imagine those last 20-30 years being all that great. Hence why I try my best to have fun now and enjoy it when I'm healthy with my kids. I regret not having them 5-6 years earlier right out of college.

I really have no interest to make it to 90 in all honesty. Outside of accruing more SS money for heirs, life is likely miserable once you hit 80. I mean we can already tell Biden is sharper than ever, creating the AFT out of nowhere. lol.
363   mell   2021 Apr 9, 7:45am  

WookieMan says
Is living to 99 enjoyable anyway? I can't imagine those last 20-30 years being all that great. Hence why I try my best to have fun now and enjoy it when I'm healthy with my kids. I regret not having them 5-6 years earlier right out of college.

I really have no interest to make it to 90 in all honesty. Outside of accruing more SS money for heirs, life is likely miserable once you hit 80. I mean we can already tell Biden is sharper than ever, creating the AFT out of nowhere. lol.

It depends, contrary to what you may hear or the path most people follow you can have a pretty good live into old age. It's just hard work to get there, but there are plenty of marathon runners/walkers in their 70s, 80s and 90s. If you keep physically fit you usually also keep mentally sharp enough. It's not easy but can be done. Just don't listen to the leftoids and the lamestream media recommendations like zomg!covid! everyone netfucks and chill while chomping on your free donut from your vaccination. That will fuck you up for sure.
364   Onvacation   2021 Apr 9, 7:46am  

WookieMan says
Let the body do its work for the common flu.

It's a cold
365   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 9, 8:01am  

WookieMan says
life is likely miserable once you hit 80

I did a backpacking trip with a friend. My daughter was with me and we hiked 30 miles over the course of a few days. One of the places we will never forgot due to its beauty was thousand island lakes (Ansel Adams Wilderness in California). We met a few people out there there and one guy I am still friends with today was a 80 year old guy. He was very fit and he is doing large hikes every week. If you eat healthy and stay active and slim, you can still have a great life at 80.
366   clambo   2021 Apr 9, 8:10am  

My father was 95 when he had an accident which led to his death just before turning 96.
Before that, he was content.
He liked reading and going to lunch, and of course he liked it when people came around.
He liked some sports on TV, we found college lacrosse and he liked football too.
I had some people over on Christmas Eve and he played dominoes with the guests, another time he had a birthday party and neighbors came over and he enjoyed talking to everyone.
I think if you have an imagination or interest in history or literature you can amuse yourself quite well.
Losing your hearing is worse than losing your mobility, because conversation is difficult and you can become isolated.
367   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 9, 8:18am  

I believe one can have a good life beyond 80, but my concern is feeling alone in your age group when everyone else has died or is dying off. My MIL is 88 and healthy and she says it’s weird when she’s always the oldest person in the room or on a plane. I guess you’d have to learn to take pride in that and ensure you have friends and family around you.
369   NDrLoR   2021 Apr 9, 8:51am  

porkchopexpress says
feeling alone in your age group when everyone else has died or is dying off
This was my mother's (1902-1997) circumstance. She was the last one left of the 12 couples with whom she and my father became friends in 1924, the year she started teaching, variously called "The Gang" or "The Bunch". I grew up with them all getting together at each others' homes and a big celebration at Christmas. In 1954, they had a party at the Ridgewood Country Club based on the TV show This Is Your Life with Enid and Willie B. Wilie as the main couple who were in their 60's then and started the bunch and Mother and Daddy were the last to join, so they celebrated 30 years of friendship. I don't know if she was prescient, but I remember on Friday May 9 she was sitting on the sofa and said "I'm lonely". She passed away two days later on May 11, 1997, Mother's Day. However, through the years she always had friends from younger generations as well.
370   Patrick   2021 Apr 9, 8:56am  

My mother-in-law's cousin is now 104. He has a great attitude and I think that's what keeps him going. He likes people, likes being alive, great sense of humor even now.

I wouldn't mind being like that. I have an awful lot of reading I'd like to do, and I want to write a few more short books, hopefully good ones that will stick around.
371   socal2   2021 Apr 9, 8:58am  

WookieMan says
I really have no interest to make it to 90 in all honesty.

I do - 90 is the new 70!

There are a couple guys pushing 80 surfing big waves at my surf spot. I look at them in awe and want to be like them. They are total studs and appear to be the happiest people on earth. They have no worries other than surfing a few days a week, booking tee-times at their favorite golf course, having happy hour cocktails with friends before their early bird dinner and being pampered and loved by their grandkids.

Honestly, I truly believe good weather (and of course exercise and healthy living) ages you slower. When I go back home to Chicago and Indianapolis and see some of my old H.S. and college buddies, they look 10 to 20 years older than me. It is hard on the body when almost half the year you have to be cooped up inside with nothing to do but drink, smoke, catch Chinese AIDS and watch sports.

As fucked up an expensive it is living with all these retarded Liberals in California, there are definitely some quality of life benefits.
372   HeadSet   2021 Apr 9, 9:13am  

My wife's GrandPa was another man who lived into his 90s while still quite active an mentally sharp. He lived in a town in Montana and was a farmer, local politician, and grocery store owner. He had a Piper Cub he flew around, but I am not sure he ever got a pilot's license. He would also play banjo in a band entertaining at the "old folks home" where at the time he was actually about 20 years older than the residents. I remember hearing that when he was in his 70s, he would jump started off the dock when water skiing. Pretty good golfer when I knew him in his 80s. But by living long, he endured the "funeral a week" stage, and these funerals were often aged children of his long departed friends. He was one of those who quite school early to go to work, but was very knowledgeable and know how to earn and invest. He started out in poverty, but before he died he put enough money aside in accounts that he paid for most the grandkid's (and a couple great grandkids) college.
373   Shaman   2021 Apr 9, 9:16am  

Here is a website with excellent info on proper outpatient treatment of Covid19, with lists of doctors who will prescribe the necessary medications.

374   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 9, 9:20am  

socal2 says
Honestly, I truly believe good weather (and of course exercise and healthy living) ages you slower. When I go back home to Chicago and Indianapolis and see some of my old H.S. and college buddies, they look 10 to 20 years older than me. It is hard on the body when almost half the year you have to be cooped up inside with nothing to do but drink, smoke, catch Chinese AIDS and watch sports.

I have a love/hate relationship with Southern California. I absolutely hate the taxes, politics and cost of living, but I will swear to my grave that living in San Diego makes me far healthier and happier (physically, mentally, emotionally, chemically) than any other place I've ever lived. I get sick far less, I look younger than my peers, etc. Hell, even getting natural Vitamin D every day helped me recover from Covid like it was no big deal and I'm middle-aged. I don't know that I'll ever leave because living here has been a Fountain of Youth for me.

I've finally come to the conclusion that I'd rather have a smaller house with no upgrades and an average car and live here, vs living in Phoenix desert heat or Minnesota insufferable winters but have a huge house that I'm trapped in. My attitude may change at some point, but that's how I feel now more than ever having been in lockdown from Covid.
375   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 9, 9:22am  

Onvacation says
tHAt mEaNs iT's wOrkInG!!!
376   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 9, 9:56am  

socal2 says

As fucked up an expensive it is living with all these retarded Liberals in California, there are definitely some quality of life benefits.

100% agree. I am outside every day all year.....thank you CA and I am gladly paying the sunshine tax!
377   Ceffer   2021 Apr 9, 10:19am  

LOL! I would have bet that RoyalFucks got nothing but a saline jab, but maybe not.

Next News: "Royal Physician Executed By Firing Squad".

"Even adrenochrome couldn't save Royal from the jab!"
379   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 9, 10:34am  

So today I saw a number like 2950 people have died from the Vaccine so far. But I bet that's just people who keeled over dead in the seat, just moments after receiving the shot.
I'm sure they don't count the people who have all died within two weeks of getting it.
I bet that number is in the tens or even hundreds of thousands.
380   GNL   2021 Apr 9, 10:40am  

Tenpoundbass says
I bet that number is in the tens or even hundreds of thousands.

That would be history level evil.
381   Patrick   2021 Apr 9, 10:44am  

Yes, but we are already at history level evil in using the virus to help defeat democracy, the collaboration of the CDC with the vaccine companies they are supposed to regulate, and their attempt to track everyone we talk to and limit out travel based on compliance with getting a dangerous experimental treatment.

And they put literally millions of people out of work to boot.

So Fraudulent Fauci et al wouldn't even blink at killing hundreds of thousands. They are really that evil.
382   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 9, 11:02am  

What I'm saying is I'm sure Prince Phillip like my Mom, and this woman

will not be considered Covid Vax deaths. They are only counting people that never got up out of the chair.

That makes that 2500 number even more horrifying.
383   Shaman   2021 Apr 9, 11:11am  

Bitcoin says
I am outside every day all year.....thank you CA and I am gladly paying the sunshine tax!

Pro tip: wear sun block every single day!
I’ve seen how native Californians look just a few years past 30. Hell, the local white girls mostly all have crows feet at age 28.
I just got those, but at the age of 44. Most guys around here my age look like they’re in their 60s.
384   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 9, 11:23am  

Shaman says
Pro tip: wear sun block every single day!

100% agree with this. I take my sunblock everywhere....I do it multiple times a day. SF50 or 70.
385   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Apr 9, 2:53pm  

I would suggest that the living Wookie is talking about isn't real living at all. If you're on a million pills, going to the doctor every week, hospital every month, that's not living, and I agree, no desire to get there. Good thing I exercise, eat healthy, and don't isolate myself.

I have no idea how old I'll live to be because with most people suffering horrible quality-of-life, and dying from completely preventable conditions, it's hard to say. But I know I'll enjoy ever minute, and will likely die the normal way, in my sleep.
387   Blue   2021 Apr 9, 3:46pm  

CDC folks have conflict of interest with vaccine companies as Marketwatch article today.
389   Patrick   2021 Apr 9, 4:25pm  

Blue says
CDC folks have conflict of interest with vaccine companies as Marketwatch article today.

@Blue Could you post a link to that Marketwatch article?
390   Ceffer   2021 Apr 9, 4:38pm  

Gettin' close to home?
391   mell   2021 Apr 9, 4:57pm  

Bitcoin says
Shaman says
Pro tip: wear sun block every single day!

100% agree with this. I take my sunblock everywhere....I do it multiple times a day. SF50 or 70.

While I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block. There's no proven study that says it reduces skin cancer rates and there are concerns with some of the ingredients actually being carcinogenic. I'd rather wear little or none if UV index isn't high and get out of the sun sooner if necessary. Sunblock inhibits vitamin D production from sunlight and skin absorption dramatically. And chronic vit d deficiency may kill you sooner. Also we're not that much outside these days so I don't think one should be wearing much if any sunscreen on the 1-2 hours they are outside on average. The UVB/C rays are meant to hurt you and make your skin red so you get out as soon as you start feeling it. With sunscreen you can stay much much longer in the sun without any hurt bit you will let through plenty of uva rays which can cause DNA damage as much if not more than uvb if consumed excessively (which is why tanning beds can be dangerous) although current research says uvb causes more cancer esp. dangerous melanoma (while uva causes more aging). Of course if you're at high altitude, near the equator or its summer season you won't get around wearing some occasionally. As with everything pros and cons and talk to you doc lol
392   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 9, 5:03pm  

mell says
Bitcoin says
Shaman says
Pro tip: wear sun block every single day!

100% agree with this. I take my sunblock everywhere....I do it multiple times a day. SF50 or 70.

While I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block. There's no proven study that says it reduces skin cancer rates and there are concerns with some of the ingredients actually being carcinogenic. I'd rather wear little or none if UV index isn't high and get out of the sun sooner if necessary. Sunblock inhibits vitamin production from sunlight and skin absorption dramatically. As always pros and cons. Also we're not that much outside these days so I don't think one should be wearing much if any sunscreen on the 1-2 hours they are outside on average. The UVB rays are meant to hurt you and make your skin...
Totally agree, mell. We are a vitamin-deficient society because we're always indoors and slathering on sunscreen. If you're going to be out in the sun for an extended period of time, put it on and use zinc oxide version. Otherwise, let the sun hit your skin. If I go outside for a 40 minutes walk, I will put some sunscreen just on my face to prevent aging, but no where else.
393   mell   2021 Apr 9, 5:05pm  

porkchopexpress says
mell says
Bitcoin says
Shaman says
Pro tip: wear sun block every single day!

100% agree with this. I take my sunblock everywhere....I do it multiple times a day. SF50 or 70.

While I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block. There's no proven study that says it reduces skin cancer rates and there are concerns with some of the ingredients actually being carcinogenic. I'd rather wear little or none if UV index isn't high and get out of the sun sooner if necessary. Sunblock inhibits vitamin production from sunlight and skin absorption dramatically. As always pros and cons. Also we're not that much outside these days so I don't think one should be wearing much if any sunscreen on the 1-2 hour...

Agreed and it's really not that much of a hassle to get your skin checked once a year at the doc.
394   Patrick   2021 Apr 9, 5:44pm  

I was always sun-phobic, and even had a basal cell skin cancer a few years ago, but now I make a point of standing shirtless in the sun for a couple of minutes each afternoon because:

1. It produces vitamin D, especially in pale people like me.
2. It is actually good for heart health
3. I like it.

After getting a skin cancer and having it cut off (very much like my father) I read about it, and basal cell cancers are not particularly dangerous. It's melanoma that's dangerous, and that seems to be mostly unrelated to sun exposure.
395   EBGuy   2021 Apr 9, 8:38pm  

Darkhorse Podcast, as always, has an interesting take on sun exposure.
396   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 9, 8:53pm  

Patrick says
1. It produces vitamin D, especially in pale people like me.
2. It is actually good for heart health
3. I like it.

4. tan girls are sexy
397   mell   2021 Apr 9, 9:25pm  

A good tan on a beautiful female body is def a great sight.
398   Blue   2021 Apr 9, 10:12pm  

Patrick says
Blue says
CDC folks have conflict of interest with vaccine companies as Marketwatch article today.

@Blue Could you post a link to that Marketwatch article?

Can not find it now! it was something similar to the following,
399   SoTex   2021 Apr 9, 11:02pm  

mell says
While I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block.

5-Fluorouracil to the rescue!
400   mell   2021 Apr 10, 8:27am  

just_passing_through says
mell says
While I agree lesser sun radiation keeps the skin smooth and younger I am not a fan of sun block.

5-Fluorouracil to the rescue!

Lol it's amazing two of my buddies had to take it and while it can be slightly uncomfortable it works really well for hardly any inconvenience. Definitely a win for science. I go to the skin doc every 1-2 years and only had a 1 or 2 small keratose or sun damaged patches on my face so far and some inconveniently placed moles, usually I laser or cryo stuff like that away in the earliest stages. I have a slight natural olive tan complex which helps too a bit. But I used to be quite vit d deficient during a lesser healthy period of my life and vit D fixed that so I am convinced the benefits of some unblocked sun exposure each day if possible by very far outweigh the risks.

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