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I am forbidden from my wife's family vacation camp in Maine this summer unless I test and mask.
I hope my wife has fun without me.
I am forbidden from my wife's family vacation camp in Maine this summer unless I test and mask.
I hope my wife has fun without me.
Marathon runner age 30 dies of heart attack at finish line. 16 total hospitalized during half marathon.
Holy crap...
Spanish police carried out an investigation that detected a network of more than 2,200 celebrities, elites and criminals who paid money to have their names fraudulently entered into the National Immunization Register while refusing to take COVID ‘vaccine’ injections. Police allege that Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, the president of European pharmaceutical giant PharmaMar, arranged to be injected with a saline solution instead of a Covid-19 vaccination and paid thousands of dollars to have his name added to Spain’s immunization register. The leader of the network was a nursing assistant who is accused of charging more than €200,000 euros for the false registrations. He has been arrested and is currently in custody.
How many of our world leaders who claimed to have received the COVID jabs are actually unvaccinated?
Lol. I think people are over it.
As Safe as Other Vaccines? Really? There's No Way the WHO Could Know This in Such Short Time
Their Own Database Debunks Them
Tetanus Shot (given billions of times) - 15,000 adverse events reported
COVID Vaccine - 3.8 million adverse events reported
Dr. Tess Lawrie: "... they were still on social media saying, 'These vaccines are as safe as other vaccines.' There's absolutely no way that they could know this because it takes 10 years to develop safe vaccines, and these were rolled out after three or six months."
Two New Studies Link Incurable Brain Disease to COVID-19 Vaccine
Justin Bieber reveals facial paralysis after shows cancelled https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-61767457
And his wife had a stroke recently. Both are still pretty much in diapers (not even 30 y.o.).
Plandemic 3 (Official Trailer)
I don't think it's Myocarditis, I think it's injection-induced Cardiac Amyloidosis
I will be submitting this for peer-reviewed publication when it's complete.
Jessica Rose
8 hr ago
Cardiac Amyloidosis or Stiff Heart Syndrome is caused by deposits of abnormal proteins in the heart tissue. This results in the heart ceasing to function properly due to the replacement of normal heart muscle tissue with amyloids. Cardiac Amyloidosis is associated with thick heart walls and large atria. It can affect electrical conductivity resulting in arrhythmias and heart block.
Cardiac Amyloidosis
When you hear BNT162c(2), run, don't walk, RUN away.
It's already in the clinical 'trials'
So the claim is that this self amplifying messenger RNA is awesome because you need to inject less of it. But here’s the thing: it encodes its own replicase enzyme - it makes copies of the RNA (whatever it is) once inside the cells. Does that sound problematic to you? To me, it does. And here’s why. If the other genes in the mRNA encode destructive proteins (like the modified mRNA of the SARS-nCoV-2 spike protein), then… for one, how will it ever be possible to turn off these self-amplifying RNAs? ...
So this saRNA has been on the schedule the whole time. They didn’t even anticipate the possibility that the ‘conventional’ mRNA would be a failure, because, if it was, imagine how bad that would be for the schedule! And guess what, it’s being trialed now.
What do you want to bet that those trial participants have NO IDEA that they are being injected with self-amplifying RNA?
Robert Miller
Jun 19
Pfizer pulled out of vaccine deal with India the minute India wanted to get the vaccine tested by its own experts.
so did no other countries test what was in these vaccines ?
How would they be approved or does that not count for what goes into your body…sometimes compulsory
Jun 19
It's not so much what goes into the shots that needs to be tested (the shot is the delivery system for instruction to make inside cell), it is whether once in the body it actually makes what they told us it makes, consistently
Liberty Rising
Which begs the question, why didn't other Nations demand independent testing before they were mass rolled out, especially as they were rolled out under EUA only?. I think the exposure of the initial Pfizer trial data that they wanted hidden for 75 years explains why
NY did not seem too concerned about 80-90 olds in aged care catching Covid, as nothing has happened to Cuomo for forcing Covid positive patients into those nursing homes with deadly results.
For decades, scientists have been trying unsuccessfully to create a vaccine against the COVID virus family. For many years, scientists have been trying unsuccessfully to implement the mRNA technology in vaccines.
The development time for a vaccine typically was 10-12 years.
Over 90% of vaccines in recent decades have failed to cross the finish line in clinical trials.
And yet, amazingly, for 2-3 magical weeks, in December 2020, after only a few months of development and accelerated testing, 4 "Western” vaccines were suddenly approved - 2 of them made with ground-breaking, innovative technology that had never gone past the lab’s door. mRNA vaccines made their appearance, wrapped in a magic aura.
With Money and Politics as parents, the innovative COVID vaccines were born with a silver spoon in their mouths.
The name of the firstborn child: Pfizer.
The crowns that were put on the infant's head were completely at odds with the low level of scientific information we had about that child.
Anyone who did not dutifully admire the "charming, safe and effective" infant, who hesitated to participate in the experiment or who resisted measures of coercion, brainwashing and incitement received the label “antivaxxer,” “ticking bomb” or “enemy of the people.”
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.