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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   392,836 views  5,716 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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4589   Shaman   2022 Jul 20, 12:56pm  

If you’ve had Covid and you’re vaxxed, you have 13 X the chance to be reinfected as an unvaxxed recovered person.
If you get Covid again and you’ve been jabbed, you have 7 times the chance of an unjabbed recovered person at having severe symptoms.

Natural immunity isn’t just the best immunity.
It’s the ONLY immunity.

4591   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jul 24, 7:00am  

New Zealand COVID-19 death rate at record levels

New Zealanders are dying from COVID-19 at record rates as the country battles a new wave of the Omicron strain that is particularly affecting the older population.

Deaths from the virus reached 151 in the seven days to July 16, compared with 115 in the worst week of the previous wave, in March, according to Health Ministry data. In the latest 24 hours, 26 people died from COVID, all aged over 60, the ministry said in a statement on Friday.

The Omicron BA.5 sub-variant is driving the current wave in New Zealand, which has 5.1 million people. There have been 64,780 active cases in the past seven days, although authorities say many infections are unreported.

Once regarded as a model for preventing COVID infection, New Zealand's swift response to the pandemic and its geographic isolation kept it largely free from the virus until the end of last year.

The government dropped its zero-COVID policy this year once the population was largely vaccinated. Since then the virus has been allowed to spread.

Emergency departments, general practices and medical centres are under pressure. However, Health Ministry data shows hospitalisation levels remain below those seen during the March peak.

The government is resisting pressure from some doctors to reinstate curbs on public gatherings or mandate the wearing of masks at schools.

However, Education Ministry chief Iona Holsted said on Thursday the ministry had advised schools to enforce the wearing of masks as much as practicable when children returned from holidays next week.

"We understand that implementing mask policies can be a challenge but ask that you take action to strengthen your mask wearing policy as soon as possible," she said.

4592   WookieMan   2022 Jul 24, 8:35am  

Shaman says

Natural immunity isn’t just the best immunity.
It’s the ONLY immunity.

Yup. Though the source is our government. Masks didn't work and we could never develop a vax as fast as we did per our dear medical leader Fauci. Hard to believe anything anymore. And vaccines don't work. Literally everything has been wrong on this.

We let the Chinese take the lead on this and freak everyone out by "building" a hospital in 10 days and them locking citizens in their apartments. I swear this was a troll job that went further than the Chinese thought. With an aging boomer demo, America freaked. We did the absolute opposite of what we should have. Then flip flopped on everything thereafter.
4594   Patrick   2022 Jul 26, 11:42am  

WookieMan says

we could never develop a vax as fast as we did per our dear medical leader Fauci

True, the official timeline is just not believable.


A matter of mere weeks into the first designated COVID-19 death, Pfizer (through BioNTech) and Moderna declared that they were in possession of a functional vaccine, which, according to the understanding of the average American, amounted to a sterilizing cure. It sure seemed strange that these pharma outfits, according to their own company timelines, solved a once unsolvable problem in a matter of days and weeks (both Moderna and Pfizer claimed to have developed their COVID vaccines in January of 2020). Even more strange was the reality that both BioNTech and Moderna had never rolled out a single product to market. So the language had to be transformed to resolve these issues.
4596   Onvacation   2022 Jul 28, 8:50pm  

Wake Up America.

Don't forget that we told you.
4597   HeadSet   2022 Jul 29, 6:13am  

Nice that Boebert says Fauci will be put in jail. But, that is what Trump said about Clinton.
4599   Onvacation   2022 Jul 30, 7:34pm  

"The cold would have been worse without it!"
4600   Shaman   2022 Jul 30, 9:10pm  

Patrick says

10000000 X YES!
Don’t trust the guy with everything to gain from telling you his message. Trust the man with everything to LOSE by what he’s telling you! Or woman in the case of Dr. Simone Gold
4608   Blue   2022 Aug 2, 8:49am  

3 weeks back a friend of mine got covid who got first, second and booster. He is doing ok now. He visited TX and found that no one wearing any mask there. The other possibility he thinks could be the flight where he got it. He laughs that none of the jabs worked.
4609   Onvacation   2022 Aug 2, 9:26am  

Blue says

He visited TX and found that no one wearing any mask there. The other possibility he thinks could be the flight where he got it.

I had a quadruple vaxxed friend who thinks she got Covid from a taxi cab whose driver encouraged her to go mask free.
4610   Patrick   2022 Aug 4, 11:06am  


Only Novavax? Apparently they failed to pay off the same corrupt CDC/FDA/NIH officials that Pfizer and Moderna did.
4612   GNL   2022 Aug 4, 2:55pm  

Patrick says


Yep, whatever happened to...

"In December of 1948, in the aftermath of the human rights violations committed during the Second World War, the member states of the United Nations formally adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It explicitly forbids government from treating some people as worth less than others. It forbids government from imposing a hierarchy of rights on their citizens. It forbids government from sacrificing some people for the benefit of others. It forbids government from knowingly imposing harm on some individuals in order to serve an alleged greater good."?
4614   Patrick   2022 Aug 5, 9:38am  


Prof Shmuel C. Shapira MD MPH
Physician, scientist, Head of Israel Institute for Biological Research for 8 years, Colonel (Ret)
Terrorism, Risk and Crisis Management
4615   Onvacation   2022 Aug 5, 1:55pm  

Hate the Unvaxxed!
4616   stereotomy   2022 Aug 5, 2:07pm  

Onvacation says

Hate the Unvaxxed!

Fuck yeah! Purebloods!
4618   Onvacation   2022 Aug 6, 10:17pm  

If you survived SARS 1 you should be immune to the Wuhan.

original link
4620   Patrick   2022 Aug 8, 8:50am  


Ezra Levant 🍁🚛
Two things stood out for me here. 1. U.S. companies like Walmart are happy to comply with and enforce China’s social credit surveillance/punishment system; and 2. China does not allow Pfizer or Moderna-style mRNA vaccines to be used on their people.
4621   joshuatrio   2022 Aug 8, 8:53am  

It was "intended" to prevent..... Don't let them forget this.
4622   Patrick   2022 Aug 8, 11:04am  


Germany’s Largest Health Insurer Reveals 1 in 25 Clients Underwent Medical Treatment in 2021 for Covid ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects
5 days ago

According to the German news site, Blckbx, five months after a Wob request, it appears that 437,593 of the 11 million insured persons of the country’s largest Health Insurance fund, Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), had to undergo medical treatment in 2021 for Covid vaccine side effects.
Germany’s Largest Health Insurer Reveals 1 in 25 Clients Underwent Medical Treatment in 2021 for Covid ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects
Germany 039 s largest health insurer reveals 1 in 25 clients underwent medical treatment in 2021 for Covid 039 vaccine 039 side effects
That is 1 in 25 and an increase of 3000 percent.

This week, TK finally provided facts and figures about the number of treatments they had to reimburse in 2021 due to (serious) side effects of covid vaccines. But unfortunately, it took a lot of struggle and effort to get answers to the Wob request.

In 2021, the massive number of 437,593 insured, or 1 in 25, received medical treatment for side effects of vaccination, reports the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK).

This number is almost twice as high as all side effects reported by the German federal medical agency Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) and Lareb Germany. Furthermore, it represents an increase of 3000 percent for TK compared to 2019 and 2020.

The figures also suggest that the number of 1:5000 serious side effects per shot reported by the German ministry last week is, in reality, much higher.

Based on the figures from Techniker Krankenkasse, as many as one in 500 injections is expected to cause a serious side effect, and 3.3 million Germans would have had to be treated by a doctor by 2021 because of side effects of the covid shots.

Serious side effects include (facial) paralysis, persistent pain, nerve problems, severe skin reactions, heart attacks, strokes, heart muscle inflammation, permanent disability, and death.

In the Wob request to the TK health insurance fund, the billing figures from 2019 to 2021 were requested per quarter and per person for the reporting codes T881 – Complications after vaccination (immunization), not classified elsewhere, including rash after vaccination, T88.0 – Post-vaccination infection (immunization), including post-vaccination sepsis (immunization), U12.9 – Adverse reactions to the use of COVID-19 vaccines, unspecified and Y.59.9 – Adverse complications due to vaccines or biologically active substances.

The data shows that in 2021 the Techniker Krankenkasse had to reimburse 147,235 medical treatments for code U12.9 – Adverse reactions to the use of covid vaccines, unspecified – alone. All codes listed below are serious side effects requiring a doctor’s treatment.

In 2019, among the 11 million insured, 13,777 medical treatments were required due to vaccine side effects. In 2020 there were 15,044. In 2021, the number shot up to 437,593, an increase of more than 3,000 percent.

2022 07 29 wob duits ziekenfonds 2 codes 1024x568 | germany's largest health insurer reveals 1 in 25 clients underwent medical treatment in 2021 for covid 'vaccine' side effects | international news
Fired Health insurance boss’ estimates confirmed again
In February (former), BKK Provita board member Andreas Schöfbeck sounded the alarm because he saw that the number of doctor visits due to the vaccines among the millions of customers of the German health insurer was no less than ten times higher than the official figures. Converted, according to Schöfbeck, no fewer than three million Germans would have had to visit a doctor as a result of vaccination.

In a telephone conversation with the WELT newspaper, which asked Schöfbeck questions about the letter he wrote to the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Schöfbeck said that at BKK, ProVita alarm bells started ringing when the health insurer’s case management increasingly came across diagnoses that indicated side effects of the covid vaccination. Therefore, he searched the shared data pool of all BKK health insurance funds for the diagnosis codes T88.0, T88.1, Y59.9, and U12.9.

The investigation found that from the beginning of the year 2021 to the middle of the third quarter, 216,695 BKK policyholders had been treated for side effects of vaccines. This number excludes 7,665 cases of complications from other vaccines.

In addition, the statistics did not include patients who received more than one treatment. By comparison, up to December 31, 2021, the Paul Ehrlich Institute only registered 244,576 reports of adverse events due to corona vaccines, based on 61.4 million people vaccinated.

Schöfbeck was immediately fired for his revelations.

At the beginning of July, German news channel WELT obtained a letter from the National Association of Physicians of Statutory Health Insurance (KBV) showing that Andreas Schöfbeck’s estimates were probably correct. The KBV letter from mid-June revealed that nearly 2.5 million citizens went to the doctor in 2021 because of the side effects of the corona vaccination.

Both former health insurance fund boss Andreas Schöfbeck, the National Association of Physicians of Statutory Health Insurance (KBV), and now also the Techniker Krankenkasse figures show that the actual number of severe side effects as a result of the experimental covid injections is many times higher than was first officially assumed.

Even the health ministry in Germany has admitted that 1:5000 injections lead to hospitalization, permanent disability, or death – a very serious revelation, but probably a very conservative estimate.

Seems to have originally been at https://www.globalresearch.ca/germany-largest-health-insurer-reveals-1-25-clients-underwent-medical-treatment-2021-covid-vaccine-side-effects/5789207?pdf=5789207
4624   Patrick   2022 Aug 8, 2:14pm  


The hypothesis basically being that there is a temporal (time) statistical correlation between regional vaccine uptake and spikes in excess all cause mortality in the 60+ cohort of vaccine recipients. The government of the Netherlands has employed a strategy of deploying “booster” doses of the genetic vaccines as regional vaccination waves, which provides an opportunity to examine possible correlations after sorting data by time and region. This enables a form of internal controls in the data analysis approach, which can be used to increase the power of the analysis. Theo has now sent that data to the Government of Holland. I think his study may be one of the most important to become available this year, because the correlation linking the vaccines and excess mortality in the tested (60+ year) cohorts appears to be extremely strong. ...

So also the Netherlands, the National Institute of Health has said that people that have been vaccinated twice with the original vaccine, that at this moment there is zero protection anymore. So that's official result, that on the efficacy side (zero protection).

Then on the safety side, we also see problems. That's the most difficult part because people (the government) do not want to talk about the safety. There's so many people that contact me because in the Netherlands, I'm some sort of famous. So I get emails and phone calls of people who have had very bad experiences after vaccination.

And the sad thing is that, although these people obeyed the rules of the government and trusted them, now that they have these terrible side effects, the government doesn't want to listen. You know, they are just so neglected. We don't talk about it. And that's the situation at the moment. ...

Marlies Dekkers: So if you have more vaccines in that week, then you also have more excess death.

Dr. Theo Schetters: Exactly. Yes.

Marlies Dekkers: If you have less vaccines in that week, you have less...

Dr. Theo Schetters: Fewer deaths.

The jab is dangerous and not effective.
4625   Patrick   2022 Aug 8, 2:25pm  


Wayne Root reported that 33/200 guests at his wedding who are now sick or dead were all vaccinated. The punchline: at least half his guests were unvaccinated. So that’s unexplainable. He wrote: “It’s important to note, I’m a conservative talk show host who has warned LOUDLY of the dangers of the vaccine since day one. So, my friends are overwhelmingly conservative and unvaccinated too. Yet the few friends I know who did choose to vaccinate are almost all dead or ill.” And he said, “Among my friends and family who are unvaccinated, not one of them has died or been sick since my wedding eight months ago.”
4626   EBGuy   2022 Aug 8, 4:21pm  

Vaxxed. Two and done (see blue line). No boost. Fearless leader, did you delete my previous thread?
4627   GNL   2022 Aug 8, 4:52pm  

EBGuy says

Vaxxed. Two and done (see blue line). No boost. Fearless leader, did you delete my previous thread?

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!! Should I be scared? EVERYONE has had Covid by now.
4628   WookieMan   2022 Aug 8, 4:55pm  

EBGuy says

Vaxxed. Two and done (see blue line). No boost. Fearless leader, did you delete my previous thread?

Who even cares about any of it? Non of the unvaccinated are dying. Cases are the highlighted part. Cases don't equate to death. Vaccinated are also way less likely to test because they think they're protected. This is a 2 year old illness with a rushed vaccine. No one legit has a clue what the fuck is going on.

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