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Patrick saysBlack people tend to have a more realistic view of the bullshit coming from "authority" figures like Fraudulent Fauci.
They have heard enough bullshit to recognize it when they hear more.
Yet they re-elected Maxine Waters.
HeadSet saysPatrick saysBlack people tend to have a more realistic view of the bullshit coming from "authority" figures like Fraudulent Fauci.
They have heard enough bullshit to recognize it when they hear more.
Yet they re-elected Maxine Waters.
Too many still on the dole, there has been a shift towards leaving the plantation but the majority still votes leftoid.
Bitcoin saysI survived it too, has almost been a week!! any minute I dont drop dead is worth celebrating. And not even dementia yet!!!
I didn't take it and won't die from covid anyway. So there's that. It's statistically impossible. And that's IF you trust the manipulated data regarding cases and deaths and your typical flu disappearing. If you're under 50, there's basically zero reason to take this. You'll die from a plethora of other causes before covid.
Sad state of affairs when people think you NEED a vaccine for the flu. It will become endemic and you WILL get Covid-19 at some point regardless of vaccination. I'd rather just let my body do its thing. No interest in manipulating my body for the common cold and give big pharma money. Everyone is entitled to do what they want, but at some point logic is a thing.
WookieMan saysBitcoin saysI survived it too, has almost been a week!! any minute I dont drop dead is worth celebrating. And not even dementia yet!!!
I didn't take it and won't die from covid anyway. So there's that. It's statistically impossible. And that's IF you trust the manipulated data regarding cases and deaths and your typical flu disappearing. If you're under 50, there's basically zero reason to take this. You'll die from a plethora of other causes before covid.
Sad state of affairs when people think you NEED a vaccine for the flu. It will become endemic and you WILL get Covid-19 at some point regardless of vaccination. I'd rather just let my body do its thing. No interest in manipulating my body for the common cold and give big pharma money. Everyone is entitled to do what they want, but at some po...
Yeah and worse they are applying for permission to vaccinate kids now, child-abuse for amassing even more money. No kid or teenager needs a Covid shot unless wrought with co-morbidities.
Funny, I went down to Melbourne, FL last week. On the way down, a big electronic sign said ALL GA residents 30 and over were welcome to get a shot. On the way back, it say 16. FUCKING 16 YEARS old.
Everyone can get a shot now, there is no scarcity. People don't want it. 50% of healthcare workers and 40-50% of active duty military have declined this bullshit.
it was nice to be alive. Now that I have gotten the J&J shot, my life will go downhill very fast. Until then, I will take my wife on more dates now that restaurants are opening up.
zzyzzx says
Here's the source https://greatgameindia.com/mrna-vaccines-degenerate-brain-prion/. Take everything you see on the Internet with a grain of salt. I'm doubtful of this being true, but it would be funny if it was.
Bitcoin saysit was nice to be alive. Now that I have gotten the J&J shot, my life will go downhill very fast. Until then, I will take my wife on more dates now that restaurants are opening up.
Haha, if it turns out that these "vaccines" really do reduce life expectancy, I hope you remember as you go through successive degenerative states
it was nice to be alive. Now that I have gotten the J&J shot, my life will go downhill very fast. Until then, I will take my wife on more dates now that restaurants are opening up.
Is there proof that they do not vaccinate their children? Or if they do so at a substantially lower rate then the rest of the country?
I never stopped going out, or taking my wife on dates, or stopped going on vacations.
richwicks saysBitcoin saysit was nice to be alive. Now that I have gotten the J&J shot, my life will go downhill very fast. Until then, I will take my wife on more dates now that restaurants are opening up.
Haha, if it turns out that these "vaccines" really do reduce life expectancy, I hope you remember as you go through successive degenerative states
that will be impossible. "experts" say that we get dementia within 6months of taking the vaccine. In 5 1/2month I wont remember my name and that I ever took the vaccine.
That's great! Restaurants were only open for take out here.....so, I had to pick it up and save money on tipping.
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. REGN announced positive data from a late-stage study (2069B) of recently infected asymptomatic COVID-19 patients, which is evaluating the antibody cocktail REGEN-COV (casirivimab with imdevimab) 1,200 mg administered via subcutaneous (SC) administration.
The phase III study enrolled 204 individuals without any COVID-19 symptoms who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 but did not have anti-virus antibodies at baseline and were randomized to receive either 1 dose of REGEN-COV (1,200 mg) or placebo.
The cocktail reduced the overall risk of progressing to symptomatic COVID-19 by 31% (primary endpoint), and by 76% after the third day. Data also showed that REGEN-COV shortened symptom duration and markedly reduced viral levels. The study met all primary and key secondary endpoints. Moreover, the total number of weeks for which patients experienced symptoms was nearly cut in half (45%) with REGEN-COV, and the viral burden was reduced by more than 90%.
Separately, Regeneron also announced that the phase III study (2069A) evaluating the ability of REGEN-COV to reduce the risk and burden of COVID-19 infection among household contacts of SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals met its primary and key secondary endpoints. The phase III double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluated the effect of REGEN-COV on uninfected individuals without anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies or any COVID-19 symptoms, who lived in the same household where an individual has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 within the prior four days. The study enrolled 1,505 people who were not infected with SARS-CoV-2 at baseline and randomized to receive either 1 dose of REGEN-COV (1,200 mg) or placebo, administered as SC injections.
Results of the study showed that REGEN-COV 1,200 mg administered SC reduced the risk of symptomatic infections by 81% in those who were not infected when they entered the trial. REGEN-COV rapidly protected household contacts from exposure to SARS-CoV-2 at home, with 72% protection against symptomatic infections in the first week and 93% in subsequent weeks.
Can't live in fear over a virus with a 99.9% survival rate.
Hell, every single Brewery I used to go to
If you scroll through, for some reason Deagal (which is reputable) predicts only 100 million Americans will be alive by 2025.
your first story ("drop a bag here" basically meant, the people prepping the WTC didnt know what they were doing and its very easy to demolish buildings like the WTC),
then you said we have no free speech because snowden is living in Russia.
Then you said the IRS targeted you because you donated to Ron Paul.
I can't know for certain, I said:
richwicks saysI donated the federal maximum to Ron Paul's campaign in 2008. Then I got accused of cheating on my taxes by the IRS in 2009. What a coincidence.
I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, I know I didn't have any errors on my taxes. When I contacted the IRS, they immediately closed the case. That made me feel like they were trying to intimidate me.
Now, you reference that we will see massive deaths in the US due to the vaccine
it was nice to be alive. Now that I have gotten the J&J shot, my life will go downhill very fast. Until then, I will take my wife on more dates now that restaurants are opening up.
If you believe the US government would kill its own people you should join the jihadists.
You went too far down the rabbit hole. There is no end to the crazy stories you will share.....
That's great! Restaurants were only open for take out here.....so, I had to pick it up and save money on tipping.
Bitcoin saysThat's great! Restaurants were only open for take out here.....so, I had to pick it up and save money on tipping.
Ouch. You don't tip for carry out? During a "pandemic" where businesses could barely stay open and employees were/are struggling to make ends meet? Alright....
Bitcoin saysthen you said we have no free speech because snowden is living in Russia.
We don't have free speech because if I fucking say the election was stolen on any major platform, I'm censored. I have to continually correct you because you seem to not understand any context.
Bitcoin saysThat's great! Restaurants were only open for take out here.....so, I had to pick it up and save money on tipping.
Ouch. You don't tip for carry out? During a "pandemic" where businesses could barely stay open and employees were/are struggling to make ends meet? Alright....
WookieMan saysBitcoin saysThat's great! Restaurants were only open for take out here.....so, I had to pick it up and save money on tipping.
Ouch. You don't tip for carry out? During a "pandemic" where businesses could barely stay open and employees were/are struggling to make ends meet? Alright....
Well it's the businesses faults for caving to everything. Most give you shitty service now and tack on all sorts of fees to cover for the policies the idiots enacted they elected. Fuck this, I'm cooking myself mostly these days whenever I find time. Nobody is giving me any "tip" on my 10 hour daily progamming shift. And I still find time for a run/work-out. No tips from me on carry-out unless the service/food is above and beyond. You want tip? Open your fucking business and treat me like a worthy customer, give ...
mell saysWookieMan saysBitcoin saysThat's great! Restaurants were only open for take out here.....so, I had to pick it up and save money on tipping.
Ouch. You don't tip for carry out? During a "pandemic" where businesses could barely stay open and employees were/are struggling to make ends meet? Alright....
Well it's the businesses faults for caving to everything. Most give you shitty service now and tack on all sorts of fees to cover for the policies the idiots enacted they elected. Fuck this, I'm cooking myself mostly these days whenever I find time. Nobody is giving me any "tip" on my 10 hour daily progamming shift. And I still find time for a run/work-out. No tips from me on carry-out unless the service/food is above and beyond. Yo...
If your not healthy, get betteror dieso the rest of us can get back to life.
No tips from me on carry-out unless the service/food is above and beyond.
Well it's the businesses faults for caving to everything. Most give you shitty service now and tack on all sorts of fees to cover for the policies the idiots enacted they elected.
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.